Widely Denounced As Propaganda, al-Dura Rpt Calls Attn To 950 Other Child Killings

"Operation Cast Lead was not a war, it was a civilian massacre operation by an Occupier of the civilian population in Occupied Gaza..."

Yeppers... and I'm the Easter Bunny... ol' Peter Cottontail hisself...
hippity-hoppity Easter's on its way...

A serviceable summary on the Gaza War (Operation Cast Lead) may be found on the obligatory Wiki page on the subject...

Gaza War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...so, apparently, there exists another viable school of thought, as to whether it was a War or a Massacre...

Perhaps it just FELT like a massacre, considering how badly the Palestinians got their asses kicked... again...

lol, your source is Wikipedia. Can you not do better then that? What these military operations are are attacks on the civilian population in Occupied Gaza and they always kill mostly defenseless civilians.
"There is no question in my mind..."

Raji Sourani, the Palestinian Human Rights Attorney?

Richard Falk, a lapsed Jewish Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton, past 80, and so anti-Jewish that he published anti-semitic cartoons and was slapped-down by an agency at the UN for doing so, and Falk apologized for going overboard...

Yeah... a Palestinian Attorney and an anti-Semitic ex-Jew... yeah... that's the ticket.

Real credibility, there...

Now THAT's entertainment...
"lol, your source is Wikipedia..."
Indeed. Unlike you, ferreting-out obscure pseudo-fact on the subject is not my life's work...

If what is recorded in the article is substantially incorrect, feel free to point that out...

Meanwhile, its content demonstrates that others view it as a War, not a Massacre...

Close enough...
Richard Falk is the UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine and an intl law expert with a lifetime of experience in intl law. What expertise do you have in intl law? You are the joke here.
"lol, your source is Wikipedia..."
Indeed. Unlike you, ferreting-out obscure pseudo-fact on the subject is not my life's work...

If what is recorded in the article is substantially incorrect, feel free to point that out...

Meanwhile, its content demonstrates that others view it as a War, not a Massacre...

Close enough...

Wikipedia is not a valid source for anything. It is sources they rely on that have credibility. Israel calls CL a military operation.
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"Richard Falk is the UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine"

Special Rapporteur... is that like a wine-taster?

Hey... putting an anti-Semitic ex-Jew in as Law Review for action in Palestine... now there's objectivity for ya...

And in-bed with the Palestinians, no less...

That's right up there with the UN putting Libya on the UN Human Rights Council...

Two words for all that...

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"Richard Falk is the UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine"

Special Rapporteur... is that like a wine-taster?

Hey... putting an anti-Semitic ex-Jew in as Law Review for action in Palestine... now there's objectivity for ya...

And in-bed with the Palestinians, no less...

That's right up there with the UN putting Libya on the UN Human Rights Council...

Two words for all that...


Richard Falk is a Jewish American, he does not lose his Jewishness just because he has a conscience and because he discoses and documents and discusses Israels violations of intl law and human rights abuses In his position as Special Rapporteur with the UN.
"...Richard Falk is a Jewish American, he does not lose his Jewishness just because he has a conscience and because he discoses and documents and discusses Israels violations of intl law and human rights abuses In his position as Special Rapporteur with the UN."
Falk is a tired old Arab-Muslim shill in the guise of an ex-Jew...

A full write-up on this International Creature and Islamist Apologist may be found in the obligatory Wiki article...

Richard A. Falk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...including him almost losing his UN job over his anti-Semitism.

Yeah... there's a really credible and objective Interpreter of Law... :razz:

Pull the other one, and, better luck next time...

But thank you for playing, anyway...
You just cannot do better than WIkipedia, lmao at you. Well, RIchard Falk was a law Professor for many years and he has a lifetime of exprience specializing in intl law. I know of noone with more experience in inl law then him. Your attempts to assasinate his character fail miserably. Better luck next time.
I consider being called an Anti Semite as a badge of honor. All of us people of conscience who dare to speak out against the Occupation have it regularly flung at us. I expect Richard Falk feels much the same.
"Richard Falk is the UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine"

Special Rapporteur... is that like a wine-taster?

Hey... putting an anti-Semitic ex-Jew in as Law Review for action in Palestine... now there's objectivity for ya...

And in-bed with the Palestinians, no less...

That's right up there with the UN putting Libya on the UN Human Rights Council...

Two words for all that...


Richard Falk is a Jewish American, he does not lose his Jewishness just because he has a conscience and because he discoses and documents and discusses Israels violations of intl law and human rights abuses In his position as Special Rapporteur with the UN.

Falk didn't lose his Jewishness: he shit all over it and tossed it into the garbage.
Speaking of people who post about topics they are completely ignorant of......the l'il sherriKKKunt doesn't know a single thing about Jews or Judaism other than the filthy lies she posts on here.

Nor does the l'il pious pustule know anything about having a conscience, or a heart. All she can do is spit venom about Israel, Zionists and Jews.......and pimp American-thing terrorists.
Special Rapporteur... is that like a wine-taster?

Hey... putting an anti-Semitic ex-Jew in as Law Review for action in Palestine... now there's objectivity for ya...

And in-bed with the Palestinians, no less...

That's right up there with the UN putting Libya on the UN Human Rights Council...

Two words for all that...


