Will Hispanics vote on free shit or morality?

Hold on…they’re “natural Republican voters” yet 70%+ have always voted Democrat?

and 90% of African Americans do.

Blame that on the Democratic Media

Each of those cultures have qualities that are congruous with Republicans
Hispanics have very strong familial ties and work ethic.
AA also started out with a strong nuclear family but in 1964 the Democrats legislatively destroyed that for political gain.
Lets break it down... Many of my Christian friends think the GOP party is morally bankrupt... There attitudes on most issues don't follow 'Love thy Neighbour...', Jesus's one command... Jesus never mentioned Abortion but was very clear on how we should treat each other.
Catholic Church has held may differing views on Abortion over the Centuries, even the Evangelical Christians held a different view pre 1978...
Please stop telling us the morality of Abortion... Abortion was an invented wedge issue by the Evangelical in 1978 when they lost the School Segregation.

As transgender issue... 90% of the chatter on this is coming from Republicans trying to paint a picture...

You want these men to use woman's toilets

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And these women to use Mens Toliets
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Every Christian I know (and that's a whole lot) think the Democrats are morally bankrupt, and it doesn't take a Christian to see that obvious fact,
Hmmmm…the party of filth, abortion and lawlessness has always been the party of filth, abortion and lawlessness….but hispanics have been voting for free shit and fuck whitey….Why is that suddenly changing?
They do not want their children indoctrinated or groomed. Family means a lot to them and they have figured out it does not mean shit to Democrats.
The point made I think is that probably a majority, maybe a strong majority, of Hispanics approve of Republican initiatives and values more than they do Democrat initiatives and values.
Hmmm, yet 70%+ vote Democrat?
The problem comes in that Republicans aren't all that good getting a message out there in understandable form, and even when they try they are thwarted by a mostly Democrat media that is too often little more than a Democrat propaganda machine. So unless they watch OAN, Newsmax, Fox News or get information from at least some more objective sources, a large percentage of Hispanics (and others) don't KNOW the Democrats are against so many of their values and what the Republicans actually support.
So they aren’t smart enough to do their own own due-dilligence?
More Republican in ideology but vote Democrat because they have been conditioned to think the Democrats better reflect their views.a
So they aren’t smart enough to do their own due-dilligence? Are we starting to sound like plantation owning Democrats?
Hmmm…cool theory…so indoctrination and grooming will make the difference?
To quite a large degree, yes....and of course Hispanics value good economics, just like anybody else. Nobody wants to see their rent jump from $600/mo to $1200 in 3 months. Or gas prices also jump 100%
Hmmm, yet 70%+ vote Democrat?

So they aren’t smart enough to do their own own due-dilligence?

So they aren’t smart enough to do their own due-dilligence? Are we starting to sound like plantation owning Democrats?
I don't think that's what I said at all. Sorry you took it that way.
Hispanics are conservatives.
Indeed some are. Not all. Hispanics are no more monolithic than any others in American society. Even in my own family, those who identify as Hispanic range from quite conservative/Patriot to full blown militant liberal/progressive to something between those two.

But I think when it comes down to basic values, more Hispanic lean conservative/libertarian (small 'L') than progressive and I think a lot more Hispanics will be voting GOP this November. But not all.
I refuse to buy the “Hispanics have flocked to the Republican Party” over abortion bullshit….I believe ‘free shit’ and ‘dethrone whitey’ will still top their list of reasons to vote. Your thoughts?
The ones who have been here a while and are doing OK will vote for 'morality'... the others will probably mostly vote for free $hit... like most groups...

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