
One of the first things my aunt did for me when I moved in with her was secure lawyers and file suits against my parental units and the baptist church I belonged to. They didn't want anything to go public. In return, financially, my daughter and I were set for life....or at least when we both turn(ed) 28. No police were involved. That's not a legally binding contract but after much discussion, I stuck with it. Other women whom know my story say I sold out all females by letting the minister go unpunished. Perhaps but in retrospect, I have absolutely no regrets. There were just too many mitigating circumstances that would have destroyed too many uninvolved lives. I was selfish, yes. While the compensation can never replace the hell I endured, I thought ahead and it later paid off.
Romney stated that Kavanaugh would be on his list for Supreme Court judge...in 2012....which just so happens to be when she mentioned the fake attack to her therapist...but still didn't state his name....
You don’t know it is fake.
No one knows if it is a fake story other than probably Kavanaugh and Ford.

But I think it is safe to say that the smart money is betting on Kavanaugh.
When a person doesn't say anything, other victims will eventually be lumped in there with those who may already exist and before you go and say that they can speak for themselves, think about this first. What if they end up dead due to your silence? What if the person who attacks you has already killed? To me, if you don't think that a person who isn't here anymore doesn't deserve any kind of defense or to be spoken for, then you having such a frame of mind only makes you a complete and total waste of human flesh who only deserves every last drop of whatever may be coming to you!!!

God bless you always!!!

Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

When you make an uncorroborated accusation, decades after the event was supposed to have taken place, just when it would do the most damage to those with whom you disagree politically ... you should expect a bit of skepticism.

It doesn't matter if you're a man, women, or any other gender.
A bit of skepticism, yes......and an investigation would go a long way to alleviate such skepticism. Kavanaugh may be an assaulting creep....he may not.....but one thing for sure......we've seen a LOT of posters here willingly and loudly show how much of a creep THEY are when it comes to assaulting women and women who have the nerve to report it.
We've also seen many posters insist on following US laws regarding innocent until proven guilty.
And we know the rest of that.....in a court of law.
Has she brought charges? That would be excellent. She could have her own witnesses testify against her.

Think they'll be there Thursday? :)
I did not think they were allowing her to call witnesses in.
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

Ask them if they actually remember where the attack happened, genius........survivors of traumatic events like this remember every detail....they go to therapy because they can't forget.....Ford didn't remember this until she went to therapy and through "psychotherapy" remembered that it happened....

They want to forget.

And that is why Ford is not believable...she can't remember.......real survivors can't forget...
However alcohol has an effect on memory.

Nope......sorry.....no one else remembers the party....you know, the people Ford acutlaly named as being there........
Those people were essentially going from party to party binge drinking ... how would one party stand out from another?

Where did you get this information?
It is in one of the links I posted on Ford, earlier in this thread plus there have been articles on Judge. Ford, Kavanaugh and their peers partying.

For example Kavanaugh's friend Mark Judge refuses to testify saying 'i have no memory of this alleged incident' | Daily Mail Online

Why does Judge refuse to testify?
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One of the first things my aunt did for me when I moved in with her was secure lawyers and file suits against my parental units and the baptist church I belonged to. They didn't want anything to go public. In return, financially, my daughter and I were set for life....or at least when we both turn(ed) 28. No police were involved. That's not a legally binding contract but after much discussion, I stuck with it. Other women whom know my story say I sold out all females by letting the minister go unpunished. Perhaps but in retrospect, I have absolutely no regrets. There were just too many mitigating circumstances that would have destroyed too many uninvolved lives. I was selfish, yes. While the compensation can never replace the hell I endured, I thought ahead and it later paid off.
I don’t think it is for others to judge whether or not one should go public or file charges, each case is unique.
As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.
Aren’t we destroying TWO people here? Look at your last sentence...you have already judged and convicted her.
No just one.

She is responsible for making the accusation.

IF the accusation is bad and harms Kavanaugh then we have done no harm to her.
Her character is being publically shredded by the President and Republicans. Regardless of the outcome her life is forever altered.

Not even close as to the total number that think she’s a tool. And after she testifies, it will be unanimous
She deserves the same consideration as you give Kavanaugh. A pity she won’t get it.
One of the first things my aunt did for me when I moved in with her was secure lawyers and file suits against my parental units and the baptist church I belonged to. They didn't want anything to go public. In return, financially, my daughter and I were set for life....or at least when we both turn(ed) 28. No police were involved. That's not a legally binding contract but after much discussion, I stuck with it. Other women whom know my story say I sold out all females by letting the minister go unpunished. Perhaps but in retrospect, I have absolutely no regrets. There were just too many mitigating circumstances that would have destroyed too many uninvolved lives. I was selfish, yes. While the compensation can never replace the hell I endured, I thought ahead and it later paid off.

First, no one should have to suffer what you did, but I suppose in these cases it's hard to prove guilt unless you have substantial evidence, no? In any event, I wish this kind of offense was not so prevalent or so often goes unpunished, but I wish you well going forward.

