Will ANYONE in the government be held accountable for violations of the first amendment via Twitter?

Will anyone be held to account for the government violating the first amendment rights of citizens?

  • Yes

  • No

  • There were no first amendment violations

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my platform is guaranteed by the first amendment, so is yours. This forum proves that. What twitter and the others did is a constitutional violation of law. Stop repeating the lies pumped into your head by your left wing masters--------------they are lying to you.

No it is not. Private companies are not bound by the 1st Amendment. Go back to school you ignorant idiot. Go tell that to IUSMB and see what they say.
As I figured. Guess you'll have to wait an eternity for one of the msm news outlets to become honest brokers of news 😆
Or something in between. Seriously, you guys only ever have crackpot horseshit. The sad thing is - you're probably right about some of it. But for fuck's sake, stop leading with crazy. It's not helping anything. Try to find some normal sounding people to make your case. Alex Jones wannabes doesn't cut it.
BULLSHIT. you can say whatever you want whenever and wherever you want to say it. At the workplace it might get you fired or disciplined but no one can prevent you from saying it. And the first amendment does apply to news broadcasts and network talk shows. social media got a temporary exemption which never should have happened and will very likely be reversed by the next congress. The released twitter files prove the illegal censorship and bias.

The first amendment does not apply to news broadcasts or network talk shows. They are owned by private companies. The selectively released twitter files show no such thing.
The first amendment does not apply to news broadcasts or network talk shows. They are owned by private companies. The selectively released twitter files show no such thing.
That's exactly what they show, you fucking NAZI
No it is not. Private companies are not bound by the 1st Amendment. Go back to school you ignorant idiot. Go tell that to IUSMB and see what they say.
/——-/ But it is a violation when the Gubmint does it. But, you already knew.
The first amendment does not apply to news broadcasts or network talk shows. They are owned by private companies. The selectively released twitter files show no such thing.
They don't care. They just want to be outraged.

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