Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

They bought more black slaves than Euros did. However they castrated the males so they could not reproduce. That's why there is no black diaspora in those Arab countries.

Are you talking about the Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire? Not all were castrated.

Slavery in Islam is very different than slavery in the Americas. The Koran says God smiles when a slave is freed. Plus, children born to slave mothers had rights to the father. Consider Prince Bandar.
No, I'm pointing out how you were wining about the criticism your post received.
No fool. You're whining about my post. I'm laughing at your Simp feelings. 😄
I've clarified this several times now, and you keep asking the sane questions. Try to find a snowflake with a higher IQ than you - shouldn't be hard - and have them.explain it to you.
What have you clarified other than that you're a bitch? 😄
Or don't - I don't care. Just you and your sensitive feelings f* off.

Back to the thread topic, unless you want to keep hijacking it.
You're the one who engaged me you Dipshit. Stop wasting your own time. 😄
No fool. You're whining about my post. I'm laughing at your Simp feelings. 😄

What have you clarified other than that you're a bitch? 😄

You're the one who engaged me you Dipshit. Stop wasting your own time. 😄

Ah, I see you would rather continue to hijack the thread by narcissisticly continuing to dwell on your own thread and how you were whining about how it was criticized...

Have fun with that. I'm going to ignore your further rants about how your feelings and your vagina hurts and get back to the thread topic.

Ah, I see you would rather continue to hijack the thread by narcissisticly continuing to dwell on your own thread and how you were whining about how it was criticized...

Have fun with that. I'm going to ignore your further rants about how your feelings and your vagina hurts and get back to the thread topic.


No one is forcing you to continue messaging me with nothing but tears about my posts. I still don't know what is you're even criticizing but I do find your bitch like performance entertaining.

No one is forcing you to continue messaging me with nothing but tears about my posts. I still don't know what is you're even criticizing but I do find your bitch like performance entertaining.

I agree - taking any action to stop illegal immigration or end giving illegals rights they have not earned is against Biden's / Democrats' agenda.
And what? You want to cry about it? Birthright citizenship isn't going anywhere you Simp.
Neither is Biden's Open Border.

The next time the US is attacked internally by a terrorist cell don"t get all emotional and try to blame Republicans.
Neither is Biden's Open Border.
Let's pretend for a second that Biden wasn't trying to continue Trumps border policies, including his remain in Mexico policy for asylum seekers, which he is, so what? I'm not frightened or bothered by immigrants, legal or otherwise.
The next time the US is attacked internally by a terrorist cell don"t get all emotional and try to blame Republicans.
You're the emotional little bitch that you can't accept the fact that the FBI has white wing terrorists as the biggest internal threat to this country, not illegal immigrants.
Let's pretend for a second that Biden wasn't trying to continue Trumps border policies, including his remain in Mexico policy for asylum seekers, which he is, so what? I'm not frightened or bothered by immigrants, legal or otherwise.

You're the emotional little bitch that you can't accept the fact that the FBI has white wing terrorists as the biggest internal threat to this country, not illegal immigrants.

Wow, you just let your imagination / denial of reality, and your wittle emotions and feelings get loose and went off all over tbe place.

Sorry, but I don't deal in irrational, delusional snowflake rants. Go find one of your troll / bot buddies who will hold your hand and pat you on your back for the way you delivered that mish-mash of talking points.
A 100% legal lineage.
If ones presence was not approved by We The People then it’s just plain nonsensical to think the children of said person should have consent.
Every so often, the issue of birthright citizenship flares briefly but brightly, unleashing a wave of news articles, pronouncements by politicians and pundits, and bills to repeal the guarantee of citizenship bestowed on virtually every single baby born on U.S. soil excluding children born to foreign diplomats.

Setting aside the legal and political feasibility, and indeed most legal experts are clear that repeal would require a constitutional amendment; there are deeply important, and troubling, aspects to this proposal that have received scant attention. Denying babies with an illegal immigrant parents would result in 24 million children with no country to call their own by 2050 and numbers would grow significantly with every generation.

