Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Is that the Bingo answer you're going with? 😄
It's not the full answer. Obviously when the Democrats brought Africans over in chains and made them slaves, that did not set them up for success. Making them childishly dependent on welfare in order to get their votes didn't either.

But, I have think that a higher IQ demographic would see through that, and avoid it. As do many blacks with higher IQ's than the average black.
Today's Democratic party isn't the Democratic party of the 1800s. Today a large portion of Southern Democrats are black voters while a lot of white Democratic/Confederate idolaters are Republican voters. To be more accurate we should go after the descendants of Southern whites who's families owned slaves and fought and served for the Confederacy.
Who knows, if the reparations were done the way I suggest, those folks might be willing to pony up. It won't cost them much, anyway. You know, being an immigrant black, that only the lowest of that low-IQ group would think moving to Africa and giving up American citizenship for $100K would be a net gain.

That would finally shut up the fools who think that a mailman and his teacher wife should be paid millions of dollars just for being descended from people who were beaten by Democrats and forced to work without pay.

The Democrats should also be ready to pay reparations for to the unaccompanied minors who are being sent by Homeland Security to "sponsors," and who are being beaten and forced to work without pay.
It's not the full answer. Obviously when the Democrats brought Africans over in chains and made them slaves, that did not set them up for success. Making the childishly dependent on welfare in order to get their votes didn't either.
But you're not a racist..... 😄
But, I have think that a higher IQ demographic would see through that, and avoid it. As do many blacks with higher IQ's than the average black.
I know plenty of Black people with high IQs and high incomes who are Doctors and Surgeons and Lawyers and Corporate execs. and they all except for one uncle, vote Democratic. That you think you speak for any black people is a testament to your racism. 😄
Who knows, if the reparations were done the way I suggest, those folks might be willing to pony up. It won't cost them much, anyway. You know, being an immigrant black, that only the lowest of that low-IQ group would think moving to Africa and giving up American citizenship for $100K would be a net gain.

That would finally shut up the fools who think that a mailman and his teacher wife should be paid millions of dollars just for being descended from people who were beaten by Democrats and forced to work without pay.

The Democrats should also be ready to pay reparations for to the unaccompanied minors who are being sent by Homeland Security to "sponsors," and who are being beaten and forced to work without pay.
The question is why should it be done the way you suggest you Bingo? If your intention is to hold the biological and ideological descendants of 19th century democratic slavers responsible for reparations then you would go after white southerners who descend and still fight for Confederate idolatry rather than Black Democratic voters. Are really that much of a Bingo that you don't see that? 😄
But you're not a racist..... 😄
Facts are racist to you?
I know plenty of Black people with high IQs and high incomes who are Doctors and Surgeons and Lawyers and Corporate execs. and they all except for one uncle, vote Democratic. That you think you speak for any black people is a testament to your racism. 😄
Sure, there are plenty of high IQ blacks. I'm talking about average success of one demographic and relating it to their average IQ. IQ is a very reliable predictor of success. Again, facts. Those high-IQ black folks you know may all tell you that they vote Democratic, but they might not want to trigger you by telling you the truth.
The question is why should it be done the way you suggest you Bingo? If your intention is to hold the biological and ideological descendants of 19th century democratic slavers responsible for reparations then you would go after white southerners who descend and still fight for Confederate idolatry rather than Black Democratic voters. Are really that much of a Bingo that you don't see that? 😄
It should be done the way I suggest, becuase it would give each black person a chance to say whether they would take one hundred thousand dollars to give up living in America. If they are not willing to give up living in America, why would they deserve reparations for living in America?

For what it's worth, I would be happy to see that offer made to you as well, or anyone else who wants to claim it. No proof of slave descent needed. Take the money and good riddance. You are part of the ever-growing segment of the economically valueless, and giving you a plane ride to Africa would relieve some of the burdon on the productive.

Your idea of holding "biological" descendants of Democrat Party slaveholders responsible seems absurd, if they have seen the error of the Democrat Party's racist ways and joined the Republicans.
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It's not a fact that the Democratic party has made Black Americans childishly dependent on welfare. That's called an opinion you hilarious Bingo!


