Will anyone explain this crap?

Some of us have been convinced for a very long time by both sides that the other side's candidate is unworthy. We remain unbelieving that both sides continue to support their unworthy candidate.
C'mon, you knew this was coming, and I knew this was coming, what is shocking is that a spray tanned assclown named Donald Trump would be the one to usher it in. It was always latent in this country, and there was evidence of a mutiny to remove FDR back in his day. Eventually the fascists will score an important victory, and that's when things get real.
I saw the pieces, but I didn't imagine this. First, I saw the manipulated rage building over time, but the way it has metastasized like this has been mind-blowing. I had a real sense of foreboding when he won, and I know these people are conditioned to hate the government, but I never expected they'd push our very democracy to the brink of collapse like this. And this cult -- no way this could happen here. And over this guy???? No fuckin' way. We're definitely better than that.

I've always assumed we had learned from world history. Obviously I was wrong there.
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Of course she did.

TOO FUNNY, when the FBI claimed Trump withheld secret documents at his house not even a president could have
(and they didn't even miss them for two years despite several visits there by NARA), justifying raiding his house
and now charging him with a crime worse than murder, they were an unimpeachable source!

But let the FBI certify Ashley's diary authentic detailing how her father Joe used to strip her naked
and soap her up in the shower as a child, and now you call in "unverified fake news." :auiqs.jpg:

inappropriate showers.jpg
That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
First democrats denied the diary is real

Today they make excuses and spin what it says to protect one of their faves.

Like Pelosi said, if you want to know what Democrats today are pedophiles, just ask a democrat who their "faves" are.

I saw the manipulated rage building over time,

but the way it has metastasized like this has been mind-blowing. I had a real sense of foreboding when he won

these people are conditioned to hate the government,

but I never expected they'd push our very democracy to the brink of collapse like this.

TOO FUNNY, when the FBI claimed Trump withheld secret documents at his house not even a president could have
(and they didn't even miss them for two years despite several visits there by NARA), justifying raiding his house
and now charging him with a crime worse than murder, they were an unimpeachable source!

But let the FBI certify Ashley's diary authentic detailing how her father Joe used to strip her naked
and soap her up in the shower as a child, and now you call in "unverified fake news." :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 818629

One has to admire their ability to fervently promote whatever strengthens the Democrat narrative, even if in the next second their position has to be diametrically opposed to the last one.

There will be studies done on this and entire libraries stocked with information on this phenomenon.
One has to admire their ability to fervently promote whatever strengthens the Democrat narrative, even if in the next second their position has to be diametrically opposed to the last one.

Most telling with their Head Kook Mac1958 is that he can only talk to like-minded trolls like him about MAGA and the Right in the Third Person calling us a cult while actually living as a cultist, despite all of his arguments being shot down again and again by us, meanwhile, like a typical fraudulent leftist lecturing hollow memes about "saving democracy", he never disproves anything you say, he just hides behind his Funnys and Derp condescending comments as he pisses down his leg.

It is an important feature of Leftists like him to always feel superior telling themselves they are just too far above those they attack, by hiding and running, never actually engaging them with facts, otherwise they'd easily LOSE.

They're easily exposed by simply taking their list of complaints and accusations and showing that they actually apply to THEM and those whom they NEVER attack nor criticize!

You can always tell the true pedigree of a derp like him by simply noting who he never attacks and always agrees with. In this case, that would be everything Biden, Democrats and Left do, NO MATTER WHAT.
Here's a good question?

Other than you unreasoned hate for Biden and everything Democratic, including the Constitution, why does this matter?
Because someone who abused his own daughter as she has written about should be shunned by society, not elevated to the most powerful single position in the world.
That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.

Easy, they only care about their own personal financial and political gain. That's it. So they will all ignore it, they won't let the msm report on it and they will pretend it never happened because they don't want to put own gains at risk.
Most telling with their Head Kook Mac1958 is that he can only talk to like-minded trolls like him about MAGA and the Right in the Third Person calling us a cult while actually living as a cultist, despite all of his arguments being shot down again and again by us, meanwhile, like a typical fraudulent leftist lecturing hollow memes about "saving democracy", he never disproves anything you say, he just hides behind his Funnys and Derp condescending comments as he pisses down his leg.

It is an important feature of Leftists like him to always feel superior telling themselves they are just too far above those they attack, by hiding and running, never actually engaging them with facts, otherwise they'd easily LOSE.

They're easily exposed by simply taking their list of complaints and accusations and showing that they actually apply to THEM and those whom they NEVER attack nor criticize!

You can always tell the true pedigree of a derp like him by simply noting who he never attacks and always agrees with. In this case, that would be everything Biden, Democrats and Left do, NO MATTER WHAT.

Literally, he is just best ignored.
That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
I can explain it.

It’s simple.

They crave power far more than they care about justice or the rights of little victims.

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