Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

No, it doesn't. It makes your vote in California worth less, and your vote in Wyoming worth more.

More tot he point, it depresses turnout. If you know Illinois is going to go to Hillary, no matter what, what's the point of showing up to vote?

One person. One vote. Your vote counts the same as everyone else's vote.
How can a vote in Wyoming be woth more when it can deliver only 3 electoral votes while a vote in California can deliver 55?

Maybe the voices in your head can help you figure it out.
That would be one way but not the way of the COTUS. A runoff is the only way to ensure what the majority want. What we have now is what the majority of states want dependent on their EC votes. It makes everyone's vote worth more.

No, it doesn't. It makes your vote in California worth less, and your vote in Wyoming worth more.

More tot he point, it depresses turnout. If you know Illinois is going to go to Hillary, no matter what, what's the point of showing up to vote?

One person. One vote. Your vote counts the same as everyone else's vote.

I had one vote, I can assume you also had one vote, or more.

I am guessing you won't be happy until the minority is completely under the heel.
the majority of the people wanted an end to the Clinton crime regime. Maybe that is why the founders developed the EC instead of run off elections or popularity contests that could be easily rigged.

The Majority of the people certainly did not. Hillary got 2 million more votes.

The Founders wanted to keep the rabble in it's place.

They didn't want slaves to vote (although they wanted them counted for representation), they didn't want women to vote, they didn't want free men who didn't own property to vote.

They also shit in chamber pots and bleed themselves when they got sick.

So I think instead of saying, "Well they had a good reason", tell me a good reason why we should STILL be doing it that way today?

Because I can't think of one.

I can think of two reasons why it's a horrible idea. George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump

Finding the actual popular vote totals are hard to find. But it is clear that Johnson and Stein took over 4 percent of the vote. Assuming 170 million voters then 4 percent equals 6.8 million. Thus it is clear that the majority of VOTERS rejected Hillary Clinton.

Now you will obviously counter with that the majority also rejected Trump. So how do we decide whom should be president between two candidates that didn't reach 50 percent? Well the founders were pretty smart in what they did. They gave your and my vote more value then it would have if just a popular vote nation wide was used. Instead of ONE popular election there were 51. In that count Trump far exceeded Hillary. Obviously in 49 states if the popular vote were tallied, Trump won. One state isn't enough, in my opinion, to be able to sway the vote. CA let's anyone vote, illegal or not. I certainly don't want my vote being disenfranchised by such a corrupt system, I am surprised you want yours disenfranchised.

If you want the candidate to get more than 50% in order to win you have a runoff.
That would be one way but not the way of the COTUS. A runoff is the only way to ensure what the majority want. What we have now is what the majority of states want dependent on their EC votes. It makes everyone's vote worth more.

A majority of states is a meaningless construct. If you think otherwise than why not just give each state one vote for president?

The majority of states decide what is in the COTUS.

One vote for each state regardless of population would be totally unfair. What we have now is the EC with votes determined by population. What it does is allows the minority a bigger voice, not an overwhelming voice but a voice none the less.
I had one vote, I can assume you also had one vote, or more.

I am guessing you won't be happy until the minority is completely under the heel.

Which minority is that, "Dumb as fuck white guys who keep voting to let the rich fuck us"?

Yes, i would totally like to put those people under a heel.

So clearly racist, so clearly closed minded, so clearly on the losing end of America.
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

Hey, I cool with that, let them keep pissing people off, will the make the midterms sweet as well.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. But I don't blame you for that opinion.

While you're attacking liberals, as is your habit 80% of the time,

how about you stop to consider how much of a negative effect Trumps own 'politically incorrect' words and actions may have had on his vote totals.

That's a very good question.

IMO, the Boy Who Called Wolf effect greatly muted any effect from that.

70% in the exit poll said Trump's treatment of women bothered them.

Clinton won 65% of that vote.

And yet, TRUMP is the 45th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Apparently some women weren't fake offended.
1. The recent WTO Airbus ruling shows that our current Fuck Us situation is as much a result of gov't levers as anything. Pretending that we have "Free Trade" is just US being the world's bitch on trade.

airbus won because Boeing has Cleetus and Billy Bob making the planes in a scab factory in Jesusland.

