Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?

No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Name the posters you believe to be the PC police, so they can respond directly.
Why? You've all self-identified here for me.

You make it easy, I never have to name names.

Cite my instances of PC policing, retard.
cuz youre all talk, and hes proving it.
Well, that's about all one can do in a forum.

I can't believe I actually had to say that.

That's a very good question.

IMO, the Boy Who Called Wolf effect greatly muted any effect from that.

70% in the exit poll said Trump's treatment of women bothered them.

Clinton won 65% of that vote.

Wasn't enough, was it?

It was if you believe in democratic government.

How do you elect the governor of Texas?

Just like we decide our electors for president. We are a republic, there are no national elections.

Texas is broken down into winner take all 'states'?

Are you sure about that?

France is a Republic. How do they elect their president?

So's the election for governor. You like the french system, move there, this ain't frace.
The most egregious fault of the electoral system is the winner take all aspect.

We could eliminate that and still give each state the extra couple electoral votes they get, based on their 2 Senators,

and that would be a HUGE move towards a more democratic system.
70% in the exit poll said Trump's treatment of women bothered them.

Clinton won 65% of that vote.

Wasn't enough, was it?

It was if you believe in democratic government.

How do you elect the governor of Texas?

Just like we decide our electors for president. We are a republic, there are no national elections.

Texas is broken down into winner take all 'states'?

Are you sure about that?

France is a Republic. How do they elect their president?

So's the election for governor. You like the french system, move there, this ain't frace.

But France is in fact a Republic, and you wrongly claimed that republics have no national elections.
That's a very good question.

IMO, the Boy Who Called Wolf effect greatly muted any effect from that.

70% in the exit poll said Trump's treatment of women bothered them.

Clinton won 65% of that vote.

Wasn't enough, was it?

It was if you believe in democratic government.

How do you elect the governor of Texas?

I don't on a national level, the founders got it right.

What's right about the People not getting the Chief Executive they want?

They are, 67% of the States said so.
The most egregious fault of the electoral system is the winner take all aspect.

We could eliminate that and still give each state the extra couple electoral votes they get, based on their 2 Senators,

and that would be a HUGE move towards a more democratic system.

That's the only hope dems have, if congressional districts were used, moabama would have never been reelected. One example, CA has 13 republican districts.
How do you know the people didn't get who they wanted? Some people didn't get to vote because they were working out of state, out of country, and YOU can't speak for anyone but yourself. The PC scum are always screaming labeling and pointing at people who are much better and much less of what they label that person than they themselves are. Shit they just have no real constructive discourse so they label the person they disagree with as some less than they sect of society to marginalize them and their statements. It doesn't work too well because they have been shown to be MUCH worse than those they attack for every aspect of society and this country. They are like children who cant take away someone elses toy anymore.
No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.

Name the posters you believe to be the PC police, so they can respond directly.
Why? You've all self-identified here for me.

You make it easy, I never have to name names.

Cite my instances of PC policing, retard.

To prove that you're not falsely accusing me of something.
You can't "prove" something to a hardcore partisan ideologue, silly.

But more importantly, I don't give a shit about your opinion.

Name the posters you believe to be the PC police, so they can respond directly.
Why? You've all self-identified here for me.

You make it easy, I never have to name names.

Cite my instances of PC policing, retard.

To prove that you're not falsely accusing me of something.
You can't "prove" something to a hardcore partisan ideologue, silly.

But more importantly, I don't give a shit about your opinion.


So you admit your whole act is a sham.
Why? You've all self-identified here for me.

You make it easy, I never have to name names.

Cite my instances of PC policing, retard.

To prove that you're not falsely accusing me of something.
You can't "prove" something to a hardcore partisan ideologue, silly.

But more importantly, I don't give a shit about your opinion.


So you admit your whole act is a sham.
Think whatever you want.

You will anyway.
The most egregious fault of the electoral system is the winner take all aspect.

We could eliminate that and still give each state the extra couple electoral votes they get, based on their 2 Senators,

and that would be a HUGE move towards a more democratic system.

That's the only hope dems have, if congressional districts were used, moabama would have never been reelected. One example, CA has 13 republican districts.

