Will new vaccines save the day for Joe Biden?

Joe doesn't seem to be aware that Johnson & Johnson has a new vaccine in Phase-3 trials that will apply for Emergency Use in February, and that vaccine will be a 1-dose vaccine.

This should allow the first two vaccines to provide 2nd doses to those who need them, while still keeping people getting their 1st dose at about 1m a day of the JNJ vaccine. i.e. the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will concentrate primarily on 2nd doses.

I have not yet seen projections from the Biden admin on how they intend to manage the various vaccines and the 1st and 2nd doses.

Biden said he has a goal of 100m doses in 100 days. That makes no sense considering what's in the vaccine pipeline.
That makes no sense considering the new JNJ vaccine preparing to be distributed within Joe's 100 days. So why isn't Biden projecting when the JNJ vaccine will be distributed? Britain has 3 vaccines now, the one that the US doesn't have is Novavax. Is Novavax being planned for distribution in the US or not?

I want to see another daily update from Drs Birx and Fauci along with the CDC director showing the infection rate, and the distribution plan and progress for vaccine distribution. Joe's goal of 100m doses in 100 days is just silly.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine looks very hopeful - one dose and simple refrigeration. The problem seems to be that Trump didn't buy anywhere near the amount of vaccine he claimed he had, and now you're running out. The J&J vaccine is still a month or more away from approval and then there's distribution.

Biden doesn't know when the J&J vaccine will be approved for release. Dr. Faucci said a couple of weeks, on Rachael Maddow the other night. I think Biden is still trying to get sorted on where things are at. It seems that the transition team was kept from finding out just what a mess to distribution was in. I think they came in with a plan and expectations, and are now in the process of making adjustments based on the reality of the situation.

100 million doses in 100 days really isn't close to enough. Even 100 million Americans vaccinated in 100 days still means that it will take a year or more to vaccinate everyone.

USA: 21 MILLION doses administered.

KKKanada: 2.1 million administered.

That means the USA is 10 Times better than KKKanada.

For one moment, let’s set aside the Scientists. They are still working in labs and studying data. These Doctors never had the ability to conduct enormous field studies on COVID safety.

We didn’t hear horrendous tales featuring Wal-Mart employees dying by the tens of thousands because the stories don’t exist. Or, are they really just that good at sanitizing? Give me a break. I’ve been to those stores, and they aren’t exactly a sterile environment. Maybe they wiped down a few carts? Wow!

COVID Continues: Death By Shopping! | IntellectualConservative | intellectualconservative.com

Only three months with new technology and that was limited to only a few thousand. Basically, the public will be the guinea pigs. That's why I'm not participating.
Joe doesn't seem to be aware that Johnson & Johnson has a new vaccine in Phase-3 trials that will apply for Emergency Use in February, and that vaccine will be a 1-dose vaccine.

This should allow the first two vaccines to provide 2nd doses to those who need them, while still keeping people getting their 1st dose at about 1m a day of the JNJ vaccine. i.e. the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will concentrate primarily on 2nd doses.

I have not yet seen projections from the Biden admin on how they intend to manage the various vaccines and the 1st and 2nd doses.

Biden said he has a goal of 100m doses in 100 days. That makes no sense considering what's in the vaccine pipeline.
That makes no sense considering the new JNJ vaccine preparing to be distributed within Joe's 100 days. So why isn't Biden projecting when the JNJ vaccine will be distributed? Britain has 3 vaccines now, the one that the US doesn't have is Novavax. Is Novavax being planned for distribution in the US or not?

I want to see another daily update from Drs Birx and Fauci along with the CDC director showing the infection rate, and the distribution plan and progress for vaccine distribution. Joe's goal of 100m doses in 100 days is just silly.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine looks very hopeful - one dose and simple refrigeration. The problem seems to be that Trump didn't buy anywhere near the amount of vaccine he claimed he had, and now you're running out. The J&J vaccine is still a month or more away from approval and then there's distribution.

Biden doesn't know when the J&J vaccine will be approved for release. Dr. Faucci said a couple of weeks, on Rachael Maddow the other night. I think Biden is still trying to get sorted on where things are at. It seems that the transition team was kept from finding out just what a mess to distribution was in. I think they came in with a plan and expectations, and are now in the process of making adjustments based on the reality of the situation.

