Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

LL, please don't pretend to be stupid.

You lefty asshole are trying to destroy your enemies and silence them. We all know that.

I am here for real discussion. I prefer real debate with people that disagree with me.

You assholes prefer circle jerks where you sit around giggling like hyenas, about how smart you are and how evul and stupid your enemies are.

There is a Truth here, that if you don't face, then you can't understand anything.

You are the bad guy(s).

Of course. You are a good guy. It's so clear.

Admit it to yourself if you won't admit it to me.

YOu enjoy being a rude asshole to people. It's obvious. It has been documented in studies that trolls like you are sadists.

You are the bad guy here.

I have REPEATEDLY admitted to you that I like being an asshole to you. Did you miss it the other times?

That fact does not make yiu a good guy. You aren't a good guy. You know that, don't you?

The fact that you are enjoy causing pain to other people and do so with much of your free time is a good example of what a bad person is.

I am a good guy. I don't know what YOU think makes a good guy, but your being a sadist makes your judgment on that issue quite suspect.

You are welcome to share, if you wish. It could be educational to see what a sadist thinks a good person is.

Have I caused you pain?

Aw. Come on, share with us, your "definition" of what makes a good person.
He called the working class blue collar white voters racist, just like I said you libs do. YOur quibbling about exact wording does not change that.

But you are too dishonest to admit that.

Let's look at the FULL QUOTE, shall we.

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

That sounds, actually, pretty sympathetic towards those folks... Now, you can fault Obama for not doing enough to fix that (although the Republicans frustrated every effort he made to do so).

It "sounds" sympathetic. But he is dismissing these people's Faith, their Second Amendment Rights and their political views and strongly implying gullibility and racism.

He called them racist, like I said, and still won their votes.
Of course. You are a good guy. It's so clear.

Admit it to yourself if you won't admit it to me.

YOu enjoy being a rude asshole to people. It's obvious. It has been documented in studies that trolls like you are sadists.

You are the bad guy here.

I have REPEATEDLY admitted to you that I like being an asshole to you. Did you miss it the other times?

That fact does not make yiu a good guy. You aren't a good guy. You know that, don't you?

The fact that you are enjoy causing pain to other people and do so with much of your free time is a good example of what a bad person is.

I am a good guy. I don't know what YOU think makes a good guy, but your being a sadist makes your judgment on that issue quite suspect.

You are welcome to share, if you wish. It could be educational to see what a sadist thinks a good person is.

Have I caused you pain?

Aw. Come on, share with us, your "definition" of what makes a good person.

Have I caused you pain?
Admit it to yourself if you won't admit it to me.

YOu enjoy being a rude asshole to people. It's obvious. It has been documented in studies that trolls like you are sadists.

You are the bad guy here.

I have REPEATEDLY admitted to you that I like being an asshole to you. Did you miss it the other times?

That fact does not make yiu a good guy. You aren't a good guy. You know that, don't you?

The fact that you are enjoy causing pain to other people and do so with much of your free time is a good example of what a bad person is.

I am a good guy. I don't know what YOU think makes a good guy, but your being a sadist makes your judgment on that issue quite suspect.

You are welcome to share, if you wish. It could be educational to see what a sadist thinks a good person is.

Have I caused you pain?

Aw. Come on, share with us, your "definition" of what makes a good person.

Have I caused you pain?

Oh certainly. As you well know.

And you enjoy that. YOu are a sadistic asshole.

As you well know.

You are the bad person here.

Let's turn it around. Have I caused you pain?
I have REPEATEDLY admitted to you that I like being an asshole to you. Did you miss it the other times?

That fact does not make yiu a good guy. You aren't a good guy. You know that, don't you?

The fact that you are enjoy causing pain to other people and do so with much of your free time is a good example of what a bad person is.

I am a good guy. I don't know what YOU think makes a good guy, but your being a sadist makes your judgment on that issue quite suspect.

You are welcome to share, if you wish. It could be educational to see what a sadist thinks a good person is.

Have I caused you pain?

Aw. Come on, share with us, your "definition" of what makes a good person.

Have I caused you pain?

Oh certainly. As you well know.

And you enjoy that. YOu are a sadistic asshole.

As you well know.

You are the bad person here.

Let's turn it around. Have I caused you pain?

Well. For that I am sorry.

And no. You have not caused me pain. Rest easy.
The fact that you are enjoy causing pain to other people and do so with much of your free time is a good example of what a bad person is.

