Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

Again, don't you see that conservatism is all about identity politics?

As you see, the OP is incapable of defending his views.
And as I've already told you, your opinion is irrelevant to me.

I'm having perfectly satisfying conversations with adults in the thread I linked.

Too bad.

That's your weasely way of saying you can't debate me.



Nice post, PolticalChic.
Okay, I'll try one last time.

You're right. I can't debate you. I learned long ago that daring to disagree with narcissistic hardcore partisan ideologues like you is an abject waste of time. Nothing can be "proven" to you. No argument will crack that ideological cocoon in which you exist. And I know that, in your particular case, as USMB's King of the Straw Man, you will ultimately start just making shit up anyway.

What I don't understand is why you keep trying. Find a nice little right winger who likes this childish stuff and have at it.

I'm just not interested.
1. Scores of thousands of good manufacturing jobs is not something we should just give up on and let our "Friends" cheat US out of.

If they made a better product.. they weren't cheating.

Cheating is when most of us vote for a candidate, and we end up some Nazi with a bad hairpiece because the Russians hacked the voting machines.
1. Subjective? LOL!!!

2. SO, you allowed yourself to be co-opted by the "free traders" by their use of the Race Card. Got it.

I see Racism as a bigger ill than free trade...

We could end the "Free Trade" Problem in a heartbeat. Don't buy anything that isn't marked "Made in the USA". We've kind of done this free trade thing to ourselves, dummy.

Racism, on the other hand, is a real threat to the good of the country.
4. They are importing Third World workers to undercut US worker's WAGES. You sucker.

5. Your racism and unchristian bigotry is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.

Yawn, guy. I do the resumes for those workers. I do resumes for the Americans, too.

guess what, the foreigners actually really did work a lot harder to get where they are at.
1. In how many states was gay marriage been put on the ballot and refused by the electorate? What do the leftists do? They go to court and over ride the voters of those states, and then threaten them with boycotts.

2. Did not California voters decide a few years back something at the ballot box about how not to give insurance or something to illegal aliens? What did the politically correct, leftists do? Went to court to stop the will of the people, the citizenry of that state, and FORCE them to do it the lefty way.

Yes. We have a constitution to protect us from the rule of the mob. Thanks for pointing that out.
1. Scores of thousands of good manufacturing jobs is not something we should just give up on and let our "Friends" cheat US out of.

If they made a better product.. they weren't cheating.

Cheating is when most of us vote for a candidate, and we end up some Nazi with a bad hairpiece because the Russians hacked the voting machines.

Correct, IF they made a better product and that was why they took so much market share and jobs, that would not be cheating.

Using billions of dollars in subsidizes to steal market share and jobs, which they have been found guilty of doing, THAT IS CHEATING.

You dishonest fuck.
1. Subjective? LOL!!!

2. SO, you allowed yourself to be co-opted by the "free traders" by their use of the Race Card. Got it.

I see Racism as a bigger ill than free trade...

We could end the "Free Trade" Problem in a heartbeat. Don't buy anything that isn't marked "Made in the USA". We've kind of done this free trade thing to ourselves, dummy.

Racism, on the other hand, is a real threat to the good of the country.

1. As I said, you allowed your self to be co-opted by the Rich by their use of the Race Card. Got it.

2. Trade policy is not an individual responsibility. IT is a government responsibility.

3. YOur race baiting is noted. You and yours are tearing this nation apart. THe blood of innocents is no your hands.
3. Got it. YOU believe that that Ivy League graduate who has succeeded in THREE hyper competitive fields is stupid.

You know what, BUsh graduated from Ivy League schools. He's as dumb as a fucking stump. so is Trump.

YOur inability to admit to the intelligence of your enemies is just your lack of emotional maturity speaking.
4. They are importing Third World workers to undercut US worker's WAGES. You sucker.

5. Your racism and unchristian bigotry is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.

Yawn, guy. I do the resumes for those workers. I do resumes for the Americans, too.

guess what, the foreigners actually really did work a lot harder to get where they are at.

Irrelevant to the point I made. They are importing Third World Workers to undercut US workers wages.

I don't care how hard the foreigners worked to get the opportunity to take a job away from an American.

I am on the side of the American. And US government policy should be on the side of the Americans TOO.

Do you understand why?
Correct, IF they made a better product and that was why they took so much market share and jobs, that would not be cheating.

