Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

The most egregious fault of the electoral system is the winner take all aspect.

We could eliminate that and still give each state the extra couple electoral votes they get, based on their 2 Senators,

and that would be a HUGE move towards a more democratic system.

That's exactly what a popular vote does. Whoever wins the most wins it all. But in so doing disenfranchises millions of people. You're so sense that you can't see it.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility".

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

i take no responsibility for angry white supremacists.

and again, the donald got two million votes less than hillary clinton.

but let's pretend there was a rush to him.

They must have skipped the absentee ballots from EL Salvador. She should have had at least 3 million more.
If people get mad people their bigotry and racism is called out then so what. A lot of the people talking about "PC Police" are too ignorant to see their bigotry and misogyny. A lot men still don't get why they can't have sex with a drunk woman. You call them out on it and they accuse you of being a feminazi.

A lot of people don't get why black people get mad when cops keep shooting and killing unarmed black men. They think people are just being oversensitive.

Trump won because Hilary failed to energize the base so a lot of democrats just stayed home. Nothing to do with PC police.
If people get mad people their bigotry and racism is called out then so what. A lot of the people talking about "PC Police" are too ignorant to see their bigotry and misogyny. A lot men still don't get why they can't have sex with a drunk woman. You call them out on it and they accuse you of being a feminazi.

A lot of people don't get why black people get mad when cops keep shooting and killing unarmed black men. They think people are just being oversensitive.

Trump won because Hilary failed to energize the base so a lot of democrats just stayed home. Nothing to do with PC police.
Could be.

But to address your point about people who criticize PC being "ignorant", here's a nice, long (and growing) list of honest liberals who feel that PC has gone too far:
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Whoa! Talk about timing! DAMN I'm good! Here's another one:


How the Left Created Trump

Herein lies the problem with the left’s “by any means necessary” style of social activism: When any challenge to the prevailing liberal doctrine, cast under the wrong light, can forever cast one as a “racist,” those with dissenting opinions are left with only two options: concede, or retaliate...

While of course the Democratic Party has a future, Trump’s presidency will require liberals to reassess a flawed, righteous identity that all but forced right-wing America’s—so desperate for change—hands to the stove, to elect the only candidate who demonstrated the potential for reform.

Yet that reckoning has yet to happen.

In the years to come, when we look back on Trump’s victory, this is why it will be remembered less as a win for Republicans than as a failure for the Democrats—the result of liberal America’s unwillingness to compromise, or even show magnanimity in the face of all its victories on social issues.
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All those articles and links. So impressive.

The concept of political correctness absolutely played a role in helping Trump win the election.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

This board might as well be a public setting. And you're one of the biggest assholes here. You can't go five words without insulting them.

I smell an inferiority complex.

And you are on your third name change because you feel so good about yourself, Tampon?

You'd be what, 27 now. By the time I was 27, the Army had promoted me to Staff Sergeant, I had gotten a bachelor's degree, and I was the owner of a rental property.

You're the guy who lives at home and can't even get a job?

Get back to me when you've accomplished anything.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

and that's exactly the problem.

There were some things Trump said that I agreed with. I do agree with some of the things that he said about Free Trade. I do agree with him that both parties have largely ignored the working class in this country.

But his racism was the deal killer.

I had the same problem with the IL Senate race. We had two candidates, Mark Kirk, who was one of the last few sane Republicans, and Tammy Duckworth, my current Congresswoman.

Both of them are veterans who served their country admirably. Both of them have fought their way back from devastating injuries (Kirk worked his way back from a stroke, Duckworth lost both legs in Iraq.)

I was leaning towards voting for Kirk because he was one of the Republicans who came out early against Trump and maintained that position while the others were kissing his ring. And Duckworth has been a pretty ineffective congressperson.

Then Kirk went ahead and made a crack about how her ancestors came over from Thailand to fight with Geo. Washington. (Duckworth's father is an American veteran, while her mother was born in Thailand.)

That was the deal killer for me. One stupid crack.

Trump did this hundreds of times. A lot of his followers didn't care. They hated Hillary beyond reason.

It used to be when a candidate proved himself unsuitable, people crossed party lines to reject him. Not this time. This time enough people ignored Trump's flaws to allow an archaic system and Russian Fraud to him over the top.
In summation, this is why the American people saw through you. And this is another way to prove Mac correct.

The American people voted for Hillary, dumbass.

Trump 'won' on a technicality.

The People Said No!
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true. "The left" did not and does not call you a racist simply for disagreeing with their politics.

There are racists.
There are people who aren't racist but don't mind that others are.
There are people who aren't racist and do mind that others are.

You fall into one of these categories.

If you aren't a racist but don't mind that others are, you may develop an acute sensitivity to people being labeled as racists. You may even, as a result of your unwillingness to call out racists or your unending desire to defend the rights of racists to be racist, be labeled a racist by some person who doesn't really know you.

