Why? Yes or No

Do you support free contraceptive devices as a means to reduce unwanted pregnanacy

  • God told me so, I never question the word of God

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It's not violence. It's taxes.

Not violence? Please think this through. Let's say someone chooses not to pay taxes. What will the government do?

If you think it through, it ends up with armed people initiating violence against him. Think about it.
Why do faith groups who abhor abortion seek to prevent the means which can effectively and greatly reduce the number of abortions in America? Prohibition seems rather stupid to me.

Supreme Court punts decision in birth control dispute

Why is there no YES option in the poll?

I would vote yes on this issue.

And that's your right. I should have include "yes" as an option, mea culpa.

However, why do some believe prohibition of contraceptives is a good thing, if in fact they abhor abortion? That makes no sense to me.
It is a most difficult proposition to ask the Catholic Church to be in the business of promoting sinful behavior in order to lessen the effects of another sin.

To promote sexuality among the unmarried by backing artificial contraception is intrinsically evil and always has been in Catholic Church teachings. Even though there are rare circumstances where two recent popes conceded condoms should not be discouraged in AIDS ridden nations. Not unlike the Lord granting Moses the Ok to draw up divorce decrees where there is so much acrimony between a husband and wife.

That's exactly why we don't ask for religious input in social change. Society is secular.
It's the law. What happens if you break any other laws? Who is "him?"

"Him" is the person who doesn't pay taxes.

And yes, I understand that it's the law. And that's why I said that the law is stupid and evil and ought to be repealed. It's wrong to use government force to take people's property in order to provide freebies (in this case, contraception) to others. I don't think anyone has the right to take his neighbors property by force just because he wants it.
It's the law. What happens if you break any other laws? Who is "him?"

"Him" is the person who doesn't pay taxes.

And yes, I understand that it's the law. And that's why I said that the law is stupid and evil and ought to be repealed. It's wrong to use government force to take people's property in order to provide freebies (in this case, contraception) to others. I don't think anyone has the right to take his neighbors property by force just because he wants it.

It's "evil?" How do you expect to have a government at all and how do you expect poor people to eat? You would rather our country be like a 3rd world country?
It's "evil?" How do you expect to have a government at all and how do you expect poor people to eat? You would rather our country be like a 3rd world country?

I'm not saying we shouldn't have a government at all. We're talking about a specific law that involves taking my neighbors property by force to provide contraceptives or to raise unwanted children. Yes, it's stupid and evil to rob my neighbor in order to do those things. I won't support such a law.
It's "evil?" How do you expect to have a government at all and how do you expect poor people to eat? You would rather our country be like a 3rd world country?

I'm not saying we shouldn't have a government at all. We're talking about a specific law that involves taking my neighbors property by force to provide contraceptives or to raise unwanted children. Yes, it's stupid and evil to rob my neighbor in order to do those things. I won't support such a law.

Helping the poor and disadvantaged is a GOOD thing. If you are going to be angry about something, be angry that we send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries in the form of "aid" and that we send huge multi-BILLION dollar corporations a much larger portion of our tax dollars.
Helping the poor and disadvantaged is a GOOD thing.

I agree.

But using force to take people's property in order to do a "good thing" is still a bad thing. I can't condone taking people's property by force in order to provide contraceptives or to raise unwanted children.

If you are going to be angry about something, be angry that we send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries in the form of "aid" and that we send huge multi-BILLION dollar corporations a much larger portion of our tax dollars.

I'm not angry, but I do disagree with legislation that takes my neighbors' property and to provide "aid" to anyone or any country.

It's not right to take other people's stuff, and I refuse to jump on the bandwagon to support it.
Helping the poor and disadvantaged is a GOOD thing.

I agree.

But using force to take people's property in order to do a "good thing" is still a bad thing. I can't condone taking people's property by force in order to provide contraceptives or to raise unwanted children.

If you are going to be angry about something, be angry that we send BILLIONS of dollars to foreign countries in the form of "aid" and that we send huge multi-BILLION dollar corporations a much larger portion of our tax dollars.

I'm not angry, but I do disagree with legislation that takes my neighbors' property and to provide "aid" to anyone or any country.

It's not right to take other people's stuff, and I refuse to jump on the bandwagon to support it.

So . . . you don't pay taxes?