I am a good guy. I don't know what YOU think makes a good guy, but your being a sadist makes your judgment on that issue quite suspect.

You are welcome to share, if you wish. It could be educational to see what a sadist thinks a good person is.

Have I caused you pain?

Aw. Come on, share with us, your "definition" of what makes a good person.

Have I caused you pain?

Oh certainly. As you well know.

And you enjoy that. YOu are a sadistic asshole.

As you well know.

You are the bad person here.

Let's turn it around. Have I caused you pain?

Well. For that I am sorry.

And no. You have not caused me pain. Rest easy.

1. Liar. Words hurt and you spend most of your time here spewing hurtful words. Because you are an admitted asshole and you are a sadist. Which makes you the bad person here.

2. Of course I have not hurt you. You are a sociopath. YOu don't care.

3. Come on, share with us your view on what makes a good person. I want to know what a sadistic asshole thinks makes a good person.

Bonus points if it includes YOU. lol!!!
Some more hopeful cracks in the PC Wall (from Source: Trump vs. Political Correctness)

There are bits of good news even on campus. Last month the New York Post reported New York University had forced Michael Rectenwald, a liberal studies professor, “to go on paid leave for the rest of the semester” in retaliation for having “launched an undercover Twitter account called Deplorable NYU Prof . . . to argue against campus trends like ‘safe spaces,’ ‘trigger warnings,’ policing Halloween costumes and other aspects of academia’s growing PC culture.”

Here’s the Post, post-Trump:

The politically incorrect professor on leave since his NYU colleagues griped about his “incivility” has been promoted—and his fellow liberal-studies profs were lectured about their conduct. Michael Rectenwald, 57, was bumped from assistant professor to full professor on Monday, just days after he was placed on paid leave. The promotion comes with an 18 percent raise to $80,000, a source said.


The Detroit News reports on the emboldenment of Trump supporters at the flagship university of a state Trump carried narrowly:

Hundreds of students at the University of Michigan have signed a #NotMyCampus petition condemning university president Mark Schlissel for comments he made at a somber vigil last week following President-elect Donald Trump’s surprise victory. “Your voices worked out to be a 90/10 decision in favor of the unsuccessful candidate yesterday,” Schlissel said in footage posted to Youtube by The Michigan Daily, the campus newspaper. “Ninety percent of you rejected the kind of hate and the fractiousness and the longing for some sort of idealized version of a nonexistent yesterday that was expressed during (Trump’s) campaign.” . . .

More than 320 students signed a petition by Monday afternoon and submitted nearly 50 pages of personal statements, many calling out Schlissel for his comments. “It is extraordinarily arrogant to assume that those who backed Trump are unequivocally supporting racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of hatred, yet that is exactly what Presidential Schlissel did,” said Reebehl El-Hage, a senior in the college of engineering. “Instead of being introspective and asking why people voted for Trump, President Schlissel denounced them.”


A few left-wing Yale students are showing signs of self-awareness, the Washington Post reports:

Some [Hillary] Clinton supporters here said the election exposed a blind spot at Yale. As an elite institution, they said, it is not sufficiently attuned to the concerns of the massive bloc of white, working-class voters in small towns and rural areas who powered Trump’s election. “A lot of people here are out of touch with what’s going on in communities that don’t look like their communities,” said Isis Davis-Marks, 19, a sophomore from New York City. “This election made me realize how much of a liberal bubble Yale students live in,” said Zachary Cohen, 20, a junior from New York City who edits a political journal here. That isolation left the campus largely unaware of anger and resentment elsewhere, he said. “I definitely had to come terms with the fact that there was this other half of America I had hardly seen.”


Even the New York Times . . . well, let’s not overstate this, but the paper’s publisher, Pinch Sulzberger, and top news editor, Dean Baquet, put out a letter to readers promising to cover the new administration fairly:

As we reflect on the momentous result, and the months of reporting and polling that preceded it, we aim to rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences in the stories that we bring to you. It is also to hold power to account, impartially and unflinchingly. You can rely on The New York Times to bring the same fairness, the same level of scrutiny, the same independence to our coverage of the new president and his team.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

Nope. You are very sensitive. I've never called Trump a racist. I've never called you a racist.

Trump has made racist remarks, though. You might want to calm down in your zealous defense of the man.

