Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Once again I would like to point out.........crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor. Hiring the one who crossed illegally is a felony.

Far too many are more concerned over the misdemeanor while completely ignoring or making excuses for the felony.

Obviously both sides do this.
Yep. Over the last ten years, there has been 85,727 prosecuted for illegal entry. And over that same 10 year period there have been 16 employers actually prosecuted for hiring illegal workers. Typically there are ICE raids, and the employer plays a fine $527 for each illegal and since the prosecutor rarely has enough evidence for a felony conviction, there is no trial. The next time which is usually a year or more, the same thing happens again, often with employers paying the same fine. Most of the businesses raided are relatively small and local with 50 to 500 workers.

The simple fact is that employing illegal workers in non-skilled jobs saves businesses a lot of money. Not only can they pay less than minimum wage but there is typical no healthcare insurance, no sick leave, no vacations, and no workmen compensation. Small employers with a half dozen are less employees are almost never raided yet they are the most likely to have illegal employees.

If we stopped the hiring of illegal workers we will eliminate a major reason why illegals come to the US. And if we expedited the legal entry of family members and make possible applications for asylum in every town and city in Mexico and Central America, we could the stop the huge numbers that are hitting our borders now. If we really wanted to do so we could but that would require that the two parties actually negotiate changes in the laws but that is not going to happen because the parties are perfectly satisficed with the status quo because they can use the issue to garner votes which is their sole interest.
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Lots of countries fine employers who hire illegals because it works.
They do here, on very rare occasions. Employers pay a fine of $527 per illegal worker. The employers could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony. Since getting enough evidence to charge employers with a felony is so difficult and conviction of misdemeanor is just a fine, employers just pay the fine and there is no trial. Although fines can go as high as $22,000 for repeat offenders, loop holes in the law allow employers to get away with paying the minimum and that just becomes a cost of doing business.
They do here, on very rare occasions. Employers pay a fine of $527 per illegal worker. The employers could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony. Since getting enough evidence to charge employers with a felony is so difficult and conviction of misdemeanor is just a fine, employers just pay the fine and there is no trial. Although fines can go as high as $22,000 for repeat offenders, loop holes in the law allow employers to get away with paying the minimum and that just becomes a cost of doing business.

Up the ante.. make it a thousand dollars a day for each illegal. Expand E verify so they can check.
Republicans and Democrats differ over the most pressing priorities for the nation’s immigration system. Republicans place particular importance on border security and deportations of immigrants who are in the country illegally, while Democrats place greater importance on paths to legal status for those who entered the country illegally – especially those who entered as children. This is according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

You would think that this would be an opportunity to arrive at a negotiated solution. The problem is neither side really wants to negotiate. They would prefer to wait until they have a strong control goverment so they can reshape immigration laws and policies as they see fit. Since the immigration issues cuts across party lines, it will take a strong majority to get the kind immigration system that either side wants.

In this waiting game, democrats have a slight upper hand because over the long term, more illegal immigration is likely to produce people that will vote democrat. Over the short term the areas of the country hit hardest by the hoards of illegals are the two republican states of Texas and Arizona. Both sides will suffer because as the country becomes swamped by vast numbers of poor migrants the whole nation will suffer. It takes a number of years to absorb migrants.

IMHO, it would be wise to brush up on your Spanish and if you have kids in school, make sure they take at least 2 years of Spanish because they are going to need it.
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Then I'd laugh hysterically as you displayed your own racism.

Well it is a brilliant strategy since my strategy is working towards your demographic replacement. Maybe a donkey kicked you in your balls that you think you can beg me to stop supporting birthright citizenship when it's natural conclusion is exactly what I want. I'm glad it's a difficult decision for Americans on how to treat illegal parents of legal citizens. Stress on your system is helpful toward that end.

