Wildlife in the Burbs.....


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
Last week the Wife saw a skunk walking along the front of the garage doors heading Her way as she went out to get in Her truck to go to work.
She of course squealed and the skunk turned around and skedaddled to the side of the house......and into the backyard.
She did call me to warn me before I let the Dogs out in the back.
Did a little recon and didnt find a skunk so I let em out. Sat a bit on the back porch to absorb the morning for 30 minutes or so as is my normal routine.

At that point I went in to make my coffee. Opened the door twenty minutes later and the skunk smell was potent to say the least!!

Turned out the skunk had made his way to the wood pile and settled in.....dogs found em after I went in for coffee.

Thank God the dogs didnt get sprayed directly!!!

And to make matters weirder?
The dogs were out with me this evening and they started to go nuts on the far side of the yard. Knowing that sound I knew it was an animal!
Being regulated to my cane after hip surgery I told the Wife to check things out.
She reluctantly went to see what the ruckus was about and found the dogs attacking a possum.
Of course they ignored her commands to stop so I had to hobble over on my cane to break things up.
Got the dogs inside and left the possum laying in the yard.
The Wife asked me if I was going toss the body in the trash.......LOL.
I told Her...Nah,he's just fakin. Go take another look in about five minutes and he'll be long gone.
She looked at me like I was crazy....of course he was gone when she went back out.
Last week the Wife saw a skunk walking along the front of the garage doors heading Her way as she went out to get in Her truck to go to work.
She of course squealed and the skunk turned around and skedaddled to the side of the house......and into the backyard.
She did call me to warn me before I let the Dogs out in the back.
Did a little recon and didnt find a skunk so I let em out. Sat a bit on the back porch to absorb the morning for 30 minutes or so as is my normal routine.

At that point I went in to make my coffee. Opened the door twenty minutes later and the skunk smell was potent to say the least!!

Turned out the skunk had made his way to the wood pile and settled in.....dogs found em after I went in for coffee.

Thank God the dogs didnt get sprayed directly!!!

And to make matters weirder?
The dogs were out with me this evening and they started to go nuts on the far side of the yard. Knowing that sound I knew it was an animal!
Being regulated to my cane after hip surgery I told the Wife to check things out.
She reluctantly went to see what the ruckus was about and found the dogs attacking a possum.
Of course they ignored her commands to stop so I had to hobble over on my cane to break things up.
Got the dogs inside and left the possum laying in the yard.
The Wife asked me if I was going toss the body in the trash.......LOL.
I told Her...Nah,he's just fakin. Go take another look in about five minutes and he'll be long gone.
She looked at me like I was crazy....of course he was gone when she went back out.
I live out in the woods so you've got nothing to complain about. On top of your skunk and possum we have deer, coyote, wild turkey, racoon, fox, squirrel, bear, I'm sure there's some cougar around too but so far no snakes.
Last week the Wife saw a skunk walking along the front of the garage doors heading Her way as she went out to get in Her truck to go to work.
She of course squealed and the skunk turned around and skedaddled to the side of the house......and into the backyard.
She did call me to warn me before I let the Dogs out in the back.
Did a little recon and didnt find a skunk so I let em out. Sat a bit on the back porch to absorb the morning for 30 minutes or so as is my normal routine.

At that point I went in to make my coffee. Opened the door twenty minutes later and the skunk smell was potent to say the least!!

Turned out the skunk had made his way to the wood pile and settled in.....dogs found em after I went in for coffee.

Thank God the dogs didnt get sprayed directly!!!

And to make matters weirder?
The dogs were out with me this evening and they started to go nuts on the far side of the yard. Knowing that sound I knew it was an animal!
Being regulated to my cane after hip surgery I told the Wife to check things out.
She reluctantly went to see what the ruckus was about and found the dogs attacking a possum.
Of course they ignored her commands to stop so I had to hobble over on my cane to break things up.
Got the dogs inside and left the possum laying in the yard.
The Wife asked me if I was going toss the body in the trash.......LOL.
I told Her...Nah,he's just fakin. Go take another look in about five minutes and he'll be long gone.
She looked at me like I was crazy....of course he was gone when she went back out.
I live out in the woods so you've got nothing to complain about. On top of your skunk and possum we have deer, coyote, wild turkey, racoon, fox, squirrel, bear, I'm sure there's some cougar around too but so far no snakes.

