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Do you support free contraceptive devices as a means to reduce unwanted pregnanacy

  • God told me so, I never question the word of God

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It astonishes me how much of their lives, their liberties, and even their very bodies liberals are willing to allow the government to control.

Now you want the government to control your fucking!

You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy all your other insurance.

With all your other insurance, you have maximum leverage. You should have that same leverage over your health care.

But you don't, because you dumbasses have made yourselves hostages to your own health care! And then, under Obama, you turned control of your health over to the government even more!

You should get a paycheck from your employer, and then pick up a phone and negotiate with a constellation of health insurance companies, selecting the options you want for yourself and your family. Just like you do with your life insurance, your home insurance, and your auto insurance.

Instead, you are hostage to whatever your employer provides you. It's a take it or leave it proposition. And if you lose your job, you lose your health insurance. Or if you quit one job because you got a better job somewhere else, you don't get to carry your old insurance to your new job. At your new job, you are a hostage all over again, and you don't get long term customer discounts like you do with all other insurance. You don't get a bundle deal.

And because you can't call any health insurance company in the country, you have an unnatural dependence on employer-sponsored health insurance. The idea of eliminating employer-sponsored health insurance terrifies you because the current government regulations are rigged to make you totally alone with no leverage without employer-sponsored health insurance.

You are slaves to the government, and don't even know it. You keep demanding your servitude be more and more embedded into your lives. And now you want to force Christians to buy your birth control pill for you!

You're not just retards, you are fucking assholes.
Why do faith groups who abhor abortion seek to prevent the means which can effectively and greatly reduce the number of abortions in America? Prohibition seems rather stupid to me.

Supreme Court punts decision in birth control dispute
Where in the world did you get the idea contraceptives are free or are being prohibited?

The liberals want faith-based employers to pay for contraceptives, and that is a violation of the First Amendment.

No one is stopping women from acquiring birth control. They are stopping liberals from forcing religious people to pay for it.

That's one way to look at it. I was forced to pay for the invasion and occupation of Iraq, I was force to be the salary of members of congress who spend half ot their time in session seeking campaign donations and the half in session is less than half of a year. So I have no empathy for the baker bigot or the bishop bigot.
“Supreme Court punts decision in birth control dispute”

And this case, of course, illustrates well the arrogance and extremism of those hostile to privacy rights.

The ACA’s provision allowing religious affiliates to opt out was perfectly reasonable and appropriate, addressing the concerns of those affiliates.

But again, for the social right, this is about politics, not religion.

In a bad faith effort to advance their partisan agenda hostile to privacy rights, the ACA, and Obama, religious affiliates contrived this baseless, ridiculous complaint that the simple act of opting out somehow makes them ‘complicit,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Now a new compromise is at hand, just as reasonable as the opt out provision, where religious affiliates simply purchase insurance absent reproductive health care, and employees would receive reproductive health care insurance from another provider.

Needless to say religious affiliates will reject that reasonable compromise as well – because, again, it’s not about ‘religious liberty,’ it’s about attacking the ACA, Obama, and the privacy rights of women.
This is one of the many reasons why I am so opposed to tax expenditures and mandated employer-sponsored health insurance.

The government has no fucking business mandating what benefits a company must provide to its employees.

An employer owes you nothing more than cash in exchange for your labor. How you spend that cash should be up to you, not the government.

If an employer wants to provide extra perks to entice labor, that should be up to the employer, not the government.

Don't turn your will over to the government! Retards.

What a silly comment. In a democratic society the people elect representatives to govern. If these representatives overreach they can and are sent packing at the next election (or are recalled if their behavior is so egregious).

If an employer chooses not to abide by the laws and regulations passed by a democratically elected board of supervisor / city council, etc. they can leave that community or run for office (or thanks to CU rullings bribe others to do their bidding). It's really that simple.

Guess what, those who leave will find that very soon the building they once occupied will be reoccupied by another, who will provide the goods or services as before.
The use of force to take money or other property from another is called Robbery; taxation is legal and thus not wrong.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right. You recall that slavery was legal at one point, yes? Are you going to argue that slavery was right because it was legal?

I oppose the government taxing people in order to provide "free" contraception because I think it's wrong to use force to take other people's property.
So HE told you that? You actually speak to/with GOD?

Ask GOD, the next time you speak with him, about the Sin of Pride.
Yes, He told me that. Yes, I speak to Him. It is called prayer.

When a soul is apparently “gifted” to know the truth via empirical evidence and revelation and reason then the Word is God speaking, and thee Church Jesus Christ established on earth (the Catholic Church) and given authority also becomes the voice of God.

It appears to me you have rejected the empirical evidence for God and the signs and wonders that been made known since. Well then, I am not sure just how easily I can convince you of the same.

Thanks, I know all about the sin of pride. Witnessing for God is rarely a case of being sinful and filled with pride. I will not delineate examples of where that may not be the case.

Just because other religions claim the same “knowledge” or certainty means nothing. Their evidence is wholly lacking, IMO.
Why do faith groups who abhor abortion seek to prevent the means which can effectively and greatly reduce the number of abortions in America? Prohibition seems rather stupid to me.

Supreme Court punts decision in birth control dispute
Why do you need artificial devices to substitute for self discipline? I know why...you're a Libtard.

Use your devices...we don't need more of you.

After my second son was born I had a vasectomy, at no cost provided at Kaiser Permanente, the health insurance provided by my employer.

