Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

The outlets do make the assertions but where is the factual evidence? Twitter, Fox, CNN, etc., can make assertions, but that is all they are until the facrs prove the assertion is ture.

Emails from Twitter execs and FBI agents? Statements from Twitter employees? The undeniable fact that the stories were, in fact, censored.

Even if the laptop was Russian disinformation, which we know to be false, what I find strange with none of you had a problem with all the allegations flying around on social media about Trump without proof or evidence. The FBI wasn’t concerned about Twitter censoring misinformation on Trump. In the case of Trump and Republicans, the burden of proof appears to be on the accused, not the accuser. When Democrats are accused of wrongdoing, not only does the burden lie with the accuser, but the evidence needs to be far beyond any reasonable doubt to even publish or investigate, never mind actually indict or prosecute.
Hey Dipshit, that's the exact same thing the National Enquirer did to help Trump during his campaign. They paid for exclusives on stories like Trump sleeping Stormy Daniel's and then killed them by never publishing them. Who cares? Stormy Daniel's can allow the National Enquirer to pay her for a story they aren't going to run and then the National Enquirer can not run it to help out Trump. That's all under freedom of association. Same thing with Twitter. Twitter and its owners are free to associate with the FBI all they like and it isn't a violation of your free speech because Twitter doesn't belong to you. You are a guest there. You have no right to demand of them anything.

So you are ok if Twitter starting labeling left-wing sources as misinformation with no evidence? Lucky for you, Musk doesn’t intend to do this, but the left blew a fuse when Musk simply stated that both side should have a voice.

You are too indoctrinated to understand the threat. Useless.
So you are ok if Twitter starting labeling left-wing sources as misinformation with no evidence? Lucky for you, Musk doesn’t intend to do this, but the left blew a fuse when Musk simply stated that both side should have a voice.

You are too indoctrinated to understand the threat. Useless.
Of course I would okay with that you ignorant clown. Who else other than you should be the arbiter of what you think is disinformation? Should I get tell you what is disinformation or not or should you get to decide for yourself? And if you get to decide for yourself why shouldn't Twitter get to decide for itself?

Twitter Kept Entire 'Database' of Republican Requests to Censor Posts
Of course I would okay with that you ignorant clown. Who else other than you should be the arbiter of what you think is disinformation? Should I get tell you what is disinformation or not or should you get to decide for yourself? And if you get to decide for yourself why shouldn't Twitter get to decide for itself?

LOL…no you wouldn’t be ok with it, as you shouldn’t, particularly if the government had a hand it it.
LOL…no you wouldn’t be ok with it, as you shouldn’t, particularly if the government had a hand it it.
So now you're just making shit up....

The only issue I'd have is if the government forced Twitter to act in a certain way. If Twitter chooses to of its own free will that makes all the difference.
Emails from Twitter execs and FBI agents? Statements from Twitter employees? The undeniable fact that the stories were, in fact, censored.

Even if the laptop was Russian disinformation, which we know to be false, what I find strange with none of you had a problem with all the allegations flying around on social media about Trump without proof or evidence. The FBI wasn’t concerned about Twitter censoring misinformation on Trump. In the case of Trump and Republicans, the burden of proof appears to be on the accused, not the accuser. When Democrats are accused of wrongdoing, not only does the burden lie with the accuser, but the evidence needs to be far beyond any reasonable doubt to even publish or investigate, never mind actually indict or prosecute.
Where are the emails? You are saying "emails", and I am saying show them. Prove they are true. Get to it, skippy, show the emails.
Answer to the OP: because "legitimate" politicians don't get elected. Lesser.
The only issue I'd have is if the government forced Twitter to act in a certain way.

So you are ok if Twitter, which leaned left and would do anything to help get rid of Trump, labeled certain Tweets misinformation at the suggestion of the FBI? Really?
And yet as income rises, so does the likelihood of people voting Republican. Weird huh?

What have I said that is racist? Be specific. Sorry, but only a dullard believes that someone is racist just because they don’t agree with birthright citizenship or don’t vote for Democrats.

You may be right, it could be a losing battle. Maybe all Democrats are far too indoctrinated to change. That has been the plan all along by our enemies who infiltrated our educational system. Congrats, it is possible that you and our enemies have won and the US will slip into mediocrity or below with much of the rest of the world. Sadly, if this is the case, the country has lost.

Did you go to University? I've heard this claim all my long life that it's liberal indoctrination. I didn't experience that.

