Wild Boar Attacks Woman in California Suburb

Then get a weapon and go get some! There is plenty for everyone, no season, and you can shoot as many as you like.

These animals are causing problems in many, many places.
Yep they are. You get a few on your land and do not eliminate the problem and you will be over run in short order. They can attack but like a bobcat or coyote their first course of action is to run, if your foolish enough to get one cornered then all bets are off. Around here just like Coyotes they are shot on site. The young ones can be quite tasty, a large boar I am not going to even fool with skinning him out
Coyote gets a bad rap, mainly eat rats and mice, but will kill little pigs.
They will also take down a young calf as well as a fawn, I have no love lost for a Coyotes

Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.
Yep they are. You get a few on your land and do not eliminate the problem and you will be over run in short order. They can attack but like a bobcat or coyote their first course of action is to run, if your foolish enough to get one cornered then all bets are off. Around here just like Coyotes they are shot on site. The young ones can be quite tasty, a large boar I am not going to even fool with skinning him out
Coyote gets a bad rap, mainly eat rats and mice, but will kill little pigs.
They will also take down a young calf as well as a fawn, I have no love lost for a Coyotes

Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.
Here Coyote and wild hogs fall into the nuisance animal category along with fox, skunk, beaver and nutria. By being classified as such land owners or lease holders can kill those year round day or night with no restrictions.
Coyote gets a bad rap, mainly eat rats and mice, but will kill little pigs.
They will also take down a young calf as well as a fawn, I have no love lost for a Coyotes

Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.
Here Coyote and wild hogs fall into the nuisance animal category along with fox, skunk, beaver and nutria. By being classified as such land owners or lease holders can kill those year round day or night with no restrictions.
Here we call animal control. I guess it's for practical rea
Coyote gets a bad rap, mainly eat rats and mice, but will kill little pigs.
They will also take down a young calf as well as a fawn, I have no love lost for a Coyotes

Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.
Here Coyote and wild hogs fall into the nuisance animal category along with fox, skunk, beaver and nutria. By being classified as such land owners or lease holders can kill those year round day or night with no restrictions.
Here we call animal control and they deal with it. Unless the animal attacks or is rabid that basically means they do nothing.
I guess not shooting is for practical reasons. We live so close together you can pass a jar of Grey Poupon down the street without ever leaving your house. lol If the person shooting is a bad shot it could kill someone nearby.
Yep they are. You get a few on your land and do not eliminate the problem and you will be over run in short order. They can attack but like a bobcat or coyote their first course of action is to run, if your foolish enough to get one cornered then all bets are off. Around here just like Coyotes they are shot on site. The young ones can be quite tasty, a large boar I am not going to even fool with skinning him out
Coyote gets a bad rap, mainly eat rats and mice, but will kill little pigs.
They will also take down a young calf as well as a fawn, I have no love lost for a Coyotes

Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.

Guidelines for Wild Pig Depredation - California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Immediate Take (FGC §4181.1)
When damaging or destroying, or threatening to immediately damage or destroy land or property; landowner, agent or employee “encounters” damage or threat, may take immediately.
They will also take down a young calf as well as a fawn, I have no love lost for a Coyotes

Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.
Here Coyote and wild hogs fall into the nuisance animal category along with fox, skunk, beaver and nutria. By being classified as such land owners or lease holders can kill those year round day or night with no restrictions.
Here we call animal control. I guess it's for practical rea
They will also take down a young calf as well as a fawn, I have no love lost for a Coyotes

Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.
Here Coyote and wild hogs fall into the nuisance animal category along with fox, skunk, beaver and nutria. By being classified as such land owners or lease holders can kill those year round day or night with no restrictions.
Here we call animal control and they deal with it. Unless the animal attacks or is rabid that basically means they do nothing.
I guess not shooting is for practical reasons. We live so close together you can pass a jar of Grey Poupon down the street without ever leaving your house. lol If the person shooting is a bad shot it could kill someone nearby.
I can understand the restrictions in areas like that. Here there are restrictions on shooting guns in city limits etc... So for homeowners in town although the shooting of nuisance animals is legal they would be prevented from doing so as they can't discharge a firearm with in the city limits.
For me I cant see a neighbor from any boarder of my property as a result I can shoot/hunt till my hearts content without fear of causing concern from anyone else
Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.
Here Coyote and wild hogs fall into the nuisance animal category along with fox, skunk, beaver and nutria. By being classified as such land owners or lease holders can kill those year round day or night with no restrictions.
Here we call animal control. I guess it's for practical rea
Coyotes eat our pets :(
Choot Em
This is a blue state( liberal land) in a highly populated area, we don't shoot anything LEGALLY outside hunting season and then only with a license and in designated areas. If your neighbors hear gun shots they assume someone is killing you and call the police. If you're shooting a Coyote in your back yard you will probably be fined,might lose your license to own a fire arm and have some moronic group of do gooders complain about animal cruelty and file a law suit.
Here Coyote and wild hogs fall into the nuisance animal category along with fox, skunk, beaver and nutria. By being classified as such land owners or lease holders can kill those year round day or night with no restrictions.
Here we call animal control and they deal with it. Unless the animal attacks or is rabid that basically means they do nothing.
I guess not shooting is for practical reasons. We live so close together you can pass a jar of Grey Poupon down the street without ever leaving your house. lol If the person shooting is a bad shot it could kill someone nearby.
I can understand the restrictions in areas like that. Here there are restrictions on shooting guns in city limits etc... So for homeowners in town although the shooting of nuisance animals is legal they would be prevented from doing so as they can't discharge a firearm with in the city limits.
For me I cant see a neighbor from any boarder of my property as a result I can shoot/hunt till my hearts content without fear of causing concern from anyone else

I'm envious. The older I get the more I hate living on top of of people. When I retire I want to move to wide open spaces.
being it is California

and there are not very many of these critters

the state will certainly have them listed as endangered


Would it be rude for me to introduce facts into this thread?

Wild Pig Management Program - California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Wild Pig Management Program
Pigs (Sus scrofa) are native to Eurasia and northern Africa. In the early 1700's Spanish and Russian settlers introduced domestic pigs to California as livestock and many became feral. In the 1920's a Monterey county landowner introduced the European wild boar, a wild subspecies of Sus scrofa into California, which bred with the domestic pigs. The result of these introductions is a wild boar/feral domestic pig hybrid.

Until the mid 1950's, wild pigs were unclassified under state law and could be killed with no restrictions. In 1957, wild pigs were designated a game mammal by the State Legislature. The Fish and Game Commission soon established hunting seasons, bag and possession limits, method of take and the conditions for using dogs. In 1992 Fish and Wildlife Code Sections 4650 through 4657 were added that required hunters to possess wild pig license tags while hunting pigs.

Wild pigs currently exist in 56 of the state's 58 counties and can be found in a variety of habitats ranging from woodland, chaparral, meadow and grasslands. Wild pigs are omnivorous, consuming both plant and animal matter. In general, wild pigs feed on: grasses and forbs in the spring: mast and fruits in the summer and fall: and roots, tubers and invertebrates throughout the year.

As with all game species, wild pig behavior tends to change as hunting pressure increases. Where hunting is infrequent wild pigs may be active during the day. With moderate hunting, pigs tend to bed down around sunrise and become active again in late afternoon. In areas with heavy hunting pressure pigs are generally active only at night. Depending on pig density and abundance of cover, wild pigs tend to leave an area where hunting pressure becomes severe. Please see the state map of tag returns for pig take per county based on the wild pig tag returns for hunting season.

About half of the state is under private ownership and wild pigs occur mainly on private lands, but many public areas in the state have a fairly high rate of return on pig tags. In the northern part of the state the Tehama Wildlife Area has a modest return. In the central part of the state, Cow Mountain Management Area and Laguna Mountain also do well. The military bases (Fort Hunter Liggett and Camp Roberts) are responsible for 35% of the public land take. Please see the CDFW's Guide to Hunting Wild Pigs in California for more information on behavior, biology and how to hunt wild pigs plus maps and contact information for wild pig hunting on public lands, recipes and more.

guessed it

Then get a weapon and go get some! There is plenty for everyone, no season, and you can shoot as many as you like.

These animals are causing problems in many, many places.
Part of the problem is the feds; millions of acres of land with lots of hunting restrictions.

Here they can be shot during any hunting season, with whatever weapon is legal.

So for most of the year, they are off limits.
Well if one is charging you, you can shoot to defend yourself. Then you can make sausage, bacon, somked hocks, loin roasts, hams, shoulder roasts, pickled feet, head cheese & spam... :badgrin:

big ol boars

pretty much grind em up for sausage
The solution to the problem is sausage, bacon, smoked hocks, loin roasts, hams, shoulder roasts, pickled feet, head cheese & spam... :thup:

Then get a weapon and go get some! There is plenty for everyone, no season, and you can shoot as many as you like.

These animals are causing problems in many, many places.
Part of the problem is the feds; millions of acres of land with lots of hunting restrictions.

Here they can be shot during any hunting season, with whatever weapon is legal.

So for most of the year, they are off limits.

