Will an Obama loss turn to rioting?

Timothy McVeigh: Product of Democratic and Union Upbringing

What horrible events from growing up could possibly tip a kid to blow up a Federal Building killing innocent men, women and children? In looking at the early years of Timothy McVeigh, the inescapable conclusion is his being raised by two of the most violent elements of our society: Democrats and Unions.

Timothy McVeigh: Product of Democratic and Union Upbringing | Virginia Right!

What horrible events from growing up could possibly tip a kid into being a terrorist murdering people. In looking at the early years of John Walker Lindh, the inescapable conclusion is his being raised by two of the most violent elements of our society: democrats and liberals.
Timothy McVeigh: Product of Democratic and Union Upbringing

What horrible events from growing up could possibly tip a kid to blow up a Federal Building killing innocent men, women and children? In looking at the early years of Timothy McVeigh, the inescapable conclusion is his being raised by two of the most violent elements of our society: Democrats and Unions.

Timothy McVeigh: Product of Democratic and Union Upbringing | Virginia Right!

What horrible events from growing up could possibly tip a kid into being a terrorist murdering people. In looking at the early years of John Walker Lindh, the inescapable conclusion is his being raised by two of the most violent elements of our society: democrats and liberals.
Since most riots occur in big cities and most big cities have a majority of democrats it would lead one to think democrats love to riot.
Oh right! all those nazi punk bands love Muslims!

The Nazis and Muslims are two peas in a pod. Nazis hate Jews, Muslims hate Jews.. Common ground.

I know! You can't trust black people any more than you can trust white folks.

It's probably only Asians that are safe.

Sports fans are nuts.

{Indonesia football fans rioted, attacking police officers and setting fire to cars after a weekend game, local media reported on Monday.}

Police attacked in Indonesia riot - World Football 2010 - Football - Eurosport Asia
Oh right! all those nazi punk bands love Muslims!

The Nazis and Muslims are two peas in a pod. Nazis hate Jews, Muslims hate Jews.. Common ground.

Right - those Skinheads just love them muslims! That's why the girls in skinhead bands wear so much clothing...

Sports fans are nuts.

{Indonesia football fans rioted, attacking police officers and setting fire to cars after a weekend game, local media reported on Monday.}

Police attacked in Indonesia riot - World Football 2010 - Football - Eurosport Asia

Ha! OK, that's true enough. Especially soccer fans...
Oh right! all those nazi punk bands love Muslims!

The Nazis and Muslims are two peas in a pod. Nazis hate Jews, Muslims hate Jews.. Common ground.

Right - those Skinheads just love them muslims! That's why the girls in skinhead bands wear so much clothing...

Sports fans are nuts.

{Indonesia football fans rioted, attacking police officers and setting fire to cars after a weekend game, local media reported on Monday.}

Police attacked in Indonesia riot - World Football 2010 - Football - Eurosport Asia

Ha! OK, that's true enough. Especially soccer fans...

maybe you don't know this but many Muslims consider Hitler a hero.
big rep opens his mouth and pukes out another lie

Stupid words coming from a stupid moniker


Adolf Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood, page 1
Well if the black folks will riot over a low life such as Rodney King, you can sure as bet that they are capable of rioting over an Obama loss. :eusa_eh:
Yes! White folks! Also, ones like Tim McVeigh and the dude who shot up the Sikh temple!

Seriously...If Romney loses I think the white folks are gonna riot. based on their history, you just can't know how whites will react donchaknow?

Neither of which were Repubulican's... Want to try again, stupid?

It's not their political affiliation (Though McVeigh was clearly a Republican and a guy shooting up people because he thought they were muslim? We report, u decide).

It's their color! That's the whole point. White folks are prone to violence.

By the way, didn't see too many white people OR conservatives rioting during the Watts Riots, Rodney King, or any of the other riots that assholes like you caused...
We saw white people rioting for more important causes....Like the Phillies winning the World Series.

Yeah, those were all liberals in Philly, stupid.... :lol:
It's not their political affiliation (Though McVeigh was clearly a Republican and a guy shooting up people because he thought they were muslim? We report, u decide).

It's their color! That's the whole point. White folks are prone to violence.

We saw white people rioting for more important causes....Like the Phillies winning the World Series.

Tim McVeigh father was a union man and a registered democrat, the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.


His anti-government screed was pure rightwing Republican.

and he was white, which is the relevant point.

Well, Bill Ayers is a die-hard progressive Communist, and he had endless "anti-government" rhetoric. You're arguments are so weak, they are contradiction themselves. Neither of those men were Republicans, stupid. They were anti-social nut cases. Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and pretty much the entire left commits violent acts in the name of the Democrat Party.
It's not their political affiliation (Though McVeigh was clearly a Republican and a guy shooting up people because he thought they were muslim? We report, u decide).

Lying again Sparky?

There are indications, but not proof, that the dude was a Muslim, based on Tattoos he had, and went after the Sikhs specifically because they were Sikh - who actually formed to fight the Muslims.

Officials: Sikh temple shooting an act of "domestic terrorism" - latimes.com

It's their color! That's the whole point. White folks are prone to violence.

You're prone to retardation, you racist pile of shit.

Blacks commit about 20 acts of violence to every 1 committed by whites. That is a cultural, rather than racial issue - gangsta culture sucks.

We saw white people rioting for more important causes....Like the Phillies winning the World Series.


It was interracial, though sure stupid.

How stupid does one (ie 8537) have to be to pretend that anyone on the right was invovled with sports riots? Most conservatives are at home with their families watching the game with their children. It's the asshole drunk liberal who is out in the street setting police cars on fire...
Well if the black folks will riot over a low life such as Rodney King, you can sure as bet that they are capable of rioting over an Obama loss. :eusa_eh:

It's really not fair to lump all black people in there though. It will be the low life black liberals that riot. The black conservatives (people like Allen West, Condi Rice, Herman Cain, etc.) will be at home acting like the civilized, intelligent human beings that they are.

The liberals (both black & white) will be acting like the filthy animals that they are - rioting and trying to confiscate wealth from those that worked hard and earned it.
Well if the black folks will riot over a low life such as Rodney King, you can sure as bet that they are capable of rioting over an Obama loss. :eusa_eh:

It's really not fair to lump all black people in there though. It will be the low life black liberals that riot. The black conservatives (people like Allen West, Condi Rice, Herman Cain, etc.) will be at home acting like the civilized, intelligent human beings that they are.

The liberals (both black & white) will be acting like the filthy animals that they are - rioting and trying to confiscate wealth from those that worked hard and earned it.

Filthy racist scum like you are about to become extinct, thank god (well there is no god but you know what i mean)
Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

Only insane right-wing fanatics would even consider this would be the case.

Many of the frustrated Blacks, Unions, and extremist thought Obama to be their savior only to find themselves deeper in misery. Yet they do not blame Obama for opportunities taken away. If Obama loses then we must realize there is a probability there will be rioting in the larger cities of this country. This is my thought. What is yours?

Only insane right-wing fanatics would even consider this would be the case.

these extreme racists hope that they will get a reaction, well they think they hope that


it would not be pretty for them if they did

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