Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

Instead of taking responsibility, they are doubling down. And unfortunately, many more normal liberals are joining their efforts.
Early indications aren't very promising, but I remain hopeful some cooler and clearer heads will prevail.

Naw... you see, what should happen is that white working class people will hopefully finally figure out that when guys like Trump blame women and minorities for their problems, they'll figure out they are full of shit.


Hey, I think Correll is the guy in the suspenders. Mac wishes he was the guy with the bag.
Poor Joe.

Back to your original point Mac---------->it had a lot to do with it in my opinion, since most regular Americans began to realize the far leftists won't take no for an answer, even at the ballot box.

1. In how many states was gay marriage been put on the ballot and refused by the electorate? What do the leftists do? They go to court and over ride the voters of those states, and then threaten them with boycotts.

2. Did not California voters decide a few years back something at the ballot box about how not to give insurance or something to illegal aliens? What did the politically correct, leftists do? Went to court to stop the will of the people, the citizenry of that state, and FORCE them to do it the lefty way.

3. After President Obama passed the affordable care act with the help of Democrats throughout Washington; in fact, the whole country, people realized what most politically astute citizens already knew------------>keep Washington in gridlock so that legislation coming out of there would almost have to be bi-partisan. So what happened? A Republican wave occurred in 2010. Wasn't enough,, so except for the Presidency, they turned more red in 12. PC leftists solution? Pen and phone baby! We don't care what most of the country wants, we are going to be a leftist monarchy and rule, 1 man, congress doesn't count. So what happened in 14? More red, more phone and pen, we don't care say the leftists, we are PC, we know what is best for everybody. Elections do not matter, because the next republican President hasn't been born yet! Even Arizona at the border was told they could NOT enforce the law, and Obama was going to IGNORE the law.

So you see this thread here...........YOUR thread. Do they believe they had anything to do with Hillary losing? Oh no, of course not! It was the system that caused Hillary to lose, not that virtually EVERY form of government in Washington and the states has Republicans in charge has no bearing on their way of thinking being rejected. It has to be an accident. The republicans in States hold more power than they have since the turn of the century. How did that happen? Because PC Democrats only accept the will of the people when THEY WIN! If they lose, they either go to court and try and reverse it, or they ignore it all together and ram it down Americans throats anyway.

Mac, I know you are Democrat, and I believe there are GOOD Democrats. They would be considered NOT far leftists, kinda like you as opposed to Joe, lol. You also know there are good ones because Hillary didn't get any where near the votes Obama did. That means a whole lot of GOOD people that are Democrats, could NOT vote for her. Also, every Senate race that was won by Republicans had MORE votes cast for them than Trump did. Now Joe is gonna tell ya that those voters were Stein and Johnson voters' and if he does, that kinda puts him in a quandary, lol. Why? Because if those voters pushed in a Republican for Senate, (and in Rubios case it was 200,000 votes) that means it would have really been grim for Clinton in a 1v1!

But, my take that yes, some of those votes were Johnson, but a large % were Democrats who have just had enough and left the top of the ticket empty because both Clinton and Trump were both 2 nasty. Even they know that the Democratic party is now under control of the PC far left, and they have had enough too!

As far as the electoral college, were it not for that there never would have been a United States. The small states would not have joined if all the power rested totally in population areas. It was designed as was the Senate, to insure states rights and power, and as we see, the far leftists now want to dismantle that too. Why are we not surprised! All the electoral college is in reality, is 50 governors races with the winner getting all the votes for President from that state. With Republicans almost fully in charge of 34 out of the 50 states, is there any wonder far leftists are pooping themselves wanting to change the system, lol! And why did that happen? Because PC far leftists will NOT take NO for an answer, so the only way they will learn is to take them out of power, TOTALLY........which is basically what has happened.
Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.
Instead of taking responsibility, they are doubling down. And unfortunately, many more normal liberals are joining their efforts.
Early indications aren't very promising, but I remain hopeful some cooler and clearer heads will prevail.

Naw... you see, what should happen is that white working class people will hopefully finally figure out that when guys like Trump blame women and minorities for their problems, they'll figure out they are full of shit.


Hey, I think Correll is the guy in the suspenders. Mac wishes he was the guy with the bag.
Poor Joe.

Back to your original point Mac---------->it had a lot to do with it in my opinion, since most regular Americans began to realize the far leftists won't take no for an answer, even at the ballot box.

1. In how many states was gay marriage been put on the ballot and refused by the electorate? What do the leftists do? They go to court and over ride the voters of those states, and then threaten them with boycotts.

2. Did not California voters decide a few years back something at the ballot box about how not to give insurance or something to illegal aliens? What did the politically correct, leftists do? Went to court to stop the will of the people, the citizenry of that state, and FORCE them to do it the lefty way.

3. After President Obama passed the affordable care act with the help of Democrats throughout Washington; in fact, the whole country, people realized what most politically astute citizens already knew------------>keep Washington in gridlock so that legislation coming out of there would almost have to be bi-partisan. So what happened? A Republican wave occurred in 2010. Wasn't enough,, so except for the Presidency, they turned more red in 12. PC leftists solution? Pen and phone baby! We don't care what most of the country wants, we are going to be a leftist monarchy and rule, 1 man, congress doesn't count. So what happened in 14? More red, more phone and pen, we don't care say the leftists, we are PC, we know what is best for everybody. Elections do not matter, because the next republican President hasn't been born yet! Even Arizona at the border was told they could NOT enforce the law, and Obama was going to IGNORE the law.

So you see this thread here...........YOUR thread. Do they believe they had anything to do with Hillary losing? Oh no, of course not! It was the system that caused Hillary to lose, not that virtually EVERY form of government in Washington and the states has Republicans in charge has no bearing on their way of thinking being rejected. It has to be an accident. The republicans in States hold more power than they have since the turn of the century. How did that happen? Because PC Democrats only accept the will of the people when THEY WIN! If they lose, they either go to court and try and reverse it, or they ignore it all together and ram it down Americans throats anyway.

Mac, I know you are Democrat, and I believe there are GOOD Democrats. They would be considered NOT far leftists, kinda like you as opposed to Joe, lol. You also know there are good ones because Hillary didn't get any where near the votes Obama did. That means a whole lot of GOOD people that are Democrats, could NOT vote for her. Also, every Senate race that was won by Republicans had MORE votes cast for them than Trump did. Now Joe is gonna tell ya that those voters were Stein and Johnson voters' and if he does, that kinda puts him in a quandary, lol. Why? Because if those voters pushed in a Republican for Senate, (and in Rubios case it was 200,000 votes) that means it would have really been grim for Clinton in a 1v1!

But, my take that yes, some of those votes were Johnson, but a large % were Democrats who have just had enough and left the top of the ticket empty because both Clinton and Trump were both 2 nasty. Even they know that the Democratic party is now under control of the PC far left, and they have had enough too!

As far as the electoral college, were it not for that there never would have been a United States. The small states would not have joined if all the power rested totally in population areas. It was designed as was the Senate, to insure states rights and power, and as we see, the far leftists now want to dismantle that too. Why are we not surprised! All the electoral college is in reality, is 50 governors races with the winner getting all the votes for President from that state. With Republicans almost fully in charge of 34 out of the 50 states, is there any wonder far leftists are pooping themselves wanting to change the system, lol! And why did that happen? Because PC far leftists will NOT take NO for an answer, so the only way they will learn is to take them out of power, TOTALLY........which is basically what has happened.
Wow, thank you, good stuff.