LOL....I'm talking the burbs.
The weekend place on the S. Llano river is one of the most remote places in the US.
The dogs have been introduced to skunks,porcupines,wild hogs,rattlesnakes,cougars,fox,ringtail cats,coyotes and a host of other wild critters.
And that ain't including the wild deer pop and the imports like Axis deer and the dozens of other imports like Ibex,black buck,oryx,and thats just scratching the surface.
The other day I saw 4 (FOUR!!) giant, fat spiders with evil eyes hanging their new homes off the side of my house.

I went to war.

*mic drop*
I'm lyin about the war part. I screeched at high levels and took off like a race car.
We live in the desert version of the 'burbs'. Lots of wildlife, we have hawks dropping in for drink at the pool. Buzzards love to circle the neighborhood looking for roadkill. Bobcats, Javelina, rattlesnakes, deer all wander up the driveway and across our yard.

We don't have a fence for that reason. That's right Democrats you hear that, Mike has NO WALL! Sorry couldn't resist.
I once threw a bumble bee into a spiders web out on my deck & had a cocktail while I watched the battle royal for over an hour!
Last week the Wife saw a skunk walking along the front of the garage doors heading Her way as she went out to get in Her truck to go to work.
She of course squealed and the skunk turned around and skedaddled to the side of the house......and into the backyard.
She did call me to warn me before I let the Dogs out in the back.
Did a little recon and didnt find a skunk so I let em out. Sat a bit on the back porch to absorb the morning for 30 minutes or so as is my normal routine.

At that point I went in to make my coffee. Opened the door twenty minutes later and the skunk smell was potent to say the least!!

Turned out the skunk had made his way to the wood pile and settled in.....dogs found em after I went in for coffee.

Thank God the dogs didnt get sprayed directly!!!

And to make matters weirder?
The dogs were out with me this evening and they started to go nuts on the far side of the yard. Knowing that sound I knew it was an animal!
Being regulated to my cane after hip surgery I told the Wife to check things out.
She reluctantly went to see what the ruckus was about and found the dogs attacking a possum.
Of course they ignored her commands to stop so I had to hobble over on my cane to break things up.
Got the dogs inside and left the possum laying in the yard.
The Wife asked me if I was going toss the body in the trash.......LOL.
I told Her...Nah,he's just fakin. Go take another look in about five minutes and he'll be long gone.
She looked at me like I was crazy....of course he was gone when she went back out.

The surefire remedy for skunk spray is to put tomato juice in a spray bottle and spray where the skunk let loose. Amazingly it neutralizes the odor. When I was a young private in the Army we were in Yakima Firing Center in Eastern Washington. A couple of us found a skunk near a creek in the bivouac area. We captured the little fellow and tied him to a tree. That night we retrieved the skunk, took him to the area where we had pitched our pup tents and unbuttoned the First Sergeants tent and threw him in. The First Shirt let out a scream, stood up inside the tent and ripped the tent pegs out of the ground. I'll never forget the sight of that pup tent running across the field.
Last week the Wife saw a skunk walking along the front of the garage doors heading Her way as she went out to get in Her truck to go to work.
She of course squealed and the skunk turned around and skedaddled to the side of the house......and into the backyard.
She did call me to warn me before I let the Dogs out in the back.
Did a little recon and didnt find a skunk so I let em out. Sat a bit on the back porch to absorb the morning for 30 minutes or so as is my normal routine.

At that point I went in to make my coffee. Opened the door twenty minutes later and the skunk smell was potent to say the least!!

Turned out the skunk had made his way to the wood pile and settled in.....dogs found em after I went in for coffee.

Thank God the dogs didnt get sprayed directly!!!

