Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

It took fifty years of squalling and bad justices to over throw Roe. And Dobbs will be turned over as well.

2dA, I think, is untouchable. Confiscation won't happen. However, regulation of certain peoples will.
It took fifty years of squalling and bad justices to over throw Roe. And Dobbs will be turned over as well.

2dA, I think, is untouchable. Confiscation won't happen. However, regulation of certain peoples will.
Regulate the shit out of dark Democrats and solve the problem.
In the meantime….the 14th was never intended to fuck Americans….it was never suppose to force Americans to foster the children of Mexico’s criminals. Think about that for a minute.

Regulate the shit out of dark Democrats and solve the problem.
In the meantime….the 14th was never intended to fuck Americans….it was never suppose to force Americans to foster the children of Mexico’s criminals. Think about that for a minute.

What do you want to bet this racist big mouth loser hasn’t so much is written a letter to his congressman about it? All talk and no balls.
It would have no effect because it would be unconstitutional.

The 14th amendment guarantees that all person born in the US are citizens. No interpretation is needed. It is crystal clear. This was extremely important because until the 14th amendment was passed, US citizenship was based on state citizenship and each state decided who was a citizen of that state and thus the United States. Criteria for citizenship varied by state. When a person moved between states, they lost citizen in the previous state and might not have citizenship in the state they moved until they met that states requirement. Blacks would be citizens in some states but not in others and Native Americans would not be US citizens. Becoming a citizens of a state, required some action which was taken usually only by landowners. Thus many people living in states were actually not citizens, although they might vote and considered themselves citizens.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

I laugh.
If you hate the truth, that's one of your many problems.

It's not.

An anchor baby is a term for a child born in the United States to non-citizen parents, who automatically gains citizenship at birth1234. The term implies that the child can help the parents and other relatives immigrate to the United States legally or access benefits1234. However, the child has to be 21 years old to petition for the parents' immigration status5. The term is not related to the post-Civil War reforms for African Americans3. The current U.S. law that grants citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. is called birthright citizenship
Anchor baby is a term (regarded by some as a pejorative[1][2]) used to refer to a child born to a non-citizen mother in a country that has birthright citizenship which will therefore help the mother and other family members gain legal residency.[3] In the U.S., the term is generally used as a derogatory reference to the supposed role of the child, who automatically qualifies as an American citizen under jus soli and the rights guaranteed in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[4][5][6] The term is also often used in the context of the debate over illegal immigration to the United States.[7] A similar term, "passport baby", has been used in Canada for children born through so-called "maternity" or "birth tourism".[8][9]

As of 2012, the definition reads:

n. Offensive Used as a disparaging term for a child born to a noncitizen mother in a country that grants automatic citizenship to children born on its soil, especially when the child's birthplace is thought to have been chosen in order to improve the mother's or other relatives' chances of securing eventual citizenship.
When an illegal can step across the border, squat, have a baby, that baby immediately have all rights of a US citizen, then bring a dozen more illegals into the country because the mom dropped it out on US soil, THAT IS WRONG / STUPID / A national SELF-DESTRUCTIVE policy...


The only law in the US is US law. No other countries have jurisdiction in the US.

I think your issue is with chain migration properly known as family reunification.
It's not.

An anchor baby is a term for a child born in the United States to non-citizen parents, who automatically gains citizenship at birth1234. The term implies that the child can help the parents and other relatives immigrate to the United States legally or access benefits1234. However, the child has to be 21 years old to petition for the parents' immigration status5. The term is not related to the post-Civil War reforms for African Americans3. The current U.S. law that grants citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. is called birthright citizenship
Anchor baby is a term (regarded by some as a pejorative[1][2]) used to refer to a child born to a non-citizen mother in a country that has birthright citizenship which will therefore help the mother and other family members gain legal residency.[3] In the U.S., the term is generally used as a derogatory reference to the supposed role of the child, who automatically qualifies as an American citizen under jus soli and the rights guaranteed in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[4][5][6] The term is also often used in the context of the debate over illegal immigration to the United States.[7] A similar term, "passport baby", has been used in Canada for children born through so-called "maternity" or "birth tourism".[8][9]

As of 2012, the definition reads:

Your own "wiki" states that there is no "anchoring" involved. So, doesn't exist.
The only law in the US is US law. No other countries have jurisdiction in the US.