We all pitch in to have a smoothly running country and so that we don't have "third world" conditions in this country. Taxes are not "evil." It's part of our duty as citizens. If you disagree with how the money is spent, I can understand that, but to say that paying taxes is "violence" is like . . . a conspiracy theory.
And that's your right. I should have include "yes" as an option, mea culpa.

However, why do some believe prohibition of contraceptives is a good thing, if in fact they abhor abortion? That makes no sense to me.
It is a most difficult proposition to ask the Catholic Church to be in the business of promoting sinful behavior in order to lessen the effects of another sin.

To promote sexuality among the unmarried by backing artificial contraception is intrinsically evil and always has been in Catholic Church teachings. Even though there are rare circumstances where two recent popes conceded condoms should not be discouraged in AIDS ridden nations. Not unlike the Lord granting Moses the Ok to draw up divorce decrees where there is so much acrimony between a husband and wife.

So, you're saying that your god prefers hungry, unwanted and homeless children?

He prefers that over well off sinners, yes.

But you really do not strike me as disposed to consider other realities in life that would help you to understand varied explanations.

So HE told you that? You actually speak to/with GOD?

Ask GOD, the next time you speak with him, about the Sin of Pride.

You do not know anything about God? I assume you are certain He exists?
You do not know which god is God?
You have nothing to rely on at all about what God asks of us?
Is this our starting point?

"which god is god"

They're ALL god and and I never trust anyone who tells me them know what god wants because its never ever EVER true.

What do you care anyway? You're not a Christian.
So . . . you don't pay taxes?

Of course I pay taxes, since that is the current law. I am proposing that the current law is stupid and evil and ought to be changed.

We all pitch in to have a smoothly running country and so that we don't have "third world" conditions in this country. Taxes are not "evil." It's part of our duty as citizens. If you disagree with how the money is spent, I can understand that, but to say that paying taxes is "violence" is like . . . a conspiracy theory.

I don't think I have the right to tell my fellow man that it is his duty to pay for someone else's contraception or to pay to raise someone else's unwanted child. I don't consider myself to be my neighbors overlord. I understand that may people do regard themselves as the ruler of their fellow man, but I'm not going to jump on that bandwagon. Those people can ride it with their fellow tyrants.

And to say that taxes are enforced by government violence isn't a conspiracy theory, it's just a description of the system. You pay your taxes or armed men will eventually show up at your door. It's reality.
So . . . you don't pay taxes?

Of course I pay taxes, since that is the current law. I am proposing that the current law is stupid and evil and ought to be changed.

We all pitch in to have a smoothly running country and so that we don't have "third world" conditions in this country. Taxes are not "evil." It's part of our duty as citizens. If you disagree with how the money is spent, I can understand that, but to say that paying taxes is "violence" is like . . . a conspiracy theory.

I don't think I have the right to tell my fellow man that it is his duty to pay for someone else's contraception or to pay to raise someone else's unwanted child. I don't consider myself to be my neighbors overlord. I understand that may people do regard themselves as the ruler of their fellow man, but I'm not going to jump on that bandwagon. Those people can ride it with their fellow tyrants.

And to say that taxes are enforced by government violence isn't a conspiracy theory, it's just a description of the system. You pay your taxes or armed men will eventually show up at your door. It's reality.

It's about everyone pitching in to help make our country a nicer and better place.

That's not true. They will garnish your wages. Lol. :D
It's about everyone pitching in to help make our country a nicer and better place.

That's not true. They will garnish your wages. Lol. :D

"Pitching in" is a very different thing than "paying under the threat of violence".

You keep trying to put a pretty face on a barbaric act. Extortion violates people's property rights, and taxation is nothing more than legalized and socially acceptable extortion. You can advocate legalized extortion if you want, but don't expect me to cheerlead for you. I will forever decry the idea that it's just to take my neighbors' property in order to provide contraception and to raise unwanted children.

My neighbors' property is not mine to use as I wish.
It's about everyone pitching in to help make our country a nicer and better place.

That's not true. They will garnish your wages. Lol. :D

"Pitching in" is a very different thing than "paying under the threat of violence".

You keep trying to put a pretty face on a barbaric act. Extortion violates people's property rights, and taxation is nothing more than legalized and socially acceptable extortion. You can advocate legalized extortion if you want, but don't expect me to cheerlead for you. I will forever decry the idea that it's just to take my neighbors' property in order to provide contraception and to raise unwanted children.

My neighbors' property is not mine to use as I wish.

Oh good grief. Lol. Ridiculous.

Do you pay taxes or not?
Op doesn't understand what free means.