Most places in the south have no season and we are welcome to shoot them on sight.
Bahahahaaa.....We have mountain lions in central New Jersey now. They have been brought in to reduce the deer population. A week ago at around 11:00pm we came home and opened our car doors to hear this. I thought it was someone or something being tortured. The next morning there were huge paw prints on the hood of my car. They are still there. I refuse to wash my car. It's too stunning.

It's mating season and they've pretty much thinned the deer herd, too. Normally I would have a herd of 12-15 deer coming through my backyard in the early a.m and p.m. Now there's nothing.

Problem is now what are these cats going to do for food now that the deer are gone?

Are cougars roaming our woods?
Are cougars roaming our woods - Allentown Outdoorsman Examiner.com
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Wild hogs are in 3/4 of the states and spreading. They are causing massive amounts of damage to crops and native wildlife. They breed like rabbits and are fierce as hell. Hunters often call them a "poor man's grizzly".

I have hunted them several times and there are PLENTY of them out there. They are tough as hell. Their shoulders have a thick layer of gristle that protects them in fights with each other, and their tusks can rip you up.
After shooting one, de-nut them immediately to keep it from tainting the meat...................Bleed for a few days and turn on the oven.......................

They breed like rabbits..........absolutely...................dinner bell.
Wild hogs are in 3/4 of the states and spreading. They are causing massive amounts of damage to crops and native wildlife. They breed like rabbits and are fierce as hell. Hunters often call them a "poor man's grizzly".

I have hunted them several times and there are PLENTY of them out there. They are tough as hell. Their shoulders have a thick layer of gristle that protects them in fights with each other, and their tusks can rip you up.
After shooting one, de-nut them immediately to keep it from tainting the meat...................Bleed for a few days and turn on the oven.......................

They breed like rabbits..........absolutely...................dinner bell.

I bet you roast a mean road kill, too.
Wild hogs are in 3/4 of the states and spreading. They are causing massive amounts of damage to crops and native wildlife. They breed like rabbits and are fierce as hell. Hunters often call them a "poor man's grizzly".

I have hunted them several times and there are PLENTY of them out there. They are tough as hell. Their shoulders have a thick layer of gristle that protects them in fights with each other, and their tusks can rip you up.
After shooting one, de-nut them immediately to keep it from tainting the meat...................Bleed for a few days and turn on the oven.......................

They breed like rabbits..........absolutely...................dinner bell.

I bet you roast a mean road kill, too.
Absolutely..............If I have the misfortune of hitting a deer on the road, after cussing the deer for busting up my truck he's dinner.........of course after proper bleeding to get the game taste out.....................
A mountain lion was roaming in Glendale preying on cats and dogs. Kitty smelled dog and hopped in a backyard with two Rhodesian Ridgebacks. The cat got away. No body was found so it lived and never came back. Hunting in Glendale was done.
Wild hogs are in 3/4 of the states and spreading. They are causing massive amounts of damage to crops and native wildlife. They breed like rabbits and are fierce as hell. Hunters often call them a "poor man's grizzly".

I have hunted them several times and there are PLENTY of them out there. They are tough as hell. Their shoulders have a thick layer of gristle that protects them in fights with each other, and their tusks can rip you up.
After shooting one, de-nut them immediately to keep it from tainting the meat...................Bleed for a few days and turn on the oven.......................

They breed like rabbits..........absolutely...................dinner bell.

I bet you roast a mean road kill, too.
Absolutely..............If I have the misfortune of hitting a deer on the road, after cussing the deer for busting up my truck he's dinner.........of course after proper bleeding to get the game taste out.....................

Yeah, I bet you shiver when you have to change the cat litter.
Wild hogs are in 3/4 of the states and spreading. They are causing massive amounts of damage to crops and native wildlife. They breed like rabbits and are fierce as hell. Hunters often call them a "poor man's grizzly".

I have hunted them several times and there are PLENTY of them out there. They are tough as hell. Their shoulders have a thick layer of gristle that protects them in fights with each other, and their tusks can rip you up.
After shooting one, de-nut them immediately to keep it from tainting the meat...................Bleed for a few days and turn on the oven.......................

They breed like rabbits..........absolutely...................dinner bell.

I bet you roast a mean road kill, too.
Absolutely..............If I have the misfortune of hitting a deer on the road, after cussing the deer for busting up my truck he's dinner.........of course after proper bleeding to get the game taste out.....................

Yeah, I bet you shiver when you have to change the cat litter.
Actually I need to put a dang nose clip on as my wife loves cats................

What the hell are you drinking tonight............You need to share.

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