You can then blame others for this or look inward to understand why. If you are very offended by this travesty, you you may actually become a racist. You can then point the finger at your accusers and tell them that they made you do it. If only they were tolerant like you, we'd have no more racists.

and that's exactly the problem.

There were some things Trump said that I agreed with. I do agree with some of the things that he said about Free Trade. I do agree with him that both parties have largely ignored the working class in this country.

But his racism was the deal killer.

I had the same problem with the IL Senate race. We had two candidates, Mark Kirk, who was one of the last few sane Republicans, and Tammy Duckworth, my current Congresswoman.

Both of them are veterans who served their country admirably. Both of them have fought their way back from devastating injuries (Kirk worked his way back from a stroke, Duckworth lost both legs in Iraq.)

I was leaning towards voting for Kirk because he was one of the Republicans who came out early against Trump and maintained that position while the others were kissing his ring. And Duckworth has been a pretty ineffective congressperson.

Then Kirk went ahead and made a crack about how her ancestors came over from Thailand to fight with Geo. Washington. (Duckworth's father is an American veteran, while her mother was born in Thailand.)

That was the deal killer for me. One stupid crack.

Trump did this hundreds of times. A lot of his followers didn't care. They hated Hillary beyond reason.

It used to be when a candidate proved himself unsuitable, people crossed party lines to reject him. Not this time. This time enough people ignored Trump's flaws to allow an archaic system and Russian Fraud to him over the top.

Which racist things did Trump say?

He seems to be for prosperous black community - something which no politician seems to currently root for. They are afraid to think that the blacks could be doing as well the whites.
Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

You mean other than calling Mexicans rapists?
Or saying a judge wouldn't rule in his favor because he was Mexican?
Or claiming the first black president wasn't born in this country without any proof?.
Or calling Senator Warren "Pocahontas"?
Or calling for the execution of black men who had been exonerated of a crime?
Or saying that laziness is a trait in blacks?
or refusing to renounce endorsements from the Klan and Nazis?

Here's all the racism many Republicans ignored before finally dumping Trump
Well, that's a complete lie.

The left certainly calls everyone who disagrees with them a racist. Look at Trump, the most common accusation is that he is a racist. Yet he hasn't made any racist remarks.

You mean other than calling Mexicans rapists?
Or saying a judge wouldn't rule in his favor because he was Mexican?
Or claiming the first black president wasn't born in this country without any proof?.
Or calling Senator Warren "Pocahontas"?
Or calling for the execution of black men who had been exonerated of a crime?
Or saying that laziness is a trait in blacks?
or refusing to renounce endorsements from the Klan and Nazis?

Here's all the racism many Republicans ignored before finally dumping Trump

The judge was a member of organization called "the race". Yes, a racist...
He said some Mexicans are rapists, that is true. He also said, some of them are good people. Mexican also isn't a race.
Being born in a country is not a matter of race.
Calling someone an idiot is not racist.
Laziness is a trait in the blacks, truth can't possibly be racist. This is something the community will have to tackle.
Hillary also didn't denounce endorsements from the communists, which doesn't make her one. In fact, she endorsed a KKK member.

Simply put, your list is stupid. How about watching one of his speeches where he actually comments on black communities?
He seems to be for prosperous black community - something which no politician seems to currently root for. They are afraid to think that the blacks could be doing as well the whites.

I gave you a list. Trump is a guy who was sued by Nixon for discriminating against blacks.

How fucking obviously racist do you need to be for Tricky Dick to sue you?
He seems to be for prosperous black community - something which no politician seems to currently root for. They are afraid to think that the blacks could be doing as well the whites.

I gave you a list. Trump is a guy who was sued by Nixon for discriminating against blacks.

How fucking obviously racist do you need to be for Tricky Dick to sue you?

Anyone can sue anyone. Why are you using the word "sue", here? Cause nothing came out of it?

I think even you understand that you are grasping at straws at this point.
The judge was a member of organization called "the race". Yes, a racist...

Oh, guy, "La Raza" can also translate as "the People". so really, not so much.

He said some Mexicans are rapists, that is true. He also said, some of them are good people. Mexican also isn't a race.

Some white people are rapists. Why isn't he pointing that out?

Being born in a country is not a matter of race.

But oddly, he only said this about the BLACK president, and only said this after being repeatedly shown evidence he was born in this country.

Calling someone an idiot is not racist.

He didn't call her an idiot. He mocked her native American ancestry.

Laziness is a trait in the blacks, truth can't possibly be racist. This is something the community will have to tackle.

Right. That's still racist as shit. If you can't see how racist that is, that's kind of your problem.

I notice you didn't even bother to address the issue that he called for the executions of innocent black men.

Hillary also didn't denounce endorsements from the communists, which doesn't make her one.

Communists aren't racists.

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