Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

Sanders started with no chance and ended up a close second. His position on trade won Trump the election.

LOL. Sanders had less to do with Trump winning the election and more with Hillary losing it.

Suddenly that millennial champion collapsed and sold his soul to the proverbial devil. People don't like it when they've been betrayed. Might have been their mistake for falling for his rhetoric, but nonetheless they took out their anger by not voting for Hillary.

The GOP has never been anti-free trade anti trade deals. Free trade is a cornerstone of mainstream conservatism.

Time to clean house. Do what's best for America and not what's best for the party.

One week they were gloating about the way the GOP was tearing it self apart,

and the next they are pretending that nothing has changed.
You are the racist here Joe. You constantly use racist slurs against rural and/or southern whites.

because they are rural and southern, two truly fucked up cultures.

Not because they are white.

I keep explaining this to you, but you dun der don't get no learnin', Cleetus.

Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

Nope. You are very sensitive. I've never called Trump a racist. I've never called you a racist.

Trump has made racist remarks, though. You might want to calm down in your zealous defense of the man.

You mean like when the Dems gloated for a year about how all hispanics hated Trump, and then when Trump said ONE SPECIFIC hispanic hated him, and that was racist.

When Trump said it. When the dems said it it was completely cool.

Because, reasons.

You are the racist here Joe. You constantly use racist slurs against rural and/or southern whites.

because they are rural and southern, two truly fucked up cultures.

Not because they are white.

I keep explaining this to you, but you dun der don't get no learnin', Cleetus.

Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

Nope. You are very sensitive. I've never called Trump a racist. I've never called you a racist.

Trump has made racist remarks, though. You might want to calm down in your zealous defense of the man.

You mean like when the Dems gloated for a year about how all hispanics hated Trump, and then when Trump said ONE SPECIFIC hispanic hated him, and that was racist.

When Trump said it. When the dems said it it was completely cool.

Because, reasons.


Yep. Dems like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. Horrible PC Dems.

Please.....the dude said many things that most sane people would consider racist, bigoted and mysoginistic. Try being honest.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

Nope. You are very sensitive. I've never called Trump a racist. I've never called you a racist.

Trump has made racist remarks, though. You might want to calm down in your zealous defense of the man.

You mean like when the Dems gloated for a year about how all hispanics hated Trump, and then when Trump said ONE SPECIFIC hispanic hated him, and that was racist.

When Trump said it. When the dems said it it was completely cool.

Because, reasons.


Yep. Dems like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. Horrible PC Dems.

Please.....the dude said many things that most sane people would consider racist, bigoted and mysoginistic. Try being honest.

Please, list these things.

Calling Trump a racist, sexist, homophobe is simply put SILLY.
I start a thread on the behaviors of the PC Police, and they flood it with examples for me.

You cannot make this shit up.
because they are rural and southern, two truly fucked up cultures.

Not because they are white.

I keep explaining this to you, but you dun der don't get no learnin', Cleetus.

Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

Of course. You are a good guy. It's so clear.
The most egregious fault of the electoral system is the winner take all aspect.

We could eliminate that and still give each state the extra couple electoral votes they get, based on their 2 Senators,

and that would be a HUGE move towards a more democratic system.

That's exactly what a popular vote does. Whoever wins the most wins it all. But in so doing disenfranchises millions of people. You're so sense that you can't see it.

No. The popular vote in the state could be used to allot the electors. You win 2/3rds of the vote you win 2/3rds of the electors.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

Nope. You are very sensitive. I've never called Trump a racist. I've never called you a racist.

Trump has made racist remarks, though. You might want to calm down in your zealous defense of the man.

You mean like when the Dems gloated for a year about how all hispanics hated Trump, and then when Trump said ONE SPECIFIC hispanic hated him, and that was racist.

When Trump said it. When the dems said it it was completely cool.

Because, reasons.


Yep. Dems like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. Horrible PC Dems.

