Widely Denounced As Propaganda, al-Dura Rpt Calls Attn To 950 Other Child Killings

The fact Palestinians use kids to launch rockets from civilian areas at Israeli civilians justifies Israel to legally obliterate wherever the rockets are coming from. Educate yourself in the right of sovereign nations to defend themselves against hostile attacks against it's territory and civilian population. Fahmidi Khareh heyvoun?
The fact Palestinians launch rockets does not justify unlawful killings of individuals not participating in the hostilities, to include children. Educate yourself a bit about the provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention.
Repeat the lie often enough and long enough and loud enough and it becomes truth: The Josef Goebbels School of Advanced Marketing
Did l'il Philsy identify the "half a dozen or more human rights groups" which" have found Israeli Forces killed " all those children?

And who is overseeing these 'HR groups'? How, exactly, does anyone have any surety that they are any more honest and unbiased than the Israeli investigators or anyone else?

Those are not merely idle questions. If I'm supposed to take someone else's word as accurate, I want to know EXACTLY what their procedures are, and EXACTLY how their 'statistics' are verified.

What is there to prevent these 'HR groups' from simply recording every single allegation of wrong-doing as an actual incident of such? Who validates their results, who checks up on what they claim?
The fact Palestinians launch rockets does not justify unlawful killings of individuals not participating in the hostilities, to include children. Educate yourself a bit about the provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention.

I think you are the one needing the education.
Lipush, I think that last one is a Loinieism...... It's all part of the 'I think Israel should never have existed, so let's cheer for its destruction - never mind who gets murdered' school of international relations : ((
Is the boy dead or not?

Did the Palestinians bury an empty coffin?

I would imagine it would be rather difficult to hide a living teenager who is supposed to be dead.

I suppose the Palestinians could always exhume the coffin and open it.

It there is the body of a 12-year-old boy inside, and DNA samples prove his identity, and if a fresh examination of the remains can confirm that Israeli munitions were probably responsible for his death, then, that will settle one question.

But even if (a) the boy is dead and (b) he did die from Israeli munitions, we're still left with the question of (c) why did Israeli munitions hit him?

Intentional? Accidental? Collateral casualty from a legitimate firefight? Mistake? Other?

Palestinian and Human Rights NPO protestations or findings to the contrary, we don't genuinely know the answer to that question just yet, do we?
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The boy Muhammad Al Dura is dead and his death has been investigated by multiple human rights groups who reached findings Israel killed him, such as Btselem. Disgusting reading all this Israeli propaganda trying to whitewash the cold blooded murder of a 12 year old Palestinian child. An illustration of the depravity of Israel, I hear the word Israel and know it means a baby killing nation, that is first and foremost what Israel shows herself to the world she is! And she keeps on with daily crimes against the child in Palestine to keep showing the world who she is, a nation who finds joy in abusing Palestinian Gentile children. Disgusting. The depths of depravity for children seem to have no limits, no bounds. I think I am going to make copies of Muhammad and his father and post them publicly all over my town, and they need to stay publicly posted everywhere until the abuses against children and US support of the Occupation and these human rights abuses against children end.
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The boy Muhammad Al Dura is dead and his death has been investigated by multiple human rights groups who reached findings Israel killed him, such as Btselem. Disgusting reading all this Israeli propaganda trying to whitewash the cold blooded murder of a 12 year old Palestinian child. An illustration of the depravity of Israel, I hear the word Israel and know it means a baby killing nation, that is first and foremost what Israel shows herself to the world she is! And she keeps on with daily crimes against the child in Palestine to keep showing the world who she is, a nation who finds joy in abusing Palestinian Gentile children. Disgusting. The depths of depravity for children seem to have no limits, no bounds. I think I am going to make copies of Muhammad and his father and post them publicly all over my town, and they need to stay publicly posted everywhere until the abuses against children and US support of the Occupation and these human rights abuses against children end.
Well, guys, I think your speculation about multiple people blogging on the account is probably accurate. It seems like we go from Functional Competency with English to Atrocious Grammer and Syntax at the drop of a hat... :dance:
The boy Muhammad Al Dura is dead and his death has been investigated by multiple human rights groups who reached findings Israel killed him, such as Btselem. Disgusting reading all this Israeli propaganda trying to whitewash the cold blooded murder of a 12 year old Palestinian child. An illustration of the depravity of Israel, I hear the word Israel and know it means a baby killing nation, that is first and foremost what Israel shows herself to the world she is! And she keeps on with daily crimes against the child in Palestine to keep showing the world who she is, a nation who finds joy in abusing Palestinian Gentile children. Disgusting. The depths of depravity for children seem to have no limits, no bounds. I think I am going to make copies of Muhammad and his father and post them publicly all over my town, and they need to stay publicly posted everywhere until the abuses against children and US support of the Occupation and these human rights abuses against children end.
Well you go ahead and do just that. We know that in your town mainly inhabited by Christians you will not post anything around town about all the Christians (along with Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Muslims of different sects, etc.) who are being murdered by your friends. As long as your friends are doing the murdering and the Jews are not involved for you to blame, everything is honky dory with you. While Frau Sherri is shedding her tears, the friends and relatives of those children murdered by Frau Sherri's friends are shedding their tears and mourning. Meanwhile, as Frau Sherri is busyily running around her town, maybe we all should be running around out towns and tells about the Christian children Frau Sherri's friends are busy murdering.
Muhammad al-Dura and Israel's obsession with the propaganda war

