Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Thank you for tbe articles / propaganda coming from proven criminally partisanly weaponized Biden / Dem-run agencies.

That equates to Hitler claiming the Jews were a threat to humanity until they started committing suicide in gas chambers.


You should be wary of the rise of nationalism. That brought the world Hitler and Mussolini.
Actually your ancestors did break into America and fucked over the real Americans. They stole there land, mascaraed them, starved them, and drove the remainder into land no one wanted and it was all done for their own good. Frankly, I wouldn't be too proud of that.

You are advocating for that to happen again.
Damn you stupid.
You can keep posting links from the MSM propagabda spreading arm of tbe Democrat party, but it means nothing.

Garland has targeted Conservatives, branded parents / catholics / anyone opposing the Democrats' agenda as 'domestic terrorists'...

Soros-backed Attorneys are releasing / refusing to prosecute violent criminals and murderers...

Democrats have violated the Constitution, violated the Patriot Act, violated laws, defrauded the FISA Court, and illegally spied on Americans no less than 12 times...

Obama and D4mocrats knowingly attempted a failed coup, conducted not 1 but 2 fa8led proven criminal Impeachments during ehich they were proven to have committed Perjury, claimed to have non-existent whistleblowers, and illegally manufactured false evidence IN AN ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE US GOVT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVING A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE.

Democrats have threatened the lives of Republicans and USSC Justices, reguEd to enforce existing laws intended to protect USSC Justices, called for violence against them, and TWICE incited assassination attempts against Republicans and USSC Justice, tbe 1st one resulting in R-Steve Scalise being shot.

Biden has violated both Constitution and Law with his Open Border policy, has facilitated and even engaged in drug (Fentynal), human, child, and srx trafficking - He has 'lost' THOUSANDS of unaccompained illegal children he helped traffick...while evidence has been exposed tying the Biden family to Russian / sex / prostitution trafficking...

With his Open Border policy Biden has 'imported' drugs, thieves, rapists, pedophiles, drug cartel members, mules, human traffickers, violent gang members, murderers, and even terrorists on the Terrorist Watch list.

Hunter's laptop, whistleblowers, Biden's own admission, phoyographs, and Dept of the Treasury, IRS, and US & CCP bank records have proven th Bidens (12) have engaged in Vonspiracy, illegally acting as an unregistered foreign agent, influence peddling, possible classified info peddling / espionage, Russian human trafficking / prostitution, Russian and other foreign nation (to include US adversaries) money laundering, foreign leader extortion, taking MILLIONS in payment from / selling out to the CCP and more.

Pedo Democrats continue to target children, choosing to either Kill them, F* them, Transgender confuse them, LGBTQ indoctrinate them, traffick them, or mutilate the genitals of underaged mentally / physically underdeveloped, immature, easily influenced children.
-- Democrats are even attempting to make kidnapping children from their parents legal so they can mutilate the genitals of children without opposition.

Democrats are ignoring existing laws put in place to protect children - children can not get a tatoo until (in many cases) 18yo because they are permanent, but Democrats want to perform the near permanent / irreversible procedures of child genital mutilation...against parents' permissions.

We have only scratched the surface of the list of divisive, socialist authoritarian, UnConstitutional, criminal, treasonous, acts of Democrats in JUST the last 7 years.

You liberal extremists, Dem apologists, liberal criminal defendobg, leftist trolls / bots, and brainwashed / indoctrinated snowflakes can scream 'fake news' all you want to but all of the existing, overwhelming, undeniable evidence of all of this and more prove you are LIARS.

And based on everything perpetrated by Democrats - listed above and more - there is no equal threat to this country, to our freedom, to our democracy, and to Americans as Democrats and the Democrat party...NOT EVEN CLOSE.
The 13th 14th and 15th are 100% about addressing the end of slavery and granting citizenship to blacks/their offspring. The 14th never gave a right of citizenship to a baby that was born from a woman in the country illegally or legally on a tourist/school visa. And back then there was virtually no immigration laws, no free stuff, etc. The first meat and potato immigration laws were passed around 1924. The anchor baby garbage needs to end.

Take the issue to the court. It's simple. I've noted many times why it isn't. There is even a right leaning court. Take a case to the court. Or just bitch on the internet.
You can keep posting links from the MSM propagabda spreading arm of tbe Democrat party, but it means nothing.

Garland has targeted Conservatives, branded parents / catholics / anyone opposing the Democrats' agenda as 'domestic terrorists'...

Soros-backed Attorneys are releasing / refusing to prosecute violent criminals and murderers...

Democrats have violated the Constitution, violated the Patriot Act, violated laws, defrauded the FISA Court, and illegally spied on Americans no less than 12 times...