Using billions of dollars in subsidizes to steal market share and jobs, which they have been found guilty of doing, THAT IS CHEATING.

well, you can keep claiming htat... but the reality is, Consumers are voting with their wallets.

Irrelevant to the point I made. They are importing Third World Workers to undercut US workers wages.

I don't care how hard the foreigners worked to get the opportunity to take a job away from an American.

I am on the side of the American. And US government policy should be on the side of the Americans TOO.

Do you understand why?

Not really. They should be on the side of business... Isn't that what republicans are supposed to think?

Trump is an admission Americans can't compete because they are fat, stupid and lazy.

So they need protections from the bad old brown people who work harder.

Wait until Big Business tells Trump he can't do that.
YOur inability to admit to the intelligence of your enemies is just your lack of emotional maturity speaking.

Guy, Bush was a very stupid person. Trump is a very ignorant person. (Most racists are.)

All they prove is that money can buy you anything, but an Ivy League degree for a rich twit has as much value as the diploma the Wizard gave the Scarecrow.

Correct, IF they made a better product and that was why they took so much market share and jobs, that would not be cheating.

Using billions of dollars in subsidizes to steal market share and jobs, which they have been found guilty of doing, THAT IS CHEATING.

well, you can keep claiming htat... but the reality is, Consumers are voting with their wallets.

Irrelevant to the point I made. They are importing Third World Workers to undercut US workers wages.

I don't care how hard the foreigners worked to get the opportunity to take a job away from an American.

I am on the side of the American. And US government policy should be on the side of the Americans TOO.

Do you understand why?

Not really. They should be on the side of business... Isn't that what republicans are supposed to think?

Trump is an admission Americans can't compete because they are fat, stupid and lazy.

So they need protections from the bad old brown people who work harder.

Wait until Big Business tells Trump he can't do that.

1. Airbus did not get a "competitive" product to market based on their skills in manufacturing, or design. Their edge was billions in subsidizes.

I have posted quotes from Airbus officials stating that they would be willing to GIVE the planes away if that was what it took. THat's not Free Market Competition.

We are letting them steal market share and the jobs and wages that go with it. Why?

2. Your lack of understanding of what the GOP is about is noted.

3. American government policy makers have an ethical and professional responsibility to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans.

4. Your hatred and contempt for your fellow Americans is noted. You are an anti-American ass. And this is what this is about. YOu don't care about your fellow Americans and don't believe they have a right to have their interests represented in policy.

5. YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed. YOu are a race bating ass.

6. Our biggest trade deficit is with CHina. Your obsession with "Brown" people is your issue, and not one of interest to me or anyone else. But thanks for sharing.

7. Your assumption that I don't care about our trade deficit with the EU (ie "white people") is deeply irrational considering how I have been POUNDING the recent WTO Airbus ruling into your head trying to get you in touch with reality, at least a little.
YOur inability to admit to the intelligence of your enemies is just your lack of emotional maturity speaking.

Guy, Bush was a very stupid person. Trump is a very ignorant person. (Most racists are.)

All they prove is that money can buy you anything, but an Ivy League degree for a rich twit has as much value as the diploma the Wizard gave the Scarecrow.


Bush was not stupid. Trump is not ignorant, nor racist.

You are the one with the issues, where you have to put down your enemies in order to justify marginalizing them inside your own head.

It is hilarious that you can still be so completely smug after having your entire world view, and all the Authority Figures you trust being proved so wrong so completely just days ago.
1. Airbus did not get a "competitive" product to market based on their skills in manufacturing, or design. Their edge was billions in subsidizes.

I have posted quotes from Airbus officials stating that they would be willing to GIVE the planes away if that was what it took. THat's not Free Market Competition.

We are letting them steal market share and the jobs and wages that go with it. Why?

Why not? If you don't like they doing that, then insist on subsidies for Boeing. Oh, wait, we already give Boeing subsidies and they STILL screw Americans. Like when they closed down those union factories in Washington to build planes in JesusLand.

"What's this dun-der flap do, Cleetus?"

2. Your lack of understanding of what the GOP is about is noted.

3. American government policy makers have an ethical and professional responsibility to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans.

What you want it to do is prop up failed industries like coal. If the government was really interested in "Americans", we should have invested the money into training kids for those STEM jobs.

6. Our biggest trade deficit is with CHina. Your obsession with "Brown" people is your issue, and not one of interest to me or anyone else. But thanks for sharing.