As you know, I didn't vote for Trump. But, since I'm also virulently anti-PC, I can certainly understand the frustration on the issues you describe, and others, of course.

What I completely underestimated was how many people agree with me on that topic. The Regressive Left will refuse to admit this - because criticizing a lefty's PC is like criticizing a righty's Christianity - but it really does look like a surprising percentage the country is sick of their dishonest, hateful, hurtful, cowardly PC bullshit.

So, in that way, this is really nice to see. The rest of Trump's presidency, maybe not so much for me...

Last edited:
Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.

Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?
Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.

Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?

Are you saying that Hillary was so incompetent that she rigged the election for the wrong person?

By the way, I don't see nothing wrong with the recount, only about your complete hypocrisy. Needless to say, the recount will change NOTHING.
Instead of taking responsibility, they are doubling down. And unfortunately, many more normal liberals are joining their efforts.
Early indications aren't very promising, but I remain hopeful some cooler and clearer heads will prevail.

Naw... you see, what should happen is that white working class people will hopefully finally figure out that when guys like Trump blame women and minorities for their problems, they'll figure out they are full of shit.


Hey, I think Correll is the guy in the suspenders. Mac wishes he was the guy with the bag.
Poor Joe.

Back to your original point Mac---------->it had a lot to do with it in my opinion, since most regular Americans began to realize the far leftists won't take no for an answer, even at the ballot box.

1. In how many states was gay marriage been put on the ballot and refused by the electorate? What do the leftists do? They go to court and over ride the voters of those states, and then threaten them with boycotts.

2. Did not California voters decide a few years back something at the ballot box about how not to give insurance or something to illegal aliens? What did the politically correct, leftists do? Went to court to stop the will of the people, the citizenry of that state, and FORCE them to do it the lefty way.

3. After President Obama passed the affordable care act with the help of Democrats throughout Washington; in fact, the whole country, people realized what most politically astute citizens already knew------------>keep Washington in gridlock so that legislation coming out of there would almost have to be bi-partisan. So what happened? A Republican wave occurred in 2010. Wasn't enough,, so except for the Presidency, they turned more red in 12. PC leftists solution? Pen and phone baby! We don't care what most of the country wants, we are going to be a leftist monarchy and rule, 1 man, congress doesn't count. So what happened in 14? More red, more phone and pen, we don't care say the leftists, we are PC, we know what is best for everybody. Elections do not matter, because the next republican President hasn't been born yet! Even Arizona at the border was told they could NOT enforce the law, and Obama was going to IGNORE the law.

So you see this thread here...........YOUR thread. Do they believe they had anything to do with Hillary losing? Oh no, of course not! It was the system that caused Hillary to lose, not that virtually EVERY form of government in Washington and the states has Republicans in charge has no bearing on their way of thinking being rejected. It has to be an accident. The republicans in States hold more power than they have since the turn of the century. How did that happen? Because PC Democrats only accept the will of the people when THEY WIN! If they lose, they either go to court and try and reverse it, or they ignore it all together and ram it down Americans throats anyway.

Mac, I know you are Democrat, and I believe there are GOOD Democrats. They would be considered NOT far leftists, kinda like you as opposed to Joe, lol. You also know there are good ones because Hillary didn't get any where near the votes Obama did. That means a whole lot of GOOD people that are Democrats, could NOT vote for her. Also, every Senate race that was won by Republicans had MORE votes cast for them than Trump did. Now Joe is gonna tell ya that those voters were Stein and Johnson voters' and if he does, that kinda puts him in a quandary, lol. Why? Because if those voters pushed in a Republican for Senate, (and in Rubios case it was 200,000 votes) that means it would have really been grim for Clinton in a 1v1!

But, my take that yes, some of those votes were Johnson, but a large % were Democrats who have just had enough and left the top of the ticket empty because both Clinton and Trump were both 2 nasty. Even they know that the Democratic party is now under control of the PC far left, and they have had enough too!

As far as the electoral college, were it not for that there never would have been a United States. The small states would not have joined if all the power rested totally in population areas. It was designed as was the Senate, to insure states rights and power, and as we see, the far leftists now want to dismantle that too. Why are we not surprised! All the electoral college is in reality, is 50 governors races with the winner getting all the votes for President from that state. With Republicans almost fully in charge of 34 out of the 50 states, is there any wonder far leftists are pooping themselves wanting to change the system, lol! And why did that happen? Because PC far leftists will NOT take NO for an answer, so the only way they will learn is to take them out of power, TOTALLY........which is basically what has happened.
Wow, thank you, good stuff.

As you know, I didn't vote for Trump. But, since I'm also virulently anti-PC, I can certainly understand the frustration on the issues you describe, and others, of course.

What I completely underestimated was how many people agree with me on that topic. The Regressive Left will refuse to admit this - because criticizing a lefty's PC is like criticizing a righty's Christianity - but it really does look like a surprising percentage the country is sick of their dishonest, hateful, hurtful, cowardly PC bullshit.

So, in that way, this is really nice to see. The rest of Trump's presidency, maybe not so much for me...


Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.

Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?

Recounting the votes will not change the outcome. Now, if they want to investigate the voting machines for tampering, I am all for that. Lets be honest here................how many states have to change outcomes for Trump to lose! All this is, is a leftist way to keep the popular vote in the spotlight, nothing more, nothing less. They are trying to exert pressure on America to go along with trashing the EC. Consider, Democrats start out with California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. How many of us remember every news organization on TV telling Americans how a Republican has to run a PERFECT race to win the White House because the EC is so stacked in the Democrats favor! How many of you remember leftists after leftist on here BRAGGING how before the 1st vote is cast they start out with 230 votes or some such thing. How many of you remember prominent lefty posters on here predicting that Hillary would win 360, to 370 electoral votes.

The bottom line----------->it was in the bag, we were all deplorables, Trump was a clown, the next Repub President hadn't even been born yet, they were going to absolutely retake the Senate, and might retake the House. Republican as a party was dead, they were in total control, EVERYTHING was going their way, and then it DIDN'T!

They now control NOTHING, their party is falling apart from their far leftism, America has rejected them totally, and their solution? They should change? No, oh no-no-no. It is NOT them or their ideas that have been totally rejected across the country as state after state turns red and gets Repubs taking them over, nope not them! Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but it was the Russians, Vlad ya know, WikiLeaks helped too! Oh, and that evil project Varitaas talking and sneakily filming those saintly Democrats plotting to cause violence at Trump rallies so they could call him Hitler; that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, lol. Just cause the far left got exposed for who they actually are and not who they pretend to be, means nothing, hehehehehehehehehe.

So tell us---------->how many states have to be overturned for Trump to lose, and Hilly declared the winner? How about we just give you Wisconsin back.........for free, no count needed, will you be happy then, lol! I think we can afford that, lolol!
Early indications aren't very promising, but I remain hopeful some cooler and clearer heads will prevail.

Naw... you see, what should happen is that white working class people will hopefully finally figure out that when guys like Trump blame women and minorities for their problems, they'll figure out they are full of shit.


Hey, I think Correll is the guy in the suspenders. Mac wishes he was the guy with the bag.
Poor Joe.

Back to your original point Mac---------->it had a lot to do with it in my opinion, since most regular Americans began to realize the far leftists won't take no for an answer, even at the ballot box.

