Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

  • Yes

  • No

Results are only viewable after voting.
There is plenty of evidence out there. If you weren't a biased hack you'd look it up yourself.

People don't sign affidavits for the hell of it. There are hundreds maybe thousands out there signed by both Rep and Dem watchers. Perjury is the charge for a false affidavit. I doubt many would take the chance if what they saw wasn't true.

The whole concept of an affidavit is under attack now because so many eye witnesses have come forward
to attest to what they have seen...which is pure corrupt theft of votes.
The affidavit is still a valid long accepted legal principle, as far as anyone knows. The left hasn't been
able to corrupt our system of laws that much...yet. Not for lack of trying, anyway.
Trump’s one last chance of “winning” would be declaring martial law, using the military to shut down Capital Hill and over throwing our constitutional republic.

Trumpsters would gladly see the death of our Republic if Trump declares himself president for life.

That is after all what Trumpism is. A cult of personality.

Hopefully that is what President Trump is going to do. He needs to deputize all of his supporters so that we can handle the unrest from the communists when that happens. Over half of the country will be very upset over President Trump doing the right thing, and we need to be able to effectively quell that insurrection. The quickest way to do that is to declare all democrats/protesters/dissenters as enemy combatants. We will make swift work of anyone who refuses to accept President Trump's rightful victory over cheating sleepy joe biden. Just because someone receives the most votes doesn't give them the right to steal the election in a coup. We must not allow this to go unpunished. Everyone involved this attempted overthrow of the Trump administration must face consequences for their actions. This includes Biden, Harris, their campaign staff, activist judges, their loyalist media, people who donated to their coup/campaigns, people who publicly supported them on social media, and of course activist voters who voted for them.
You aren’t going to do shit, psycho
We're gonna screw up the Biden administration so badly that it'll look like a Keystone Cops movie. Just watch.
You’re a nobody. You’ll do nothing beyond yelling at the tv and hate posting on USMB. Loser.

And you do what ?
You know, I'm waiting to see what the electoral college does, and to see if there are "faithless voters" who don't cast their states vote for Biden because Trump paid them off to vote for him. Gonna be interesting to see how that turns out.

Kinda wonder how they will vote with all the fraud that's been discovered. Wonder if Biden paid the frauders??
You wonder a lot about unproven conspiracies. I prefer facts.

Won't be facts till the courts look at the evidence and question those that signed affidavits. I prefer facts also and the courts will prove it one way or the other.
There is plenty of evidence out there. If you weren't a biased hack you'd look it up yourself.

People don't sign affidavits for the hell of it. There are hundreds maybe thousands out there signed by both Rep and Dem watchers. Perjury is the charge for a false affidavit. I doubt many would take the chance if what they saw wasn't true.

The whole concept of an affidavit is under attack now because so many eye witnesses have come forward
to attest to what they have seen...which is pure corrupt theft of votes.
The affidavit is still a valid long accepted legal principle, as far as anyone knows. The left hasn't been
able to corrupt our system of laws that much...yet. Not for lack of trying, anyway.

Yup and you can bet those that signed those affidavits sure wouldn't sign them if they hadn't seen what they saw. I sure wouldn't sign an affidavit falsely. Perjury is what that is.
Won't be facts till the courts look at the evidence and question those that signed affidavits. I prefer facts also and the courts will prove it one way or the other.
Exactly! Affidavits per se will not convince a court but they will raise considerable doubt in Corrupt
Joe Biden's claims and cause the court to examine the issue more closely.

The sheer numbers of affidavits are overwhelming.
Do some study of Patrick Basham and his findings on the 2020 election. Sharp guy and interesting new
angles on the fraud. Leftists will not be able to dispute his findings.

Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Yes. I believe so.

President Donald John Trump - 410

Joe Biden - 128
Let's bet real money on this. $500 says Trump won't be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.
I really don't feel strongly but said "YES" because I love to twist liberal knickers into tight little knots that would crush their agates had they any!
Let's bet real money on this. $500 says Trump won't be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.
Ten more days and it is offical.
How? Is is not official until the votes of the Electoral College are opened by the Congress in January.
The EC votes on the 14th which is the end of the election.congress merely puts the stamp of approval when it sets in January.

Failed your high school government classes how many times?
It is also the day that Congress accepts the EC results from states because it is the deadline.
Ten more days and it is offical.
How? Is is not official until the votes of the Electoral College are opened by the Congress in January.
The EC votes on the 14th which is the end of the election.congress merely puts the stamp of approval when it sets in January.

Failed your high school government classes how many times?
It is also the day that Congress accepts the EC results from states because it is the deadline.

Doubling down on being stupid? That's you!
You know, I'm waiting to see what the electoral college does, and to see if there are "faithless voters" who don't cast their states vote for Biden because Trump paid them off to vote for him. Gonna be interesting to see how that turns out.

Kinda wonder how they will vote with all the fraud that's been discovered. Wonder if Biden paid the frauders??
?? What fraud? There has been none.
Ten more days and it is offical.
How? Is is not official until the votes of the Electoral College are opened by the Congress in January.
The EC votes on the 14th which is the end of the election.congress merely puts the stamp of approval when it sets in January.

Failed your high school government classes how many times?
It is also the day that Congress accepts the EC results from states because it is the deadline.

Doubling down on being stupid? That's you!
If you voted for the Orange Buffoon and believe that he won this election then you have no right calling anyone stupid.
Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Yes. I believe so.

President Donald John Trump - 410

Joe Biden - 128
Let's bet real money on this. $500 says Trump won't be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

Ten candy bars of your choice.
Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Yes. I believe so.

President Donald John Trump - 410

Joe Biden - 128
Let's bet real money on this. $500 says Trump won't be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

Ten candy bars of your choice.
No. I'm sick of this bullshit. Put real money where your mouth is.
There is plenty of evidence out there. If you weren't a biased hack you'd look it up yourself.

People don't sign affidavits for the hell of it. There are hundreds maybe thousands out there signed by both Rep and Dem watchers. Perjury is the charge for a false affidavit. I doubt many would take the chance if what they saw wasn't true.

The whole concept of an affidavit is under attack now because so many eye witnesses have come forward
to attest to what they have seen...which is pure corrupt theft of votes.
The affidavit is still a valid long accepted legal principle, as far as anyone knows. The left hasn't been
able to corrupt our system of laws that much...yet. Not for lack of trying, anyway.

The problem with affidavit's is it is a person's interpretation of an event and that might not have been accurate. For example the person might have thought they saw something illegal, but it was actually a legal part of the process and the person didn't understand what he was observing. The person wasn't lying, but their interpretation was wrong.
Trump has only 42 days left now. Not looking good for his chances of staying in office past January 20, 2020.

This is really over on Monday December 14, 2020 when the Electoral College votes. Then the votes have to arrive in Washington D.C. no later than December 23, 2020. There they will sit until January 6, 2021 when the new congress will count the votes and declare the winner of the election.

Once the Electoral College Votes, there are no legal options left for Trump. He has to sit and wait for the results of the count done on January 6, 2021.

I think Trump may go ahead and move to Florida on the 18th of December and never return to Washington D.C. for the rest of his time in office.
Ten more days and it is offical.
How? Is is not official until the votes of the Electoral College are opened by the Congress in January.
The EC votes on the 14th which is the end of the election.congress merely puts the stamp of approval when it sets in January.

Failed your high school government classes how many times?
It is also the day that Congress accepts the EC results from states because it is the deadline.

Wrong, penis breath!

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