100 million doses in 100 days really isn't close to enough. Even 100 million Americans vaccinated in 100 days still means that it will take a year or more to vaccinate everyone.
1. Agree JNJ vaccine looks good if it is approvable. The timing works great as people can take the JNJ vaccine as others get their 2nd shot of Pfizer and Moderna.
2. You can't always throw money at problems. The Trump admin spent $6b getting the vaccine production lines up in record time. JNJ will make 1b doses in 2021, that's way more than we need.
3. We are not "running out" of vaccine. Here is the CDC supply vs administered totals as of today. There is more than enough vaccine, then what happens when the JNJ vaccine doses hit the pipeline. The states are blowing smoke. They need to ramp up their "super sites" for giving shots:

4. Dr Fauci said that the Trump distribution plan was working just fine, which is why Biden kept the same team running the vaccine effort.

5. Xiden is an idiot, which is what the reporter was trying to tell him. 100m doses in 100 days is where we are as of today, with no new vaccines, see graph below. With the 1b JNJ vaccine doses starting in February, and even Novovax doses soon after, by the end of April (100 days) we should at least have 150m doses administered, if not 200m, which would be "herd immunity" in 100 days. You and Xiden can whine about how the table was set by Trump, but we know who got us thru the pandemic, and it was sleepy Joe.
Joe doesn't seem to be aware that Johnson & Johnson has a new vaccine in Phase-3 trials that will apply for Emergency Use in February, and that vaccine will be a 1-dose vaccine.

This should allow the first two vaccines to provide 2nd doses to those who need them, while still keeping people getting their 1st dose at about 1m a day of the JNJ vaccine. i.e. the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will concentrate primarily on 2nd doses.

I have not yet seen projections from the Biden admin on how they intend to manage the various vaccines and the 1st and 2nd doses.

Biden said he has a goal of 100m doses in 100 days. That makes no sense considering what's in the vaccine pipeline.
That makes no sense considering the new JNJ vaccine preparing to be distributed within Joe's 100 days. So why isn't Biden projecting when the JNJ vaccine will be distributed? Britain has 3 vaccines now, the one that the US doesn't have is Novavax. Is Novavax being planned for distribution in the US or not?

I want to see another daily update from Drs Birx and Fauci along with the CDC director showing the infection rate, and the distribution plan and progress for vaccine distribution. Joe's goal of 100m doses in 100 days is just silly.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine looks very hopeful - one dose and simple refrigeration. The problem seems to be that Trump didn't buy anywhere near the amount of vaccine he claimed he had, and now you're running out. The J&J vaccine is still a month or more away from approval and then there's distribution.

Biden doesn't know when the J&J vaccine will be approved for release. Dr. Faucci said a couple of weeks, on Rachael Maddow the other night. I think Biden is still trying to get sorted on where things are at. It seems that the transition team was kept from finding out just what a mess to distribution was in. I think they came in with a plan and expectations, and are now in the process of making adjustments based on the reality of the situation.

100 million doses in 100 days really isn't close to enough. Even 100 million Americans vaccinated in 100 days still means that it will take a year or more to vaccinate everyone.
1. Agree JNJ vaccine looks good if it is approvable. The timing works great as people can take the JNJ vaccine as others get their 2nd shot of Pfizer and Moderna.
2. You can't always throw money at problems. The Trump admin spent $6b getting the vaccine production lines up in record time. JNJ will make 1b doses in 2021, that's way more than we need.
3. We are not "running out" of vaccine. Here is the CDC supply vs administered totals as of today. There is more than enough vaccine, then what happens when the JNJ vaccine doses hit the pipeline. The states are blowing smoke. They need to ramp up their "super sites" for giving shots:
View attachment 448071

4. Dr Fauci said that the Trump distribution plan was working just fine, which is why Biden kept the same team running the vaccine effort.