And to make matters weirder?
The dogs were out with me this evening and they started to go nuts on the far side of the yard. Knowing that sound I knew it was an animal!
Being regulated to my cane after hip surgery I told the Wife to check things out.
She reluctantly went to see what the ruckus was about and found the dogs attacking a possum.
Of course they ignored her commands to stop so I had to hobble over on my cane to break things up.
Got the dogs inside and left the possum laying in the yard.
The Wife asked me if I was going toss the body in the trash.......LOL.
I told Her...Nah,he's just fakin. Go take another look in about five minutes and he'll be long gone.
She looked at me like I was crazy....of course he was gone when she went back out.
I live out in the woods so you've got nothing to complain about. On top of your skunk and possum we have deer, coyote, wild turkey, racoon, fox, squirrel, bear, I'm sure there's some cougar around too but so far no snakes.
Umm. Wild turkey! :)
Last week the Wife saw a skunk walking along the front of the garage doors heading Her way as she went out to get in Her truck to go to work.
She of course squealed and the skunk turned around and skedaddled to the side of the house......and into the backyard.
She did call me to warn me before I let the Dogs out in the back.
Did a little recon and didnt find a skunk so I let em out. Sat a bit on the back porch to absorb the morning for 30 minutes or so as is my normal routine.

At that point I went in to make my coffee. Opened the door twenty minutes later and the skunk smell was potent to say the least!!

Turned out the skunk had made his way to the wood pile and settled in.....dogs found em after I went in for coffee.

Thank God the dogs didnt get sprayed directly!!!

And to make matters weirder?
The dogs were out with me this evening and they started to go nuts on the far side of the yard. Knowing that sound I knew it was an animal!
Being regulated to my cane after hip surgery I told the Wife to check things out.
She reluctantly went to see what the ruckus was about and found the dogs attacking a possum.
Of course they ignored her commands to stop so I had to hobble over on my cane to break things up.
Got the dogs inside and left the possum laying in the yard.
The Wife asked me if I was going toss the body in the trash.......LOL.
I told Her...Nah,he's just fakin. Go take another look in about five minutes and he'll be long gone.
She looked at me like I was crazy....of course he was gone when she went back out.
I live out in the woods so you've got nothing to complain about. On top of your skunk and possum we have deer, coyote, wild turkey, racoon, fox, squirrel, bear, I'm sure there's some cougar around too but so far no snakes.
minus the cougar,

we have all of your critters on our property plus gophers,porcupine, muskrats, bobcats, weasels, snow shoe hares,

and black bear...who is a regular visitor once a year, in Spring when he first wakes from hibernating, he raids the sunflower seeds and suet blocks from the bird feeders... every year, the same time...then he;s gone till next Spring.

no big cats or poisonous snakes in Maine, thank God!

Have only seen 2 moose in 13 years here... :(
I live in the city,, neighborhoods are reporting seeing coyotes ,,, if this was 50 years ago a old school American would have had a trap set, and skinned the sob by now.. the invasion of libs has wild animals Getting bigger
I have a pet skunk, his name is Put 'Em Up... Peu for short...:) we met him when he was a baby... he was the runt of a litter.... all his brother and sisters used to pick on him... he would stand on his hind legs and put up his fists whenever they came around to pick on him....

'put em up, put em up'.... pretending like he was ready to fight... like the lion in the wizard of oz..... it was so cute... I felt sorry for him, he was always pushed away from the food, so the hubby and I would set food aside in a different area, for him... Anyway, he stuck around... I think he is 2 years old by now, and may actually be a SHE.... that's not confirmed yet, but he looks pregnant.... :D

we've never been sprayed, nor has my cat
Wild Turkeys over here! and Im not to far from Oakland, they wander the streets in packs intimidating innocent house cats and such. Probably looking to compete with our homeless population for handouts and loose change.
I'll let you all know when they start wearing signs around their necks.

Also, i have a friend from Kenya who keeps finding these garter and king snakes on her back porch, keeps freaking out and crushing them with anything she can find.... I keep saying.. please dont kill the King snakes! they eat the bad rattle snakes! but it does no good. I guess because Kenya has about 300 species of poisonous snakes, just cant get it through her head.

Also got Mountain lions around here too but their more boring, you know how cats are.

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