Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

...They stole there [sic] land, mascaraed [sic] them, ...

"mascaraed them"?!
Oh the humanity!
So....nothing concrete that you can point to specifically? 😄
Twitter colluding with the FBI to censor the laptop story not concrete enough for you? How about former CIA and FBI agents signing a document they knew was incorrect and Biden referenced during one of the debates? That's not concrete enough either? Weird.
Twitter colluding with the FBI to censor the laptop story not concrete enough for you? How about former CIA and FBI agents signing a document they knew was incorrect and Biden referenced during one of the debates? That's not concrete enough either? Weird.
Twitter is a private company, it's free to work with the FBI just like any other company or individual is. That other thing I have no frigging idea what you're talking about.
Twitter is working FBI to suppress the 'laptop story"?

Just how is that happening? And, of course, you hate this part, what evidence do you have?
DBA has assertions on assertions asserting other assertions, and that is evidence. Who knew?

You aren’t aware that Twitter was in contact with the FBI to inaccurately label the Hunter laptop Russian misinformation and censor it? That is a fact, not a theory. We likely would have never known had Musk not ousted the former left-wing Twitter leadership. No wonder the Democrats were throwing such a fit when Musk said he wanted to buy Twitter. They knew he would let the cat out of the bag. The thing is, he did expose them and it still didn’t matter. The left has been so indoctrinated, that instead of being alarmed at the govenment’s behaviour, they attack Musk for revealing their indiscretions.

You weren’t aware that, in one his debates with Trump, Biden referenced the document that was signed by former FBI and CIA agents that called the laptop Russian disinformation? There is video evidence of that. He did so on national TV.

I am beginning to think that video evidence could surface with President Biden’s taking a bribe from Xi himself to influence US national policy and the left would defend it. You guys are getting to the level of the N. Korean people and their blind adoration for their dear leader, who in their minds can do no wrong.
Twitter is working FBI to suppress the 'laptop story"?

Just how is that happening? And, of course, you hate this part, what evidence do you have?
Where have you been? Yes, this happened during the election. Do they not tell you these things on the MSM? There are stories from the MSM(CNN, factcheck.org, MSNBC, etc.) that go out of their way to attemp to dismiss the story and I am sure it fools the willing subjects that read their content on a daily basis, but those of us with more common sense than political bias can see right through it.

The FBI Colluded With Twitter to Suppress Free Speech. Where's the Outrage?

FBI Pays Twitter $3.4M to Ban Accounts for ‘Misinformation’!
You aren’t aware that Twitter was in contact with the FBI to inaccurately label the Hunter laptop Russian misinformation and censor it? That is a fact, not a theory. We likely would have never known had Musk not ousted the former left-wing Twitter leadership. No wonder the Democrats were throwing such a fit when Musk said he wanted to buy Twitter. They knew he would let the cat out of the bag. The thing is, he did expose them and it still didn’t matter. The left has been so indoctrinated, that instead of being alarmed at the govenment’s behaviour, they attack Musk for revealing their indiscretions.

You weren’t aware that, in one his debates with Trump, Biden referenced the document that was signed by former FBI and CIA agents that called the laptop Russian disinformation? There is video evidence of that. He did so on national TV.

I am beginning to think that video evidence could surface with President Biden’s taking a bribe from Xi himself to influence US national policy and the left would defend it. You guys are getting to the level of the N. Korean people and their blind adoration for their dear leader, who in their minds can do no wrong.
I'm aware that as a private entity Twitter can do whatever it likes, including working with the FBI or presidential administration's which they also did under Trump, moron.
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Those are assertions, theories. You give no facts that support it. Your and Trump's and anyone else's assertions are not evidence.

It is an absolute FACT that, in a debate, Joe referenced the document that was signed by former FBI and CIA members claiming the laptop was misinformation, which has been proven to be false. Not sure how that is an assertion. Seems as though you are being led around by the nose by the MSM…AGAIN.

BREAKING: DOJ, FBI Confirm Hunter Biden Laptop Is NOT Part Of ‘Russian Disinformation Campaign,’ Reports Say | The Daily Wire
I'm aware that as a private entity Twitter can do whatever it likes, including working with the FBI or presidential administration's which they also did under Trump, moron.

To censor information that helps one political candidate., Yeah, ok.
Where have you been? Yes, this happened during the election. Do they not tell you these things on the MSM? There are stories from the MSM(CNN, factcheck.org, MSNBC, etc.) that go out of their way to attemp to dismiss the story and I am sure it fools the willing subjects that read their content on a daily basis, but those of us with more common sense than political bias can see right through it.

The FBI Colluded With Twitter to Suppress Free Speech. Where's the Outrage?

FBI Pays Twitter $3.4M to Ban Accounts for ‘Misinformation’!
The outlets do make the assertions but where is the factual evidence? Twitter, Fox, CNN, etc., can make assertions, but that is all they are until the facrs prove the assertion is ture.
To censor information that helps one political candidate., Yeah, ok.
Hey Dipshit, that's the exact same thing the National Enquirer did to help Trump during his campaign. They paid for exclusives on stories like Trump sleeping Stormy Daniel's and then killed them by never publishing them. Who cares? Stormy Daniel's can allow the National Enquirer to pay her for a story they aren't going to run and then the National Enquirer can not run it to help out Trump. That's all under freedom of association. Same thing with Twitter. Twitter and its owners are free to associate with the FBI all they like and it isn't a violation of your free speech because Twitter doesn't belong to you. You are a guest there. You have no right to demand of them anything.

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