The question in the OP is simple, those who oppose abortion ought by all logic support methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. For every abortion those who oppose age appropriate sex ed in the public schools and oppose on principle providing the means to prevent pregnancy are culpable for the death of every one of them.
The use of force to take money or other property from another is called Robbery; taxation is legal and thus not wrong.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right. You recall that slavery was legal at one point, yes? Are you going to argue that slavery was right because it was legal?

I oppose the government taxing people in order to provide "free" contraception because I think it's wrong to use force to take other people's property.

A lot more of "your" money would be spent raising these unwanted children. Common sense.
So HE told you that? You actually speak to/with GOD?

Ask GOD, the next time you speak with him, about the Sin of Pride.
Yes, He told me that. Yes, I speak to Him. It is called prayer.

When a soul is apparently “gifted” to know the truth via empirical evidence and revelation and reason then the Word is God speaking, and thee Church Jesus Christ established on earth (the Catholic Church) and given authority also becomes the voice of God.

It appears to me you have rejected the empirical evidence for God and the signs and wonders that been made known since. Well then, I am not sure just how easily I can convince you of the same.

Thanks, I know all about the sin of pride. Witnessing for God is rarely a case of being sinful and filled with pride. I will not delineate examples of where that may not be the case.

Just because other religions claim the same “knowledge” or certainty means nothing. Their evidence is wholly lacking, IMO.

That has nothing to do with anything. In the REAL world, people are going to have sex and they are going to be irresponsible about it in some cases.
A lot more of "your" money would be spent raising these unwanted children. Common sense.
I also oppose the government taxing people in order to raise unwanted children, btw. I consider taking people's property by force to be wrong, even if the thief uses the money to raise unwanted children. You can't achieve a just end by unjust means, which is why I oppose force being used against my fellow man.
A lot more of "your" money would be spent raising these unwanted children. Common sense.
I also oppose the government taxing people in order to raise unwanted children, btw. I consider taking people's property by force to be wrong, even if the thief uses the money to raise unwanted children. You can't achieve a just end by unjust means.

Well, that's the way it goes. Complaining about it isn't going to change it. Most people are okay with paying taxes because they benefit the country as a whole.
So HE told you that? You actually speak to/with GOD?

Ask GOD, the next time you speak with him, about the Sin of Pride.
Yes, He told me that. Yes, I speak to Him. It is called prayer.

When a soul is apparently “gifted” to know the truth via empirical evidence and revelation and reason then the Word is God speaking, and thee Church Jesus Christ established on earth (the Catholic Church) and given authority also becomes the voice of God.

It appears to me you have rejected the empirical evidence for God and the signs and wonders that been made known since. Well then, I am not sure just how easily I can convince you of the same.

Thanks, I know all about the sin of pride. Witnessing for God is rarely a case of being sinful and filled with pride. I will not delineate examples of where that may not be the case.

Just because other religions claim the same “knowledge” or certainty means nothing. Their evidence is wholly lacking, IMO.

That has nothing to do with anything. In the REAL world, people are going to have sex and they are going to be irresponsible about it in some cases.

Well I appreciate your opinion on this, but I am compelled to look at all matters of life, including social issues and laws, with the eyes of the eternal.
For Christians like myself to silently approve of sex outside of marriage simply because it will happen always and often makes no sense to me. All souls matter.
We are not compelled to work illegally to sabotage authorities but to work within the legal systems to try to make change.
So HE told you that? You actually speak to/with GOD?

Ask GOD, the next time you speak with him, about the Sin of Pride.
Yes, He told me that. Yes, I speak to Him. It is called prayer.

When a soul is apparently “gifted” to know the truth via empirical evidence and revelation and reason then the Word is God speaking, and thee Church Jesus Christ established on earth (the Catholic Church) and given authority also becomes the voice of God.

It appears to me you have rejected the empirical evidence for God and the signs and wonders that been made known since. Well then, I am not sure just how easily I can convince you of the same.

Thanks, I know all about the sin of pride. Witnessing for God is rarely a case of being sinful and filled with pride. I will not delineate examples of where that may not be the case.

Just because other religions claim the same “knowledge” or certainty means nothing. Their evidence is wholly lacking, IMO.

That has nothing to do with anything. In the REAL world, people are going to have sex and they are going to be irresponsible about it in some cases.

Well I appreciate your opinion on this, but I am compelled to look at all matters of life, including social issues and laws, with the eyes of the eternal.
For Christians like myself to silently approve of sex outside of marriage simply because it will happen always and often makes no sense to me. All souls matter.
We are not compelled to work illegally to sabotage authorities but to work within the legal systems to try to make change.

Well, the fact of the matter is that it is going to happen whether you approve or not. It has been happening for thousands of years and will continue to happen because people have sex. You do realize that there was once no such thing as "marriage." Right?
Well, that's the way it goes. Complaining about it isn't going to change it. Most people are okay with paying taxes because they benefit the country as a whole.

I'm not complaining. I'm explaining why I oppose taking my neighbors property by force to provide contraceptives or to raise unwanted children. Others may support initiating violence against their neighbors, but I won't jump on that bandwagon.
Well, that's the way it goes. Complaining about it isn't going to change it. Most people are okay with paying taxes because they benefit the country as a whole.

I'm not complaining. I'm explaining why I oppose taking my neighbors property by force to provide contraceptives or to raise unwanted children. Others may support initiating violence against their neighbors, but I won't jump on that bandwagon.

It's not violence. It's taxes. Taxes go to help out people in the community and to make it a better place in which to live.
All forms of contraception up to and including sterilization should be free and readily available. All children should be educated thoroughly on the subject.
Do that for a few generations and watch abortion disappear.

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