Really? So Biden dod NOT just give the WHO the authority to step into the US and take some control during future pandemics?
My God, you're stupid.
My God, you are an ignorant troll / bot.

The Biden administration is pushing for a resolution that would allow the WHO to dictate measures to the US.

It has not gone through yet, but Biden's administration is pushing for it.
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Really? So Biden dod NOT just give the WHO the authority to step into the US and take some control during future pandemics?

That fucking retard is not really even talking about jurisdiction
It just can not understand that.
Yes, of course they are. That racism and discrimination has always been perpetuated by the party you have chosen to align yourself with. For almost a hundred years, Democrats keep blacks enslaved. They lost political power for several years because Republicans did not let them vote having fought a war to divide the country and keep blacks enslaved. Blacks thrived during reconstruction.
What Simp arguments you have. There is never any nuance or analysis of history or people. It's all basic black and white, good vs evil Bingo dichotomies that are easy enough for Bingos to digest and regurgitate and it reveals a level of racism within your own thought process. How are blacks being kept enslaved exactly? It isn't violently. Your argument is incredibly paternalistic while trying to accuse the Democrats of the same. Rather than examining the reasons for black voting patterns you dismiss them as lacking any foresight or agency because you're deeply racist but also too cowardly to admit it. You're also apparently too stupid to recognize how obvious all of this is to everyone around you. You basically have all three major forms of Bingodom. You're a three time loser. Congratulations.
But, fearing the Democratic founded KKK, the Republicans gave in and let them vote for Jim Crow and gun control laws that they never expected to be enforced against whites.
I love the pretzel logic you have to contort yourself into to make this argument work. Rather than just admit what we all know, that deep swaths of the American people both Democratic and Republican are deeply racist, you rather paint the Republicans as cowards..... 😄