"Where does this done der go on, Cleetus?"

"I don't know, Billy-bob, I was the possum catcher last week!"

If that was true, the EU would not have needed to subsidize Airbus.

Your words are nonsense.

Racist nonsense, you racist ass.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

Nope. You are very sensitive. I've never called Trump a racist. I've never called you a racist.

Trump has made racist remarks, though. You might want to calm down in your zealous defense of the man.

You mean like when the Dems gloated for a year about how all hispanics hated Trump, and then when Trump said ONE SPECIFIC hispanic hated him, and that was racist.

When Trump said it. When the dems said it it was completely cool.

Because, reasons.


Yep. Dems like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. Horrible PC Dems.

Please.....the dude said many things that most sane people would consider racist, bigoted and mysoginistic. Try being honest.

What is insane is for a large group of people to spend a year saying that another group of people all hate this one guy, and then when that one guy says that ONE INDIVIDUAL of that other group hates him,

for the first large group to be outraged by that.

That is irrational.

That some republicans have accepted lib premises, does not change that.

My point stands.
Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

Of course. You are a good guy. It's so clear.

Admit it to yourself if you won't admit it to me.

YOu enjoy being a rude asshole to people. It's obvious. It has been documented in studies that trolls like you are sadists.

You are the bad guy here.
Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

You and Mac are in this thread giggling about how evil your "enemies" are.

Mac, your pal, had me on ignore for a long time ( tried to silence his enemy ) and has labeled me a stalker in an attempt to intimidate me into silence.

You have no intention of having a real discussion....as you WILL NOT BE HONEST.

When you first came here....I read some of your posts.....and decided to ask you a question. You got offended by the question as you are as PC as they come. You never answered the question. Do you remember what it was?

Very much so. It was not a real question. It was a slander thinly veiled as a question.

AT BEST, you asking it showed that you had such a closed mind, that you could not imagine a scenario where someone could not disagree with you politically without being a bad person.

That is some of you lefties.

BUT, combined with some of your other behaviors, imo, you were purposefully engaged in a personal attack as a form of propaganda.

Which of course, is the exact OPPOSITE of real discussion.

Also, I repeatedly explained that to you and you constantly pretended to not know why I was not answering your "question" nor did you ever address that point.

Which demonstrates your complete intellectual dishonesty.
One week they were gloating about the way the GOP was tearing it self apart,

and the next they are pretending that nothing has changed.

If you don't think the Country Club and rank and file Repubilcans aren't shitting bricks over the prospect of how badly Trumpenfuhrer is about to fuck them for a generation, you are delusional.

THe Country Club was shitting bricks about it, right up until Trump won, with major coattails.

If they are like you, they didn't learn anything from that. But hopefully.

THe Rank and File republicans, like me, supported Trump, and are happy.
Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

Of course. You are a good guy. It's so clear.

Admit it to yourself if you won't admit it to me.

YOu enjoy being a rude asshole to people. It's obvious. It has been documented in studies that trolls like you are sadists.

You are the bad guy here.

I have REPEATEDLY admitted to you that I like being an asshole to you. Did you miss it the other times?

That fact does not make yiu a good guy. You aren't a good guy. You know that, don't you?

A sadist? You just called me a sadist? Why would you do that?
Last edited:
You are the racist here.

I'm the decent person who find's Trump's movement beautiful.

Try to be less crazy.

Guy, you aren't a decent person. You rant all day about people who are less fortunate than you are making your life miserable.

1. My life is not miserable. I have a great family and a very nice two bedroom home, two vans, so many good friends that I don't have time to spend as much time with each of them as I feel I should, rewarding hobbies, so many that I don't have time to enjoy them all, a man cave with a 50" tv and a pool table, ect. ect ect.

2. Mostly I "rant" about liberals. Who are in anything, likely to be making even more money than me, even if they blow it on stupid shit.

3. Just because someone is "less fortunate" than me, does not mean they can't cause problems for me. I bet the nice couple that Will Horton assaulted and raped were by most standards "more fortunate" than him, but he still fucked up their lives. Well, him and Dukakis.
Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

You and Mac are in this thread giggling about how evil your "enemies" are.

