Widely Denounced As Propaganda, al-Dura Rpt Calls Attn To 950 Other Child Killings


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Jun 11, 2012
Widely denounced as ‘propaganda,’ Israel’s report on al-Dura calls attention to 950 other child killings

by*Philip Weiss*on May 21, 2013 "Israel's*release*of a report*[full text here]*asserting that 12-year-old Muhammad al-Dura was not killed by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2000, and may not even have been injured by Israelis, has had the opposite effect to that which the government intended: The report is being widely mocked, and several commentators have turned attention to the staggering numbers of Palestinians children killed by Israel inside the occupation." Widely denounced as 'propaganda,' Israel's report on al-Dura calls attention to 950 other child killings . Israel shows herself to be Israels's own worst enemy. Rather than accept responsibility for the killing of a 12 year old child that half a dozen or more human rights groups have found Israeli Forces killed, Israel keeps the killing fresh in the eyes of the world and highlights her other child killings with propaganda reports baselessly denying the killing of a child, Muhammad al-Dura, over a decade ago.
Widely denounced as ‘propaganda,’ Israel’s report on al-Dura calls attention to 950 other child killings

by*Philip Weiss*on May 21, 2013 "Israel's*release*of a report*[full text here]*asserting that 12-year-old Muhammad al-Dura was not killed by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2000, and may not even have been injured by Israelis, has had the opposite effect to that which the government intended: The report is being widely mocked, and several commentators have turned attention to the staggering numbers of Palestinians children killed by Israel inside the occupation." Widely denounced as 'propaganda,' Israel's report on al-Dura calls attention to 950 other child killings . Israel shows herself to be Israels's own worst enemy. Rather than accept responsibility for the killing of a 12 year old child that half a dozen or more human rights groups have found Israeli Forces killed, Israel keeps the killing fresh in the eyes of the world and highlights her other child killings with propaganda reports baselessly denying the killing of a child, Muhammad al-Dura, over a decade ago.
Now isn't this strange that the Muslim world doesn't call attention to all the child killings by their brethren? When a mosque is blown up by another sect, do they think, for instance, that the children inside are miraculously saved? How about a car or suicide bombing when the children are with their parents in the marketplace or attending a funeral? It appears that when Muslims are involved with killing children, no investigations are made and before long the incidents are long forgotten.
Widely denounced as ‘propaganda,’ Israel’s report on al-Dura calls attention to 950 other child killings

by*Philip Weiss*on May 21, 2013 "Israel's*release*of a report*[full text here]*asserting that 12-year-old Muhammad al-Dura was not killed by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2000, and may not even have been injured by Israelis, has had the opposite effect to that which the government intended: The report is being widely mocked, and several commentators have turned attention to the staggering numbers of Palestinians children killed by Israel inside the occupation." Widely denounced as 'propaganda,' Israel's report on al-Dura calls attention to 950 other child killings . Israel shows herself to be Israels's own worst enemy. Rather than accept responsibility for the killing of a 12 year old child that half a dozen or more human rights groups have found Israeli Forces killed, Israel keeps the killing fresh in the eyes of the world and highlights her other child killings with propaganda reports baselessly denying the killing of a child, Muhammad al-Dura, over a decade ago.
Now isn't this strange that the Muslim world doesn't call attention to all the child killings by their brethren? When a mosque is blown up by another sect, do they think, for instance, that the children inside are miraculously saved? How about a car or suicide bombing when the children are with their parents in the marketplace or attending a funeral? It appears that when Muslims are involved with killing children, no investigations are made and before long the incidents are long forgotten.

"Child killings". You have to translate Islamic gibberish. These are usually 14 to 18 year olds recruited by Hamas and other terrorist organizations to be Jihadis, and end up being taken out when they attack the Israelis.
one propaganda whore quoting another


"report being widely mocked" <<<< how cute ---another meaningless
assertion from the dredged up from the islamo-nazi sewer