Obama and D4mocrats knowingly attempted a failed coup, conducted not 1 but 2 fa8led proven criminal Impeachments during ehich they were proven to have committed Perjury, claimed to have non-existent whistleblowers, and illegally manufactured false evidence IN AN ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE US GOVT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVING A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE.

Democrats have threatened the lives of Republicans and USSC Justices, reguEd to enforce existing laws intended to protect USSC Justices, called for violence against them, and TWICE incited assassination attempts against Republicans and USSC Justice, tbe 1st one resulting in R-Steve Scalise being shot.

Biden has violated both Constitution and Law with his Open Border policy, has facilitated and even engaged in drug (Fentynal), human, child, and srx trafficking - He has 'lost' THOUSANDS of unaccompained illegal children he helped traffick...while evidence has been exposed tying the Biden family to Russian / sex / prostitution trafficking...

With his Open Border policy Biden has 'imported' drugs, thieves, rapists, pedophiles, drug cartel members, mules, human traffickers, violent gang members, murderers, and even terrorists on the Terrorist Watch list.

Hunter's laptop, whistleblowers, Biden's own admission, phoyographs, and Dept of the Treasury, IRS, and US & CCP bank records have proven th Bidens (12) have engaged in Vonspiracy, illegally acting as an unregistered foreign agent, influence peddling, possible classified info peddling / espionage, Russian human trafficking / prostitution, Russian and other foreign nation (to include US adversaries) money laundering, foreign leader extortion, taking MILLIONS in payment from / selling out to the CCP and more.

Pedo Democrats continue to target children, choosing to either Kill them, F* them, Transgender confuse them, LGBTQ indoctrinate them, traffick them, or mutilate the genitals of underaged mentally / physically underdeveloped, immature, easily influenced children.
-- Democrats are even attempting to make kidnapping children from their parents legal so they can mutilate the genitals of children without opposition.

Democrats are ignoring existing laws put in place to protect children - children can not get a tatoo until (in many cases) 18yo because they are permanent, but Democrats want to perform the near permanent / irreversible procedures of child genital mutilation...against parents' permissions.

We have only scratched the surface of the list of divisive, socialist authoritarian, UnConstitutional, criminal, treasonous, acts of Democrats in JUST the last 7 years.

You liberal extremists, Dem apologists, liberal criminal defendobg, leftist trolls / bots, and brainwashed / indoctrinated snowflakes can scream 'fake news' all you want to but all of the existing, overwhelming, undeniable evidence of all of this and more prove you are LIARS.

And based on everything perpetrated by Democrats - listed above and more - there is no equal threat to this country, to our freedom, to our democracy, and to Americans as Democrats and the Democrat party...NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Sit down you cuck. You can cry about it all you like but you're a cuck so you'll never be able to do anything about it.

As always, snowflakes accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY do.

No snowflake here you cuck except you. I'm a beneficiary of birthright citizenship and by extension so are my daughter and grandson. What are you cucks going to do about it other than cry and shout that IT NEEDS TO END NOW!

No snowflake here you cuck except you.
You got that right easyt65. That does look like the laughter me and family have over white cucks crying that they're being replaced. 😁
So you and your family gather together and talk / think about cucks? 'TMI', Goat. What you and your freaky family do is none of my business.

Can you please stop HIJACKING the thread topic to talk about your sick sexual fantasies?

Too weird for me - 'Ignore' for you.
So you and your family gather together and talk / think about cucks? 'TMI', Goat. What you and your freaky family do is none of my business.

Can you please stop HIJACKING the thread topic to talk about your sick sexual fantasies?

Too weird for me - 'Ignore' for you.
Sexual? :lmao:

Do you know what sex is you Simp?
Can anyone help a brother out? Does anyone understand how easyt65 thought that post was sexual in nature? Maybe his partners often end up laughing hysterically in his face and that's the cause of his confusion? :dunno:
No snowflake here you cuck except you. I'm a beneficiary of birthright citizenship and by extension so are my daughter and grandson. What are you cucks going to do about it other than cry and shout that IT NEEDS TO END NOW!


Jurisdiction and birthright citizenship are derived from sovereignty. .. it's not that difficult to understand. It has nothing to do with the Civil war.

They're are no proud racists left. They're all deeply ashamed cucks.

Just curious, but why is it racist to end birthright citizenship? It applies to lily white Europeans just at it does Hispanics or Asians.

The real issue is why would we allow someone to sneak over our border illegally and have kids that are citizens? How does that make any sense to anybody that lives in a sovereign country?
Just curious, but why is it racist to end birthright citizenship? It applies to lily white Europeans just at it does Hispanics or Asians.

The real issue is why would we allow someone to sneak over our border illegally and have kids that are citizens? How does that make any sense to anybody that lives in a sovereign country?

We allow it because it's the law.

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