I don't know why you think the Democratic party is using us, we're using the Democratic party. You think I have any love for the corporate democrats who make money off of exploiting migrant workers? Thats your Simp narrative because you're incapable of anything but two dimensional thoughts. No. Their greed will lead to not only your demographic replacement but theirs as well. The Democratic party is as diverse as its ever been and we keep inundating it with new black and brown progressives every election, who are often times the children of immigrants. It will soon be the children of immigrants writing your laws and what's your strategy to counter? Maybe you clowns should stop cosplaying and develop one. 😄

Sure seems like you are a proud racist yourself. At least you are honest, and I do agree that most of the Democratic voters are being used by people like you and enemies of our country. Most aren't very bright and are indoctrinated and extremally ignorant. Believe it or not, I actually have more respect for people like you, who, while I don't agree with, aren't dumb enough to be completely duped by the Democratic narrative. You know exactly where it leads, as do most Republicans. Now, if us Republicans could only get through to the thick-headed Democrats who are not racist and actually do love the country, we could save it from people like you who are our true enemies.
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Sure seems like you are a proud racist yourself. At least you are honest, and I do agree that most of the Democratic voters are being used by people like you and enemies of our country. Most aren't very bright and are indoctrinated and extremally ignorant.
In reality Democratic voters are more likely than Republicans to have college educations.
Believe it or not, I actually have more respect for people like you, who, while I don't agree with, who aren't dumb enough to be completely duped by the Democratic narrative.
I don't have any respect for cuck white racists like yourself. 😄
You know exactly where it leads, as do most Republicans. Now, if us Republicans could only get through to the thick-headed Democrats who are not racist and actually do love the country, we could save it from people like you who are our true enemies.
Those Democrats don't exist you Dipshit. 😄 Is your strategy truly to appeal to fantasy voters? The moderate white Democrats who are happy to allow illegal and migrant workers to come here and work and occasionally give birth are doing so for profit. They either get donated to by businesses that benefit greatly from migrant workers or they own some of those businesses themselves. The Black, Latin and Asian Democrat voters, whether they agree with illegally immigration or not are going to have empathy for illegal immigrant newborns and aren't going to end birthright citizenship, and young white Democratic voters might hate you clowns more than any other demographic in this country so who the hell in the Democratic party would you be trying to appeal to? 😄

That's a stupid strategy. You should definitely go with that one. 😄
The border wall is a waste of money for Trump's ego. Do what works .
It has never worked and it never will. The Trump border wall failed for all the predictable reasons. Immigrants used cheap ladders to climb over it, or they free climb it. They used cheap power tools to cut through it. They cut through small pieces and squeezed through, and they cut through big sections and drove through. In one small section in 2020, they sawed through at least 18 times that Border Patrol knew about in a month. They also made tunnels. Some tunnels were long, including the longest one ever discovered, but some were short enough just to get past the barrier.

However what makes it so ridiculous is that most intruders have no desired to breakthrough. They cross the boarder stand by the wall and wait to be picked up so they can claim asylum.
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I has never worked and it never will. The Trump border wall failed for all the predictable reasons. Immigrants used cheap ladders to climb over it, or they free climb it. They used cheap power tools to cut through it. They cut through small pieces and squeezed through, and they cut through big sections and drove through. In one small section in 2020, they sawed through at least 18 times that Border Patrol knew about in a month. They also made tunnels. Some tunnels were long, including the longest one ever discovered, but some were short enough just to get past the barrier.

However what makes it so ridiculous is that most intruders have no desired to breakthrough. They cross the boarder stand by the wall and wait to be picked up so they can claim asylum.

Great post. I think we should give them six months grace period and drop the hammer on employers. Big fines per day for each illegal. Most of the illegals will self-deport.

I don't think they really want to solve the problem. They'd rather fight about it, blame each other and dick around about the wall.

They're a bunch of gutless wonders.
In reality Democratic voters are more likely than Republicans to have college educations.

And yet as income rises, so does the likelihood of people voting Republican. Weird huh?

I don't have any respect for cuck white racists like yourself. 😄

What have I said that is racist? Be specific. Sorry, but only a dullard believes that someone is racist just because they don’t agree with birthright citizenship or don’t vote for Democrats.

Those Democrats don't exist you Dipshit. 😄 Is your strategy truly to appeal to fantasy voters? The moderate white Democrats who are happy to allow illegal and migrant workers to come here and work and occasionally give birth are doing so for profit. They either get donated to by businesses that benefit greatly from migrant workers or they own some of those businesses themselves. The Black, Latin and Asian Democrat voters, whether they agree with illegally immigration or not are going to have empathy for illegal immigrant newborns and aren't going to end birthright citizenship, and young white Democratic voters might hate you clowns more than any other demographic in this country so who the hell in the Democratic party would you be trying to appeal to? 😄