When you have no defense for the over 1500 children Israel killed since 9/2000 that includes a 12 year old child named Muhammad al-dura, all you have left is name calling. I feel sorry for you. I never heard Philip Weiss called a whore. Thats a new one. As for mockery, lots of mockery of that Israeli attempt to whitewash the killing is there in dozens of comments to articles on Mondoweiss. I think there is a Haaretz article mocking and laughing at Israels report, as well.
Trolling and off topic derailing posts have been removed - knock it off.
The only criticism I have of the aricle in the OP is the writer of the article undertates the children of Palestine Israel has killed by about 550. I will have to let him know about that.
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The only criticism I have of the aricle in the OP is the writer of the article undertates the children of Palestine Israel has killed by about 550. I will have to let him know about that.
Yes, and make sure they include all the "child" suicide bombers and 14 or 15 year old Jihadis and rocket launchers that Hamas recruited and brainwashed to die for Allah.
Does analysis of the report make any mention of the deaths of Israeli children due to indiscriminate rocket and suicide-bomber attacks upon Israeli civilian population centers, as a measure of objectivity? :popcorn:
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Does analysis of the report make any mention of the deaths of Israeli children due to indiscriminate rocket and suicide-bomber attacks upon Israeli civilian population centers, as a measure of objectivity? :popcorn:

Why would an analysis of Israels propaganda report discuss an off topic issue like that? And for your information, 1 Israeli child, a 16 year old boy, has been killed by rockets in the past 5 years. In that same 5 years, Israel has slaughtered close to 500 Palestinian children. Rockets are not killing Israeli children in the way that the IDF is slaughtering Palestinian children.
Does analysis of the report make any mention of the deaths of Israeli children due to indiscriminate rocket and suicide-bomber attacks upon Israeli civilian population centers, as a measure of objectivity? :popcorn:

Why would an analysis of Israels propaganda report discuss an off topic issue like that? And for your information, 1 Israeli child, a 16 year old boy, has been killed by rockets in the past 5 years. In that same 5 years, Israel has slaughtered close to 500 Palestinian children. Rockets are not killing Israeli children in the way that the IDF is slaughtering Palestinian children.
Slaughtering Palestinian children, or simply hitting them because your beloved Palestinians park their rocket launchers and operating bases deep within civilian population centers so that the Israelis are almost certain to hit civilians when they counterstrike after rocket attacks?

The Israelis have more respect for their own human life and for their own families and children than to park military assets deep within civilian population centers.

The exchange is so lopsided because (1) Palestinian rocketry is highly inaccurate and (2) the Israelis clobber launch-sites as soon as they open fire.

Apparently, the Palestinians feel that a 500-to-1 ratio is an acceptable exchange rate.

That's their call... not the Israelis... the Palestinians can stop this anytime they want to.
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Does analysis of the report make any mention of the deaths of Israeli children due to indiscriminate rocket and suicide-bomber attacks upon Israeli civilian population centers, as a measure of objectivity? :popcorn:

Why would an analysis of Israels propaganda report discuss an off topic issue like that? And for your information, 1 Israeli child, a 16 year old boy, has been killed by rockets in the past 5 years. In that same 5 years, Israel has slaughtered close to 500 Palestinian children. Rockets are not killing Israeli children in the way that the IDF is slaughtering Palestinian children.
Slaughtering Palestinian children, or simply hitting them because your beloved Palestinians park their rocket launchers and operating bases deep within civilian population centers so that the Israelis are almost certain to hit civilians when they counterstrike after rocket attacks?

The Israelis have more respect for their own human life and for their own families and children than to park military assets deep within civilian population centers.

The exchange is so lopsided because (1) Palestinian rocketry is highly inaccurate and (2) the Israelis clobber launch-sites as soon as they open fire.

Apparently, the Palestinians feel that a 500-to-1 ratio is an acceptable exchange rate.

That's their call... not the Israelis... the Palestinians can stop this anytime they want to.

Slaughtering is the perfect word to describe Israeli killings as the majority are killed in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects, ss addressed in reports of human rights groups.
Why would an analysis of Israels propaganda report discuss an off topic issue like that? And for your information, 1 Israeli child, a 16 year old boy, has been killed by rockets in the past 5 years. In that same 5 years, Israel has slaughtered close to 500 Palestinian children. Rockets are not killing Israeli children in the way that the IDF is slaughtering Palestinian children.
Slaughtering Palestinian children, or simply hitting them because your beloved Palestinians park their rocket launchers and operating bases deep within civilian population centers so that the Israelis are almost certain to hit civilians when they counterstrike after rocket attacks?