Education is supposed to teach people how to think and value lifelong learning.

The US is weak in science and mathematics. .. some call it STEM.

Fundamentalists, Pentecostals, Dominionists, Jehovah's Witnesses all reject science and modernity.. higher education in general. So does the Taliban and Boko Haram.
People with college degrees earn more money on average than those without one and democrat voters are more likely to have college degrees. The difference is Democratic party skews a lot younger and wealth is accumulated in older voters for the reasons I've already explained to you. I know plenty of high income earning 40 years olds on down who aren't suddenly switching to the Republican party after voting Democrat their entire lives but you go ahead and keep waiting for that magic switch. 😄

How younger voters will impact elections: Younger voters are poised to upend American politics

View attachment 784741

Do you notice the trend? 😄 See the Plurals generation (gen z)? That's your demographic change right there. Enjoy that. 😁

The extreme left is off-putting and so is the extreme right.

Did you go to University? I've heard this claim all my long life that it's liberal indoctrination. I didn't experience that.

Education is supposed to teach people how to think and value lifelong learning.

The US is weak in science and mathematics. .. some call it STEM.

Fundamentalists, Pentecostals, Dominionists, Jehovah's Witnesses all reject science and modernity.. higher education in general. So does the Taliban and Boko Haram.

Yes, I went to college and am in the technical field, as did my wife, who is an MD. Professors were liberal back then too, but most liberals weren’t on the crazy train just yet as they are now. Even then, I had a firm enough foundation in high school to recognize their political bias and simply ignore it. Most today do not have this foundation, in fact, quite the opposite.

My children go to a private, Christian school. Graduates of their school perform better in all areas of academics than public schools upon graduation and have a very high acceptance rate into colleges. One of the primary reasons for this is that the curriculum focuses on the core subjects, not all the social justices nonsense that public schools peddle.

BTW, you are not from the US, at least not originally. Did you go to school in the US?
People with college degrees earn more money on average than those without one and democrat voters are more likely to have college degrees. The difference is Democratic party skews a lot younger and wealth is accumulated in older voters for the reasons I've already explained to you. I know plenty of high income earning 40 years olds on down who aren't suddenly switching to the Republican party after voting Democrat their entire lives but you go ahead and keep waiting for that magic switch. 😄

How younger voters will impact elections: Younger voters are poised to upend American politics

View attachment 784741

Do you notice the trend? 😄 See the Plurals generation (gen z)? That's your demographic change right there. Enjoy that. 😁

The extreme left is off-putting and so is the extreme
Yes, I went to college and am in the technical field, as did my wife, who is an MD. Professors were liberal back then too, but most liberals weren’t on the crazy train just yet as they are now. Even then, I had a firm enough foundation in high school to recognize their political bias and simply ignore it. Most today do not have this foundation, in fact, quite the opposite.

My children go to a private, Christian school. Graduates of their school perform better in all areas of academics than public schools upon graduation and have a very high acceptance rate into colleges. One of the primary reasons for this is that the curriculum focuses on the core subjects, not all the social justices nonsense that public schools peddle.

BTW, you are not from the US, at least not originally. Did you go to school in the US?

My heritage is Dutch and Irish. My family has been here since 1624.

Yes, in Charleston at a fine girl's school and in Switzerland.

I wasn't indoctrinated in college either.

Higher education is supposed to be a stretch even at the small Christian schools that have popped up since the 1970s.
The extreme left is off-putting and so is the extreme
I don't really know what this means. What are extreme views? People tend to use extreme as a pejorative as if by calling other people's views extreme makes their reasonable by comparison. It's the views of moderates that I don't find reasonable.
I don't really know what this means. What are extreme views? People tend to use extreme as a pejorative as if by calling other people's views extreme makes their reasonable by comparison. It's the views of moderates that I don't find reasonable.

Really? I've found the extreme ends of the spectrum to be too zealous to be rational...
So you are ok if Twitter, which leaned left and would do anything to help get rid of Trump, labeled certain Tweets misinformation at the suggestion of the FBI? Really?
Why would I care? Twitter isn't my property. I'm not even on Twitter. It's no different than MODs here smacking people down and erasing posts for calling other posters groomers.
Really? I've found the extreme ends of the spectrum to be too zealous to be rational...
Again, I don't know what you mean by extreme. If you want to prove a position is irrational then prove it with reason, not name calling.

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