Study after study makes clear the gains to the U.S. economy and civic fabric that result from the full integration of immigrants into society which is well underway by the second generation and numbers increase nearly exponentially with each new generation. Birthright citizenship has been crucial to this civic and social integration. Repeal would not only have the unintended effect of swelling the size of the unauthorized population, it would also represent an insurmountable barrier to this intergenerational progress that has been at the heart of the nation’s immigration story and success.

The number of non-citizens would grow with every generation where the few would government the many, exactly the reason why our forefathers left the old world for the new.

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My lineage is 100% legal all the way back…none of my ancestors broke into America, fucked over Americans and stole citizenships. That’s bullshit that your ancestors did.
Actually your ancestors did break into America and fucked over the real Americans. They stole there land, mascaraed them, starved them, and drove the remainder into land no one wanted and it was all done for their own good. Frankly, I wouldn't be too proud of that.
Exactly who are these real Americans?
Oh awesome…I love this game. I really enjoy enlightening globalists pretenders. I’ll play along.
”Real Americans” or ‘core Americans‘ as I like to call them can easily articulate and pronounce the english language, most share the last names with those who died in our world wars, ALL have a 100% LEGAL lineage, they practice and live our core values, principles and moral order, they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played, they ALL know exactly what “American Culture“ is.

Is there anything else I can teach you?

John Edgar Slow Horses
Only American parent(s) should have offspring that are also considered Americans.
By 2050, there would be 24 million children and young people who would be stateless Americans, citizens of no country. They could not be deported because they have no country of origin to deport them. They also could not immigrate to another country because they lack citizenship. However, they would remain in the US as stateless American growing in numbers with each new generation By the end of century there Could be as many non-citizens as citizens. Is this really the kind America you want.

The other aspect of repealing birthright citizenship is we create a permanent lower that grows faster than the upper class. No child born to lower class can become a citizen because their parents were not citizens. Laws passed by the ruling upper class invariable favor upper-class at the expense of the lower class, a receipt for revolution.
Wow, you just let your imagination / denial of reality, and your wittle emotions and feelings get loose and went off all over tbe place.

Sorry, but I don't deal in irrational, delusional snowflake rants. Go find one of your troll / bot buddies who will hold your hand and pat you on your back for the way you delivered that mish-mash of talking points.
DHS draft document: White supremacists are greatest terror threat

Top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat comes from white supremacists. (Published 2021)

Far-right terror poses bigger threat to US than Islamist extremism post-9/11

9/11 Was a Wake-Up Call. America Is Still Snoozing After the Capitol Assault.

War at home: 20 years after 9/11, jihadists are no longer the biggest threat facing the US

Actually your ancestors did break into America and fucked over the real Americans. They stole there land, mascaraed them, starved them, and drove the remainder into land no one wanted and it was all done for their own good. Frankly, I wouldn't be too proud of that.
My ancestors conquered and founded AMERICA, they Declared Independence. Why wouldn’t or shouldn’t I be proud of that? You didn’t know all land was conquered at some point?
Have you ever studied history?
Oh awesome…I love this game. I really enjoy enlightening globalists pretenders. I’ll play along.
”Real Americans” or ‘core Americans‘ as I like to call them can easily articulate and pronounce the english language, most share the last names with those who died in our world wars, ALL have a 100% LEGAL lineage, they practice and live our core values, principles and moral order, they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played, they ALL know exactly what “American Culture“ is.

Is there anything else I can teach you?

John Edgar Slow Horses
And who would decide who qualified as these Real Americans, that have 100% legal linage,
Oh awesome…I love this game. I really enjoy enlightening globalists pretenders. I’ll play along.
”Real Americans” or ‘core Americans‘ as I like to call them can easily articulate and pronounce the english language, most share the last names with those who died in our world wars, ALL have a 100% LEGAL lineage, they practice and live our core values, principles and moral order, they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played, they ALL know exactly what “American Culture“ is.

Is there anything else I can teach you?

John Edgar Slow Horses
No, I think you said plenty.

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