5. Xiden is an idiot, which is what the reporter was trying to tell him. 100m doses in 100 days is where we are as of today, with no new vaccines, see graph below. With the 1b JNJ vaccine doses starting in February, and even Novovax doses soon after, by the end of April (100 days) we should at least have 150m doses administered, if not 200m, which would be "herd immunity" in 100 days. You and Xiden can whine about how the table was set by Trump, but we know who got us thru the pandemic, and it was sleepy Joe.
View attachment 448074
Dragonlady gets owned again.
Joe doesn't seem to be aware that Johnson & Johnson has a new vaccine in Phase-3 trials that will apply for Emergency Use in February, and that vaccine will be a 1-dose vaccine.

This should allow the first two vaccines to provide 2nd doses to those who need them, while still keeping people getting their 1st dose at about 1m a day of the JNJ vaccine. i.e. the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will concentrate primarily on 2nd doses.

I have not yet seen projections from the Biden admin on how they intend to manage the various vaccines and the 1st and 2nd doses.

Biden said he has a goal of 100m doses in 100 days. That makes no sense considering what's in the vaccine pipeline.
That makes no sense considering the new JNJ vaccine preparing to be distributed within Joe's 100 days. So why isn't Biden projecting when the JNJ vaccine will be distributed? Britain has 3 vaccines now, the one that the US doesn't have is Novavax. Is Novavax being planned for distribution in the US or not?

I want to see another daily update from Drs Birx and Fauci along with the CDC director showing the infection rate, and the distribution plan and progress for vaccine distribution. Joe's goal of 100m doses in 100 days is just silly.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine looks very hopeful - one dose and simple refrigeration. The problem seems to be that Trump didn't buy anywhere near the amount of vaccine he claimed he had, and now you're running out. The J&J vaccine is still a month or more away from approval and then there's distribution.

Biden doesn't know when the J&J vaccine will be approved for release. Dr. Faucci said a couple of weeks, on Rachael Maddow the other night. I think Biden is still trying to get sorted on where things are at. It seems that the transition team was kept from finding out just what a mess to distribution was in. I think they came in with a plan and expectations, and are now in the process of making adjustments based on the reality of the situation.

100 million doses in 100 days really isn't close to enough. Even 100 million Americans vaccinated in 100 days still means that it will take a year or more to vaccinate everyone.
1. Agree JNJ vaccine looks good if it is approvable. The timing works great as people can take the JNJ vaccine as others get their 2nd shot of Pfizer and Moderna.
2. You can't always throw money at problems. The Trump admin spent $6b getting the vaccine production lines up in record time. JNJ will make 1b doses in 2021, that's way more than we need.
3. We are not "running out" of vaccine. Here is the CDC supply vs administered totals as of today. There is more than enough vaccine, then what happens when the JNJ vaccine doses hit the pipeline. The states are blowing smoke. They need to ramp up their "super sites" for giving shots:
View attachment 448071

4. Dr Fauci said that the Trump distribution plan was working just fine, which is why Biden kept the same team running the vaccine effort.

5. Xiden is an idiot, which is what the reporter was trying to tell him. 100m doses in 100 days is where we are as of today, with no new vaccines, see graph below. With the 1b JNJ vaccine doses starting in February, and even Novovax doses soon after, by the end of April (100 days) we should at least have 150m doses administered, if not 200m, which would be "herd immunity" in 100 days. You and Xiden can whine about how the table was set by Trump, but we know who got us thru the pandemic, and it was sleepy Joe.
View attachment 448074

Don't be too quick for lack of ambition in Biden's goals, at this point. He's been in office for three days, and had both insufficient information on the vaccine program, and false information on the amount of virus available.

I'd rather see him under promise and over-deliver than have Biden continue the policy of the Trump Administration to fail to meet any deadline or goal they set for themselves. How many times did Pence tell us the tests had been shipped, and how many times did that turn out to be false? It doesn't help your credibility with the public in dealing with the virus if you can't meet your goals, however basic and modest.

I'd rather hear him say at the end of 100 days that they were able to exceed their goal (which they really, really need to do), than to have them set an overly ambitious goal before checking with their suppliers to see what they can deliver, and then fail to meet it, and then make excuses for what happened.
Joe doesn't seem to be aware that Johnson & Johnson has a new vaccine in Phase-3 trials that will apply for Emergency Use in February, and that vaccine will be a 1-dose vaccine.