Richard Falk is a Jewish American, he does not lose his Jewishness just because he has a conscience and because he discoses and documents and discusses Israels violations of intl law and human rights abuses In his position as Special Rapporteur with the UN.

Falk didn't lose his Jewishness: he shit all over it and tossed it into the garbage.
Speaking of people who post about topics they are completely ignorant of......the l'il sherriKKKunt doesn't know a single thing about Jews or Judaism other than the filthy lies she posts on here.

Nor does the l'il pious pustule know anything about having a conscience, or a heart. All she can do is spit venom about Israel, Zionists and Jews.......and pimp American-thing terrorists.

All that Hostility convinces me you are very jealous of Richard Falk. He, unlike you, is a real Jew with a real heart and a real conscience. He is not counterfeit and filled with only Hasbara Zionist Propaganda. Richard Falk is a man with principle willing to speak out for human rights of all, for which he is constantly personally attacked and demonized. The man is in his 80s and he continues in his volunteer unpaid position as UN Special Rapporteur. Why? Because he cares about intl law and human rights and wants to see an Occupation that is harmful for the occupiers and the occupied end. A man with the integrity and courage of RIchard Falk is certainly rare in our world today. He illustrates the good humanity can produce. And he certainly has been speaking out against crimes against humanity of Israel like crimes against civilians and children and hunger strike prisoners, mostly on his blog. Sherri
"...Slaughtering is the perfect word to describe Israeli killings as the majority are killed in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects, ss addressed in reports of human rights groups."
If the Israelis are intentionally targeting civilians with no regard for military targets, then, it is, indeed, slaughter.

If the Israelis are firing upon valid military targets that their enemy has intentionally embedded within civilian population centers, then those are legitimate collateral casualties of war.

And given that these so-called Rights Organizations go into these so-called Investigations with preconceived notions and predetermined verdicts and that they do not objectively collect and analyze data and eyewitness accounts from both sides nor give both sides equal weight in their so-called deliberations, it doesn't matter a damn what they say.

Merely declaring a verdict based upon a one-sided perspective does not render it thus.

Smart Vegas Money is on "legitimate collateral casualties of war' in nearly all (if not, indeed, all) instances.

Bullshit ! It is the same tactic we used to take America from Native Americans. Blame their deaths on their savagery while stealing their land.
Colonialism is not acceptable as it once was in our world. The UN Charter makes it unlawful. And targeting civilians that includes children is also unlawful, made unlawful by intl treaties.
Colonialism is not acceptable as it once was in our world. The UN Charter makes it unlawful. And targeting civilians that includes children is also unlawful, made unlawful by intl treaties.

Which of course makes EVERY rocket fired from Gaza into Israel equally illegal..... and those who don't excoriate HAMAS for those attacks hypocrites ad possibly bigots.
Poor sherriKKK: you don't get to decide who's a 'real' Jew any more than you do who's a 'real' Wiccan, as you're equally ignorant of what either religious paradigm entails.

I have no respect for Falk: you idolize him. FACT.
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Colonialism is not acceptable as it once was in our world. The UN Charter makes it unlawful. And targeting civilians that includes children is also unlawful, made unlawful by intl treaties.

Which of course makes EVERY rocket fired from Gaza into Israel equally illegal..... and those who don't excoriate HAMAS for those attacks hypocrites ad possibly bigots.

But those rockets fired into Israel have not killed 1519 children, that includes a 12 year old child named Muhammad Al Dura, whose killing Israel is still trying to whitewash as evidenced by the OP in this thread. Sherri
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"...Slaughtering is the perfect word to describe Israeli killings as the majority are killed in unlawful targetings of civilians and civilian objects, ss addressed in reports of human rights groups."
If the Israelis are intentionally targeting civilians with no regard for military targets, then, it is, indeed, slaughter.

If the Israelis are firing upon valid military targets that their enemy has intentionally embedded within civilian population centers, then those are legitimate collateral casualties of war.

And given that these so-called Rights Organizations go into these so-called Investigations with preconceived notions and predetermined verdicts and that they do not objectively collect and analyze data and eyewitness accounts from both sides nor give both sides equal weight in their so-called deliberations, it doesn't matter a damn what they say.

Merely declaring a verdict based upon a one-sided perspective does not render it thus.

Smart Vegas Money is on "legitimate collateral casualties of war' in nearly all (if not, indeed, all) instances.

Bullshit ! It is the same tactic we used to take America from Native Americans. Blame their deaths on their savagery while stealing their land.

Why should Israelis be abused for what Europeans did? How is that 'fair'?
"...Bullshit ! It is the same tactic we used to take America from Native Americans. Blame their deaths on their savagery while stealing their land."
I did not know that we launched airstrikes and armored-vehicle sorties against Native American (Indian) rocket launchers and operational bases that had been hitting our people.

But, as a related aside, if you feel that strongly about Indian-folk lands, you should probably act rather than talk about morality and give the Native Americans your house and lands to compensate for their loss.

After all, you are living on that land, and reaping the benefits of having conquered it from them, so, that makes you highly culpable, right?

Purge yourself of this great sin... give your land back to the original owners... the Natives... you'll feel better in the morning.

Oh... you are also welcome to enlist in Hamas or Hezbollah as a Dhimmi Legionary any time the spirit moves you.

I'm sure the IDF could use the belly-laugh.
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