Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

Wow, Joe thinks President Obama is a whiny comedian.

He's President, Joe. Don't you know that?

Wow, somebody help this guy. He won't listen to me.

You mean the article where he spends several paragraphs pointing out racism is still a thing, and then says, 'But we still need to keep an open mind!"

That's the best you got?

The rest are whiny comedians. Seinfeld whining that his buddy who played Kramer is blacklisted after his racist rant at heckler.... boo hoo...
Wow, Joe thinks President Obama is a whiny comedian.

He's President, Joe. Don't you know that?

Wow, somebody help this guy. He won't listen to me.

You mean the article where he spends several paragraphs pointing out racism is still a thing, and then says, 'But we still need to keep an open mind!"

That's the best you got?

The rest are whiny comedians. Seinfeld whining that his buddy who played Kramer is blacklisted after his racist rant at heckler.... boo hoo...
Don Lemon is a news anchor at CNN.

Hey, that's two black men you've now insulted.

You're the racist, Joe.
Admitting that blacks are lazy = racism...

Is admitting that they are more inclined to criminality racist also? Oh, well perhaps that's why nothing is being done about the issue. It would be racist to even point it out!

Madmen like Joeb, is why Trump won.

sorry, guy, if you really think these things, you are a racist.

Come on, Mac. Here's a guy who is saying racist things about Blacks. Are you going to denounce it, or are you too busy complaining that other people don't buy into your PC Police theories.
Admitting that blacks are lazy = racism...

Is admitting that they are more inclined to criminality racist also? Oh, well perhaps that's why nothing is being done about the issue. It would be racist to even point it out!

Madmen like Joeb, is why Trump won.

sorry, guy, if you really think these things, you are a racist.

Come on, Mac. Here's a guy who is saying racist things about Blacks. Are you going to denounce it, or are you too busy complaining that other people don't buy into your PC Police theories.

I don't "think" those things, they are statistical facts. I admit them. And if you ignore them, that's a problem.
good luck with that when his manufacturing is done overseas but we'll pretend he's pro worker.
So, you think it would be hypocritical of him to push Trade Policy to force manufacturers to manufacture here?
I have a prob with the gov't forcing manufacturers to do their thing anywhere. We could, however, make the US more biz friendly to attract them.
a. There is no way to beat slave wages.
b. And the CEOs all seem to be brain dead morons who have one idea in their head. USe Third World labor to cut costs.

I have a fundamental prob with using gov't levers to force manufacturers to do anything. That's a slippery slope I'd rather we not be on.

All CEOs are not "brain dead." In fact, I'd wager none of them are.

A CEO's job is to satisfy the directors (whose job it is to satisfy the shareholders). We could encourage domestic production (I'm OK with that) by slashing corp taxes. The US & Puerto Rico have the 2nd & 3rd highest rates (behind only UAE) on the planet. World average - 22.5%. Do you think corp taxes have any impact on a company's decision to off-shore?

BTW, corp taxes (like any biz expense) are passed along to the consumer in the form of higher prices. You like higher prices?

1. The recent WTO Airbus ruling shows that our current Fuck Us situation is as much a result of gov't levers as anything. Pretending that we have "Free Trade" is just US being the world's bitch on trade.

2. Their job performance argues otherwise.

3. If a disproportionate portion of that higher price is going into US wages? Yes.

I don't "think" those things, they are statistical facts.

Come on Mac, here's your opportunity... Please feel free to chime in.

If you think that admitting facts is somehow racist, you are frankly, a moron. The irony here is, I admit these facts because I want to see the black community do BETTER. Which makes YOU the racist, for wanting to keep them down.

This graph is racist:

Don Lemon is a news anchor at CNN.

Hey, that's two black men you've now insulted.

You're the racist, Joe.

Are you going to address Norman's actual racism? Or are you going to bend into pretzels that I don't take your convoluted, out of context statements as proof PC Is a bad thing?
You attacked me, Joe, not the other way around.

I was more than happy having you not humping my leg.

If you want to derail my thread, that's fine with me, but don't come whining to me for help.
1. The recent WTO Airbus ruling shows that our current Fuck Us situation is as much a result of gov't levers as anything. Pretending that we have "Free Trade" is just US being the world's bitch on trade.

airbus won because Boeing has Cleetus and Billy Bob making the planes in a scab factory in Jesusland.

"Where does this done der go on, Cleetus?"

"I don't know, Billy-bob, I was the possum catcher last week!"
You attacked me, Joe, not the other way around.