1. In how many states was gay marriage been put on the ballot and refused by the electorate? What do the leftists do? They go to court and over ride the voters of those states, and then threaten them with boycotts.

2. Did not California voters decide a few years back something at the ballot box about how not to give insurance or something to illegal aliens? What did the politically correct, leftists do? Went to court to stop the will of the people, the citizenry of that state, and FORCE them to do it the lefty way.

3. After President Obama passed the affordable care act with the help of Democrats throughout Washington; in fact, the whole country, people realized what most politically astute citizens already knew------------>keep Washington in gridlock so that legislation coming out of there would almost have to be bi-partisan. So what happened? A Republican wave occurred in 2010. Wasn't enough,, so except for the Presidency, they turned more red in 12. PC leftists solution? Pen and phone baby! We don't care what most of the country wants, we are going to be a leftist monarchy and rule, 1 man, congress doesn't count. So what happened in 14? More red, more phone and pen, we don't care say the leftists, we are PC, we know what is best for everybody. Elections do not matter, because the next republican President hasn't been born yet! Even Arizona at the border was told they could NOT enforce the law, and Obama was going to IGNORE the law.

So you see this thread here...........YOUR thread. Do they believe they had anything to do with Hillary losing? Oh no, of course not! It was the system that caused Hillary to lose, not that virtually EVERY form of government in Washington and the states has Republicans in charge has no bearing on their way of thinking being rejected. It has to be an accident. The republicans in States hold more power than they have since the turn of the century. How did that happen? Because PC Democrats only accept the will of the people when THEY WIN! If they lose, they either go to court and try and reverse it, or they ignore it all together and ram it down Americans throats anyway.

Mac, I know you are Democrat, and I believe there are GOOD Democrats. They would be considered NOT far leftists, kinda like you as opposed to Joe, lol. You also know there are good ones because Hillary didn't get any where near the votes Obama did. That means a whole lot of GOOD people that are Democrats, could NOT vote for her. Also, every Senate race that was won by Republicans had MORE votes cast for them than Trump did. Now Joe is gonna tell ya that those voters were Stein and Johnson voters' and if he does, that kinda puts him in a quandary, lol. Why? Because if those voters pushed in a Republican for Senate, (and in Rubios case it was 200,000 votes) that means it would have really been grim for Clinton in a 1v1!

But, my take that yes, some of those votes were Johnson, but a large % were Democrats who have just had enough and left the top of the ticket empty because both Clinton and Trump were both 2 nasty. Even they know that the Democratic party is now under control of the PC far left, and they have had enough too!

As far as the electoral college, were it not for that there never would have been a United States. The small states would not have joined if all the power rested totally in population areas. It was designed as was the Senate, to insure states rights and power, and as we see, the far leftists now want to dismantle that too. Why are we not surprised! All the electoral college is in reality, is 50 governors races with the winner getting all the votes for President from that state. With Republicans almost fully in charge of 34 out of the 50 states, is there any wonder far leftists are pooping themselves wanting to change the system, lol! And why did that happen? Because PC far leftists will NOT take NO for an answer, so the only way they will learn is to take them out of power, TOTALLY........which is basically what has happened.
Wow, thank you, good stuff.

As you know, I didn't vote for Trump. But, since I'm also virulently anti-PC, I can certainly understand the frustration on the issues you describe, and others, of course.

What I completely underestimated was how many people agree with me on that topic. The Regressive Left will refuse to admit this - because criticizing a lefty's PC is like criticizing a righty's Christianity - but it really does look like a surprising percentage the country is sick of their dishonest, hateful, hurtful, cowardly PC bullshit.

So, in that way, this is really nice to see. The rest of Trump's presidency, maybe not so much for me...


Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.

Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?

Recounting the votes will not change the outcome. Now, if they want to investigate the voting machines for tampering, I am all for that. Lets be honest here................how many states have to change outcomes for Trump to lose! All this is, is a leftist way to keep the popular vote in the spotlight, nothing more, nothing less. They are trying to exert pressure on America to go along with trashing the EC. Consider, Democrats start out with California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. How many of us remember every news organization on TV telling Americans how a Republican has to run a PERFECT race to win the White House because the EC is so stacked in the Democrats favor! How many of you remember leftists after leftist on here BRAGGING how before the 1st vote is cast they start out with 230 votes or some such thing. How many of you remember prominent lefty posters on here predicting that Hillary would win 360, to 370 electoral votes.

The bottom line----------->it was in the bag, we were all deplorables, Trump was a clown, the next Repub President hadn't even been born yet, they were going to absolutely retake the Senate, and might retake the House. Republican as a party was dead, they were in total control, EVERYTHING was going their way, and then it DIDN'T!

They now control NOTHING, their party is falling apart from their far leftism, America has rejected them totally, and their solution? They should change? No, oh no-no-no. It is NOT them or their ideas that have been totally rejected across the country as state after state turns red and gets Repubs taking them over, nope not them! Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but it was the Russians, Vlad ya know, WikiLeaks helped too! Oh, and that evil project Varitaas talking and sneakily filming those saintly Democrats plotting to cause violence at Trump rallies so they could call him Hitler; that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, lol. Just cause the far left got exposed for who they actually are and not who they pretend to be, means nothing, hehehehehehehehehe.

So tell us---------->how many states have to be overturned for Trump to lose, and Hilly declared the winner? How about we just give you Wisconsin back.........for free, no count needed, will you be happy then, lol! I think we can afford that, lolol!
Yeah, there's not much reason to believe this will work. And yeah, the election was a real shock.

I mentioned in another post that I underestimated how sick so much of America is with PC and Identity Politics. While I didn't and don't want Trump in there, I definitely agree with that. The question is now whether the Dems will learn anything here.

The GOP changed, historically speaking, overnight.
Naw... you see, what should happen is that white working class people will hopefully finally figure out that when guys like Trump blame women and minorities for their problems, they'll figure out they are full of shit.


Hey, I think Correll is the guy in the suspenders. Mac wishes he was the guy with the bag.
Poor Joe.

Back to your original point Mac---------->it had a lot to do with it in my opinion, since most regular Americans began to realize the far leftists won't take no for an answer, even at the ballot box.

1. In how many states was gay marriage been put on the ballot and refused by the electorate? What do the leftists do? They go to court and over ride the voters of those states, and then threaten them with boycotts.

2. Did not California voters decide a few years back something at the ballot box about how not to give insurance or something to illegal aliens? What did the politically correct, leftists do? Went to court to stop the will of the people, the citizenry of that state, and FORCE them to do it the lefty way.

3. After President Obama passed the affordable care act with the help of Democrats throughout Washington; in fact, the whole country, people realized what most politically astute citizens already knew------------>keep Washington in gridlock so that legislation coming out of there would almost have to be bi-partisan. So what happened? A Republican wave occurred in 2010. Wasn't enough,, so except for the Presidency, they turned more red in 12. PC leftists solution? Pen and phone baby! We don't care what most of the country wants, we are going to be a leftist monarchy and rule, 1 man, congress doesn't count. So what happened in 14? More red, more phone and pen, we don't care say the leftists, we are PC, we know what is best for everybody. Elections do not matter, because the next republican President hasn't been born yet! Even Arizona at the border was told they could NOT enforce the law, and Obama was going to IGNORE the law.

