Widely Denounced As Propaganda, al-Dura Rpt Calls Attn To 950 Other Child Killings

Poor sherriKKK: you don't get to decide who's a 'real' Jew any more than you do who's a 'real' Wiccan, as you're equally ignorant of what either religious paradigm entails.

I have no respect for Falk: you idolize him. FACT.

I acknowledge I am not the judge of Wiccan Jews like you, I really do not want to be a part of that. I, the one called Jew hater by you and others here, admire and respect a Jew named Richard Falk. That I acknowledge to be true. And back to the thread and Richard Falk, who was brought up because of his statements about Israels attacks on civilians in Gaza, here, in my next post, he addresses how valid criticism of Israel is wrongly called Anti Semitism.
"It is important not to allow Zionist propaganda to make us believe that being critical of Israel is tantamount to anti-semitism, and hostility to Jews as a religious and ethnic minority in this country and elsewhere. Because anti-semitism did produce such horrible historical abuses of Jews it is a cruel and opportunistic tactic to mislead public opinion in this manner. Not only Jews, but all of us must learn, that we are*human**before we are Jews, or any other ethnicity. I am Jewish, but it is more important to privilege human interests, and to avoid the narrow partisanship of tribal loyalties. If we are to survive on this crowded planet we must learn, in the words of W.H. Auden, “to love another or die.” It would be odd if as citizens of the United States we were to refrain criticizing the government in Washington because we didn’t want to make Americans feel uncomfortable. At this stage, we have an obligation to make those who shield Israel from criticism to feel uncomfortable not because they are Jewish but because they are being complicit in the commission of crimes against a vulnerable people that have long endured unimaginable levels of abuse." Divestment at UCSB |
"It is important not to allow Zionist propaganda to make us believe..."
It is important not to allow Arab-Muslim-Palestinian propaganda to poison our minds.

Had the Palestinians (and 5 neighboring Arab countries with huge armies) not attacked Israel in 1948 on the day of their Independence and had the Arabs not convinced their Palestinian brethren to abandon their lands in hopes of redeeming all and driving the Jews into the Mediterranean and then losing the war and abandoning the Palestinians in their refugee camps, none of this would be happening today.

Had the Palestinians compromised and settled for a middle-ground as proposed by the Israelis on multiple occasions between 1848 and the run-up to the 1967 Six Day War, we would already have a two-state solution and none of this would be happening today.

Had the neighboring Arab countries not undertaken a massive military buildup along their borders with Israel and therefore scared the Israelis into hitting them before they could flood across the borders, the 1967 Six Day War would not have unfolded, Israel would not have taken the Golan nor Jerusalem, and none of this would be happening today.

But we're long-since past that... the time to negotiate is long-past... the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity... welcome to your consequences.
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"...I...admire and respect a Jew named Richard Falk..."
That's funny... the Jews don't admire and respect Richard Falk... nor do the Americans, who want this anti-Semite fired from his UN job for disseminating anti-Semitic propaganda. But... of course you admire and respect him... given that he's really an ex-Jew and half-senile Arab-loving liberal academician and that he climbed into bed with Hamas years ago.

Color me surprised...
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"...Bullshit ! It is the same tactic we used to take America from Native Americans. Blame their deaths on their savagery while stealing their land."
I did not know that we launched airstrikes and armored-vehicle sorties against Native American (Indian) rocket launchers and operational bases that had been hitting our people.

But, as a related aside, if you feel that strongly about Indian-folk lands, you should probably act rather than talk about morality and give the Native Americans your house and lands to compensate for their loss.

After all, you are living on that land, and reaping the benefits of having conquered it from them, so, that makes you highly culpable, right?

Purge yourself of this great sin... give your land back to the original owners... the Natives... you'll feel better in the morning.

Oh... you are also welcome to enlist in Hamas or Hezbollah as a Dhimmi Legionary any time the spirit moves you.

I'm sure the IDF could use the belly-laugh.

Weapons may have changed but propaganda has not...I have no power to give the Native Americans back their land.
"...Weapons may have changed but propaganda has not...I have no power to give the Native Americans back their land."
I do not recall us saying that we were taking Native land because they were attacking us.

I recall us saying that we were taking Native land because we needed and wanted it and that it was our Manifest Destiny to rule this continent.