Oh, so this isn't really about racism and PC, this is about your hurt feelings.

Do you need a "safe space", Mac?

I mean if you want to pretend that complaints about racist cops shooting children in the street and frat boys raping drunk girls is just a case of "PC Gone Wild", that's fine, but you'd have a bit more credibility if you addressed real racism when you saw it.
You attacked me, Joe, not the other way around.

Oh, so this isn't really about racism and PC, this is about your hurt feelings.

Do you need a "safe space", Mac?

I mean if you want to pretend that complaints about racist cops shooting children in the street and frat boys raping drunk girls is just a case of "PC Gone Wild", that's fine, but you'd have a bit more credibility if you addressed real racism when you saw it.
Joe, I don't need the help, but thanks for your posts on this thread.

You have been perfect.
Millions of good people without an ounce of hatred in their hearts got sick and tired of the constant drumbeat of being called racists for over 8 years. For over 8 years, instead of having a conversation, the leftists branded anyone who disagreed with them a racist. It got old quick. After 8 years, it simmered into a putrid, slow burning stew of resentment.

The problem is, I never had a conversation with a Trump supporter which didn't eventualy expose that person's racism. Like the guy above who decided that he agreed with Trump that blacks are lazy.

You personify the problem very well. As with most liberals you see racism in everything because you view everything through the eyes of a racists. Black or white it is a trait of the liberal left. And maybe even if what you say about Trump supporters is true, it isn't, that doesn't make you and your ilk any less racist. Yeah you try and hide behind a veneer of open mindedness and inclusion but in reality the exact opposite is true.
What you don't understand is that by going after Trump, the same way that they have slandered and vilified the "Dumb blue collar workers" the press DID CREATE COMMON GROUND between the two.

Who do you think Trump would rather have a beer with right now? Wolf Blitzer, or me?

Let me rephrase that, with Fucking Wolf Blitzer, or Me?

Probably Wolf.

You see, here's what you don't get about your hero. He's a fucking narcissist. So of course, he'd rather talk to someone who is going to put him on the news at night.

Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Dun, der Cleetus, I don't have contempt for you because you are white. I have contempt for you because you keep voting in rich people who fuck us.

But theys be rights with Jay-a-zus, so you are good with that.

1. LOL! Like Trump has to worry about that now. Trump and I both have nothing but righteous contempt for the vile media such as Wolf, and could have a great time over a beer talking about how they melted down after his election.

2. Hillary was rich and her Trade and Immigration policies would have fucked US. Your excuses for your racism are of no interest to me or any decent person.
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

Hey, I cool with that, let them keep pissing people off, will the make the midterms sweet as well.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. But I don't blame you for that opinion.

While you're attacking liberals, as is your habit 80% of the time,

how about you stop to consider how much of a negative effect Trumps own 'politically incorrect' words and actions may have had on his vote totals.

That's a very good question.

IMO, the Boy Who Called Wolf effect greatly muted any effect from that.

70% in the exit poll said Trump's treatment of women bothered them.

Clinton won 65% of that vote.

That could mean anything from what you think it means to people unhappy about his divorces.

Any anyone that has a problem with Trump's treatment of women that voted for HILLARY, is insane.
The truth we all might be forgetting is, if the election were a popularity contest then the way the candidates campaigned would be different. What the left is crying about is trying to now use cribbage rules in a bridge tournament.

Trump could campaign any way he liked, it wouldn't overcome the fact that most people despise his racist ass.

the majority of the people wanted an end to the Clinton crime regime. Maybe that is why the founders developed the EC instead of run off elections or popularity contests that could be easily rigged.

Face it, you and I both know that the democrats cheated the hell out of the election, as they always do. Trump didn't have the support to pull it off. That is why Hillary will not challenge the election, she knows. That is why with the absentee ballots being counted she is making advances. Trump won the popular vote in 50 of the 51 contests, I wish you would quit trying to disenfranchise my vote with those of cheaters and frauds.
You are the racist here Joe. You constantly use racist slurs against rural and/or southern whites.

because they are rural and southern, two truly fucked up cultures.

Not because they are white.

I keep explaining this to you, but you dun der don't get no learnin', Cleetus.

Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?

I'm pointing out to Joe that his position is racist in the hopes that someday he will reevaluate his position.

I'm actually trying to help him become a better person.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.
If you have so many white supremacists, how did Obama get elected twice?

It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

Nope. You are very sensitive. I've never called Trump a racist. I've never called you a racist.

Trump has made racist remarks, though. You might want to calm down in your zealous defense of the man.

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