This should allow the first two vaccines to provide 2nd doses to those who need them, while still keeping people getting their 1st dose at about 1m a day of the JNJ vaccine. i.e. the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will concentrate primarily on 2nd doses.

I have not yet seen projections from the Biden admin on how they intend to manage the various vaccines and the 1st and 2nd doses.

Biden said he has a goal of 100m doses in 100 days. That makes no sense considering what's in the vaccine pipeline.
That makes no sense considering the new JNJ vaccine preparing to be distributed within Joe's 100 days. So why isn't Biden projecting when the JNJ vaccine will be distributed? Britain has 3 vaccines now, the one that the US doesn't have is Novavax. Is Novavax being planned for distribution in the US or not?

I want to see another daily update from Drs Birx and Fauci along with the CDC director showing the infection rate, and the distribution plan and progress for vaccine distribution. Joe's goal of 100m doses in 100 days is just silly.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine looks very hopeful - one dose and simple refrigeration. The problem seems to be that Trump didn't buy anywhere near the amount of vaccine he claimed he had, and now you're running out. The J&J vaccine is still a month or more away from approval and then there's distribution.

Biden doesn't know when the J&J vaccine will be approved for release. Dr. Faucci said a couple of weeks, on Rachael Maddow the other night. I think Biden is still trying to get sorted on where things are at. It seems that the transition team was kept from finding out just what a mess to distribution was in. I think they came in with a plan and expectations, and are now in the process of making adjustments based on the reality of the situation.

100 million doses in 100 days really isn't close to enough. Even 100 million Americans vaccinated in 100 days still means that it will take a year or more to vaccinate everyone.
1. Agree JNJ vaccine looks good if it is approvable. The timing works great as people can take the JNJ vaccine as others get their 2nd shot of Pfizer and Moderna.
2. You can't always throw money at problems. The Trump admin spent $6b getting the vaccine production lines up in record time. JNJ will make 1b doses in 2021, that's way more than we need.
3. We are not "running out" of vaccine. Here is the CDC supply vs administered totals as of today. There is more than enough vaccine, then what happens when the JNJ vaccine doses hit the pipeline. The states are blowing smoke. They need to ramp up their "super sites" for giving shots:
View attachment 448071

4. Dr Fauci said that the Trump distribution plan was working just fine, which is why Biden kept the same team running the vaccine effort.

5. Xiden is an idiot, which is what the reporter was trying to tell him. 100m doses in 100 days is where we are as of today, with no new vaccines, see graph below. With the 1b JNJ vaccine doses starting in February, and even Novovax doses soon after, by the end of April (100 days) we should at least have 150m doses administered, if not 200m, which would be "herd immunity" in 100 days. You and Xiden can whine about how the table was set by Trump, but we know who got us thru the pandemic, and it was sleepy Joe.
View attachment 448074

Don't be too quick for lack of ambition in Biden's goals, at this point. He's been in office for three days, and had both insufficient information on the vaccine program, and false information on the amount of virus available.

I'd rather see him under promise and over-deliver than have Biden continue the policy of the Trump Administration to fail to meet any deadline or goal they set for themselves. How many times did Pence tell us the tests had been shipped, and how many times did that turn out to be false? It doesn't help your credibility with the public in dealing with the virus if you can't meet your goals, however basic and modest.

I'd rather hear him say at the end of 100 days that they were able to exceed their goal (which they really, really need to do), than to have them set an overly ambitious goal before checking with their suppliers to see what they can deliver, and then fail to meet it, and then make excuses for what happened.
He already threw in the towel, Dumbass.

He stated nothing can be done.
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Joe doesn't seem to be aware that Johnson & Johnson has a new vaccine in Phase-3 trials that will apply for Emergency Use in February, and that vaccine will be a 1-dose vaccine.

This should allow the first two vaccines to provide 2nd doses to those who need them, while still keeping people getting their 1st dose at about 1m a day of the JNJ vaccine. i.e. the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will concentrate primarily on 2nd doses.

I have not yet seen projections from the Biden admin on how they intend to manage the various vaccines and the 1st and 2nd doses.

