Wife of California Governor Complains: ‘We Run Out of Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, and Kleenex Tomorr

Why do you want people that had the foresight to be prepared come to harm?

not being political here -- the big gripe that I have seen is that many on fixed incomes, especially the folks that wait on SS checks to get the daily essentials they need, are in a precarious position with the panic buying and hording going on

the essentials that they need, and more importantly, cannot afford to replenish until their monthly income comes in, is gone because of the selfishness of others

it is a real problem

and THIS is why I have zero sympathy for the fabulously wealthy wife of California's governor...
those damn SS bastards!
Why do you want people that had the foresight to be prepared come to harm?

not being political here -- the big gripe that I have seen is that many on fixed incomes, especially the folks that wait on SS checks to get the daily essentials they need, are in a precarious position with the panic buying and hording going on

the essentials that they need, and more importantly, cannot afford to replenish until their monthly income comes in, is gone because of the selfishness of others

it is a real problem

and THIS is why I have zero sympathy for the fabulously wealthy wife of California's governor...
those damn SS bastards!
speaking of which; my wife just showed me a facebook post where a cocksucking soi boy is tagging police with pictures of a business open

I hate people sometimes...
Seems to me that she's just another Mom, trying to take care of her family.
yeah, I don't have any sympathy for her...

Wife of California Governor Complains: ‘We Run Out of Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, and Kleenex Tomorrow’

(CNSNews.com) - Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the actress wife of Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom, sent out a tweet on Wednesday complaining that “we run out of toilet paper, paper towels, and Kleenex tomorrow.”

You article is one big fat lie.

you didn't read it did you??????

…….the TWEET she sent DID say that...…..regardless of the blog opinion
I went to a couple of stores yesterday and saw there were almost no bottled water left -- and absolutely no TP --- I was ticked off too....

but I am sure the governor's wife will find TP somewhere else just like I did.....but I don't see a reason to have scorn for her about it....

Wasn't you morons whining just a few days ago because of how the "Democrat hoax" has led people to buying up all of the TP??
/—-/ The DemocRAT hoax created this nightmare.
Seems to me that she's just another Mom, trying to take care of her family.
....the Dems like her husband created the problem by overcrowding their state with immigrants and illegal immigrants
Cali is almost 4th highest in poverty and one of the highest pricey states to live in..more workers/people = prices high---wages low
..LA's schools were/are over crowded
they should take in MORE illegals
Seems to me that she's just another Mom, trying to take care of her family.
fk her---her and her husband and the Dems there PROTECT illegals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are like a lot of Dems--they LOVE criminals and hate law and order
fk them
..that's what she gets for her husband allowing THOUSANDS of illegals there--protecting them!!!!!!!
You article is one big fat lie.

you didn't read it did you??????

…….the TWEET she sent DID say that...…..regardless of the blog opinion
I went to a couple of stores yesterday and saw there were almost no bottled water left -- and absolutely no TP --- I was ticked off too....

but I am sure the governor's wife will find TP somewhere else just like I did.....but I don't see a reason to have scorn for her about it....

Wasn't you morons whining just a few days ago because of how the "Democrat hoax" has led people to buying up all of the TP??

I just think it's kinda funny how those in power are now on the same playing field as the rest of us.

Those who spend too much time on message boards arguing every point & aspect of the news of the day and have to hash & rehash it are boring and stupid, regardless of their politics. I don't think the virus itself is a hoax, but I don't understand the overhype that creates the panic & hoarding. So if you're talking that part as a hoax, maybe so. Cause nothing I've seen yet has justified the overreaction by the press or the masses.

Sure I'm not happy about the empty store shelves either and think it's ridiculous and SMH over it. I also wonder how those hoarders are going to feel with umpteen cases of TP, and food when all this is over and life goes back to normal and they find out how they've kept all their supply from others that really needed it & didn't have it. I can only hope they're sensitive enough to others they have some regret for their greed and foolishness.
They'll feel like they were prepared and the shortsighted people weren't.

Are you sayin YOU are one of those greedy bastids????? :1peleas:
No I'm saying I was prepared. When we went shopping we bought normal amounts.
Seems to me that she's just another Mom, trying to take care of her family.
/—-/ You seriously think the Governor’s wife worries about house hold items in the Gov’s mansion?

I doubt she was lying about it when she made the tweet. Just because I disagree with her husbands politics doesn't make me hate her (or anyone else). There are plenty of things to criticize about Gavin Newsom, his wife's innocuous tweets aren't one of them.
you didn't read it did you??????

…….the TWEET she sent DID say that...…..regardless of the blog opinion
I went to a couple of stores yesterday and saw there were almost no bottled water left -- and absolutely no TP --- I was ticked off too....

but I am sure the governor's wife will find TP somewhere else just like I did.....but I don't see a reason to have scorn for her about it....

Wasn't you morons whining just a few days ago because of how the "Democrat hoax" has led people to buying up all of the TP??

I just think it's kinda funny how those in power are now on the same playing field as the rest of us.

Those who spend too much time on message boards arguing every point & aspect of the news of the day and have to hash & rehash it are boring and stupid, regardless of their politics. I don't think the virus itself is a hoax, but I don't understand the overhype that creates the panic & hoarding. So if you're talking that part as a hoax, maybe so. Cause nothing I've seen yet has justified the overreaction by the press or the masses.

Sure I'm not happy about the empty store shelves either and think it's ridiculous and SMH over it. I also wonder how those hoarders are going to feel with umpteen cases of TP, and food when all this is over and life goes back to normal and they find out how they've kept all their supply from others that really needed it & didn't have it. I can only hope they're sensitive enough to others they have some regret for their greed and foolishness.
They'll feel like they were prepared and the shortsighted people weren't.

Are you sayin YOU are one of those greedy bastids????? :1peleas:
No I'm saying I was prepared. When we went shopping we bought normal amounts.

Sooooo 14 cases???

Or you're like me and have a few extras at all times....not just cause the media starts a panic
The woman is just gonna have to bow down and swallow her pride.....whassis name ?
yeah, I don't have any sympathy for her...

Wife of California Governor Complains: ‘We Run Out of Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, and Kleenex Tomorrow’

(CNSNews.com) - Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the actress wife of Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom, sent out a tweet on Wednesday complaining that “we run out of toilet paper, paper towels, and Kleenex tomorrow.”

I'm telling you , you republicans go to extremes , anything to dish on democrats. You must read through all democratic sites to find and post anything, and everything.

And for you to post it here, a democrat ran out of toilet paper, and you think its current news. It belongs in the Rubber Room, where my post just went to.
you republicans go to extremes , anything to dish on democrats
thats funny,they say the same about your party.....you guys are so much alike its unreal...lol..
yeah, I don't have any sympathy for her...

Wife of California Governor Complains: ‘We Run Out of Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, and Kleenex Tomorrow’

(CNSNews.com) - Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the actress wife of Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom, sent out a tweet on Wednesday complaining that “we run out of toilet paper, paper towels, and Kleenex tomorrow.”
Why not? Obviously she didn't run out and buy hoards of it or she wouldn't be out. Doesn't sound like she did anything wrong.
yeah, I don't have any sympathy for her...

Wife of California Governor Complains: ‘We Run Out of Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, and Kleenex Tomorrow’

(CNSNews.com) - Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the actress wife of Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom, sent out a tweet on Wednesday complaining that “we run out of toilet paper, paper towels, and Kleenex tomorrow.”

Yeah, not buying Governor Newsom's family is running out of anything. :eusa_snooty: Her tweet is trying to make people think her family is suffering through this "just like everyone else".

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