So you see this thread here...........YOUR thread. Do they believe they had anything to do with Hillary losing? Oh no, of course not! It was the system that caused Hillary to lose, not that virtually EVERY form of government in Washington and the states has Republicans in charge has no bearing on their way of thinking being rejected. It has to be an accident. The republicans in States hold more power than they have since the turn of the century. How did that happen? Because PC Democrats only accept the will of the people when THEY WIN! If they lose, they either go to court and try and reverse it, or they ignore it all together and ram it down Americans throats anyway.

Mac, I know you are Democrat, and I believe there are GOOD Democrats. They would be considered NOT far leftists, kinda like you as opposed to Joe, lol. You also know there are good ones because Hillary didn't get any where near the votes Obama did. That means a whole lot of GOOD people that are Democrats, could NOT vote for her. Also, every Senate race that was won by Republicans had MORE votes cast for them than Trump did. Now Joe is gonna tell ya that those voters were Stein and Johnson voters' and if he does, that kinda puts him in a quandary, lol. Why? Because if those voters pushed in a Republican for Senate, (and in Rubios case it was 200,000 votes) that means it would have really been grim for Clinton in a 1v1!

But, my take that yes, some of those votes were Johnson, but a large % were Democrats who have just had enough and left the top of the ticket empty because both Clinton and Trump were both 2 nasty. Even they know that the Democratic party is now under control of the PC far left, and they have had enough too!

As far as the electoral college, were it not for that there never would have been a United States. The small states would not have joined if all the power rested totally in population areas. It was designed as was the Senate, to insure states rights and power, and as we see, the far leftists now want to dismantle that too. Why are we not surprised! All the electoral college is in reality, is 50 governors races with the winner getting all the votes for President from that state. With Republicans almost fully in charge of 34 out of the 50 states, is there any wonder far leftists are pooping themselves wanting to change the system, lol! And why did that happen? Because PC far leftists will NOT take NO for an answer, so the only way they will learn is to take them out of power, TOTALLY........which is basically what has happened.
Wow, thank you, good stuff.

As you know, I didn't vote for Trump. But, since I'm also virulently anti-PC, I can certainly understand the frustration on the issues you describe, and others, of course.

What I completely underestimated was how many people agree with me on that topic. The Regressive Left will refuse to admit this - because criticizing a lefty's PC is like criticizing a righty's Christianity - but it really does look like a surprising percentage the country is sick of their dishonest, hateful, hurtful, cowardly PC bullshit.

So, in that way, this is really nice to see. The rest of Trump's presidency, maybe not so much for me...


Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.

Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?

Recounting the votes will not change the outcome. Now, if they want to investigate the voting machines for tampering, I am all for that. Lets be honest here................how many states have to change outcomes for Trump to lose! All this is, is a leftist way to keep the popular vote in the spotlight, nothing more, nothing less. They are trying to exert pressure on America to go along with trashing the EC. Consider, Democrats start out with California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. How many of us remember every news organization on TV telling Americans how a Republican has to run a PERFECT race to win the White House because the EC is so stacked in the Democrats favor! How many of you remember leftists after leftist on here BRAGGING how before the 1st vote is cast they start out with 230 votes or some such thing. How many of you remember prominent lefty posters on here predicting that Hillary would win 360, to 370 electoral votes.

The bottom line----------->it was in the bag, we were all deplorables, Trump was a clown, the next Repub President hadn't even been born yet, they were going to absolutely retake the Senate, and might retake the House. Republican as a party was dead, they were in total control, EVERYTHING was going their way, and then it DIDN'T!

They now control NOTHING, their party is falling apart from their far leftism, America has rejected them totally, and their solution? They should change? No, oh no-no-no. It is NOT them or their ideas that have been totally rejected across the country as state after state turns red and gets Repubs taking them over, nope not them! Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but it was the Russians, Vlad ya know, WikiLeaks helped too! Oh, and that evil project Varitaas talking and sneakily filming those saintly Democrats plotting to cause violence at Trump rallies so they could call him Hitler; that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, lol. Just cause the far left got exposed for who they actually are and not who they pretend to be, means nothing, hehehehehehehehehe.

So tell us---------->how many states have to be overturned for Trump to lose, and Hilly declared the winner? How about we just give you Wisconsin back.........for free, no count needed, will you be happy then, lol! I think we can afford that, lolol!
Yeah, there's not much reason to believe this will work. And yeah, the election was a real shock.

I mentioned in another post that I underestimated how sick so much of America is with PC and Identity Politics. While I didn't and don't want Trump in there, I definitely agree with that. The question is now whether the Dems will learn anything here.

The GOP changed, historically speaking, overnight.

I doubt it Mac, just as much as I doubt the Repubs have paid attention either. People need to understand that Trump won for 2 reasons, 1. he was not Hillary, and 2. people who had tossed the political system aside re-registered, and that gave him the Presidency. Trumps biggest assets were him basically running against all of Washington, and his stance on illegal immigration and trade deals.

Joe and the far left can talk all they want about blue collar jobs never coming back. Some on the right say the same thing. It very possibly could be true, but we will NEVER find out if every time something blue collar comes up, the EPA puts a roadblock in the way. Do we all realize that basically what the Obama administration said was-----> we do not care if energy prices go up, and we do not care if energy jobs pay good wages, we want it our way, period!

People see that Mac, and then they see these same people fly around in private jets, driven around in limos, and know the far left is out of touch. What has made America as great as it is, is that were the only country where we the people, told the government what to do. When the government went against our wishes, we replaced them with new politicians. That is why far leftists and some Democrats in here being in shock, is kinda crazy. They could be in shock that they lost because the system was so stacked in their favor, but to be surprised most of America rejects their ideas should be no shock at all.

How do we know this? How many more states and localities will Republicans have to control before the Left gets it! This is just the icing on the cake with the Presidency. And in all reality, if it were NOT for Obama's EOs, he could not govern without compromise. His actions have created the very thing that leftists fear, the ability to easily roll back virtually everything he has done because of it not being laws, but rather EOs, and then send the country to the right with laws, since they control all 3 branches of government, and will no doubt use the Harry Reid nuclear option to install any Supreme Court justice they want.

Anyway, as long as people like far leftist Joe is in control of your party, I think most of the states are going to stay in Republican hands. Now, if Keith Ellison gets the nod for head of the DNC, you will know it is over for the Dems!
Poor Joe.

Back to your original point Mac---------->it had a lot to do with it in my opinion, since most regular Americans began to realize the far leftists won't take no for an answer, even at the ballot box.

1. In how many states was gay marriage been put on the ballot and refused by the electorate? What do the leftists do? They go to court and over ride the voters of those states, and then threaten them with boycotts.

2. Did not California voters decide a few years back something at the ballot box about how not to give insurance or something to illegal aliens? What did the politically correct, leftists do? Went to court to stop the will of the people, the citizenry of that state, and FORCE them to do it the lefty way.

3. After President Obama passed the affordable care act with the help of Democrats throughout Washington; in fact, the whole country, people realized what most politically astute citizens already knew------------>keep Washington in gridlock so that legislation coming out of there would almost have to be bi-partisan. So what happened? A Republican wave occurred in 2010. Wasn't enough,, so except for the Presidency, they turned more red in 12. PC leftists solution? Pen and phone baby! We don't care what most of the country wants, we are going to be a leftist monarchy and rule, 1 man, congress doesn't count. So what happened in 14? More red, more phone and pen, we don't care say the leftists, we are PC, we know what is best for everybody. Elections do not matter, because the next republican President hasn't been born yet! Even Arizona at the border was told they could NOT enforce the law, and Obama was going to IGNORE the law.

