Will Laid Off Workers Retrain For Better Jobs?

Most of the covid unemployed will go back to their jobs after the restrictions are lifted....
If the jobs still exist
Most of them will...I know a carpet layer that has tons of work waiting for him to start back up....he has 8 employees on unemployment waiting to come back to work...there are tons of small businesses out there like his....all remodel and new construction contractors are going to be backed up....clothing stores are busting at the seams to reopen...we are going to be fine folks....the sweltering heat next month will give us relief.....
Another factor, in addition to the many mentioned above, will be the availability of local training programs that the trainee can pay for. Too many times and too many imbeciles just dismiss a problem by tossing around some phrase that basically says "it's out there and people are just lazy if they can't find it." There must be training programs to which the trainee can commute, and money for training. Otherwise, retraining is a fairy tale.

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