Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

Their is no reason to assume that better US trade policy will not result in an improved Job situation.

NOw, obviously the media will lie about that, if it occurs.

Any success on Trump's part can be the foundation to increased white voter support for the GOP,.

YOu mean he blamed their woes on brown people instead of his fellow rich people, and their dumb asses bought it.

Here's why Trump's policies won't work. Because if he put tariffs into place, manufactured goods WILL be more expensive, but they won't start making them here. starting up a factory costs money, as does training, getting all the permits, etc.

Probably just cheaper to pay the tariffs. It will kind of suck for Cleetus when he has to pay more money at WalMart and his wife/cousin Mary Sue loses her job there because they have to cut back on expenses to pay the tariffs.

Then even the most dense of them will figure out they've been had bigger than that time they enrolled in Trump University.

Our biggest trade deficit is with CHina. They are YELLOW, you racist ass.

THe EU, ie the assholes who are subsidizing Airbus to steal US jobs, are at least as white as US.

Some manufacturers might just pay the tariffs, but they will then open themselves up to manufactures who are NOT paying those tariffs.

You are aware that not all manufacturing takes place in China, right?
It "sounds" sympathetic. But he is dismissing these people's Faith, their Second Amendment Rights and their political views and strongly implying gullibility and racism.

He called them racist, like I said, and still won their votes.

Okay. Yeah, people who think a book of superstition and the false belief a gun makes them safer are kind of, well, dumb.

You see, here's what happened to that White Middle Class.

Once upon a time, the private sector had good wages because of unionization or the threat of unionization. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. There were tariffs in place that protected our industries (vital to our national defense and economy) from unfair foreign competition. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the middle class.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, hey, you know, we can get more business opportunities if we sign this free trade bill with third world rat-holes that don't have the safety, environmental and work rules we have."

"Doooooy, Oky-Doke"

And they act all surprise when the manufacturing jobs go to China, and the Customer Service jobs go to India, and when their POS Chinese made computer breaks down, they can call to Pradip… er, “Bobby” about how to fix it, but he doesn't understand English.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"

1. Your anti-Christian bigotry is noted.

2. Your belief that self defense is impossible is noted. Please consider it ridiculed too.

3. The Unions were asses too.

4. Funny, nothing in your story about American workers being fat and lazy.

5. SO Tariffs were good then, but bad now, because Trump. Got it.

6. So Free Trade is bad, except when Trump is against it, then it's Good. Got it.

7. China, india, so it's ok to slam "Brown people" if you do it. GOt it.

SO, anyway. Trump will reverse outsourcing policy and that should mean more and better jobs for American workers.

Workers in a labor pool NOT flooded with Third World Labor will be more empowered, even unionized, if they wish.
Our biggest trade deficit is with CHina. They are YELLOW, you racist ass.

I'll let the hilarity speak for itself.

THe EU, ie the assholes who are subsidizing Airbus to steal US jobs, are at least as white as US.

Guy, how many people do you think Airbus and Boeing actually employ? It's just not that many.

Some manufacturers might just pay the tariffs, but they will then open themselves up to manufactures who are NOT paying those tariffs.

dude, I worked in Manufacturing for the last 7 years. I watched a factory that made electronic components go from 300 people when I started their in 2008 down to 130 in 2015 when I left. After I left, they got rid of all but about 50 of those jobs.

Simply put, they couldn't compete with their Asian counterparts, and the people who owned the company didn't want them to. Most of them were not white folks. They were Indian and Hispanic immigrants. The only white guy they had on the floor was a really creepy dude they fired and then put security locks on the door because they were afraid he'd come back with a gun.

One project I worked on, I was able to source the components locally and came up with a BOM that was competitive with the Asian source. They STILL went with the Asian source.

What you don't get is that Globalization is something the big corporations want, and one Nazi Game show host in the White House isn't going to change that.
Your opinion is disproved by the fact that the EU subsidizes Airbus by the BILLIONS.

You racist anti-american ass.

The EU isn't even a government, guy. The US Government on the other hand, subsidizes Boeing by the Billions thanks to the Military Industrial Complex.

Doesn't matter whether the EU is a government or not, they are subsidizing AIrbus by the billions.

Slamming the US for paying for the Lion's share of the cost of defending Europe is an interesting tact to take in arguing that they should be allowed to steal US jobs.

The rate of return on that portion of their business is not such as to justify being called a subsidy.

We have been BEGGING them to spend more on the military for generations, the slackers.
1. Your anti-Christian bigotry is noted.

2. Your belief that self defense is impossible is noted. Please consider it ridiculed too.

32,000 gun deaths in the US. Only 200 of them were ruled "self defense" by civilians. The gun lobby has sold you a lie.