Rather unattractive by today's standards, mind you, but honest, and not exactly what I'd call propaganda, other than to psych people to Go West and Conquer for the sake of conquering, not because we were being attacked.

Hope that helps to clear the air a bit on that Cowboys-and-Indians propaganda thingey...

Oh, and... you might not have the power to give the Natives back ALL their land...

But you DO have the power to give them back the little piece that YOU live on...

So... what are you waiting for?

Will you not put your Moral Convictions to the test and give back that which you CAN?

Let us know when you've signed-over the title to your property gratis (as a gift) to the nearest tribal council, 'K?

Go thou and seek truth...
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"It is important not to allow Zionist propaganda to make us believe..."
It is important not to allow Arab-Muslim-Palestinian propaganda to poison our minds.

Had the Palestinians (and 5 neighboring Arab countries with huge armies) not attacked Israel in 1948 on the day of their Independence and had the Arabs not convinced their Palestinian brethren to abandon their lands in hopes of redeeming all and driving the Jews into the Mediterranean and then losing the war and abandoning the Palestinians in their refugee camps, none of this would be happening today.

Had the Palestinians compromised and settled for a middle-ground as proposed by the Israelis on multiple occasions between 1848 and the run-up to the 1967 Six Day War, we would already have a two-state solution and none of this would be happening today.

Had the neighboring Arab countries not undertaken a massive military buildup along their borders with Israel and therefore scared the Israelis into hitting them before they could flood across the borders, the 1967 Six Day War would not have unfolded, Israel would not have taken the Golan nor Jerusalem, and none of this would be happening today.

But we're long-since past that... the time to negotiate is long-past... the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity... welcome to your consequences.

Had the Palestinians (and 5 neighboring Arab countries with huge armies) not attacked Israel in 1948

Post a 1948 map of Israel showing where these Arab armies crossed the border into Israel.
"Child killings". You have to translate Islamic gibberish. These are usually 14 to 18 year olds recruited by Hamas and other terrorist organizations to be Jihadis, and end up being taken out when they attack the Israelis.

Roudy, there was an autralian woman on a youtube video that said the age was 10. She was weeping during the video and said she was shocked to learn that the Hamas started using children as soldiers at age 10. She said when she asked the palestinian about how many children are used as warriors at age 10 they told her "All of Them"...

Hossfly put that story up a month or so ago. Do you remember that?
What does everyone think of Kerry's peace initiative? Keep in mind that Israel proper was admitted as a UN member state in 1949, and extreme positions like Tinmore's will keep Netanyahus in and Livnis out. More ppl on both sides will keep dying.
What does everyone think of Kerry's peace initiative? Keep in mind that Israel proper was admitted as a UN member state in 1949, and extreme positions like Tinmore's will keep Netanyahus in and Livnis out. More ppl on both sides will keep dying.

Kerry will come and go accomplishing nothing like all of his predecessors.
"...Weapons may have changed but propaganda has not...I have no power to give the Native Americans back their land."
I do not recall us saying that we were taking Native land because they were attacking us.

I recall us saying that we were taking Native land because we needed and wanted it and that it was our Manifest Destiny to rule this continent.

Rather unattractive by today's standards, mind you, but honest, and not exactly what I'd call propaganda, other than to psych people to Go West and Conquer for the sake of conquering, not because we were being attacked.

Hope that helps to clear the air a bit on that Cowboys-and-Indians propaganda thingey...

Oh, and... you might not have the power to give the Natives back ALL their land...

But you DO have the power to give them back the little piece that YOU live on...

So... what are you waiting for?

Will you not put your Moral Convictions to the test and give back that which you CAN?

Let us know when you've signed-over the title to your property gratis (as a gift) to the nearest tribal council, 'K?

Go thou and seek truth...

The government(banks) owns all property. But if Native Americans want my debt and to pay the government rent(taxes) they are more than welcome to it...

Propaganda is used to demonize and justify... Israel has it's own BS "Manifest Destiny" it is called God gave us the land because we are the "chosen people".
"...Post a 1948 map of Israel showing where these Arab armies crossed the border into Israel."
The Jews declared the State of Israel with land-borders defined by the UN Partition Plan of 1947...


They did not wait for an intransigent U.N. to declare a State in areas of Palestine dominated by Jews.