Jesus Christ all you people know is weakness. Have you ever considered living your truth and being an openly proud racist? I mean it would effectively change nothing between you or I or you and your parties relationship with black voters but at least you wouldn't have to look in the mirror and see a coward staring back at you every day. I don't know why it but bothers me more that you're a coward than a racist but if I'm being honest with myself I'd almost be happier for you if you were living as your authentic self. I guess it's just the progressive in me. I want that for you. I don't want any of your policies to come to fruition but I do hope one day you learn to accept and embrace the real racist you. No one should have to live in a closet even as I admit that my hopes and goals are to push your culture and your people to the fringes and backwaters of society.
But those socio-economic factors cannot be the driving factor in gang-related killings and other black-on-black violence. Nor could the proliferation of guns. If those were the reason for black-on-black crime, it would have been at their worst right after WWII, when racism and discrimination were far worse than now, and when the market was flooded with surplus weapons of war, available for pennies on the dollar.
Just because racism and discrimination have diminished doesn't mean socio-economic disparities have improved. The real answer is more nuanced. Black Americans have made real gains in education, wages and poverty but not others such as incarnation rates, family wealth and home ownership. At the same time disparities in these areas between blacks and whites have in some cases expanded.
What do you think is the reason?
There are many reasons. Segregation infecting New Deal policies. Red lining playing defense against black home ownership. Conservative efforts to cut social welfare. The war on drugs. Tying public education funding to property taxes. The lack of effort from white Americans to address the persistent wealth gap caused by generations of violence and abuse through reparations. Black disenfranchisement with American society. There are a lot of reasons.
Sorry, that’s my fault. When explaining IQ to a person who’s tends to be low-IQ themselves, it is important to explain fully. People don’t need to be smart to hunt, beyond the great leap above the lower animals of language and ability plan. But, even at that, wild dogs and other pack animals hunt without talking about tThe plan to hunt. Getting smarter provides little to no advantage to hunters. It does to farmers, and so IQ was indeed driven by
That's one of the dumbest explanations I've ever heard and displays a fundamental misunderstanding of genes, intelligence or how evolution works.
Sure, but not among the tribal people from which American and Carribean slaves descend. Their IQ’s have not improved much except through mixing with whites. We almost doomed ourselves with Democratic Party’s insistence on perpetuating slavery and the slave trade.
The improvements not only in Black Americans but in Irish Americans, who's IQ gaps to English Americans were similar to that of the black and white IQ gap today back when they were a marginalized group, and Asian Americans, who are widening the IQ gap between themselves and white Americans, shows how much environmental factors can play a role large swings of IQ averages. But again we are talking averages. I'll put my IQ against yours any day.
Yes, but the traits that IQ tests measure pre-date IQ testing.
Which really does nothing to recognize that different traits and areas of knowledge adapt to fit cultural desires and goals. The knowledge needed to survive in an African tribal culture are different than the ones needed to survive in a European one. Europeans today would lack significant amounts of knowledge to survive in African tribal cultures.
What’s my IQ and how do you know it? Interesting that I say that I believe that you are intelligent, but you feel the need to be so childish.
My intelligence is impossible to deny, I deny yours because all you present to me are these Bingo arguments.
I don’t want them treated ”more severely,” I want them locked up for longer periods of time. Stop locking people up for drug posession and other victimless crimes and free up room. If a violent person serves twenty years in prison, that is twenty years that he has less access to victims. I don’t give two shits if he is ever “rehabilitated.” If he gets out and does it again, lock him up for LWOP.
That whack a mole approach to law enforcement has not worked. We are not interested in throwing young, disenfranchised black men into prison for the majority of their adult lives with no care or concern about what becomes of them in prison. That's how you treat your people.
No, not at all. But it invalidates the idiotic argument that - unless women can abort up to the moment of birth for any or no reason - we will have hoards of “unwanted children.” Make an argument from a libertarian perspective, and I’ll say you have a point. That aborting children somehow saves them from being “unwanted” Is an asinine idea.
What a stupid strawman. I did not say that unless we have abortion up until the moment of birth we will have hordes of unwanted babies. That's just the Bingo argument you think you can use emotion to win against.

One, I think abortion should be legal up to the point of viability. Two, my argument was that no one is murdering or committing genocide against black babies. Pregnant black women are choosing to seek out abortions, proving that these pregnancies are unwanted. Stop being a Bingo.
Not to mention that an immigrant (not a border jumper) comes to the country to succeed. Our Democratic run welfare system encourages American blacks to fail.
No. Immigrants like my family who come to this country typically have more wealth than Black American families. We are able to buy homes which is the largest vehicle for growing wealth in the middle class. These are things Black Americans have not only not been able to do but have actively been prevented from doing for centuries through physical violence and social and economic discrimination.
Meanwhile, tell me how that is going to happen? I take it by “demographic change” you mean fewer white people and more brown people? How will that change the fact that The overwhelming majority of powerful people in the U.S. are white?
Power is derived in a number of ways. There is physical power such as the violence and brutality that slavers and segregationists used to enforce their regimes. That doesn't matter any more those day are long gone in this country. Racists like you don't even have the strength to admit you're racist let alone the strength it takes to committing to the sort of violence imployed by slavers and segregationists. The sort of violence that would be necessary to ensure white demographic and cultural hegemony.

There's the economic power the wealthy use against the poor to keep wages down and taxes low. They use their access to capital to buy up land and resources and politicians who they use as servants in their pursuit of more capital.

Which brings us to political power. Large swaths of white voters, both Democrat and Republican, through their ignorance, apathy and bigotry have allowed the economically powerful to treat the politically powerful like the hired help. It does not need to be that way.

The problem is too many white voters have been raised on the propaganda of natural rights to property and wealth and the supposed virtues of free market capitalism. To conservatives and libertarians the solution to the wealthy corrupting government is to free the wealthy from any and all government shackles. The market will decide as if it is a natural force as impartial as gravity rather than a system designed by capitalists (people with capital) themselves.