So, can we expect you to include "bingo" and "infantilizing" in every post, hundreds of times a day? Are these your latest key code words? You're starting to sound like LA Rain Man.
So, can we expect you to include "bingo" and "infantilizing" in every post, hundreds of times a day? Are these your latest key code words? You're starting to sound like LA Rain Man.
Are you coming here to defend his Bingo logic? 😄

All I'm saying is I'm not easily impressed by anonymous, faceless, nameless chat board characters trying to impress with claims of influentoal friends and other tales of grandeur.

Democrats have made such bold claims and accusations that always seem to be debunked. In my experience I have found Snowflakes are smaller leaves off the same tree.

Whatever 'you' want to 'claim' on a chat boatd is fine, just don't expect everyone to swallow it, hook,line, and sinker...'sall I'm saying.
It's not the full answer. Obviously when the Democrats brought Africans over in chains and made them slaves, that did not set them up for success. Making them childishly dependent on welfare in order to get their votes didn't either.

But, I have think that a higher IQ demographic would see through that, and avoid it. As do many blacks with higher IQ's than the average black.

Who knows, if the reparations were done the way I suggest, those folks might be willing to pony up. It won't cost them much, anyway. You know, being an immigrant black, that only the lowest of that low-IQ group would think moving to Africa and giving up American citizenship for $100K would be a net gain.

That would finally shut up the fools who think that a mailman and his teacher wife should be paid millions of dollars just for being descended from people who were beaten by Democrats and forced to work without pay.

The Democrats should also be ready to pay reparations for to the unaccompanied minors who are being sent by Homeland Security to "sponsors," and who are being beaten and forced to work without pay.

You think the Dutch slave traders were Democrats? Lol 😂 How about the English or Portuguese?
So, can we expect you to include "bingo" and "infantilizing" in every post, hundreds of times a day? Are these your latest key code words? You're starting to sound like LA Rain Man.
I think that he finally got spanked for constantly calling posters "bitch" to shut down arguments. Maybe he set his keyboard to change "bitch" to "bingo."
You think the Dutch slave traders were Democrats? Lol 😂 How about the English or Portuguese?
Well, no. The Dutch were not members of the American Democratic Party. Neither were the black tribal leaders who enslaved blacks they captured. Neither were the black merchants who bought those slaves and sold slaves to the Dutch on the docks.

Here in the United States, it was the Democrats who supported slavery under the U.S. Constitution largely written by them, right up until the Republicans finally defeated them and freed their slaves.

After that, Democrats immediate instituted Jim Crow and other means of trying to ensure that black "freedom" only meant going from unpaid farm workers to sharecroppers.
You think the Dutch slave traders were Democrats? Lol 😂 How about the English or Portuguese?

Slavery / the slave trade was about MONEY. It was never about 'outics' / 'Party'.

African tribes sold captives to Muslim Traders for money / goods.

Supply and demand - many nations wanted slaves - the ultimate in 'cheap labor', cheaper than hiring workers.

In the south the civil war was about more than just owning slaves. Slaves were needed to work the plantations, to keep them going, to keep the crops coming, to sell to the manufacturing and industrial north - the bottom line again being MONEY. Slaves meant crops = money.

So many people want to claim how evil Anetica was but at the time America's percentage if world slavery was a proverbial drop in tbe bucket.
Slavery / the slave trade was about MONEY. It was never about 'outics' / 'Party'.

African tribes sold captives to Muslim Traders for money / goods.

Supply and demand - many nations wanted slaves - the ultimate in 'cheap labor', cheaper than hiring workers.

In the south the civil war was about more than just owning slaves. Slaves were needed to work the plantations, to keep them going, to keep the crops coming, to sell to the manufacturing and industrial north - the bottom line again being MONEY. Slaves meant crops = money.

So many people want to claim how evil Anetica was but at the time America's percentage if world slavery was a proverbial drop in tbe bucket.

Muslims had little presence in West Africa and no slave ships. They weren't even stockholders.
Muslims had little presence in West Africa and no slave ships. They weren't even stockholders.

Please research some history so you do not continue to look like a dumbass.

Trans-saharan Slave Trade - start here:


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