Biden said he has a goal of 100m doses in 100 days. That makes no sense considering what's in the vaccine pipeline.
That makes no sense considering the new JNJ vaccine preparing to be distributed within Joe's 100 days. So why isn't Biden projecting when the JNJ vaccine will be distributed? Britain has 3 vaccines now, the one that the US doesn't have is Novavax. Is Novavax being planned for distribution in the US or not?

I want to see another daily update from Drs Birx and Fauci along with the CDC director showing the infection rate, and the distribution plan and progress for vaccine distribution. Joe's goal of 100m doses in 100 days is just silly.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine looks very hopeful - one dose and simple refrigeration. The problem seems to be that Trump didn't buy anywhere near the amount of vaccine he claimed he had, and now you're running out. The J&J vaccine is still a month or more away from approval and then there's distribution.

Biden doesn't know when the J&J vaccine will be approved for release. Dr. Faucci said a couple of weeks, on Rachael Maddow the other night. I think Biden is still trying to get sorted on where things are at. It seems that the transition team was kept from finding out just what a mess to distribution was in. I think they came in with a plan and expectations, and are now in the process of making adjustments based on the reality of the situation.

100 million doses in 100 days really isn't close to enough. Even 100 million Americans vaccinated in 100 days still means that it will take a year or more to vaccinate everyone.
1. Agree JNJ vaccine looks good if it is approvable. The timing works great as people can take the JNJ vaccine as others get their 2nd shot of Pfizer and Moderna.
2. You can't always throw money at problems. The Trump admin spent $6b getting the vaccine production lines up in record time. JNJ will make 1b doses in 2021, that's way more than we need.
3. We are not "running out" of vaccine. Here is the CDC supply vs administered totals as of today. There is more than enough vaccine, then what happens when the JNJ vaccine doses hit the pipeline. The states are blowing smoke. They need to ramp up their "super sites" for giving shots:
View attachment 448071

4. Dr Fauci said that the Trump distribution plan was working just fine, which is why Biden kept the same team running the vaccine effort.

5. Xiden is an idiot, which is what the reporter was trying to tell him. 100m doses in 100 days is where we are as of today, with no new vaccines, see graph below. With the 1b JNJ vaccine doses starting in February, and even Novovax doses soon after, by the end of April (100 days) we should at least have 150m doses administered, if not 200m, which would be "herd immunity" in 100 days. You and Xiden can whine about how the table was set by Trump, but we know who got us thru the pandemic, and it was sleepy Joe.
View attachment 448074
Dragonlady gets owned again.

It's not about "owning" someone FuckBoi. It's about discussing the issues.
Joe doesn't seem to be aware that Johnson & Johnson has a new vaccine in Phase-3 trials that will apply for Emergency Use in February, and that vaccine will be a 1-dose vaccine.

This should allow the first two vaccines to provide 2nd doses to those who need them, while still keeping people getting their 1st dose at about 1m a day of the JNJ vaccine. i.e. the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will concentrate primarily on 2nd doses.

I have not yet seen projections from the Biden admin on how they intend to manage the various vaccines and the 1st and 2nd doses.

Biden said he has a goal of 100m doses in 100 days. That makes no sense considering what's in the vaccine pipeline.
That makes no sense considering the new JNJ vaccine preparing to be distributed within Joe's 100 days. So why isn't Biden projecting when the JNJ vaccine will be distributed? Britain has 3 vaccines now, the one that the US doesn't have is Novavax. Is Novavax being planned for distribution in the US or not?

I want to see another daily update from Drs Birx and Fauci along with the CDC director showing the infection rate, and the distribution plan and progress for vaccine distribution. Joe's goal of 100m doses in 100 days is just silly.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine looks very hopeful - one dose and simple refrigeration. The problem seems to be that Trump didn't buy anywhere near the amount of vaccine he claimed he had, and now you're running out. The J&J vaccine is still a month or more away from approval and then there's distribution.

Biden doesn't know when the J&J vaccine will be approved for release. Dr. Faucci said a couple of weeks, on Rachael Maddow the other night. I think Biden is still trying to get sorted on where things are at. It seems that the transition team was kept from finding out just what a mess to distribution was in. I think they came in with a plan and expectations, and are now in the process of making adjustments based on the reality of the situation.