Second, I'd like to know who leaked Ford's name and was it with her knowledge and permission. I kinda doubt she wanted that to happen but I don't really know; did she want to remain anonymous and avoid the scrutiny that was sure to follow if she went public? My guess? Yeah. Her mistake might have been to put her name on that letter that went to Feinstein, Eshoo (her Congresswoman), and the Washington Post. Maybe this was all by her design, I dunno. Or maybe it was somebody else who cared nothing about her or about Kavanaugh either, or their families and careers.

Maybe Ford thought that by putting that letter out there it would trigger other women to come forward and derail the Kavanaugh confirmation, and she could remain anonymous. Was it all a lie? Dunno that, really. Most guys who assault women do it again and again (Bill Clinton), but Kavanaugh has no such record of misconduct. Maybe she was mistaken and it was another guy. At another party. At another time. But to me there's no way to get to the truth about this whole sordid affair, not without going under hypnosis. Don't tell me about the lie detector test, there's a reason why those things are inadmissible in court. Otherwise, we got nothing, no evidence at all that the crime took place or if it did that Kavanaugh was the guilty party. Sometimes when a guy is 17 they'll brag about doing so and so, but there's none of that here, maybe cuz nobody remembers after 36 years. Didn't Ford tell ANYBODY? Who were her BFFs back then, hard to believe it's true if nobody can offer any corroboration.

Bottom line, IMHO it's not enough to deny Kavanaugh's confirmation to the SCOTUS.
Her character is being publically shredded by the President and Republicans. Regardless of the outcome her life is forever altered.

She fully deserves it. Anyone who falsely, maliciously accuses an innocent man of a terrible crime, for political reasons, deserves much, much worse than is ever going to happen to this filthy bitch.

Whatever fallout she experiences from this, is her own fault.
What if he isn’t innocent?
an Adult Female needs to file charges if they want a LEGAL Remedy if thats what you mean by going public . No legal remedy wanted , no problem , don't file charges but there should be limitation on how long a charge of 'rape' or sex charges can be held in the BANK as the accuser waits for an opportune time to cash in Coyote .
A Shepherd Boy tended his master's Sheep near a dark forest not far from the village. Soon he found life in the pasture very dull. All he could do to amuse himself was to talk to his dog or play on his shepherd's pipe.

One day as he sat watching the Sheep and the quiet forest, and thinking what he would do should he see a Wolf, he thought of a plan to amuse himself.

His Master had told him to call for help should a Wolf attack the flock, and the Villagers would drive it away. So now, though he had not seen anything that even looked like a Wolf, he ran toward the village shouting at the top of his voice,
"Wolf! Wolf!"

As he expected, the Villagers who heard the cry dropped their work and ran in great excitement to the pasture. But when they got there they found the Boy doubled up with laughter at the trick he had played on them.

A few days later the Shepherd Boy again shouted,
"Wolf! Wolf!" Again the Villagers ran to help him, only to be laughed at again.

Then one evening as the sun was setting behind the forest and the shadows were creeping out over the pasture, a Wolf really did spring from the underbrush and fall upon the Sheep.

In terror the Boy ran toward the village shouting
"Wolf! Wolf!" But though the Villagers heard the cry, they did not run to help him as they had before. "He cannot fool us again," they said.

The Wolf killed a great many of the Boy's sheep and then slipped away into the forest.

Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.​

I have two Psalms for Brett Kavanaugh, with the hope that Our Lord is paying attention to the vicious slander that the Godless and God Hating are vomiting at Brett Kavanaugh a decent man.

Psalm 64: 2-9

2 Protect me from the plots of the wicked, from mobs of evil people.

3 They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim cruel words like arrows.

4 They are quick to spread their shameless lies; they destroy good people with cowardly slander.

5 They encourage each other in their evil plots; they talk about where they will place their traps. "No one can see them," they say.

6 They make evil plans and say, "We have planned a perfect crime." The human heart and mind are a mystery.

7 But God shoots his arrows at them, and suddenly they are wounded.

8 He will destroy them because of those words; all who see them will shake their heads.

9 They will all be afraid; they will think about what God has done and tell about his deeds.

Psalm 35

1 Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.

2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help.

3 Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.

4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.

5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.

6 Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.

7 For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.

8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.

9 And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.

10 All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?

11 False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.

12 They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul.

13 But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.

14 I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother.

15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not:

16 With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.

17 Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions.

18 I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people.

19 Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.

20 For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land.

21 Yea, they opened their mouth wide against me, and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it.

22 This thou hast seen, O Lord: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me.

23 Stir up thyself, and awake to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord.

24 Judge me, O Lord my God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me.

25 Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up.

26 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.

27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

28 And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.
As a father of two young daughters I get it but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? We are destroying a mans life over a word of a potential mad woman over an alleged crime that supposedly took place 36 yrs ago.

This is insanity.
Aren’t we destroying TWO people here? Look at your last sentence...you have already judged and convicted her.
No just one.

She is responsible for making the accusation.

IF the accusation is bad and harms Kavanaugh then we have done no harm to her.
Her character is being publically shredded by the President and Republicans. Regardless of the outcome her life is forever altered.
And Kavanugh's isn't by you and others?