So you see this thread here...........YOUR thread. Do they believe they had anything to do with Hillary losing? Oh no, of course not! It was the system that caused Hillary to lose, not that virtually EVERY form of government in Washington and the states has Republicans in charge has no bearing on their way of thinking being rejected. It has to be an accident. The republicans in States hold more power than they have since the turn of the century. How did that happen? Because PC Democrats only accept the will of the people when THEY WIN! If they lose, they either go to court and try and reverse it, or they ignore it all together and ram it down Americans throats anyway.

Mac, I know you are Democrat, and I believe there are GOOD Democrats. They would be considered NOT far leftists, kinda like you as opposed to Joe, lol. You also know there are good ones because Hillary didn't get any where near the votes Obama did. That means a whole lot of GOOD people that are Democrats, could NOT vote for her. Also, every Senate race that was won by Republicans had MORE votes cast for them than Trump did. Now Joe is gonna tell ya that those voters were Stein and Johnson voters' and if he does, that kinda puts him in a quandary, lol. Why? Because if those voters pushed in a Republican for Senate, (and in Rubios case it was 200,000 votes) that means it would have really been grim for Clinton in a 1v1!

But, my take that yes, some of those votes were Johnson, but a large % were Democrats who have just had enough and left the top of the ticket empty because both Clinton and Trump were both 2 nasty. Even they know that the Democratic party is now under control of the PC far left, and they have had enough too!

As far as the electoral college, were it not for that there never would have been a United States. The small states would not have joined if all the power rested totally in population areas. It was designed as was the Senate, to insure states rights and power, and as we see, the far leftists now want to dismantle that too. Why are we not surprised! All the electoral college is in reality, is 50 governors races with the winner getting all the votes for President from that state. With Republicans almost fully in charge of 34 out of the 50 states, is there any wonder far leftists are pooping themselves wanting to change the system, lol! And why did that happen? Because PC far leftists will NOT take NO for an answer, so the only way they will learn is to take them out of power, TOTALLY........which is basically what has happened.
Wow, thank you, good stuff.

As you know, I didn't vote for Trump. But, since I'm also virulently anti-PC, I can certainly understand the frustration on the issues you describe, and others, of course.

What I completely underestimated was how many people agree with me on that topic. The Regressive Left will refuse to admit this - because criticizing a lefty's PC is like criticizing a righty's Christianity - but it really does look like a surprising percentage the country is sick of their dishonest, hateful, hurtful, cowardly PC bullshit.

So, in that way, this is really nice to see. The rest of Trump's presidency, maybe not so much for me...


Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.

Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?

Recounting the votes will not change the outcome. Now, if they want to investigate the voting machines for tampering, I am all for that. Lets be honest here................how many states have to change outcomes for Trump to lose! All this is, is a leftist way to keep the popular vote in the spotlight, nothing more, nothing less. They are trying to exert pressure on America to go along with trashing the EC. Consider, Democrats start out with California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. How many of us remember every news organization on TV telling Americans how a Republican has to run a PERFECT race to win the White House because the EC is so stacked in the Democrats favor! How many of you remember leftists after leftist on here BRAGGING how before the 1st vote is cast they start out with 230 votes or some such thing. How many of you remember prominent lefty posters on here predicting that Hillary would win 360, to 370 electoral votes.

The bottom line----------->it was in the bag, we were all deplorables, Trump was a clown, the next Repub President hadn't even been born yet, they were going to absolutely retake the Senate, and might retake the House. Republican as a party was dead, they were in total control, EVERYTHING was going their way, and then it DIDN'T!

They now control NOTHING, their party is falling apart from their far leftism, America has rejected them totally, and their solution? They should change? No, oh no-no-no. It is NOT them or their ideas that have been totally rejected across the country as state after state turns red and gets Repubs taking them over, nope not them! Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but it was the Russians, Vlad ya know, WikiLeaks helped too! Oh, and that evil project Varitaas talking and sneakily filming those saintly Democrats plotting to cause violence at Trump rallies so they could call him Hitler; that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, lol. Just cause the far left got exposed for who they actually are and not who they pretend to be, means nothing, hehehehehehehehehe.

So tell us---------->how many states have to be overturned for Trump to lose, and Hilly declared the winner? How about we just give you Wisconsin back.........for free, no count needed, will you be happy then, lol! I think we can afford that, lolol!
Yeah, there's not much reason to believe this will work. And yeah, the election was a real shock.

I mentioned in another post that I underestimated how sick so much of America is with PC and Identity Politics. While I didn't and don't want Trump in there, I definitely agree with that. The question is now whether the Dems will learn anything here.

The GOP changed, historically speaking, overnight.

I doubt it Mac, just as much as I doubt the Repubs have paid attention either. People need to understand that Trump won for 2 reasons, 1. he was not Hillary, and 2. people who had tossed the political system aside re-registered, and that gave him the Presidency. Trumps biggest assets were him basically running against all of Washington, and his stance on illegal immigration and trade deals.

Joe and the far left can talk all they want about blue collar jobs never coming back. Some on the right say the same thing. It very possibly could be true, but we will NEVER find out if every time something blue collar comes up, the EPA puts a roadblock in the way. Do we all realize that basically what the Obama administration said was-----> we do not care if energy prices go up, and we do not care if energy jobs pay good wages, we want it our way, period!

People see that Mac, and then they see these same people fly around in private jets, driven around in limos, and know the far left is out of touch. What has made America as great as it is, is that were the only country where we the people, told the government what to do. When the government went against our wishes, we replaced them with new politicians. That is why far leftists and some Democrats in here being in shock, is kinda crazy. They could be in shock that they lost because the system was so stacked in their favor, but to be surprised most of America rejects their ideas should be no shock at all.

How do we know this? How many more states and localities will Republicans have to control before the Left gets it! This is just the icing on the cake with the Presidency. And in all reality, if it were NOT for Obama's EOs, he could not govern without compromise. His actions have created the very thing that leftists fear, the ability to easily roll back virtually everything he has done because of it not being laws, but rather EOs, and then send the country to the right with laws, since they control all 3 branches of government, and will no doubt use the Harry Reid nuclear option to install any Supreme Court justice they want.

Anyway, as long as people like far leftist Joe is in control of your party, I think most of the states are going to stay in Republican hands. Now, if Keith Ellison gets the nod for head of the DNC, you will know it is over for the Dems!

Hey, I'm seeing a glimmer of hope! Check out this thread I just posted: The End of Identity Liberalism
Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.

Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?

Are you saying that Hillary was so incompetent that she rigged the election for the wrong person?

By the way, I don't see nothing wrong with the recount, only about your complete hypocrisy. Needless to say, the recount will change NOTHING.

Trump's claim that the election was rigged was an admission that the election could be rigged. That legitimizes any recount/investigation anyone might want to engage in.
Back to your original point Mac---------->it had a lot to do with it in my opinion, since most regular Americans began to realize the far leftists won't take no for an answer, even at the ballot box.

1. In how many states was gay marriage been put on the ballot and refused by the electorate? What do the leftists do? They go to court and over ride the voters of those states, and then threaten them with boycotts.

