Will anyone explain this crap?

true ....on part 1 (trump is innocent unless proven guilty)...let the trial begin.

fake charges???........ au contraire, the charges are VERY real.
Oh OK the CHARGES are real but lack real evidence. Anyone can be CHARGED with any crime, that doesn't mean that those charges are valid. Banana republics do this all the time.
I care.
Investigate, c'mon MTG, do something ya lazy ass.
Go after biden, start impeachment hearings, investigate and bring proof.
Why do you insist that I don't care, impeachment him, indict him, I DON'T CARE.

But how about that trump guy, you and your slimy ILK will defend that turd of his crimes, meanwhile you scream......but biden.

Fuck You Clowns.
Progs are extremist radicals. 100% of each and every day. All of the Prog women who have daughters and see what Joe constantly in public does are disgusting as they still support him. We had months and months and months and longer just on a hooker for Trump. When the nation hits bottom, many men are going to die to fix it. That is what happens in times of turmoil.
Oh OK the CHARGES are real but lack real evidence. Anyone can be CHARGED with any crime, that doesn't mean that those charges are valid. Banana republics do this all the time.
I agree, let the trial proceed.

Why do you have a problem with Due Process?
Do you have a tape of Joe Biden admitting this?
I have one of Trump.

I have trump found to have committed rape.
I have Trump cheating on all three of his wives...

Of course you NEED Biden to be like Trump otherwise your adoration of Trump puts you right in the pervert ballpark.

BTW...Trump is asking for your vote...

Do you have any defense of Biden that doesn't involve TRUMP?
I agree, let the trial proceed.

Why do you have a problem with Due Process?
This is not due process. This is using lawfare against a political opponent. You know, like when a despot in a banana republic arrests his political opposition for some fake reason just to get rid of the competition. That is what Biden is doing.
Projection. This DOJ and FBI have shit all over the Constitution all under an illegitimate administration run by fascists.

Try again when you sober up
Do you have a tape of Joe Biden admitting this?
I have one of Trump.
I have trump found to have committed rape.
I have Trump cheating on all three of his wives...

Of course you NEED Biden to be like Trump otherwise your adoration of Trump puts you right in the pervert ballpark.

BTW...Trump is asking for your vote...

He has every thinking person's vote.
That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
the dembots don't care that their cult leader is a sexual predator...they only care about their cult.
The leftists at USMB support it for two reasons. The first of these is that they are only capable of understanding what tribe they belong to and this comes from their tribe.

The second reason is that while the majority of them are not actual pedophiles, themselves, they support the behavior involved as part of of their imaginary virtue
cause he's a fking pedophile? really, so now you're good with inappropriate relations between dads and daughters? Interesting.
Do you have any actual factual evidence beyond the 40 year old remembrances of a little girl looking to blame someone for her failures?

Or is your need to have Biden be just like Trump so that your fealty to Trump is not so disgusting overcoming your ability to reason?

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