"A report suggesting the death of the boy may have been faked was all spin, disregarding Palestinian testimony...." Muhammad al-Dura and Israel's obsession with the propaganda war | Rachel Shabi. Projection has been dicussed as a possible reason for reports like this, Israel cannot face the truth about her crimes against children and her response to her own crimes is to project them onto the Palestinians. Kind of sad, watching what Occupation does to and makes of a nation and a people. As for me, this propaganda report has instilled/imprinted the name of Muhammad Al Dura and how Israel killled him forever in my consciousness. The stories of the children Israel is killing and abusing, not one day goes by but these stories are in the news being disseminated all over the internet to the world.
"Muhammad Jamal Muhammad a-Durah12 year-old resident of al-Bureij R.C., Deir al-Balah district, killed on 30.09.2000 in Netzarim Junction, Deir al-Balah district, by live ammunition. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during clashes. His father tried to protect him with his body." B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities
"Muhammad Jamal Muhammad a-Durah12 year-old resident of al-Bureij R.C., Deir al-Balah district, killed on 30.09.2000 in Netzarim Junction, Deir al-Balah district, by live ammunition. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during clashes. His father tried to protect him with his body." B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities
Now how do we know that your beloved "biased against Israel" group didn't investigate to see if it was a bullet from a Palestinian's gun who killed this boy (if he is actually dead)? After all, there was an incident where a boy was killed by a bullet in his own home, and right away the family blamed the Israelis. It later turned out that an uncle was shooting from the home and a bullet ricocheted.
"Muhammad Jamal Muhammad a-Durah12 year-old resident of al-Bureij R.C., Deir al-Balah district, killed on 30.09.2000 in Netzarim Junction, Deir al-Balah district, by live ammunition. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during clashes. His father tried to protect him with his body." B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities
Now how do we know that your beloved "biased against Israel" group didn't investigate to see if it was a bullet from a Palestinian's gun who killed this boy (if he is actually dead)? After all, there was an incident where a boy was killed by a bullet in his own home, and right away the family blamed the Israelis. It later turned out that an uncle was shooting from the home and a bullet ricocheted.

I will leave propaganda and urban legends for you Zionists, I will accept findings of the the human rights groups.
"30September 2000Muhammad Jamal Muhammad al-Durrah, 12,*of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza,*killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen and chest as his father tried to protect him during a demonstration at Netzarim Junction.Nizar Mahmoud Hasan Aida, 16,*of Deir Ammar refugee camp,*killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration at Ayosh Junction.Khaled Adli Bassem al-Bazyan, 14,*of Nablus,*killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration on the Nablus-Ramallah road." Remember These Children 2000 Memorial Israel murdered three Palestinian children on September 30, 2000, all killed from gunfire to the abdomen. I cannot wait for the day when Israeli baby killers are tried by the ICC or another authority for these child killings. There is no statute of limitations for war crimes.
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Reporters Without Borders on the Israeli al-Dura investigation: ‘the nature and substance of this report are questionable and give the impression of a smear operation’

by*Adam Horowitz*on May 22, 2013* "The Israeli report, which is very critical of*France 2’s staff, was produced by a committee consisting of representatives of various ministries, the police and the Israel Defence Forces. It was appointed by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu last September.“While the Israeli government has the right to respond publicly to a media report it regards as damaging, the nature and substance of this report are questionable and give the impression of a smear operation,” Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Christophe Deloire said.“As regards the substance, Charles Enderlin has always said he would be ready to testify to a commission of enquiry in conditions that guaranteed impartiality and independence. These conditions were not respected, and Enderlin was not asked to testify. Nor was he asked to provide his unused footage of the incident." Reporters Without Borders on the Israeli al-Dura investigation: 'the nature and substance of this report are questionable and give the impression of a smear operation'
Israel's focus on al-Dura is harmful propaganda

"The report released on the death of Mohammed al-Dura doesn’t lift the fog off the case, if there ever was any. Instead, it raises a more painful issue: the many young people killed by IDF soldiers during the second intifada."

Haaretz Editorial*| 05:59 21.05.13 |**21 Israel's focus on al-Dura is harmful propaganda - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Repeat a lie enough times, and people will begin to believe it. I guess Arabs learned this well from the Nazi teachers.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

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