2. Did not California voters decide a few years back something at the ballot box about how not to give insurance or something to illegal aliens? What did the politically correct, leftists do? Went to court to stop the will of the people, the citizenry of that state, and FORCE them to do it the lefty way.

3. After President Obama passed the affordable care act with the help of Democrats throughout Washington; in fact, the whole country, people realized what most politically astute citizens already knew------------>keep Washington in gridlock so that legislation coming out of there would almost have to be bi-partisan. So what happened? A Republican wave occurred in 2010. Wasn't enough,, so except for the Presidency, they turned more red in 12. PC leftists solution? Pen and phone baby! We don't care what most of the country wants, we are going to be a leftist monarchy and rule, 1 man, congress doesn't count. So what happened in 14? More red, more phone and pen, we don't care say the leftists, we are PC, we know what is best for everybody. Elections do not matter, because the next republican President hasn't been born yet! Even Arizona at the border was told they could NOT enforce the law, and Obama was going to IGNORE the law.

So you see this thread here...........YOUR thread. Do they believe they had anything to do with Hillary losing? Oh no, of course not! It was the system that caused Hillary to lose, not that virtually EVERY form of government in Washington and the states has Republicans in charge has no bearing on their way of thinking being rejected. It has to be an accident. The republicans in States hold more power than they have since the turn of the century. How did that happen? Because PC Democrats only accept the will of the people when THEY WIN! If they lose, they either go to court and try and reverse it, or they ignore it all together and ram it down Americans throats anyway.

Mac, I know you are Democrat, and I believe there are GOOD Democrats. They would be considered NOT far leftists, kinda like you as opposed to Joe, lol. You also know there are good ones because Hillary didn't get any where near the votes Obama did. That means a whole lot of GOOD people that are Democrats, could NOT vote for her. Also, every Senate race that was won by Republicans had MORE votes cast for them than Trump did. Now Joe is gonna tell ya that those voters were Stein and Johnson voters' and if he does, that kinda puts him in a quandary, lol. Why? Because if those voters pushed in a Republican for Senate, (and in Rubios case it was 200,000 votes) that means it would have really been grim for Clinton in a 1v1!

But, my take that yes, some of those votes were Johnson, but a large % were Democrats who have just had enough and left the top of the ticket empty because both Clinton and Trump were both 2 nasty. Even they know that the Democratic party is now under control of the PC far left, and they have had enough too!

As far as the electoral college, were it not for that there never would have been a United States. The small states would not have joined if all the power rested totally in population areas. It was designed as was the Senate, to insure states rights and power, and as we see, the far leftists now want to dismantle that too. Why are we not surprised! All the electoral college is in reality, is 50 governors races with the winner getting all the votes for President from that state. With Republicans almost fully in charge of 34 out of the 50 states, is there any wonder far leftists are pooping themselves wanting to change the system, lol! And why did that happen? Because PC far leftists will NOT take NO for an answer, so the only way they will learn is to take them out of power, TOTALLY........which is basically what has happened.
Wow, thank you, good stuff.

As you know, I didn't vote for Trump. But, since I'm also virulently anti-PC, I can certainly understand the frustration on the issues you describe, and others, of course.

What I completely underestimated was how many people agree with me on that topic. The Regressive Left will refuse to admit this - because criticizing a lefty's PC is like criticizing a righty's Christianity - but it really does look like a surprising percentage the country is sick of their dishonest, hateful, hurtful, cowardly PC bullshit.

So, in that way, this is really nice to see. The rest of Trump's presidency, maybe not so much for me...


Right now their tactic seems to be: recount the votes until the desired result is achieved.

Democracy is not something they are about, their narrative and worldview being forced on everyone is the only value they have.

Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?

Recounting the votes will not change the outcome. Now, if they want to investigate the voting machines for tampering, I am all for that. Lets be honest here................how many states have to change outcomes for Trump to lose! All this is, is a leftist way to keep the popular vote in the spotlight, nothing more, nothing less. They are trying to exert pressure on America to go along with trashing the EC. Consider, Democrats start out with California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. How many of us remember every news organization on TV telling Americans how a Republican has to run a PERFECT race to win the White House because the EC is so stacked in the Democrats favor! How many of you remember leftists after leftist on here BRAGGING how before the 1st vote is cast they start out with 230 votes or some such thing. How many of you remember prominent lefty posters on here predicting that Hillary would win 360, to 370 electoral votes.

The bottom line----------->it was in the bag, we were all deplorables, Trump was a clown, the next Repub President hadn't even been born yet, they were going to absolutely retake the Senate, and might retake the House. Republican as a party was dead, they were in total control, EVERYTHING was going their way, and then it DIDN'T!

They now control NOTHING, their party is falling apart from their far leftism, America has rejected them totally, and their solution? They should change? No, oh no-no-no. It is NOT them or their ideas that have been totally rejected across the country as state after state turns red and gets Repubs taking them over, nope not them! Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but it was the Russians, Vlad ya know, WikiLeaks helped too! Oh, and that evil project Varitaas talking and sneakily filming those saintly Democrats plotting to cause violence at Trump rallies so they could call him Hitler; that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, lol. Just cause the far left got exposed for who they actually are and not who they pretend to be, means nothing, hehehehehehehehehe.

So tell us---------->how many states have to be overturned for Trump to lose, and Hilly declared the winner? How about we just give you Wisconsin back.........for free, no count needed, will you be happy then, lol! I think we can afford that, lolol!
Yeah, there's not much reason to believe this will work. And yeah, the election was a real shock.

I mentioned in another post that I underestimated how sick so much of America is with PC and Identity Politics. While I didn't and don't want Trump in there, I definitely agree with that. The question is now whether the Dems will learn anything here.

The GOP changed, historically speaking, overnight.

I doubt it Mac, just as much as I doubt the Repubs have paid attention either. People need to understand that Trump won for 2 reasons, 1. he was not Hillary, and 2. people who had tossed the political system aside re-registered, and that gave him the Presidency. Trumps biggest assets were him basically running against all of Washington, and his stance on illegal immigration and trade deals.

Joe and the far left can talk all they want about blue collar jobs never coming back. Some on the right say the same thing. It very possibly could be true, but we will NEVER find out if every time something blue collar comes up, the EPA puts a roadblock in the way. Do we all realize that basically what the Obama administration said was-----> we do not care if energy prices go up, and we do not care if energy jobs pay good wages, we want it our way, period!

People see that Mac, and then they see these same people fly around in private jets, driven around in limos, and know the far left is out of touch. What has made America as great as it is, is that were the only country where we the people, told the government what to do. When the government went against our wishes, we replaced them with new politicians. That is why far leftists and some Democrats in here being in shock, is kinda crazy. They could be in shock that they lost because the system was so stacked in their favor, but to be surprised most of America rejects their ideas should be no shock at all.

How do we know this? How many more states and localities will Republicans have to control before the Left gets it! This is just the icing on the cake with the Presidency. And in all reality, if it were NOT for Obama's EOs, he could not govern without compromise. His actions have created the very thing that leftists fear, the ability to easily roll back virtually everything he has done because of it not being laws, but rather EOs, and then send the country to the right with laws, since they control all 3 branches of government, and will no doubt use the Harry Reid nuclear option to install any Supreme Court justice they want.

Anyway, as long as people like far leftist Joe is in control of your party, I think most of the states are going to stay in Republican hands. Now, if Keith Ellison gets the nod for head of the DNC, you will know it is over for the Dems!