Again, every day, Cleetus and Billy-Bob go down to WalMart and buy "Made in China' stuff. seems to me they are voting with their wallets.

It is hilarious that you can still be so completely smug after having your entire world view, and all the Authority Figures you trust being proved so wrong so completely just days ago.

again- Hillary won the election by 2.1 million votes. The people got this right.

Just because his Russian Master's hacked the vote in a few states doesn't take away from that.
1. Airbus did not get a "competitive" product to market based on their skills in manufacturing, or design. Their edge was billions in subsidizes.

I have posted quotes from Airbus officials stating that they would be willing to GIVE the planes away if that was what it took. THat's not Free Market Competition.

We are letting them steal market share and the jobs and wages that go with it. Why?

Why not? If you don't like they doing that, then insist on subsidies for Boeing. Oh, wait, we already give Boeing subsidies and they STILL screw Americans. Like when they closed down those union factories in Washington to build planes in JesusLand.

"What's this dun-der flap do, Cleetus?"

2. Your lack of understanding of what the GOP is about is noted.

3. American government policy makers have an ethical and professional responsibility to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans.

What you want it to do is prop up failed industries like coal. If the government was really interested in "Americans", we should have invested the money into training kids for those STEM jobs.

6. Our biggest trade deficit is with CHina. Your obsession with "Brown" people is your issue, and not one of interest to me or anyone else. But thanks for sharing.

Again, every day, Cleetus and Billy-Bob go down to WalMart and buy "Made in China' stuff. seems to me they are voting with their wallets.

It is hilarious that you can still be so completely smug after having your entire world view, and all the Authority Figures you trust being proved so wrong so completely just days ago.

again- Hillary won the election by 2.1 million votes. The people got this right.

Just because his Russian Master's hacked the vote in a few states doesn't take away from that.

1. YOur reflexive siding against America and giving of a pass to the cheating of our foreign rivals is noted. You are an anti-American ass.

2. Your racism is noted. You are a racist ass.

3. YOur religious bigotry is noted. You are a bigoted ass.

4. Coal is not a "failed industry". My point stands. American government policy makers have an ethical and professional responsibility to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans

5. "Stems Jobs" has become a meaningless chant, not policy, especially in light of your sides support of ever higher Stem workers visas for Third World Labor.

6.YOur racism in noted. You are a racist ass.

7. Trade Policy is a government responsibility, not an individual responsibility. "Cleetus and Billy-Bob", have voted for Trump and his policy of America First trade policy.

8. YOur pretense of not understanding the Election in noted and dismissed.
1. YOur reflexive siding against America and giving of a pass to the cheating of our foreign rivals is noted. You are an anti-American ass.

Quite the contrary. We should do the exact same thing our rivals do- subsidize industries we consider vital. Of course, the big drag on American companies is they have to finance their own health care while the rest of the world treats that as a public service.

But you keep whining about Airbus, because I'm sure you buy a lot of airliners, Cleetus.

4. Coal is not a "failed industry". My point stands. American government policy makers have an ethical and professional responsibility to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans

No, we have a responsibility to keep the environment safe. It's kind of more important that we prevent the planet from having a runaway green house effect than it is to keep some slack-jawed inbreds working digging up a material no one really wants.

5. "Stems Jobs" has become a meaningless chant, not policy, especially in light of your sides support of ever higher Stem workers visas for Third World Labor.

its' STEM- it's an acronym, Cleetus.

And the US does a sucky job teaching it. Which is what happens when a bunch of inbred slack jawed bible thumpers run your education policy.

The STEM Crisis | Transform Education | National Math + Science Initiative

  • U.S. students recently finished 27th in math and 20th in science in the ranking of 34 countries by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • The U.S. may be short as many as 3 million high-skilled workers by 2018. Two-thirds of those jobs will require at least some post-secondary education.
  • The prestigious World Economic Forum ranks the U.S. as No. 48 in quality of math and science education.
  • 25 years ago, the U.S. led the world in high school and college graduation rates. Today, the U.S. has dropped to 20th and 16th.
So by your logic, American companies should try to fill those technical jobs with who, exactly? Cleetus and Billy-Bob who graduated with degrees in Theology from Talking Snake University?

7. Trade Policy is a government responsibility, not an individual responsibility. "Cleetus and Billy-Bob", have voted for Trump and his policy of America First trade policy.