5. SO Tariffs were good then, but bad now, because Trump. Got it.

6. So Free Trade is bad, except when Trump is against it, then it's Good. Got it.

I think Free Trade is bad, but Trump's racism and lack of understanding of the issue is worse. So is his hypocrisy in that he had most of his products made in the same places.

SO, anyway. Trump will reverse outsourcing policy and that should mean more and better jobs for American workers.

Workers in a labor pool NOT flooded with Third World Labor will be more empowered, even unionized, if they wish.

Really? So how is Trump going to stop automation? How is he going to stop companies from moving their call centers to India or the Philippines?

You see, there is a way for America to compete. It's by investing in the education, infrastructure, etc to make our products more competitive. But your Boy Trump is j ust done der playing on your racism, Cleetus.
No, I think you should really explain what you think is so funny.

Because it looks to me like you are being stupid even relative to your normal levels.

Asian people aren't actually "Yellow", dude.

For that matter, Europeans aren't actually "white" and African americans aren't actually "black"...

But again, anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity.
Guy, how many people do you think Airbus and Boeing actually employ? It's just not that many.

I've been waiting for you to get to this excuse.

Airbus? 55,000 , though I don't know if that includes sub contractors.

Boeing lists 150k.

A. that is a lot of jobs.

b. This is definitive proof of what type of trade policy the EU has. It is a Trade Bloc, not a Free Trade Zone, and certainly not engaged in Free Trade with US.

If they are cheating with this high profile trade, with all the eyes on it, it can be assured that they are cheating up and down the line, fucking US at every opportunity.

Which follows with their overall trade performance.

AND if our FRIENDS are fucking US this badly, and they are,

only a mad fool would claim that our enemies, the Red Chinese are not also fucking US.
Instead of taking responsibility, they are doubling down. And unfortunately, many more normal liberals are joining their efforts.
Early indications aren't very promising, but I remain hopeful some cooler and clearer heads will prevail.

Naw... you see, what should happen is that white working class people will hopefully finally figure out that when guys like Trump blame women and minorities for their problems, they'll figure out they are full of shit.


Hey, I think Correll is the guy in the suspenders. Mac wishes he was the guy with the bag.
Instead of taking responsibility, they are doubling down. And unfortunately, many more normal liberals are joining their efforts.
Early indications aren't very promising, but I remain hopeful some cooler and clearer heads will prevail.

Naw... you see, what should happen is that white working class people will hopefully finally figure out that when guys like Trump blame women and minorities for their problems, they'll figure out they are full of shit.


Hey, I think Correll is the guy in the suspenders. Mac wishes he was the guy with the bag.
Poor Joe.
I've been waiting for you to get to this excuse.

Airbus? 55,000 , though I don't know if that includes sub contractors.

Boeing lists 150k.

Oh, so not that many.... Over half a billion people in the EU and US, and less than 200K are involved in making planes.

So let me get this straight. Airbus can produce planes with 55K employees and boeing needs 150K? Hmmmm.... I know you didn't dun der do any math at your HomeSkule Cleetus... but I think you can figure this out.

AND if our FRIENDS are fucking US this badly, and they are,

only a mad fool would claim that our enemies, the Red Chinese are not also fucking US.

Here's the thing, the CHINESE are not our enemy.

The enemy of working people are rich assholes like Trump that use racism and nationalism to think we are enemies.
1. Your anti-Christian bigotry is noted.

2. Your belief that self defense is impossible is noted. Please consider it ridiculed too.

32,000 gun deaths in the US. Only 200 of them were ruled "self defense" by civilians. The gun lobby has sold you a lie.

5. SO Tariffs were good then, but bad now, because Trump. Got it.

6. So Free Trade is bad, except when Trump is against it, then it's Good. Got it.

I think Free Trade is bad, but Trump's racism and lack of understanding of the issue is worse. So is his hypocrisy in that he had most of his products made in the same places.

SO, anyway. Trump will reverse outsourcing policy and that should mean more and better jobs for American workers.

Workers in a labor pool NOT flooded with Third World Labor will be more empowered, even unionized, if they wish.

Really? So how is Trump going to stop automation? How is he going to stop companies from moving their call centers to India or the Philippines?

You see, there is a way for America to compete. It's by investing in the education, infrastructure, etc to make our products more competitive. But your Boy Trump is j ust done der playing on your racism, Cleetus.

1. ONly a fool tries to measure self defense by number of deaths.

2. You agree that "Free Trade" is bad, so you voted against the Candidate who shares your position, Got it.

3. YOur race baiting is noted and dismissed.

4. SO you think that it would by hypocritical of Trump to crack down on outsourcing. Perhaps. DOn't care.

5. Automation is ONE factor. That does not mean we should ignore other factors. Like trade.

6. How will Trump stop call centers from moving? not sure of the details, I haven't seen him directly address that form of outsourcing.