It is not and we shouldn't treat it as such. Nor should we treat disproportionate levels of wealth and resources as a natural right. They are not. Natural rights don't exist and belief in them is stupid. Wealth is function of society and society has every right (if it chooses to) to regulate it.

Why do I have more faith in Black and Brown voters? We weren't raised on that same propaganda. My first memory of thinking politically was my Jamaican grandfather ruminating on the hilarious irony of American acting as the world's police on nuclear proliferation while at the same time being the only country to have dropped an atom bomb on another nation. You servile cucks just weren't brought up to question your own biases and perspectives.
White females are rising faster than people of color.
Do you mean socially and economically? OK. Good for them. They're also increasingly less likely to vote for Republicans so I appreciate allies where I find them.
I don’t see why you want to spend another minute in Florida, USA.
Because I'm a conquer not a runner. You run.
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You rambled a lot, Curried. Your word salad is worse than Kamala's. I'll trim it down.
Just because racism and discrimination have diminished doesn't mean socio-economic disparities have improved. The real answer is more nuanced. Black Americans have made real gains in education, wages and poverty but not others such as incarnation rates, family wealth and home ownership. At the same time disparities in these areas between blacks and whites have in some cases expanded.
I'm glad you admit that racism and discrimination have diminished, as they certainly have. It fact for blacks, what legal racism still exists works in their favor as in Affirmative Action and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which are just excuses for legal racism against whites and blacks.

That being so obviously true, how can you blame racism and discrimination for the worsening of the plight of certain segments of the black community? When do you finally look at personal responsibility on the part of the individual? For you, I'm guessing never.
Conservative efforts to cut social welfare.
Welfare holds black people in bondage to the Democrats.
The war on drugs.
A problem for all races.
Tying public education funding to property taxes.
A problem for all races.
The lack of effort from white Americans to address the persistent wealth gap caused by generations of violence and abuse through reparations. Black disenfranchisement with American society. There are a lot of reasons.
So, the answer is that blacks are literally worse off because you don't get paid reparations when you were never a slave?
The improvements not only in Black Americans but in Irish Americans, who's IQ gaps to English Americans were similar to that of the black and white IQ gap today back when they were a marginalized group, and Asian Americans, who are widening the IQ gap between themselves and white Americans, shows how much environmental factors can play a role large swings of IQ averages.
Yes, I believe that it is nutrition, which is an environmental factor.

Doesn't change the fact that Black IQ is more than a standard deviation below that of American whites.

How in the world can anyone realistically expect equal outcomes, then? If it is environmental factors that affect IQ disparities, then we have to be patient and wait for a steady improvement in black IQ. If we try to force it, we will end up like Zimbabwe.
But again we are talking averages. I'll put my IQ against yours any day.
Yes, it is averages, and It is entirely possible that your IQ is equal to mine. You don't show it here, but I suspect that you drink a lot of rum while you post, so maybe you use your IQ more when you are doing whatever you do sober.

But we are also talking averages when we speak of disparities between black and white outcomes in economics, health, crime perpetration, and crime victimhood, illegitimacy, literacy, high school graduation, higher education, and all the other areas in which the average white runs rings around the average black. Same with light-skinned blacks and dark skinned blacks.

I note that Democrats only seem to promote light-skinned blacks for senior positions, which is a Democratic Party tradition that dates back to slavery. I'll let a well-respected black man explain it:

