Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Do you know the difference between birthright citizenship and chain migration.. like Trump bringing in Melania's relatives?
What does that have to do with a snowflake pulling a 'Biden' on a chat board?
Please research some history so you do not continue to look like a dumbass.

Trans-saharan Slave Trade - start here:

The Arabs didn't have many slaves. They had no industrial size plantations and couldn't feed them. Not like the sugar plantations of Brazil... Or rice, indigo, cotton and tobacco.
All I'm saying is I'm not easily impressed by anonymous, faceless, nameless chat board characters trying to impress with claims of influentoal friends and other tales of grandeur.

What's so "grand" about knowing an immigrant from Senegal?
What's so "grand" about knowing an immigrant from Senegal?
It seems as if it was said to boost one's 'cred' or to impress. If so, it didn't work with me. If not, no big deal - still not i.pressed.
Where? Or are you so emotionally stunted you don't recognize amusement? 😄
I recognoze snowflake emotion...

'If I had a ickel for e ery to.eso.eone has been mean to me/ criticized me...'


I said I recognize it, not CARE about it...
The Arabs didn't have many slaves. They had no industrial size plantations and couldn't feed them. Not like the sugar plantations of Brazil... Or rice, indigo, cotton and tobacco.
They bought more black slaves than Euros did. However they castrated the males so they could not reproduce. That's why there is no black diaspora in those Arab countries.
Aren't you the one bitching about my posts, Dumb Dumb? 😄
No, I'm pointing out how you were wining about the criticism your post received.

I've clarified this several times now, and you keep asking the sane questions. Try to find a snowflake with a higher IQ than you - shouldn't be hard - and have them.explain it to you.

Or don't - I don't care. Just you and your sensitive feelings f* off.

Back to the thread topic, unless you want to keep hijacking it.

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