Hey, I'm seeing a glimmer of hope! Check out this thread I just posted: The End of Identity Liberalism

Do you not see that conservatism is all about identity politics?
Wow, thank you, good stuff.

As you know, I didn't vote for Trump. But, since I'm also virulently anti-PC, I can certainly understand the frustration on the issues you describe, and others, of course.

What I completely underestimated was how many people agree with me on that topic. The Regressive Left will refuse to admit this - because criticizing a lefty's PC is like criticizing a righty's Christianity - but it really does look like a surprising percentage the country is sick of their dishonest, hateful, hurtful, cowardly PC bullshit.

So, in that way, this is really nice to see. The rest of Trump's presidency, maybe not so much for me...


Trump said the election was rigged. What's wrong with finding out if he was right?

Recounting the votes will not change the outcome. Now, if they want to investigate the voting machines for tampering, I am all for that. Lets be honest here................how many states have to change outcomes for Trump to lose! All this is, is a leftist way to keep the popular vote in the spotlight, nothing more, nothing less. They are trying to exert pressure on America to go along with trashing the EC. Consider, Democrats start out with California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. How many of us remember every news organization on TV telling Americans how a Republican has to run a PERFECT race to win the White House because the EC is so stacked in the Democrats favor! How many of you remember leftists after leftist on here BRAGGING how before the 1st vote is cast they start out with 230 votes or some such thing. How many of you remember prominent lefty posters on here predicting that Hillary would win 360, to 370 electoral votes.

The bottom line----------->it was in the bag, we were all deplorables, Trump was a clown, the next Repub President hadn't even been born yet, they were going to absolutely retake the Senate, and might retake the House. Republican as a party was dead, they were in total control, EVERYTHING was going their way, and then it DIDN'T!

They now control NOTHING, their party is falling apart from their far leftism, America has rejected them totally, and their solution? They should change? No, oh no-no-no. It is NOT them or their ideas that have been totally rejected across the country as state after state turns red and gets Repubs taking them over, nope not them! Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but it was the Russians, Vlad ya know, WikiLeaks helped too! Oh, and that evil project Varitaas talking and sneakily filming those saintly Democrats plotting to cause violence at Trump rallies so they could call him Hitler; that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, lol. Just cause the far left got exposed for who they actually are and not who they pretend to be, means nothing, hehehehehehehehehe.

So tell us---------->how many states have to be overturned for Trump to lose, and Hilly declared the winner? How about we just give you Wisconsin back.........for free, no count needed, will you be happy then, lol! I think we can afford that, lolol!
Yeah, there's not much reason to believe this will work. And yeah, the election was a real shock.

I mentioned in another post that I underestimated how sick so much of America is with PC and Identity Politics. While I didn't and don't want Trump in there, I definitely agree with that. The question is now whether the Dems will learn anything here.

The GOP changed, historically speaking, overnight.

I doubt it Mac, just as much as I doubt the Repubs have paid attention either. People need to understand that Trump won for 2 reasons, 1. he was not Hillary, and 2. people who had tossed the political system aside re-registered, and that gave him the Presidency. Trumps biggest assets were him basically running against all of Washington, and his stance on illegal immigration and trade deals.

Joe and the far left can talk all they want about blue collar jobs never coming back. Some on the right say the same thing. It very possibly could be true, but we will NEVER find out if every time something blue collar comes up, the EPA puts a roadblock in the way. Do we all realize that basically what the Obama administration said was-----> we do not care if energy prices go up, and we do not care if energy jobs pay good wages, we want it our way, period!

People see that Mac, and then they see these same people fly around in private jets, driven around in limos, and know the far left is out of touch. What has made America as great as it is, is that were the only country where we the people, told the government what to do. When the government went against our wishes, we replaced them with new politicians. That is why far leftists and some Democrats in here being in shock, is kinda crazy. They could be in shock that they lost because the system was so stacked in their favor, but to be surprised most of America rejects their ideas should be no shock at all.

How do we know this? How many more states and localities will Republicans have to control before the Left gets it! This is just the icing on the cake with the Presidency. And in all reality, if it were NOT for Obama's EOs, he could not govern without compromise. His actions have created the very thing that leftists fear, the ability to easily roll back virtually everything he has done because of it not being laws, but rather EOs, and then send the country to the right with laws, since they control all 3 branches of government, and will no doubt use the Harry Reid nuclear option to install any Supreme Court justice they want.

Anyway, as long as people like far leftist Joe is in control of your party, I think most of the states are going to stay in Republican hands. Now, if Keith Ellison gets the nod for head of the DNC, you will know it is over for the Dems!

Hey, I'm seeing a glimmer of hope! Check out this thread I just posted: The End of Identity Liberalism

Do you not see that conservatism is all about identity politics?
The New York Times disagrees with your transparent deflection:

The End of Identity Liberalism
Recounting the votes will not change the outcome. Now, if they want to investigate the voting machines for tampering, I am all for that. Lets be honest here................how many states have to change outcomes for Trump to lose! All this is, is a leftist way to keep the popular vote in the spotlight, nothing more, nothing less. They are trying to exert pressure on America to go along with trashing the EC. Consider, Democrats start out with California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. How many of us remember every news organization on TV telling Americans how a Republican has to run a PERFECT race to win the White House because the EC is so stacked in the Democrats favor! How many of you remember leftists after leftist on here BRAGGING how before the 1st vote is cast they start out with 230 votes or some such thing. How many of you remember prominent lefty posters on here predicting that Hillary would win 360, to 370 electoral votes.

The bottom line----------->it was in the bag, we were all deplorables, Trump was a clown, the next Repub President hadn't even been born yet, they were going to absolutely retake the Senate, and might retake the House. Republican as a party was dead, they were in total control, EVERYTHING was going their way, and then it DIDN'T!

They now control NOTHING, their party is falling apart from their far leftism, America has rejected them totally, and their solution? They should change? No, oh no-no-no. It is NOT them or their ideas that have been totally rejected across the country as state after state turns red and gets Repubs taking them over, nope not them! Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but it was the Russians, Vlad ya know, WikiLeaks helped too! Oh, and that evil project Varitaas talking and sneakily filming those saintly Democrats plotting to cause violence at Trump rallies so they could call him Hitler; that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, lol. Just cause the far left got exposed for who they actually are and not who they pretend to be, means nothing, hehehehehehehehehe.

So tell us---------->how many states have to be overturned for Trump to lose, and Hilly declared the winner? How about we just give you Wisconsin back.........for free, no count needed, will you be happy then, lol! I think we can afford that, lolol!
Yeah, there's not much reason to believe this will work. And yeah, the election was a real shock.

I mentioned in another post that I underestimated how sick so much of America is with PC and Identity Politics. While I didn't and don't want Trump in there, I definitely agree with that. The question is now whether the Dems will learn anything here.

The GOP changed, historically speaking, overnight.

I doubt it Mac, just as much as I doubt the Repubs have paid attention either. People need to understand that Trump won for 2 reasons, 1. he was not Hillary, and 2. people who had tossed the political system aside re-registered, and that gave him the Presidency. Trumps biggest assets were him basically running against all of Washington, and his stance on illegal immigration and trade deals.

Joe and the far left can talk all they want about blue collar jobs never coming back. Some on the right say the same thing. It very possibly could be true, but we will NEVER find out if every time something blue collar comes up, the EPA puts a roadblock in the way. Do we all realize that basically what the Obama administration said was-----> we do not care if energy prices go up, and we do not care if energy jobs pay good wages, we want it our way, period!