They declared the existence of a new country on those Jewish-dominated lands in accord with the previously submitted UN Plan.

They needed no one's permission to do so.

The split-second that they declared their Independence they became a country with definable borders.

The Old Legalities and Patient Waiting Forever for Nothing to Happen for the Jews went flying right out the window.

The Arabs did not like that and massed armies to attacked the newborn state.


It does not matter that the Palestinians or the Arabs did not approve.

The issue was decided on the battlefield by force of arms.

The Arabs lost.

The Israelis won.

The battlefield has an odd way of clearing-up such silly things as Old Legalities.

And dwelling on Old Legalities for 65 years again and again and again and again and expecting a different outcome each time is not - shall we say - a lucid, coherent approach.

It really doesn't matter.

Vae victus.
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"...Post a 1948 map of Israel showing where these Arab armies crossed the border into Israel."
The Jews declared the State of Israel with land-borders defined by the UN Partition Plan of 1947...


They did not wait for an intransigent U.N. to declare a State in areas of Palestine dominated by Jews.

They declared the existence of a new country on those Jewish-dominated lands in accord with the previously submitted UN Plan.

They needed no one's permission to do so.

The split-second that they declared their Independence they became a country with definable borders.

The Old Legalities and Patient Waiting Forever for Nothing to Happen for the Jews went flying right out the window.

The Arabs did not like that and massed armies to attacked the newborn state.


It does not matter that the Palestinians or the Arabs did not approve.

The issue was decided on the battlefield by force of arms.

The Arabs lost.

The Israelis won.

The battlefield has an odd way of clearing-up such silly things as Old Legalities.

And dwelling on Old Legalities for 65 years again and again and again and again and expecting a different outcome each time is not - shall we say - a lucid, coherent approach.

It really doesn't matter.

Vae victus.

That is a 1948 map of Palestine. Where is Israel?

The Arabs lost.

No they didn't. That is just another Israeli lie. An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody lost that war.
"...The government(banks) owns all property. But if Native Americans want my debt and to pay the government rent(taxes) they are more than welcome to it..."
I'm sure the Natives can pay-off your mortgage using Casino money and then cut a deal with the Feds to make your place Tribal Land, so, don't worry about them... time to put your money where your mouth is... time to act from your moral convictions, and to give back to the Natives that which it is in your power to give... spare us the excuses... let us know when you've signed-over that title, 'K?
"...The government(banks) owns all property. But if Native Americans want my debt and to pay the government rent(taxes) they are more than welcome to it..."
I'm sure the Natives can pay-off your mortgage using Casino money and then cut a deal with the Feds to make your place Tribal Land, so, don't worry about them... time to put your money where your mouth is... time to act from your moral convictions, and to give back to the Natives that which it is in your power to give... spare us the excuses... let us know when you've signed-over that title, 'K?

Exactly, most of the ppl here are HYPOCRITES.
The Arabs lost.
No they didn't. That is just another Israeli lie. An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody lost that war.
Correction: The Arabs lost their bid to wipe-out the new State of Israel, attributable to Israeli force of arms on the battlefield.

Translation: The Arabs lost.

Correction: the Israelis won their bid to establish the new State of Israel, attributable to Israeli force of arms on the battlefield.

Translation: The Israelis won.

Just as good.
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The Arabs lost.
No they didn't. That is just another Israeli lie. An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody lost that war.
Correction: The Arabs lost their bid to wipe-out the new State of Israel, attributable to Israeli force of arms on the battlefield.

Translation: The Arabs lost.

Correction: the Israelis won their bid to establish the new State of Israel, attributable to Israeli force of arms on the battlefield.

Translation: The Israelis won.

Just as good.

The Arabs did not lose, therefore Israel won nothing.
"...The government(banks) owns all property. But if Native Americans want my debt and to pay the government rent(taxes) they are more than welcome to it..."
I'm sure the Natives can pay-off your mortgage using Casino money and then cut a deal with the Feds to make your place Tribal Land, so, don't worry about them... time to put your money where your mouth is... time to act from your moral convictions, and to give back to the Natives that which it is in your power to give... spare us the excuses... let us know when you've signed-over that title, 'K?

Exactly, most of the ppl here are HYPOCRITES.

How in the fuck can you make a judgment any one is a hypocrite here?

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