Will Liz Cheney become the first woman president?

Endless Investigations of your political rivals is how The Nazis took over Germany. So Democrats Subpoena Cannon, Mueller Investigation, January 6 Clown show is exactly that.

Yet notice how real crimes are never investigated if you know the right people and are a Swamp Rat.
I enjoy overblown rhetoric. Probably more than many here do. I just consider your use of “unholy” in discussing former President Obumbler to be a bit of an overreach.

I don’t wish to be mistaken for disagreeing with you in general. Because, overall, I think you see things pretty clearly. For instance, I do take note of the fact that congress held former AG Holder in Contempt of Congress and yet the DOJ wouldn’t prosecute. But for Trump staffers, even without an official contempt of Congress citation to work with, the DOJ not only goes after them, but treats them to overtly creepy displays of power.
I enjoy overblown rhetoric. Probably more than many here do. I just consider your use of “unholy” in discussing former President Obumbler to be a bit of an overreach.

I don’t wish to be mistaken for disagreeing with you in general. Because, overall, I think you see things pretty clearly. For instance, I do take note of the fact that congress held former AG Holder in Contempt of Congress and yet the DOJ wouldn’t prosecute. But for Trump staffers, even without an official contempt of Congress citation to work with, the DOJ not only goes after them, but treats them to overtly creepy displays of power.
Well. let me ask you this: Would a Holy Man contract with Al Queda of Libya to assassinate Qadaffi who was actually very docile at the time and whose only "crime" was that he sold oil when and however the Hell he felt like it? Would a Holy Man run guns and launder money through Benghazi to finance and arm Al Queda for a COUP in Libya? Would a Holy Man communicate with Hillary Clinton on a Secret Illegal Server and then lie about it? Would a Holy Man contract with The Muslim Brotherhood to start a COUP in Egypt? Would a Holy Man celebrate the Alphabet Groomer Lobby and light up The White House like a rainbow flag? Would a Holy Man sell Uranium to Russia? Would a Holy Man sell weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels? Would a Holy Man purchase a Dirty Dossier from Putin, and then weaponize the US Government against a political rival, spy on a presidential candidate and falsify affidavits in FISA, and alter documents, and try to entrap and frame a newly elected president with false accusations and fake evidence that he help to finance and propagate?

I could go on and on.

Don't get me started on the so called "friends" this man has.

There is nothing "Holy" about Obama.
Well. let me ask you this: Would a Holy Man contract with Al Queda of Libya to assassinate Qadaffi who was actually very docile at the time and whose only "crime" was that he sold oil when and however the Hell he felt like it? Would a Holy Man run guns and launder money through Benghazi to finance and arm Al Queda for a COUP in Libya? Would a Holy Man communicate with Hillary Clinton on a Secret Illegal Server and then lie about it? Would a Holy Man contract with The Muslim Brotherhood to start a COUP in Egypt? Would a Holy Man celebrate the Alphabet Groomer Lobby and light up The White House like a rainbow flag? Would a Holy Man sell Uranium to Russia? Would a Holy Man sell weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels? Would a Holy Man purchase a Dirty Dossier from Putin, and then weaponize the US Government against a political rival, spy on a presidential candidate and falsify affidavits in FISA, and alter documents, and try to entrap and frame a newly elected president with false accusations and fake evidence that he help to finance and propagate?

I could go on and on.

Don't get me started on the so called "friends" this man has.