Which really does nothing to recognize that different traits and areas of knowledge adapt to fit cultural desires and goals. The knowledge needed to survive in an African tribal culture are different than the ones needed to survive in a European one. Europeans today would lack significant amounts of knowledge to survive in African tribal cultures.
Which has nothing to do with IQ. Psychologists have tried and tried to tie IQ to culture or some cultural bias in IQ testing and came up dry with every study.
My intelligence is impossible to deny, I deny yours because all you present to me are these Bingo arguments.
Your constant use of the word "Bingo" lends the lie to any claim of intelligence.
That whack a mole approach to law enforcement has not worked. We are not interested in throwing young, disenfranchised black men into prison for the majority of their adult lives with no care or concern about what becomes of them in prison. That's how you treat your people.
So rapists and murderers literally should go free because they are black? That's how you treat their black victims.
One, I think abortion should be legal up to the point of viability. Two, my argument was that no one is murdering or committing genocide against black babies. Pregnant black women are choosing to seek out abortions, proving that these pregnancies are unwanted. Stop being a Bingo.
The babies are not choosing to be aborted.
No. Immigrants like my family who come to this country typically have more wealth than Black American families. We are able to buy homes which is the largest vehicle for growing wealth in the middle class. These are things Black Americans have not only not been able to do but have actively been prevented from doing for centuries through physical violence and social and economic discrimination.
How did you get the wealth? In Jamaica? No, here in the states, like my ancestors did when they came to this country with nothing. No one said to your family, or you "no, you cannot come to the U.S. as an immigrant and become wealthy. Only whites can do that!" You were told that only in your fevered imagination.
Power is derived in a number of ways. There is physical power such as the violence and brutality that slavers and segregationists used to enforce their regimes.
Damn Democrats!
That doesn't matter any more those day are long gone in this country. Racists like you don't even have the strength to admit you're racist let alone the strength it takes to committing to the sort of violence imployed by slavers and segregationists. The sort of violence that would be necessary to ensure white demographic and cultural hegemony.
That you credit slave holders as having "strength" tells me everything I need to know about your support for the Democratic Party.

So I understand what you mean by "racist," is it racist to recognize the differnce in black IQ and white IQ? Is that a "racist fact?"
There's the economic power the wealthy use against the poor to keep wages down and taxes low. They use their access to capital to buy up land and resources and politicians who they use as servants in their pursuit of more capital.
And blacks cannot do that, because . . . ?
Which brings us to political power. Large swaths of white voters, both Democrat and Republican, through their ignorance, apathy and bigotry have allowed the economically powerful to treat the politically powerful like the hired help. It does not need to be that way.
How have blacks done it differently in Black-run countries?
The problem is too many white voters have been raised on the propaganda of natural rights to property and wealth and the supposed virtues of free market capitalism.
Because the evidence of that is all around. Look at the massive immigration we have from countries that do not have natural rights to property and wealth and the vitues of free market capitalism.
To conservatives and libertarians the solution to the wealthy corrupting government is to free the wealthy from any and all government shackles. The market will decide as if it is a natural force as impartial as gravity rather than a system designed by capitalists (people with capital) themselves.
That's how the northern states of the U.S. became wealthy manufacturers who provided opportunities for all. Replacing the plantation master with the government as owner of slaves won't do that.
It is not and we shouldn't treat it as such. Nor should we treat disproportionate levels of wealth and resources as a natural right. They are not. Natural rights don't exist and belief in them is stupid. Wealth is function of society and society has every right (if it chooses to) to regulate it.
Those blacks who succeed and become wealthy will not want to regulate themselves back to the middle class so that their low-IQ brethren can feel better about themselves.

Why do I have more faith in Black and Brown voters? We weren't raised on that same propaganda. My first memory of thinking politically was my Jamaican grandfather ruminating on the hilarious irony of American acting as the world's police on nuclear proliferation while at the same time being the only country to have dropped an atom bomb on another nation.
Was that before or after you flight to the United States?
You servile cucks just weren't brought up to question your own biases and perspectives.
Why should we? What we're doing is working for us. Do what we do and it will work for you, if you stop asking to be carried by whitey.
Do you mean socially and economically? OK. Good for them. They're also increasingly less likely to vote for Republicans so I appreciate allies where I find them.
I know. You are a pure partisan, who doesn't give two shits about black people, like any other Democrat.
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I was born here 94 years ago to 2 American citizens. I am a SWEDISH american. A real american.
My God, you are an ignorant troll / bot.

The Biden administration is pushing for a resolution that would allow the WHO to dictate measures to the US.

It has not gone through yet, but Biden's administration is pushing for it.

As a member of the World Health Organization during a pandemic? Lolol 😂😅😂 Do you remember Zika and Ebola?

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