widdle pig tailed Greta Thungerg may be a victim of child abuse


Platinum Member
May 17, 2014
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

We can see how strong and powerful you are by the way you attack a little girl. Very Trump-like of you.
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

We can see how strong and powerful you are by the way you attack a little girl. Very Trump-like of you.

These degenerate losers will attack and demonize anyone, even little girls.
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

You kids have no qualms anoabt viciously attacking this child simply because you disagree with her?

If so I'm pretty sure it's your parents who screwed up, not hers
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

We can see how strong and powerful you are by the way you attack a little girl. Very Trump-like of you.

These degenerate losers will attack and demonize anyone, even little girls.

\They are scared to confront someone their own size. I guess that happens when you are used to hiding behind a keyboard.
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

You kids have no qualms anoabt viciously attacking this child simply because you disagree with her?

If so I'm pretty sure it's your parents who screwed up, not hers

Not a single one of these losers have ever shown the courage this kid did by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean solo.
I think I just post an article where 'german gov people' are saying that this Greta Thunberg might be an abused child . I just simply think that that's a possibility . If you assorted Bonehead have a problem I think it is with 'german gov' type MP whatever they are Boneheads .
yeah , like I said , its 'german government ' people that are saying that widdle pony tailed Greta Thunberg --- MAY --- be the victim of child abuse youse guys and gals . I repost the link so you can see the widdle girls emotional plea and the 'german gov' peoples reaction to that emotional plea . [chuckle] --- ---
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

You kids have no qualms anoabt viciously attacking this child simply because you disagree with her?

If so I'm pretty sure it's your parents who screwed up, not hers

Not a single one of these losers have ever shown the courage this kid did by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean solo.

Oh I agree completely.
Theses cowards are afraid to walk to the mailbox without a rifle.
and to my American eyes these 'euro types' seem to have weird tastes in hair cuts ,
It's ridiculous how many times I've seen the right-wingers accuse women and girls, and men and boys, of being influenced by some nefarious "outside" influencers. It is entirely possible that Ms. Thunberg's parents raised her to make up her own mind. My late father did. He advised me all during my childhood not to believe everything I heard, in church or anywhere else, to go where I wanted to go, read what I wanted to read, and make up my own mind. Some people teach their kids to be independent rather than being lock-step conformists led by the nose.
yeah , look at that little 'Nazi type' looking kid in yje opening phototo to my post BlieP .
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

You kids have no qualms anoabt viciously attacking this child simply because you disagree with her?

If so I'm pretty sure it's your parents who screwed up, not hers

Not a single one of these losers have ever shown the courage this kid did by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean solo.

Oh I agree completely.
Theses cowards are afraid to walk to the mailbox without a rifle.

------------------------------- And Crep doesn't seem to understand that carrying a rifle is fine and acceptable and wanted at times that the Rifle owner determines , Heck , there were exposed rifles carried at a 'beto' rally just the other day from what I hear Crep ,
some german big shot government people think that widdle pig tailed Greta Thunberg MAY have been abused as a child Lysis , And that is all , see my link to info Lysis .
yeah , look at that little 'Nazi type' looking kid in yje opening phototo to my post BlieP .
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

You kids have no qualms anoabt viciously attacking this child simply because you disagree with her?

If so I'm pretty sure it's your parents who screwed up, not hers

Not a single one of these losers have ever shown the courage this kid did by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean solo.

Oh I agree completely.
Theses cowards are afraid to walk to the mailbox without a rifle.

------------------------------- And Crep doesn't seem to understand that carrying a rifle is fine and acceptable and wanted at times that the Rifle owner determines , Heck , there were exposed rifles carried at a 'beto' rally just the other day from what I hear Crep ,

Ignore the looks and take a look at the intentions of the MPs.
Those AfD guys claim to be there to help our fatherland while they are running a fierce campaign against any form of environmentalism. There should be pollution everywhere so that the big shots can save some money, that´s their actual point.
There is an old German saying:
"The apple doesn´t fall far from the tree."

And while nobody is obliged to share Thunberg´s views, the disgusting campaigns against her only show the true mindset of those taking part.
I think that the poor kid has been Brain Washed . Probably by parents and some groups in her lefty home lands . --- --- anyway , looks like 'german' M.P. types are investigating

Who attack children? The same people that put babies in cages? And arm school shooters? Yeah pretty much.
I feel sorry for her. This is child abuse although she will soon be 17 and hardly a child, with autism, probably emotionally child like. She is being used and abused by her ANTIFA parents first and foremost, her handlers and Soros backed promoters. Sick and sad.

Yes of course she's going to embrace it. Her disability won't allow her to do anything else. Plus it will be hugely profitable for her and her family. Severn Suzuki, her predecessor has made millions from it.

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