Will Chris Christie defeat Hillary in the prelims?

What makes you think Moochel isn't going to throw her hat in the ring. Do you think Maobama kept his massive organization in place for the fun of it? Those folks are addicted to the federal gravy train, they won't just walk away, look for an announcement just after the midterms.
I keep telling you, he's not planning on leaving.
he is talking shit about rand paul.loves obamas policies, even the rollover of bushs..
he supports the nsa spying, Afghanistan etc.
he is a moderate lib, plain and simple. with a hint of fascism :)
SO will he change his party so he is not full of shit? if he does, would he beat the terrible ex-SoS?

do Liberals even like fat people? let me guess, depending on the day? LOL

Liberals only love liberals, unless they're in competition for power. Once that's over they're working in tandem to bring down the republic.

I won't vote for Christie.

Even if it somehow meant 4 more years of the moonbat messiah.

I'm done with RINOs who barely even slow down the creeping marxist agenda. It's time to roll it back, or let the empire collapse.

I feel the same way, I changed my political party the other day when I got my drivers license renewed. I am now an independent, I consider myself a libertarian independent. The Republican party has let me down and I fell they no longer represent me.
Raoul Castro might challenge Hillary and Mama Cass Christie, that would put Dems into a tizzy

Speaking of Castro, he's going to be on Hillary's ticket as her running mate. But you have the wrong Castro, dummy.

What makes you think Moochel isn't going to throw her hat in the ring. Do you think Maobama kept his massive organization in place for the fun of it? Those folks are addicted to the federal gravy train, they won't just walk away, look for an announcement just after the midterms.
I keep telling you, he's not planning on leaving.

Neither was GW, remember?
If Hillary runs, she wins the White House simply because of what is between her legs. The Dem faithful will vote for her because she's their party, loads of Republican and Independent women will vote for her simply because she's a woman, and her record will have no bearing whatsoever.

It'll be historic all over again.

I'm thinking they're smarter than that....at least I hope so!! So many voted for Obama just because of his color and he'd be the 1st black president. I hope they use their brains and see how that didn't work, and voting for Hillary just because she'd be the first woman president would be just as big a mistake!

And if she does run, and happens to run against Christie, this may be the first time ever that I don't vote at all.....I can't stand either one of them!

It should be noted that the women's vote won the election for Obama. Approximately 90% of women have used some form of contraception or some astounding figure like that and the GOP not only tried to do away with the programs that make low-cost contraception available; they strove to castigate anyone asking for contraception.

Anyway, Obama won the Women's vote and it put him well over the top. And Clinton may do even better than he did with that demographic.
What makes you think Moochel isn't going to throw her hat in the ring. Do you think Maobama kept his massive organization in place for the fun of it? Those folks are addicted to the federal gravy train, they won't just walk away, look for an announcement just after the midterms.
I keep telling you, he's not planning on leaving.

Neither was GW, remember?
No, I don't remember anything like that, but Bush waan't a malignant narcissist like Obama, so there wasn't much chance of W suspending the Constitution.

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