People see that Mac, and then they see these same people fly around in private jets, driven around in limos, and know the far left is out of touch. What has made America as great as it is, is that were the only country where we the people, told the government what to do. When the government went against our wishes, we replaced them with new politicians. That is why far leftists and some Democrats in here being in shock, is kinda crazy. They could be in shock that they lost because the system was so stacked in their favor, but to be surprised most of America rejects their ideas should be no shock at all.

How do we know this? How many more states and localities will Republicans have to control before the Left gets it! This is just the icing on the cake with the Presidency. And in all reality, if it were NOT for Obama's EOs, he could not govern without compromise. His actions have created the very thing that leftists fear, the ability to easily roll back virtually everything he has done because of it not being laws, but rather EOs, and then send the country to the right with laws, since they control all 3 branches of government, and will no doubt use the Harry Reid nuclear option to install any Supreme Court justice they want.

Anyway, as long as people like far leftist Joe is in control of your party, I think most of the states are going to stay in Republican hands. Now, if Keith Ellison gets the nod for head of the DNC, you will know it is over for the Dems!

Hey, I'm seeing a glimmer of hope! Check out this thread I just posted: The End of Identity Liberalism

Do you not see that conservatism is all about identity politics?
The New York Times disagrees with your transparent deflection:

The End of Identity Liberalism

Again, don't you see that conservatism is all about identity politics?
Yeah, there's not much reason to believe this will work. And yeah, the election was a real shock.

I mentioned in another post that I underestimated how sick so much of America is with PC and Identity Politics. While I didn't and don't want Trump in there, I definitely agree with that. The question is now whether the Dems will learn anything here.

The GOP changed, historically speaking, overnight.

I doubt it Mac, just as much as I doubt the Repubs have paid attention either. People need to understand that Trump won for 2 reasons, 1. he was not Hillary, and 2. people who had tossed the political system aside re-registered, and that gave him the Presidency. Trumps biggest assets were him basically running against all of Washington, and his stance on illegal immigration and trade deals.

Joe and the far left can talk all they want about blue collar jobs never coming back. Some on the right say the same thing. It very possibly could be true, but we will NEVER find out if every time something blue collar comes up, the EPA puts a roadblock in the way. Do we all realize that basically what the Obama administration said was-----> we do not care if energy prices go up, and we do not care if energy jobs pay good wages, we want it our way, period!

People see that Mac, and then they see these same people fly around in private jets, driven around in limos, and know the far left is out of touch. What has made America as great as it is, is that were the only country where we the people, told the government what to do. When the government went against our wishes, we replaced them with new politicians. That is why far leftists and some Democrats in here being in shock, is kinda crazy. They could be in shock that they lost because the system was so stacked in their favor, but to be surprised most of America rejects their ideas should be no shock at all.

How do we know this? How many more states and localities will Republicans have to control before the Left gets it! This is just the icing on the cake with the Presidency. And in all reality, if it were NOT for Obama's EOs, he could not govern without compromise. His actions have created the very thing that leftists fear, the ability to easily roll back virtually everything he has done because of it not being laws, but rather EOs, and then send the country to the right with laws, since they control all 3 branches of government, and will no doubt use the Harry Reid nuclear option to install any Supreme Court justice they want.

Anyway, as long as people like far leftist Joe is in control of your party, I think most of the states are going to stay in Republican hands. Now, if Keith Ellison gets the nod for head of the DNC, you will know it is over for the Dems!

Hey, I'm seeing a glimmer of hope! Check out this thread I just posted: The End of Identity Liberalism

Do you not see that conservatism is all about identity politics?
The New York Times disagrees with your transparent deflection:

The End of Identity Liberalism

Again, don't you see that conservatism is all about identity politics?

As you see, the OP is incapable of defending his views.
I doubt it Mac, just as much as I doubt the Repubs have paid attention either. People need to understand that Trump won for 2 reasons, 1. he was not Hillary, and 2. people who had tossed the political system aside re-registered, and that gave him the Presidency. Trumps biggest assets were him basically running against all of Washington, and his stance on illegal immigration and trade deals.

Joe and the far left can talk all they want about blue collar jobs never coming back. Some on the right say the same thing. It very possibly could be true, but we will NEVER find out if every time something blue collar comes up, the EPA puts a roadblock in the way. Do we all realize that basically what the Obama administration said was-----> we do not care if energy prices go up, and we do not care if energy jobs pay good wages, we want it our way, period!

People see that Mac, and then they see these same people fly around in private jets, driven around in limos, and know the far left is out of touch. What has made America as great as it is, is that were the only country where we the people, told the government what to do. When the government went against our wishes, we replaced them with new politicians. That is why far leftists and some Democrats in here being in shock, is kinda crazy. They could be in shock that they lost because the system was so stacked in their favor, but to be surprised most of America rejects their ideas should be no shock at all.

How do we know this? How many more states and localities will Republicans have to control before the Left gets it! This is just the icing on the cake with the Presidency. And in all reality, if it were NOT for Obama's EOs, he could not govern without compromise. His actions have created the very thing that leftists fear, the ability to easily roll back virtually everything he has done because of it not being laws, but rather EOs, and then send the country to the right with laws, since they control all 3 branches of government, and will no doubt use the Harry Reid nuclear option to install any Supreme Court justice they want.

Anyway, as long as people like far leftist Joe is in control of your party, I think most of the states are going to stay in Republican hands. Now, if Keith Ellison gets the nod for head of the DNC, you will know it is over for the Dems!

Hey, I'm seeing a glimmer of hope! Check out this thread I just posted: The End of Identity Liberalism

Do you not see that conservatism is all about identity politics?
The New York Times disagrees with your transparent deflection:

The End of Identity Liberalism

Again, don't you see that conservatism is all about identity politics?

As you see, the OP is incapable of defending his views.
And as I've already told you, your opinion is irrelevant to me.

I'm having perfectly satisfying conversations with adults in the thread I linked.

Too bad.
Hey, I'm seeing a glimmer of hope! Check out this thread I just posted: The End of Identity Liberalism

Do you not see that conservatism is all about identity politics?
The New York Times disagrees with your transparent deflection:

The End of Identity Liberalism

Again, don't you see that conservatism is all about identity politics?

As you see, the OP is incapable of defending his views.
And as I've already told you, your opinion is irrelevant to me.

I'm having perfectly satisfying conversations with adults in the thread I linked.

Too bad.

That's your weasely way of saying you can't debate me.
Do you not see that conservatism is all about identity politics?
The New York Times disagrees with your transparent deflection:

The End of Identity Liberalism

Again, don't you see that conservatism is all about identity politics?

As you see, the OP is incapable of defending his views.
And as I've already told you, your opinion is irrelevant to me.

I'm having perfectly satisfying conversations with adults in the thread I linked.

Too bad.

That's your weasely way of saying you can't debate me.


The New York Times disagrees with your transparent deflection:

The End of Identity Liberalism

Again, don't you see that conservatism is all about identity politics?

As you see, the OP is incapable of defending his views.
And as I've already told you, your opinion is irrelevant to me.

I'm having perfectly satisfying conversations with adults in the thread I linked.

Too bad.

That's your weasely way of saying you can't debate me.



Nice post, PolticalChic.

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