You may be right, it could be a losing battle. Maybe all Democrats are far too indoctrinated to change. That has been the plan all along by our enemies who infiltrated our educational system. Congrats, it is possible that you and our enemies have won and the US will slip into mediocrity or below with much of the rest of the world. Sadly, if this is the case, the country has lost.
And yet as income rises, so does the likelihood of people voting Republican. Weird huh?
It's not weird at all. You're looking at the wrong. A larger portion of wealth is currently concentrated in older voters (because older people have had a longer time to accrue wealth) and older voters skew overwhelmingly Republican. As those older voters die off and younger voters grow older and accrue more wealth you'll see those numbers start to change. Of course a Bingo like you will still think it's weird even though I just explained it to you. 😄
What have I said that is racist? Be specific. Sorry, but only a dullard believes that someone is racist just because they don’t agree with birthright citizenship or don’t vote for Democrats.
It's not just your desire to end birthright citizenship that's sus its your general commentary around the concerns of black voters. You call us victims when you want to point fingers at the Democratic party which I'd more than happily listen to because I have my own issues with them but that's where it ends for you racists. Mistreatment of black citizens is just a jumping off point for you to throw punches at your political opponents. You don't talk policy, you don't talk about restitution for all this supposed Democratic malfeasance, and you dismiss the concerns of black voters while trying talking down to us and trying to tell us what we should really be worried about. Your indifference and patronizing racism is obvious.
You may be right, it could be a losing battle. Maybe all Democrats are far too indoctrinated to change. That has been the plan all along by our enemies who infiltrated our educational system. Congrats, it is possible that you and our enemies have won and the US will slip into mediocrity or below with much of the rest of the world. Sadly, if this is the case, the country has lost.
Why are you pussies waiting for Democrats to save you? Is that what your daddies and forefathers would of done? You don't even have answers for yourselves why should black voters think you have any answers for us? 😄
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The fantasy voters reside culturally and politically in MAGAville.

That white elitist America of the 1950s is gone and never coming back.

The election in political time is still a long ways off, yet the GOP has been doing nothing logically to prepare for it on equal terms with their opponents.

John Wayne and Bob Hope and Lucille Ball and Gail Russell are dead.

WWII ended almost seventy years ago.

The GD and WWII era of my ancestors is over, gone, finished, and not coming back.
It's not weird at all. You're looking at the wrong. A larger portion of wealth is currently concentrated in older voters (because older people have had a longer time to accrue wealth) and older voters skew overwhelmingly Republican. As those older voters die off and younger voters grow older and accrue more wealth you'll see those numbers start to change. Of course a Bingo like you will still think it's weird even though I just explained it to you.
It's not wealth it's income. As people begin to earn more money they become more conservative. Yes, as they age, they also become more conservative. If you still have the same ideas at 40 as you had at 16, then you have a problem. There are plenty of 40-year-old Democrats who still think like 16 year old kids. That's the real problem. They never really grow up and wise up.
It's not wealth it's income. As people begin to earn more money they become more conservative. Yes, as they age, they also become more conservative. If you still have the same ideas at 40 as you had at 16, then you have a problem. There are plenty of 40-year-old Democrats who still think like 16 year old kids. That's the real problem. They never really grow up and wise up.
People with college degrees earn more money on average than those without one and democrat voters are more likely to have college degrees. The difference is Democratic party skews a lot younger and wealth is accumulated in older voters for the reasons I've already explained to you. I know plenty of high income earning 40 years olds on down who aren't suddenly switching to the Republican party after voting Democrat their entire lives but you go ahead and keep waiting for that magic switch. 😄

How younger voters will impact elections: Younger voters are poised to upend American politics


Do you notice the trend? 😄 See the Plurals generation (gen z)? That's your demographic change right there. Enjoy that. 😁
People with college degrees earn more money on average than those without one and democrat voters are more likely to have college degrees. The difference is Democratic party skews a lot younger and wealth is accumulated in older voters for the reasons I've already explained to you. I know plenty of high income earning 40 years olds on down who aren't suddenly switching to the Republican party after voting Democrat their entire lives but you go ahead and keep waiting for that magic switch. 😄

How younger voters will impact elections: Younger voters are poised to upend American politics

View attachment 784741

Do you notice the trend? 😄 See the Plurals generation (gen z)? That's your demographic change right there. Enjoy that. 😁
There's definitely a trend. People are staying forever children. If you weren't so biased you would notice all the other downward trends that just happens to coincide with this one.

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