The Israelis have more respect for their own human life and for their own families and children than to park military assets deep within civilian population centers.

The exchange is so lopsided because (1) Palestinian rocketry is highly inaccurate and (2) the Israelis clobber launch-sites as soon as they open fire.

Apparently, the Palestinians feel that a 500-to-1 ratio is an acceptable exchange rate.

That's their call... not the Israelis... the Palestinians can stop this anytime they want to.

Slaughtering is the perfect word to describe Israeli killings as the majority are killed in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects, ss addressed in reports of human rights groups.
Ha ha ha. Does Hamas and other Islamic terrorists even wear uniforms or present themselves as having a military? No. The cowards hide behind masks and recruited child soldier / terrorists, and then celebrate their deaths.

Go ahead, show us a Hamas "military target" as opposed to civilian one. There is no such thing. The animals shoot rockets from the top of apartment buildings and hospitals.

You have nothing but garbage, lies, and false propaganda, Mahmoud Munnerlyn.
"...Slaughtering is the perfect word to describe Israeli killings as the majority are killed in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects, ss addressed in reports of human rights groups."
If the Israelis are intentionally targeting civilians with no regard for military targets, then, it is, indeed, slaughter.

If the Israelis are firing upon valid military targets that their enemy has intentionally embedded within civilian population centers, then those are legitimate collateral casualties of war.

And given that these so-called Rights Organizations go into these so-called Investigations with preconceived notions and predetermined verdicts and that they do not objectively collect and analyze data and eyewitness accounts from both sides nor give both sides equal weight in their so-called deliberations, it doesn't matter a damn what they say.

Merely declaring a verdict based upon a one-sided perspective does not render it thus.

Smart Vegas Money is on "legitimate collateral casualties of war' in nearly all (if not, indeed, all) instances.
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"...Slaughtering is the perfect word to describe Israeli killings as the majority are killed in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects, ss addressed in reports of human rights groups."
If the Israelis are intentionally targeting civilians with no regard for military targets, then, it is, indeed, slaughter.

If the Israelis are firing upon valid military targets that their enemy has intentionally embedded within civilian population centers, then those are legitimate collateral casualties of war.

And given that these so-called Rights Organizations go into these so-called Investigations with preconceived notions and predetermined verdicts and that they do not objectively collect and analyze data and eyewitness accounts from both sides nor give both sides equal weight in their so-called deliberations, it doesn't matter a damn what they say.

Merely declaring a verdict based upon a one-sided perspective does not render it thus.

Smart Vegas Money is on "legitimate collateral casualties of war' in nearly all (if not, indeed, all) instances.
"...You have nothing but garbage, lies, and false propaganda, Mahmoud Munnerlyn."
One need look no further than the failure of such folk to effectively engage on the subject of Hamas embedding their military assets on top of civilian population locations, to conclude that they, too, know that there is no effective defense for such embedding.

What was the word Aristotle used last night? 'Crickets'... time after time after time :laugh2:
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Most children Israel kills are unlawful targetings that violate the provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention. Slaughter is the correct word to use for these kind of killings that constitute war crimes. I fully expect the ICC shall be prosecuting Israeli officials for these crimes against humanity some day. There is no statute of limitations on these crimes.
Most children Israel kills are unlawful targetings that violate the provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention. Slaughter is the correct word to use for these kind of killings that constitute war crimes. I fully expect the ICC shall be prosecuting Israeli officials for these crimes against humanity some day. There is no statute of limitations on these crimes.
Well you should perhaps talk to Hamas about that, it's not Israel's fault Hamas doesn't value their own kids' life and turns them into child soldier terrorists. :cuckoo:



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Most children Israel kills are unlawful targetings that violate the provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention. Slaughter is the correct word to use for these kind of killings that constitute war crimes. I fully expect the ICC shall be prosecuting Israeli officials for these crimes against humanity some day. There is no statute of limitations on these crimes.
Stop Palestinian rocket fire into Israeli population centers, launched from sites intentionally embedded on top of Palestinian population centers, and the collateral casualties will stop. The Palestinians can stop the killing any time they wish, by not launching.
The fact Palestinians launch rockets does not justify unlawful killings of individuals not participating in the hostilities, to include children. Educate yourself a bit about the provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention.

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