Prove that if electors were proportioned based on the popular vote that Obama would have lost.
Cite my instances of PC policing, retard.

To prove that you're not falsely accusing me of something.
You can't "prove" something to a hardcore partisan ideologue, silly.

But more importantly, I don't give a shit about your opinion.


So you admit your whole act is a sham.
Think whatever you want.

You will anyway.

You can't even define a PC policeman.

It is an easy check, do as I have and go to each state and find the number of congressional districts that voted for each candidate. Democrats would NEVER win an election without California, and New York being winner take all Trump would have taken 1/3 of the California, and nearly 1/2 of New York. I hope we do have a change to congressional districts, WHO has the most congressmen and senators? That translates into the number of electors for each side in a EC that has no winner take all states.
Wasn't enough, was it?

It was if you believe in democratic government.

How do you elect the governor of Texas?

Just like we decide our electors for president. We are a republic, there are no national elections.

Texas is broken down into winner take all 'states'?

Are you sure about that?

France is a Republic. How do they elect their president?

So's the election for governor. You like the french system, move there, this ain't frace.

But France is in fact a Republic, and you wrongly claimed that republics have no national elections.

Remind me again how many sovereign States france has. And I said we have no national elections.
The most egregious fault of the electoral system is the winner take all aspect.

We could eliminate that and still give each state the extra couple electoral votes they get, based on their 2 Senators,

and that would be a HUGE move towards a more democratic system.

Ahh, did someone not get their participation ribbon ? Poor baby !
The most egregious fault of the electoral system is the winner take all aspect.

We could eliminate that and still give each state the extra couple electoral votes they get, based on their 2 Senators,

and that would be a HUGE move towards a more democratic system.

That's the only hope dems have, if congressional districts were used, moabama would have never been reelected. One example, CA has 13 republican districts.

Prove that if electors were proportioned based on the popular vote that Obama would have lost.

They are, the popular vote in each State, except for 2 where they use congressional districts. Get it through your head, the national popular vote has ZERO meaning.
Sanders started with no chance and ended up a close second. His position on trade won Trump the election.

LOL. Sanders had less to do with Trump winning the election and more with Hillary losing it.

Suddenly that millennial champion collapsed and sold his soul to the proverbial devil. People don't like it when they've been betrayed. Might have been their mistake for falling for his rhetoric, but nonetheless they took out their anger by not voting for Hillary.

The GOP has never been anti-free trade anti trade deals. Free trade is a cornerstone of mainstream conservatism.

Time to clean house. Do what's best for America and not what's best for the party.

So you think Bernie should have supported Trump?
Bernie should have ran against Trump. Unfortunately, the DNC rigged the election for Crooked Hillary and against Bernie. The Wikileaks Emails prove it.

How long has your head been up your ass?
The truth we all might be forgetting is, if the election were a popularity contest then the way the candidates campaigned would be different. What the left is crying about is trying to now use cribbage rules in a bridge tournament.
Millions of good people without an ounce of hatred in their hearts got sick and tired of the constant drumbeat of being called racists for over 8 years. For over 8 years, instead of having a conversation, the leftists branded anyone who disagreed with them a racist. It got old quick. After 8 years, it simmered into a putrid, slow burning stew of resentment.

Millions of blue collar Democrats from the rust belt who voted for Obama in '08 and '12 are now suddenly racists because they voted for Trump. Logical only to a leftist.

"If you can't have a conversation, it boils underneath."
Well said.

It boiled underneath for over 8 years.

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Sanders started with no chance and ended up a close second. His position on trade won Trump the election.

LOL. Sanders had less to do with Trump winning the election and more with Hillary losing it.

Suddenly that millennial champion collapsed and sold his soul to the proverbial devil. People don't like it when they've been betrayed. Might have been their mistake for falling for his rhetoric, but nonetheless they took out their anger by not voting for Hillary.

The GOP has never been anti-free trade anti trade deals. Free trade is a cornerstone of mainstream conservatism.

Time to clean house. Do what's best for America and not what's best for the party.

So you think Bernie should have supported Trump?

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