There is nothing "Holy" about Obama.
I never suggested that Obumbler is holy. The application of the label “unholy” is misleading and not very revealing, either way. I think Obumbler was a terrible President. Is he “unholy?” I neither know nor do I think the label has much meaning.
I never suggested that Obumbler is holy. The application of the label “unholy” is misleading and not very revealing, either way. I think Obumbler was a terrible President. Is he “unholy?” I neither know nor do I think the label has much meaning.
The man is unholy an unAmerican. And the asshole never left DC, which has always been a traditional act of courtesy to an incoming president signifying a peaceful transition of power. Did we have a "Peaceful Transition of Power?"
The man is unholy an unAmerican. And the asshole never left DC, which has always been a traditional act of courtesy to an incoming president signifying a peaceful transition of power. Did we have a "Peaceful Transition of Power?"
He is a creep. I dislike his arrogance and almost every other part of his behavior, attitude, policies and pontifications. I still see no value in the meaningless claim that he is “unholy.”
He is a creep. I dislike his arrogance and almost every other part of his behavior, attitude, policies and pontifications. I still see no value in the meaningless claim that he is “unholy.”
I do. People are unholy. That is why there is a Hell and the path to Hell is broad and wide and many travel upon.
Obama is one of them.
I do. People are unholy. That is why there is a Hell and the path to Hell is broad and wide and many travel upon.
Obama is one of them.
Lol. Nah. People may not be holy, with rare exceptions. But neither are they “unholy” — unless your definition is that “all who fail to qualify as ‘holy’ are therefore ‘unholy.’”

If that’s your definition, I’d say it’s meaningless.
Lol. Nah. People may not be holy, with rare exceptions. But neither are they “unholy” — unless your definition is that “all who fail to qualify as ‘holy’ are therefore ‘unholy.’”

If that’s your definition, I’d say it’s meaningless.
Hate to tell you this, but everyone is Unholy who is not genuinely covered in the Holiness of Christ, and no one can come before The Father nor enter in to God's Kingdom without that Holiness.

Even the Old Testament Saints had to stay in a place called Abraham's Bosom and could not go to Heaven until Christ made the way for them and set the captives Free.

So yes, Obama is indeed an Unholy man. So is Joe Biden imo.
She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
She's going to lose her seat in the next election, Lakhota, so she'll have lots of time to campaign! It might be possible for you on the left to find someone who's loathed by half of the country like Cheney is but for the life of me I can't think of who it would be other than Hillary!
Hate to tell you this, but everyone is Unholy who is not genuinely covered in the Holiness of Christ, and no one can come before The Father nor enter in to God's Kingdom without that Holiness.

Even the Old Testament Saints had to stay in a place called Abraham's Bosom and could not go to Heaven until Christ made the way for them and set the captives Free.

So yes, Obama is indeed an Unholy man. So is Joe Biden imo.
Hate to tell you this, but your religious belief doesn’t control. That said, you’re entitled to believe whatever you want to believe.

Personally, I would spend less time judging other people if I were you. Leave that to God.
Hate to tell you this, but your religious belief doesn’t control. That said, you’re entitled to believe whatever you want to believe.

Personally, I would spend less time judging other people if I were you. Leave that to God.
There is only one way to redemption and that is through The Holiness of Christ and His Sacrifice. Hell will be full of people that disagree with that. And God commands us to warn people about sin and judgment and that is not judging.

If Obama and Biden embrace Evil and Reject Christ they will go to Hell. There are no grey areas in eternity. There is no, oh, he's just a little Evil.....a good man...No....You are covered in the righteousness of Christ or you burn in Hell.

If I find myself in Hell, I will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I belong there. No one in Hell will believe otherwise.

Without such black and white definitions, humanity cannot proceed from the current state of time into the eternal state. Sin must be purged from the Human race through the redemption of Christ, so mankind can be redeemed and be transformed by God back into the originally intended eternal state before the fall.

Without that, there is No Eternity. Without Free Will, there would be No Fall. Without The Fall, mankind and the angels would not have a spiritual memory of the consequences of sin. Without that spiritual memory of The Fall, mankind and the Angels cannot advance to Eternity and still possess free will. It is an eternal paradox that can only be solved through The Redemption of Christ.
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She certainly has all the right stuff. Although I don't agree with most of her conservative ideology, I can envision her becoming a traditional Republican president. She is sane, smart and tough. What do you think?
I think Liz Cheney will never be president, but she can determine who the next president is just by running as an Independent spoiler candidate.
I just want new younger smarter more qualified people in government,
This picking people by political party with no regard towards there actual ability to do a good job is hurting our country big time..
Our current system incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants.

We need to fix that.

I think Liz Cheney will never be president, but she can determine who the next president is just by running as an Independent spoiler candidate.
That's what I've been wondering about Wyoming. Why can't she just do it there?

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