Fucking hypocrites..

I haven’t said anything negative about Kavanaugh in regard to this. Quite the opposite.

The only hypocrite right now is you.
Her character is being publically shredded by the President and Republicans. Regardless of the outcome her life is forever altered.

She fully deserves it. Anyone who falsely, maliciously accuses an innocent man of a terrible crime, for political reasons, deserves much, much worse than is ever going to happen to this filthy bitch.

Whatever fallout she experiences from this, is her own fault.
What if he isn’t innocent?
----------------------------------------- i think thats why charges and info are important so that charges can be Judged Coyote .
Ask them if they actually remember where the attack happened, genius........survivors of traumatic events like this remember every detail....they go to therapy because they can't forget.....Ford didn't remember this until she went to therapy and through "psychotherapy" remembered that it happened....

They want to forget.

And that is why Ford is not believable...she can't remember.......real survivors can't forget...
However alcohol has an effect on memory.

Nope......sorry.....no one else remembers the party....you know, the people Ford acutlaly named as being there........
Those people were essentially going from party to party binge drinking ... how would one party stand out from another?

Where did you get this information?
It is in one of the links I posted on Ford, earlier in this thread plus there have been articles on Judge. Ford, Kavanaugh and their peers partying.

For example Kavanaugh's friend Mark Judge refuses to testify saying 'i have no memory of this alleged incident' | Daily Mail Online

Why does Judge refuse to testify?
Possibly because he has a reputation as a drunk.

I have heard this rumor and if true he would do neither side any good
Her character is being publically shredded by the President and Republicans. Regardless of the outcome her life is forever altered.

She fully deserves it. Anyone who falsely, maliciously accuses an innocent man of a terrible crime, for political reasons, deserves much, much worse than is ever going to happen to this filthy bitch.

Whatever fallout she experiences from this, is her own fault.
What if he isn’t innocent?
----------------------------------------- i think thats why charges and info are important so that charges can be Judged Coyote .
I think an investigation is sufficient. There is a statute of limitations on filing charges.
Seems to me that CHARGES need to be filed , evidence gathered , police notified and both accuser and accused identity made public Coyote .
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
I think she couldn’t say exactly when or where..,?

The reason for this is b/c she was so totally blitzed out of her skull, that she doesn't really know. I firmly believe, so was he.

. . . and everyone at the party.

They were dumb kids.

Doing dumb kid stuff. NONE OF IT has any relevancy to this, none of it.

If it did, they would have all told their parents and made a federal case of it back then. As it is, none of them wanted anyone to know about it back then. They were all ashamed of that they were doing, and all of them knew they were acting shamefully, the girls included. I saw a MSM report where they showed the boys yearbooks, but the neglected to show the girls yearbooks, why do you suppose that is?

If she can't be held accountable for anything that went on, and can't remember details, why should he be expected too? Why are we holding teenage boys to a higher standard when they are blottoed then we are teenage girls?

If these girls are not responsible, why are the boys?
Something to think about...

#WhyIDidntReport : Sexual assault survivors respond to Trump's tweet - CNN

They are afraid of repercussions.

They are made to feel it’s their own fault.

They are told to dismiss it.

They are often the ones who were blamed.

They are afraid they might be asked for more evidence.

They are afraid no one will believe them.

They are afraid people will find out.

They want to forget.

Now look at how Dr. Ford is being treated.

I thought she said she could not even remember it?? If so, she doesn't know that it happened. :dunno:
I think she couldn’t say exactly when or where..,?

The reason for this is b/c she was so totally blitzed out of her skull, that she doesn't really know. I firmly believe, so was he.

. . . and everyone at the party.

They were dumb kids.

Doing dumb kid stuff. NONE OF IT has any relevancy to this, none of it.

If it did, they would have all told their parents and made a federal case of it back then. As it is, none of them wanted anyone to know about it back then. They were all ashamed of that they were doing, and all of them knew they were acting shamefully, the girls included. I saw a MSM report where they showed the boys yearbooks, but the neglected to show the girls yearbooks, why do you suppose that is?

If she can't be held accountable for anything that went on, and can't remember details, why should he be expected too? Why are we holding teenage boys to a higher standard when they are blottoed then we are teenage girls?

If these girls are not responsible, why are the boys?
I agree with a lot with certain considerations. They were all kids, blitzed and irresponsible. Mark Judge’s book gives a pretty graphic accounting of their lifestyle then...you focus on Ford...but what about Kavanaugh?

The thing is...just because the girl is drunk, that is no excuse for a boy to assault.
Seems to me that CHARGES need to be filed , evidence gathered , police notified and both accuser and accused identity made public Coyote .
How can you if the statute of limitations is past?
to make the female SPECIAL by LAW where in the past females were SOMETIMES held to be Special by a particular man who cared about a particular female . Its like that hag 'joy behar' said the other day when she said , men are not doing their jobs of taking care of women [ Hawaiin hirono said similar] . Me , i thought that women wanted to be independent and Free to do as they like and there are consequences to that freedom MR.B.

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