100 million doses in 100 days really isn't close to enough. Even 100 million Americans vaccinated in 100 days still means that it will take a year or more to vaccinate everyone.
1. Agree JNJ vaccine looks good if it is approvable. The timing works great as people can take the JNJ vaccine as others get their 2nd shot of Pfizer and Moderna.
2. You can't always throw money at problems. The Trump admin spent $6b getting the vaccine production lines up in record time. JNJ will make 1b doses in 2021, that's way more than we need.
3. We are not "running out" of vaccine. Here is the CDC supply vs administered totals as of today. There is more than enough vaccine, then what happens when the JNJ vaccine doses hit the pipeline. The states are blowing smoke. They need to ramp up their "super sites" for giving shots:
View attachment 448071

4. Dr Fauci said that the Trump distribution plan was working just fine, which is why Biden kept the same team running the vaccine effort.

5. Xiden is an idiot, which is what the reporter was trying to tell him. 100m doses in 100 days is where we are as of today, with no new vaccines, see graph below. With the 1b JNJ vaccine doses starting in February, and even Novovax doses soon after, by the end of April (100 days) we should at least have 150m doses administered, if not 200m, which would be "herd immunity" in 100 days. You and Xiden can whine about how the table was set by Trump, but we know who got us thru the pandemic, and it was sleepy Joe.
View attachment 448074
Dragonlady gets owned again.

It's not about "owning" someone FuckBoi. It's about discussing the issues.
Discussing issues with you is impossible because all you do is post lies. That leaves owning you on your lies, Dumbass.
For one moment, let’s set aside the Scientists. They are still working in labs and studying data. These Doctors never had the ability to conduct enormous field studies on COVID safety.

We didn’t hear horrendous tales featuring Wal-Mart employees dying by the tens of thousands because the stories don’t exist. Or, are they really just that good at sanitizing? Give me a break. I’ve been to those stores, and they aren’t exactly a sterile environment. Maybe they wiped down a few carts? Wow!

COVID Continues: Death By Shopping! | IntellectualConservative | intellectualconservative.com

Only three months with new technology and that was limited to only a few thousand. Basically, the public will be the guinea pigs. That's why I'm not participating.
For...a chest cold.
Joe doesn't seem to be aware that Johnson & Johnson has a new vaccine in Phase-3 trials that will apply for Emergency Use in February, and that vaccine will be a 1-dose vaccine.

This should allow the first two vaccines to provide 2nd doses to those who need them, while still keeping people getting their 1st dose at about 1m a day of the JNJ vaccine. i.e. the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will concentrate primarily on 2nd doses.

I have not yet seen projections from the Biden admin on how they intend to manage the various vaccines and the 1st and 2nd doses.

Biden said he has a goal of 100m doses in 100 days. That makes no sense considering what's in the vaccine pipeline.
That makes no sense considering the new JNJ vaccine preparing to be distributed within Joe's 100 days. So why isn't Biden projecting when the JNJ vaccine will be distributed? Britain has 3 vaccines now, the one that the US doesn't have is Novavax. Is Novavax being planned for distribution in the US or not?

I want to see another daily update from Drs Birx and Fauci along with the CDC director showing the infection rate, and the distribution plan and progress for vaccine distribution. Joe's goal of 100m doses in 100 days is just silly.

Now that we have more data, it looks like the second shot is making people sick with flu like symptoms much more often than the first shot. Here's why that second coronavirus shot can be such a doozy
So far there is no vaccine against Alzheimer's. Even if there were, it's too late for Xiden.
Not to jinx what seems to be progressing nicely, but it looks like, unless one of the covid mutations/varients beats the vaccines, we should be getting past this pandemic some time this summer.


This should ramp up a lot when the one-shot JNJ vaccine is added to the mix.
I watched the CDC make bad assessments and undecisive decisions. I've seen them change their mind for what seemed to be totally political reasons. I have no confidence in them. So while I really hope the vaccine works and is safe, I'm staying on the sideline for now. And I'm not going to get in God's face by being defiant or arguing about things that I, or anyone else, really knows about. I saw what the CDC did with hydroxychloroquine and that wasn't on the up and up.

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