Funny stuff

Compare the cost of bc to the cost of abortions and starving, homeless kids.
Of which nothing would change. Liberals have been giving away "free" shit for decades yet the problems they claim will be solved only continue to grow.

Responsibility is not taught by enabling the very behavior you wish to alter.

Liberals are so dumb

Come on Grampa. You can figure it out if you try. If you fixed a flat on your car, would you expect that you would never have to fix another flat? I'm not sure there are very many permanent, forever fixes for anything. You fix what you can, and try to reduce the chances of it happening again, but no matter what you do, there is still a chance that tire will go flat again. That's why it's seen as preventative maintenance instead of a permanent fix. Right wingers always whine because things get broke when they don't even want to pay the price for simple maintenance.
Excellent analogy.

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The use of force to take money or other property from another is called Robbery; taxation is legal and thus not wrong.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right. You recall that slavery was legal at one point, yes? Are you going to argue that slavery was right because it was legal?

I oppose the government taxing people in order to provide "free" contraception because I think it's wrong to use force to take other people's property.

Good point: "Just because something is legal doesn't make it right". The argument than becomes philosophical and ultimately ideological.

Now, the means to decide issues of morality have been argued for at least two thousand years, by minds greater than mine. So let's put the philosophical aside and concentrate on the ideological.

Let's also limit the argument to two sides: The bleeding heart liberal (BHL) and the callous conservative CC).

The BHL has empathy for the fetus and the expectant mother, and supports a women's right to choose but doesn't like the outcome. Thus s/he seeks a solution to this paradox. The BHL decides that to educate women and men (girls and boys) in an age appropriate health curriculum the methods to prevent pregnancy, and prevent sexuall transmitted disease, would reduce unwanted pregancies, abortions and the transmission of disease. Thus they support free contraceptives to men and women and to boys and girls who are sexually active.

The CC has empathy for the fetus and condemns the pregnant women for lacking self control. They will argue abortion is immoral and must be illegal and punished. They will force a pregnant women to have her child, support it for at least 18 years and not expect any aid from the government. I should had that the empathy the CC has for the fetus ends at the child's birth and for many CC's the issue of abortion as a wedge issue is more important than the fetus.

IMO there is no rational nor is there any honsest explanation for any person of faith to object to the BHL's POV.
Oh good grief. Lol. Ridiculous.

Do you pay taxes or not?
As I said in my previous post, I do pay taxes in accordance with current law.

And I think I need to make this clear. I'm not objecting on my own behalf. I am saying that I object to OTHERS being taxed in my name. I object to the government violating my neighbors' property rights in order to provide free contraception.

I am not going to cheerlead for people who use violence to take my neighbors' property in order to use it to provide "free" contraception, or to take care of unwanted children.

Taking other people's property isn't cool, and while many people (including you, I'm disappointed to realize) are fine with taking other people's shit, I am not, and I wont support laws that do so.
Good point: "Just because something is legal doesn't make it right". The argument than becomes philosophical and ultimately ideological.

Now, the means to decide issues of morality have been argued for at least two thousand years, by minds greater than mine. So let's put the philosophical aside and concentrate on the ideological.

Let's also limit the argument to two sides: The bleeding heart liberal (BHL) and the callous conservative CC).

The BHL has empathy for the fetus and the expectant mother, and supports a women's right to choose but doesn't like the outcome. Thus s/he seeks a solution to this paradox. The BHL decides that to educate women and men (girls and boys) in an age appropriate health curriculum the methods to prevent pregnancy, and prevent sexuall transmitted disease, would reduce unwanted pregancies, abortions and the transmission of disease. Thus they support free contraceptives to men and women and to boys and girls who are sexually active.

And that's fine, as long as they don't use force to take my neighbors' property in order to provide those "free" contraceptives. Taking other peoples' stuff is wrong.

The CC has empathy for the fetus and condemns the pregnant women for lacking self control. They will argue abortion is immoral and must be illegal and punished. They will force a pregnant women to have her child, support it for at least 18 years and not expect any aid from the government. I should had that the empathy the CC has for the fetus ends at the child's birth and for many CC's the issue of abortion as a wedge issue is more important than the fetus.

IMO there is no rational nor is there any honsest explanation for any person of faith to object to the BHL's POV.

I would not object to it if it didn't involve taking my neighbors' property by force. Taking other peoples' shit is not cool with me, and I won't jump on the looter bandwagon.

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