Wikileaks Has Come Forward To Reveal Crooked Hillary/MSM/DNC All Lied

Anti-Semitic, Racist, sexist, homophobic, christian-mocking, admittedly inciting riots and violence...yeah, nothing at all. There almost wasn't a group they did not mock or offend...but their targets remain loyal. Gruber was right...the liberal faithful are stupid.
Yep, and all of those people have resigned, now if we could only clean up the Republican party.
All of them have NOT resigned. Schultz was hired by Hillary, Brazille took over for Schults. Those taking credit for not preventing the hacks resigned while the offenders stay on...
DWS was not a participant in those emails, she certainly was on Clinton's side, but nothing illegal has reared its ugly head. Same with Donna Brazile, who worked for CNN and was not a DNC exec.
LOL, using a Russian media outfit to deliver the news. Assange is in bed with Russia and has zero credibility until he owns up to who gave him the hacked emails.

No credibility, uh he provided the goods, and always does. Why do you care how he got them? I do hope Putin or Assange, or Israel, or China as the missing Hillary we can see it's not about Yoga and Chelsea.....Mook already called her out and said it was classified info.....Hillary's a liar, liar!

The right wing certainly cared when the information went against themselves. Put people in prison for this. Remember Bradley Manning? He got 35 years.

Yeah Hillary had an unprotected server, destroyed documents, she should get 35 years
Sure right after you convict George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the rest for war crimes.
The hacks that reveal the corruption, vote stealing, gun running, arming of ISIS by Crooked Hillary, etc., were not performed by the Russians as Crooked Hillary and her MSM and other democrat stooges insist.

Really? Out of what cave did you just crawl? This is "old news" in the scheme of politics. The convention was last week.
LOL, using a Russian media outfit to deliver the news. Assange is in bed with Russia and has zero credibility until he owns up to who gave him the hacked emails.

Yeah, ignore the fact that she's corrupt and a threat to this country.

LOL, how dramatic! the most injurious email was about Bernie Sanders religion. Nothing from Clinton at all, but keep trying.

You must not have read any of them. I have.
Anti-Semitic, Racist, sexist, homophobic, christian-mocking, admittedly inciting riots and violence...yeah, nothing at all. There almost wasn't a group they did not mock or offend...but their targets remain loyal. Gruber was right...the liberal faithful are stupid.
Yep, and all of those people have resigned, now if we could only clean up the Republican party.

Try as hard as they might, they couldn't get the establishment whore into the nomination, unlike the Dems, who did. Why are you in favor of helping the one percenters? I thought you cared about the middle class.
LOL, using a Russian media outfit to deliver the news. Assange is in bed with Russia and has zero credibility until he owns up to who gave him the hacked emails.
Does the New York Times have no credibility unless it reveals its confidential sources?

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