Please.....the dude said many things that most sane people would consider racist, bigoted and mysoginistic. Try being honest.

Please, list these things.

Calling Trump a racist, sexist, homophobe is simply put SILLY.

I never called him any of those things.
Joe, I don't need the help, but thanks for your posts on this thread.

You have been perfect.

dude, you seriously need help.

Much like NovaSteve on Trannies, Silhouette on Gays and 2AGuy on guns, you are kind of suffering from a form of OCD.

And while it's fun to mock you and such, your obsession with this PC Police thing is a bit much.

so I still have to wonder what happened to you to make you soooo obsessed with this PC Police thing.
Joe, I don't need the help, but thanks for your posts on this thread.

You have been perfect.

dude, you seriously need help.

Much like NovaSteve on Trannies, Silhouette on Gays and 2AGuy on guns, you are kind of suffering from a form of OCD.

And while it's fun to mock you and such, your obsession with this PC Police thing is a bit much.

so I still have to wonder what happened to you to make you soooo obsessed with this PC Police thing.
because they are rural and southern, two truly fucked up cultures.

Not because they are white.

I keep explaining this to you, but you dun der don't get no learnin', Cleetus.

Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

You and Mac are in this thread giggling about how evil your "enemies" are.

Mac, your pal, had me on ignore for a long time ( tried to silence his enemy ) and has labeled me a stalker in an attempt to intimidate me into silence.

You have no intention of having a real discussion....as you WILL NOT BE HONEST.

When you first came here....I read some of your posts.....and decided to ask you a question. You got offended by the question as you are as PC as they come. You never answered the question. Do you remember what it was?
Sanders started with no chance and ended up a close second. His position on trade won Trump the election.

LOL. Sanders had less to do with Trump winning the election and more with Hillary losing it.

Suddenly that millennial champion collapsed and sold his soul to the proverbial devil. People don't like it when they've been betrayed. Might have been their mistake for falling for his rhetoric, but nonetheless they took out their anger by not voting for Hillary.

The GOP has never been anti-free trade anti trade deals. Free trade is a cornerstone of mainstream conservatism.

Time to clean house. Do what's best for America and not what's best for the party.

So you think Bernie should have supported Trump?

Then what the fuck are you jabbering about?
the majority of the people wanted an end to the Clinton crime regime. Maybe that is why the founders developed the EC instead of run off elections or popularity contests that could be easily rigged.

The Majority of the people certainly did not. Hillary got 2 million more votes.

The Founders wanted to keep the rabble in it's place.

They didn't want slaves to vote (although they wanted them counted for representation), they didn't want women to vote, they didn't want free men who didn't own property to vote.

They also shit in chamber pots and bleed themselves when they got sick.

So I think instead of saying, "Well they had a good reason", tell me a good reason why we should STILL be doing it that way today?

Because I can't think of one.

I can think of two reasons why it's a horrible idea. George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump
You personify the problem very well. As with most liberals you see racism in everything because you view everything through the eyes of a racists. Black or white it is a trait of the liberal left. And maybe even if what you say about Trump supporters is true, it isn't, that doesn't make you and your ilk any less racist. Yeah you try and hide behind a veneer of open mindedness and inclusion but in reality the exact opposite is true.

So pointing out that racism is a problem in this country is... um... racist? Is this your logic here, Sunny-boy?

You see, the difference is, progressives and conservatives both want equality. Progressives want to raise minorities up. Conservatives are totally cool with the rich driving working class whites down, and then blaming the nasty darkies for it.

So when your side nominates a racist as shit billionaire who has been fucking over working class whites pretty much his whole life, you guys totally get behind him.
Mac, your pal, had me on ignore for a long time ( tried to silence his enemy ) and has labeled me a stalker in an attempt to intimidate me into silence.
He equates ignoring someone with trying to silence them.

If you don't go to a movie, you're trying to silence the director.


This just gets better.

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