You mean like when the Dems gloated for a year about how all hispanics hated Trump, and then when Trump said ONE SPECIFIC hispanic hated him, and that was racist.

When Trump said it. When the dems said it it was completely cool.

Because, reasons.


Yep. Dems like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney. Horrible PC Dems.

Please.....the dude said many things that most sane people would consider racist, bigoted and mysoginistic. Try being honest.

What is insane is for a large group of people to spend a year saying that another group of people all hate this one guy, and then when that one guy says that ONE INDIVIDUAL of that other group hates him,

for the first large group to be outraged by that.

That is irrational.

That some republicans have accepted lib premises, does not change that.

My point stands.

You only now figured that these people are completely irrational?

They aren't just irrational, they are completely out of their minds crazy.
If that was true, the EU would not have needed to subsidize Airbus.

Your words are nonsense.

Racist nonsense, you racist ass.

you can keep claiming that, but the US government subsidizes Boeing even m ore, and they still produce crappy planes no one wants to fly on, Cleetus.

"Billy-bob, where does the altimeter go?"

"What's an altimeter, Cleetus?"
THe Country Club was shitting bricks about it, right up until Trump won, with major coattails.

If they are like you, they didn't learn anything from that. But hopefully.

THe Rank and File republicans, like me, supported Trump, and are happy.

They're still shitting bricks. They know Trump is going to be a disaster for them.

They know that the stupid rednecks are going to turn on them the minute those dead jobs fail to rise from the dead.

And once it's been established Trump's victory was due to Russian hacking, they will be known as the "Party of Treason".
If that was true, the EU would not have needed to subsidize Airbus.

Your words are nonsense.

Racist nonsense, you racist ass.

you can keep claiming that, but the US government subsidizes Boeing even m ore, and they still produce crappy planes no one wants to fly on, Cleetus.

"Billy-bob, where does the altimeter go?"

"What's an altimeter, Cleetus?"

So far you've linked to a couple of million of subsidizes.

HInt: Millions is less than billions. A lot.

Your position has been debunked by the facts.

Yet you hold to your irrational hatred of Americans, and American workers.

And your racism, you racist ass.
Instead of taking responsibility, they are doubling down. And unfortunately, many more normal liberals are joining their efforts.
1. My life is not miserable. I have a great family and a very nice two bedroom home, two vans, so many good friends that I don't have time to spend as much time with each of them as I feel I should, rewarding hobbies, so many that I don't have time to enjoy them all, a man cave with a 50" tv and a pool table, ect. ect ect.

You done der got two bedrooms, Cleetus! Weeeee-haaaaa....

A happy person wouldn't spend so much time hating on Mexicans.

2. Mostly I "rant" about liberals. Who are in anything, likely to be making even more money than me, even if they blow it on stupid shit.

Naw, guy, you spend time here ranting about Mexicans who have less. And how they are making your life miserable because they'll work harder for less money.

3. Just because someone is "less fortunate" than me, does not mean they can't cause problems for me. I bet the nice couple that Will Horton assaulted and raped were by most standards "more fortunate" than him, but he still fucked up their lives. Well, him and Dukakis.

see, you can't help yourself with the racism. Horton was the end result of a racist system, and we got one of the worst presidents ever because he played on the racism and fear rather than address the problems.

(Oh, a republican came up with the furlough program he got out on, but never mind.)
THe Country Club was shitting bricks about it, right up until Trump won, with major coattails.

If they are like you, they didn't learn anything from that. But hopefully.

THe Rank and File republicans, like me, supported Trump, and are happy.

They're still shitting bricks. They know Trump is going to be a disaster for them.

They know that the stupid rednecks are going to turn on them the minute those dead jobs fail to rise from the dead.

And once it's been established Trump's victory was due to Russian hacking, they will be known as the "Party of Treason".

Their is no reason to assume that better US trade policy will not result in an improved Job situation.

NOw, obviously the media will lie about that, if it occurs.

Any success on Trump's part can be the foundation to increased white voter support for the GOP,.
So far you've linked to a couple of million of subsidizes.

HInt: Millions is less than billions. A lot.

Your position has been debunked by the facts.

Yet you hold to your irrational hatred of Americans, and American workers.

And your racism, you racist ass.

Naw, I have a honest appraisal of Americans. We are fat, stupid, superstitious, lazy and kind of racist. while the rest of hte world looks on in abject horror of what we just did, we don't solve the problems.