And then they'll take their dumb inbred, bible-thumping asses down to WalMart and buy Chinese products. And wonder why they can't get as much for their paycheck from the Piggly Wiggly.
1. YOur reflexive siding against America and giving of a pass to the cheating of our foreign rivals is noted. You are an anti-American ass.

Quite the contrary. We should do the exact same thing our rivals do- subsidize industries we consider vital. Of course, the big drag on American companies is they have to finance their own health care while the rest of the world treats that as a public service.

But you keep whining about Airbus, because I'm sure you buy a lot of airliners, Cleetus.

4. Coal is not a "failed industry". My point stands. American government policy makers have an ethical and professional responsibility to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans

No, we have a responsibility to keep the environment safe. It's kind of more important that we prevent the planet from having a runaway green house effect than it is to keep some slack-jawed inbreds working digging up a material no one really wants.

5. "Stems Jobs" has become a meaningless chant, not policy, especially in light of your sides support of ever higher Stem workers visas for Third World Labor.

its' STEM- it's an acronym, Cleetus.

And the US does a sucky job teaching it. Which is what happens when a bunch of inbred slack jawed bible thumpers run your education policy.

The STEM Crisis | Transform Education | National Math + Science Initiative

  • U.S. students recently finished 27th in math and 20th in science in the ranking of 34 countries by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • The U.S. may be short as many as 3 million high-skilled workers by 2018. Two-thirds of those jobs will require at least some post-secondary education.
  • The prestigious World Economic Forum ranks the U.S. as No. 48 in quality of math and science education.
  • 25 years ago, the U.S. led the world in high school and college graduation rates. Today, the U.S. has dropped to 20th and 16th.
So by your logic, American companies should try to fill those technical jobs with who, exactly? Cleetus and Billy-Bob who graduated with degrees in Theology from Talking Snake University?

7. Trade Policy is a government responsibility, not an individual responsibility. "Cleetus and Billy-Bob", have voted for Trump and his policy of America First trade policy.

And then they'll take their dumb inbred, bible-thumping asses down to WalMart and buy Chinese products. And wonder why they can't get as much for their paycheck from the Piggly Wiggly.

1. Subsidize is your game. We will demand that they stop and if they don't they will pay a tariff to make up the difference. We can raise tariffs for longer than they can increase subsidizes. We can at least have Fair competition internally.

2. Your racism is noted, you racist ass.

3. Your late green excuse for wanting to screw your fellow Americans is noted and dismissed. My point stands. American government policy makers have an ethical and professional responsibility to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans

4. YOur racism is noted again. YOu are a racist ass.

5. I've heard too many reports of US stem workers being fired to hire cheaper Third World Workers. I don't trust the claims of the industry. They can work with what we have.

6. Your racism in noted again. YOu are a racist ass.

7. Trade Policy is a government function and the American Voters have voted for Trump's American FIrst Trade Policy. Your post did not challenge that in any way.

Do you want your fellow Americans to lose?
1. Subsidize is your game. We will demand that they stop and if they don't they will pay a tariff to make up the difference. We can raise tariffs for longer than they can increase subsidizes. We can at least have Fair competition internally.

Now, dun der, Cleetus.. most of the Airbuses aren't being bought by American Airlines to start with. and they can just as easily have their off shore affiliates buy the planes and avoid US tariffs altogether.

3. Your late green excuse for wanting to screw your fellow Americans is noted and dismissed. My point stands. American government policy makers have an ethical and professional responsibility to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans

Naw, I don't feel much like endangering the enviroment so Cleetus and Billy Bob can survive not having to get real job skills for another day.

5. I've heard too many reports of US stem workers being fired to hire cheaper Third World Workers. I don't trust the claims of the industry. They can work with what we have.

So they should pay more for dumber workers? Really? That doesn't seem to make a lot of business sense.

Again, I've worked in manufacturing. yes, most of the Engineers they hired were brown people. Not because they prefered those folks. But because the Americans don't exist.

I've written over a hundred IT resumes in the last two years for clients. They are almost exclusively Indian people I think I've written maybe two or three for white people. our schools aren't producing the people industry needs.

7. Trade Policy is a government function and the American Voters have voted for Trump's American FIrst Trade Policy. Your post did not challenge that in any way.

Um, yeah, it kind of did. Just because you don't want to understand the point doesn't mean the point wasn't made, Cleetus.

Americans voted with their pocketbooks.

And then most of them voted against the Orange Nazi. Good thing there were Russian Hackers ready to do work American hackers were too lazy to do.

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