7. "Education" is just a buzz word at this point, especially with your lefties being so supporting of stem worker visas.

8. Our products are competitive. YOu can see that by the need of Airbus to cheat.

9. Your race baiting is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.
No, I think you should really explain what you think is so funny.

Because it looks to me like you are being stupid even relative to your normal levels.

Asian people aren't actually "Yellow", dude.

For that matter, Europeans aren't actually "white" and African americans aren't actually "black"...

But again, anything I would say would just detract from the hilarity.

Wow. Quibbling about common word usage. How sad.

Point is, your claim that it was blaming "brown people" was incorrect.
1. ONly a fool tries to measure self defense by number of deaths.

Actually, it's the only way you can measure it. Because any incident where both sides walked away alive are kind of subjective. Was that person really a threat, or did the gun owner lose his mind and freak out and start waving a gun.

Given how often i see the gun nuts here fantasize about all the people they want to shoot, I find it hard to believe that they show that much restraint.

2. You agree that "Free Trade" is bad, so you voted against the Candidate who shares your position, Got it.

Um, yeah, because he was a racist, misogynist and tool of the Russians. Which I guess you think are good things, but I don't.

4. SO you think that it would by hypocritical of Trump to crack down on outsourcing. Perhaps. DOn't care.

5. Automation is ONE factor. That does not mean we should ignore other factors. Like trade.

I don't think Trump understand economics or trade well enough to actually change it.

7. "Education" is just a buzz word at this point, especially with your lefties being so supporting of stem worker visas.

Well, if we aren't graduating enough Americans who understand that stuff, we have to get them from somewhere, don't we?

I mean, CLeetus adn Billy Bob going to Talking Snake U and learning about Scientific Creationism isn't going to get us there.
I've been waiting for you to get to this excuse.

Airbus? 55,000 , though I don't know if that includes sub contractors.

Boeing lists 150k.

Oh, so not that many.... Over half a billion people in the EU and US, and less than 200K are involved in making planes.

So let me get this straight. Airbus can produce planes with 55K employees and boeing needs 150K? Hmmmm.... I know you didn't dun der do any math at your HomeSkule Cleetus... but I think you can figure this out.

AND if our FRIENDS are fucking US this badly, and they are,

only a mad fool would claim that our enemies, the Red Chinese are not also fucking US.

Here's the thing, the CHINESE are not our enemy.

The enemy of working people are rich assholes like Trump that use racism and nationalism to think we are enemies.

1. Scores of thousands of good manufacturing jobs is not something we should just give up on and let our "Friends" cheat US out of.

2. If Boeing had 3 times the labor costs, Airbus wouldn't have to cheat. Probably a difference in counting sub contractors, or other departments. But you, with your manufacturing back ground, knew that.

3. Your racism is noted, you racist ass.

4. THe Chinese are certainly our enemy. Your lack of nationalism does not make their nationalism go away.

5. YOur class warfare is noted, Karl. Trump was vigorously resisted by the 1% that sided with YOUR candidate.

6. Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed, also.
1. ONly a fool tries to measure self defense by number of deaths.

Actually, it's the only way you can measure it. Because any incident where both sides walked away alive are kind of subjective. Was that person really a threat, or did the gun owner lose his mind and freak out and start waving a gun.

Given how often i see the gun nuts here fantasize about all the people they want to shoot, I find it hard to believe that they show that much restraint.

2. You agree that "Free Trade" is bad, so you voted against the Candidate who shares your position, Got it.

Um, yeah, because he was a racist, misogynist and tool of the Russians. Which I guess you think are good things, but I don't.

4. SO you think that it would by hypocritical of Trump to crack down on outsourcing. Perhaps. DOn't care.

5. Automation is ONE factor. That does not mean we should ignore other factors. Like trade.

I don't think Trump understand economics or trade well enough to actually change it.

7. "Education" is just a buzz word at this point, especially with your lefties being so supporting of stem worker visas.

Well, if we aren't graduating enough Americans who understand that stuff, we have to get them from somewhere, don't we?

I mean, CLeetus adn Billy Bob going to Talking Snake U and learning about Scientific Creationism isn't going to get us there.

1. Subjective? LOL!!!

2. SO, you allowed yourself to be co-opted by the "free traders" by their use of the Race Card. Got it.

3. Got it. YOU believe that that Ivy League graduate who has succeeded in THREE hyper competitive fields is stupid.

4. They are importing Third World workers to undercut US worker's WAGES. You sucker.

5. Your racism and unchristian bigotry is noted and dismissed. Please consider it ridiculed also.

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