No one wants to fly on a plane built by Billy-Bob and CLeetus down in Jesus-land. They'd much rather fly on an Airbus built by a smarter German who made a good union wage and cares about his job.

That's why Airbus wins.
1. My life is not miserable. I have a great family and a very nice two bedroom home, two vans, so many good friends that I don't have time to spend as much time with each of them as I feel I should, rewarding hobbies, so many that I don't have time to enjoy them all, a man cave with a 50" tv and a pool table, ect. ect ect.

You done der got two bedrooms, Cleetus! Weeeee-haaaaa....

A happy person wouldn't spend so much time hating on Mexicans.

2. Mostly I "rant" about liberals. Who are in anything, likely to be making even more money than me, even if they blow it on stupid shit.

Naw, guy, you spend time here ranting about Mexicans who have less. And how they are making your life miserable because they'll work harder for less money.

3. Just because someone is "less fortunate" than me, does not mean they can't cause problems for me. I bet the nice couple that Will Horton assaulted and raped were by most standards "more fortunate" than him, but he still fucked up their lives. Well, him and Dukakis.

see, you can't help yourself with the racism. Horton was the end result of a racist system, and we got one of the worst presidents ever because he played on the racism and fear rather than address the problems.

(Oh, a republican came up with the furlough program he got out on, but never mind.)

1.a. Yes. Two bedrooms is all we need. We turned down larger houses because it would have been a wasteful purchase. You racist ass.

1b I don't hate Mexicans. I hate you. You can't blame Mexicans for following their self interests. They don't owe US shit. YOu, on the other hand, are a traitor.

2. I want trade and immigration policy to encourage higher wages for Americans. That you seem to think that is a form of hatred, is just you being an ass.

3. BLah, blah, blah, racism. Horton was less fortunate, and really fucked up that couple. YOur pretense that someone less fortunate can't be a serious problem for someone is moronic assholeness from you.
Their is no reason to assume that better US trade policy will not result in an improved Job situation.

NOw, obviously the media will lie about that, if it occurs.

Any success on Trump's part can be the foundation to increased white voter support for the GOP,.

YOu mean he blamed their woes on brown people instead of his fellow rich people, and their dumb asses bought it.

Here's why Trump's policies won't work. Because if he put tariffs into place, manufactured goods WILL be more expensive, but they won't start making them here. starting up a factory costs money, as does training, getting all the permits, etc.

Probably just cheaper to pay the tariffs. It will kind of suck for Cleetus when he has to pay more money at WalMart and his wife/cousin Mary Sue loses her job there because they have to cut back on expenses to pay the tariffs.

Then even the most dense of them will figure out they've been had bigger than that time they enrolled in Trump University.
So far you've linked to a couple of million of subsidizes.

HInt: Millions is less than billions. A lot.

Your position has been debunked by the facts.

Yet you hold to your irrational hatred of Americans, and American workers.

And your racism, you racist ass.

Naw, I have a honest appraisal of Americans. We are fat, stupid, superstitious, lazy and kind of racist. while the rest of hte world looks on in abject horror of what we just did, we don't solve the problems.

No one wants to fly on a plane built by Billy-Bob and CLeetus down in Jesus-land. They'd much rather fly on an Airbus built by a smarter German who made a good union wage and cares about his job.

That's why Airbus wins.

Your opinion is disproved by the fact that the EU subsidizes Airbus by the BILLIONS.

You racist anti-american ass.
It "sounds" sympathetic. But he is dismissing these people's Faith, their Second Amendment Rights and their political views and strongly implying gullibility and racism.

He called them racist, like I said, and still won their votes.

Okay. Yeah, people who think a book of superstition and the false belief a gun makes them safer are kind of, well, dumb.

You see, here's what happened to that White Middle Class.

Once upon a time, the private sector had good wages because of unionization or the threat of unionization. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. There were tariffs in place that protected our industries (vital to our national defense and economy) from unfair foreign competition. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the middle class.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, hey, you know, we can get more business opportunities if we sign this free trade bill with third world rat-holes that don't have the safety, environmental and work rules we have."

"Doooooy, Oky-Doke"

And they act all surprise when the manufacturing jobs go to China, and the Customer Service jobs go to India, and when their POS Chinese made computer breaks down, they can call to Pradip… er, “Bobby” about how to fix it, but he doesn't understand English.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"

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