Mac, your pal, had me on ignore for a long time ( tried to silence his enemy ) and has labeled me a stalker in an attempt to intimidate me into silence.

You have no intention of having a real discussion....as you WILL NOT BE HONEST.

When you first came here....I read some of your posts.....and decided to ask you a question. You got offended by the question as you are as PC as they come. You never answered the question. Do you remember what it was?

Very much so. It was not a real question. It was a slander thinly veiled as a question.

AT BEST, you asking it showed that you had such a closed mind, that you could not imagine a scenario where someone could not disagree with you politically without being a bad person.

That is some of you lefties.

BUT, combined with some of your other behaviors, imo, you were purposefully engaged in a personal attack as a form of propaganda.

Which of course, is the exact OPPOSITE of real discussion.

Also, I repeatedly explained that to you and you constantly pretended to not know why I was not answering your "question" nor did you ever address that point.

Which demonstrates your complete intellectual dishonesty.

Once again....if you ask me that same question, I will provide you with a straight up, one word answer. I will not be offended by the question.

You were offended by A QUESTION. Does it get any more PC than that?
I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

Of course. You are a good guy. It's so clear.

Admit it to yourself if you won't admit it to me.

YOu enjoy being a rude asshole to people. It's obvious. It has been documented in studies that trolls like you are sadists.

You are the bad guy here.

I have REPEATEDLY admitted to you that I like being an asshole to you. Did you miss it the other times?

That fact does not make yiu a good guy. You aren't a good guy. You know that, don't you?

The fact that you are enjoy causing pain to other people and do so with much of your free time is a good example of what a bad person is.

I am a good guy. I don't know what YOU think makes a good guy, but your being a sadist makes your judgment on that issue quite suspect.

You are welcome to share, if you wish. It could be educational to see what a sadist thinks a good person is.
Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

Of course. You are a good guy. It's so clear.

Admit it to yourself if you won't admit it to me.

YOu enjoy being a rude asshole to people. It's obvious. It has been documented in studies that trolls like you are sadists.

You are the bad guy here.

I have REPEATEDLY admitted to you that I like being an asshole to you. Did you miss it the other times?

That fact does not make yiu a good guy. You aren't a good guy. You know that, don't you?

The fact that you are enjoy causing pain to other people and do so with much of your free time is a good example of what a bad person is.

I am a good guy. I don't know what YOU think makes a good guy, but your being a sadist makes your judgment on that issue quite suspect.

You are welcome to share, if you wish. It could be educational to see what a sadist thinks a good person is.

Have I caused you pain?
I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.

Perhaps that is what people are doing when they call you a racist.

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

You and Mac are in this thread giggling about how evil your "enemies" are.

Mac, your pal, had me on ignore for a long time ( tried to silence his enemy ) and has labeled me a stalker in an attempt to intimidate me into silence.

You have no intention of having a real discussion....as you WILL NOT BE HONEST.

When you first came here....I read some of your posts.....and decided to ask you a question. You got offended by the question as you are as PC as they come. You never answered the question. Do you remember what it was?

Very much so. It was not a real question. It was a slander thinly veiled as a question.

AT BEST, you asking it showed that you had such a closed mind, that you could not imagine a scenario where someone could not disagree with you politically without being a bad person.

That is some of you lefties.

BUT, combined with some of your other behaviors, imo, you were purposefully engaged in a personal attack as a form of propaganda.

Which of course, is the exact OPPOSITE of real discussion.

Also, I repeatedly explained that to you and you constantly pretended to not know why I was not answering your "question" nor did you ever address that point.

Which demonstrates your complete intellectual dishonesty.

Once again....if you ask me that same question, I will provide you with a straight up, one word answer. I will not be offended by the question.

You were offended by A QUESTION. Does it get any more PC than that?

1. You are a socio-path. YOu don't care. Words of people that you don't really see as people mean nothing to you. You know that, even if you imagine that you are not a sociopath. Yet you pretend the situation is equal in both directions. That is another example of your dishonestuy.

2. It was not a question. As I have repeatedly explained to you.

3. Your pretense of not understanding what PC is, is noted and dismissed.

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