Will anyone explain this crap?

The whole family is messed up. Why should she be any different. But taking the word of someone who's messed up, as being completely honest is a hard one to swallow.
I'm not taking up for Joe. But young girls lie. My ex step sisters daughter had 3 guys put in prison for supposed sexual assaults. Turns out two of them just wouldn't buy her any pot or a phone card because she was 12yrs old.
The third on died in prison. So no one can say if anything happened or not. Just that he denied even being alone with her.

Maybe Biden did shower with her. But with no criminal charges, it's her word against his. Both could be liars. Her being a Biden keeps me from believing anything she or he says.
You have seen how he gropes little girls?
They crave power far more than they care about justice or the rights of little victims.

The Left like Mac1958 have convinced themselves they have been ordained by some superior power with control over all others running their lives! Like Hitler and every other dictator right down to the new WEF, they believe it is both their RIGHT and DUTY to hold global power over all overs.

This is the very first step fascist dictators take, telling themselves that what they do is good, no matter how BAD it really is. And despite the catastrophe that Biden has been these past three years, they STILL can't see anything they are doing is wrong. So they try to cover their tracks with lies, misdirection, and misinformation. Rule #1: call your victims what you are accusing THEM of, and of doing the very things you do yourself.

The dictionary calls it: Megalomania.
That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
I care.
Investigate, c'mon MTG, do something ya lazy ass.
Go after biden, start impeachment hearings, investigate and bring proof.
Why do you insist that I don't care, impeachment him, indict him, I DON'T CARE.

But how about that trump guy, you and your slimy ILK will defend that turd of his crimes, meanwhile you scream......but biden.

Fuck You Clowns.
I care.
Investigate, c'mon MTG, do something ya lazy ass.
Go after biden, start impeachment hearings, investigate and bring proof.
Why do you insist that I don't care, impeachment him, indict him, I DON'T CARE.

But how about that trump guy, you and your slimy ILK will defend that turd of his crimes, meanwhile you scream......but biden.

Fuck You Clowns.
You’re a dull little turd ball, Winky dinky.

I want the GOP to learn to fight back. Teach the motherfuckers that payback is a bitch.

They’ll never see it coming.
Democrats are genuinely horrible people. Even the ignorant ones, as they are shirking their duty as human beings to not allow sick, illicit stuff to happen to others, especially children. You have to truly degenerate sick fucks who are intentionally evil, then you have the power mongers who will turn the other cheek to anything the truly sick fucks do. Then there are the shills and fools who are uninformed and just downright ignorant. All of them, in their own ways, are truly horrible people.

You may wonder, as I do, which is worse: Joe Biden repeatedly slinging his wang around in his young daughter's face in the shower (and whatever else may have resulted from that), or the people who know this happened yet do nothing about it, and in some cases act to suppress it? There is so much sick, degenerate shit that went on by Joe and Hunter (sex, lies, extortion, bribes, whoring, child trafficking, child molestation, rape, corruption, illegal drug use, etc...) that these two shit-fucks should be banished from society, along with the entire Biden clan. I mean, they should be tied up, placed on donkeys' asses, and then sent off swiftly into the scorched desert with no food or water. They should be buried up to their necks, with only their heads protruding from the ground, smattered with honey and in the vicinity of large fire ant populations. Theirs are the crimes deserving of medieval punishment. Yet here they are, one the purported leader of the free world and the other a perpetual fuck-up being protected by our now corrupt FBI and DOJ.

When you dwell on the facts of the Biden corruption cases, you quickly lose hope. Our federal government is dishonest. It is corrupt. Most importantly, it is no longer in the hands of The People. It is beyond our control, as it runs out of control as the means of power for tyranny. There is no land anywhere that is presided over by God that would allow Joe and Hunter to walk around free after what all they have done and continue to do. This means that either there is no God, or that God is shaking his head at how badly humanity has fucked up. Maybe He is ready to throw us into the trash and move on to some other more worthy project. I would.
In Waco Texas, David Karesh would have mothers who were his followers give him their underage daughters to have sex with him, of course, as they also had sex with him.

This is just normal cult activity. Nothing to get your panties in a wad about.

The Democrat cult would literally do anything for their party, including giving their children to creepy Joe.
You are so fucked up in the head.
You deflect and deny that the trump CULT exists, with ample evidence to support it.

Your simple minded weak ass tiny brain ONLY has deflection and denial, because pos45 has committed so MANY crimes, see the indictments, that denial and deflection are your ONLY defenses.

Biden cult????.....LOOLLOLLOLLL
Impeach Biden, I DON'T CARE.
Then Indict him in 2025.
You’re a dull little turd ball, Winky dinky.

I want the GOP to learn to fight back. Teach the motherfuckers that payback is a bitch.

They’ll never see it coming.
Again, you say something so fucking stupid......again.

I say, post #150.....
Investigate, c'mon MTG, do something ya lazy ass.
Go after biden, start impeachment hearings, investigate and bring proof.
Why do you insist that I don't care, impeachment him, indict him, I DON'T CARE.

Then you same the same thing, "I want the GOP to learn to fight back."

Fuck you're stupid.
You are so fucked up in the head.
You deflect and deny that the trump CULT exists, with ample evidence to support it.

Your simple minded weak ass tiny brain ONLY has deflection and denial, because pos45 has committed so MANY crimes, see the indictments, that denial and deflection are your ONLY defenses.

Biden cult????.....LOOLLOLLOLLL
Impeach Biden, I DON'T CARE.
Then Indict him in 2025.
You loons made up Russian collusion to take Trump out as president and failed. Sorry if I don't believe what you're saying now.
You loons made up Russian collusion to take Trump out as president and failed. Sorry if I don't believe what you're saying now.
I did?

Your imagination has gone wild.

Is trump guilty of any of the 91 charges?

yes or no.
After attacking Trump for every little thing he does, you are really ignorant enough to ask this question?
You really are ignorant to phrase a statement then follow it with a question mark?

I don't attack Trump for every little thing he does.
I DO critique Trump for every little law he breaks and every little person he hates.

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