Will Obama Be Reelected?

Well, Carter will be happy to know that he's not the worst Pres ever anymore.
Carter wasn't the worst President in recent history. Ronald Reagan, the corporatist puppet and proponent of Reaganomics, was. The problem is the American People are too politically ignorant to understand that.

Carter was one of the best presidents in recent history because he is a good, decent and honest man. The problem is the American People are too politically ignorant to understand that and to have supported him while he worked to put the Nation on the right track.

For just one thing, if Reagan had not eliminated Carter's alternative energy policy we would by now be free of our destructive dependence on foreign oil.
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Nobody has any clue who might win the presidency but you're all certain it won't be Obama. Thems wingnuts for you, they never have any answers.
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If it is Sarah for the GOP and Obama for the Dem, the victory will be incredibly easy for Obama. Even though Fox and the other wack propaganda machines from the right will try to protect and spin her message, the woman cannot stop from making incredibly stupid observations. Obama was keep the middle road Dems and the far left libs (they have no where else to go), and the independents are more intelligent generally than either wing. They will not tolerate a Sarah as president.
I'm hoping the DNC will put up someone, preferably Kucinich, in place of Obama. Another good choice would be Anthony Weiner. He's smart and he's a fighter.
MikeK, the country is not liberal, hasn't been for a very long time. Dennis and Anthony would lose to even a Sarah. That's just the way it is.
I'm hoping the DNC will put up someone, preferably Kucinich, in place of Obama. Another good choice would be Anthony Weiner. He's smart and he's a fighter.

I'm sure you are hoping that. :lol:
Well, Carter will be happy to know that he's not the worst Pres ever anymore.
Carter wasn't the worst President in recent history. Ronald Reagan, the corporatist puppet and proponent of Reaganomics, was. The problem is the American People are too politically ignorant to understand that.

Carter was one of the best presidents in recent history because he is a good, decent and honest man. The problem is the American People are too politically ignorant to understand that and to have supported him while he worked to put the Nation on the right track.

For just one thing, if Reagan had not eliminated Carter's alternative energy policy we would by now be free of our destructive dependence on foreign oil.

Dude please put your crack pipe down.

Carter=misery index, international hostage "rescue" HUMILIATION, and a general ignorance as to what America needed both economically and security wise @ that crucial time in our history.

Reagan=a booming economy, instrumental in defeating the U.S.S.R., humble, charismatic, I mean Lord this is all stuff even his enemies admit.

Crack kills......
Dude please put your crack pipe down.
I normally don't respond to adolescents but what you've said could serve to perpetuate the political ignorance I cited.

Carter=misery index, international hostage "rescue" HUMILIATION, and a general ignorance as to what America needed both economically and security wise @ that crucial time in our history.
It wasn't Carter who took those people hostage. It was Iranian dissidents. But it was Reagan who made a secret deal with the hostage-takers to give them what they wanted in exchange for releasing them as a publicity advantage to enhance his image. I regard that as a form of treason.

Reagan=a booming economy, instrumental in defeating the U.S.S.R., humble, charismatic, I mean Lord this is all stuff even his enemies admit.
A booming economy -- on a credit card that you will still be paying off when you are out of high school and working. Your kids and grand-kids will still be paying it off, too.

In case you didn't understand that; if I issue a credit card to you and tell you to start buying anything you want and just charge it, and a few years later I tell you to start paying it off, that is the situation your hero handed to us.

Crack kills......
And ignorance stultifies.
Who out there believes that Obama will be reelected? And if you voted for him last time will you do it again and why?

If he wises up and plays nice and lets the cons do thier thing, he's in.

If he stays the course...

Well, Carter will be happy to know that he's not the worst Pres ever anymore.

Wow, where to start.......

By nearly every poll Bush II is considered the worst living POTUS. Among all POTUS's it's usually Warren Harding. The only group that Carter is considered the worst is the right wing extremists.

Clinton, who is considered the best living POTUS, did NOT "play nice" with the GOP controlled Congress and came out on top in the polls and had his best accomplishments of an enormously successful presidency.

So my advice to Obama would be.......If you want to be re-elected you must demonize and fight the GOP at every turn whenever they get in the way of what you know is the right course.

He made a huge mistake not taking them on when they tagged "tax cuts for the rich" as the top priority and threatened to bring government to a complete stop if they did not get their way.

As to the OP it will take a moderate to beat Obama but I don't see the GOP electing someone like that in the primary. So my money's on Obama at this point although lots can happen over the next two years.
The worst Prez since the Great Depression was almost certainly W. He was arguably the worst since Reconstruction and maybe the worst since the Revolution.

Reagan might prove to be the catalytic downfall of America in hindsight and at the time for some us foresight, but for now I won't rank him down with W. Time will tell. Reagan will probably prove to be in the top 10 worst Presidents in history, but he did have some accomplishment and got something for his money, as opposed to W.
The worst Prez since the Great Depression was almost certainly W. He was arguably the worst since Reconstruction and maybe the worst since the Revolution.

Reagan might prove to be the catalytic downfall of America in hindsight and at the time for some us foresight, but for now I won't rank him down with W. Time will tell. Reagan will probably prove to be in the top 10 worst Presidents in history, but he did have some accomplishment and got something for his money, as opposed to W.

I disagree. Obama, Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson...
That would be the viewpoint of a far right winger. No historian would agree with you.

James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, and George W. Bush compete for the worst President in history.

Of Carter, Wilson, and Obama, none of the 3 are in the bottom 10. Obama isn't done yet, his legacy isn't complete, but for now he falls somewhere in the middle, yet to be determined.

I'm not narrow or liberal enough to argue that the worst President in history was Reagan, in spite of the fact that he may prove to be our downfall.
I think Obama has a better chance than Intrade does. Intrade has it at about 57%. I'd go higher at around 65%. Bush won in 2004 lest not forget. Likable incumbents are hard to beat. There's no obvious contender to give Obama a run, much less beat him.

Romney might be a good challenger, but Intrade has him at 23% to be the GOP nominee. Seems they'll only nominate him if they don't think they have a decent alternative.
Ironically I'm a Longhorn also.

The title of this thread is will Obama be reelected. If you're not interested why are you reading the posts on it?

Or are you trying to say some useful insight would be more helpful than just throwing a number out as a likelihood of it happening?
Actually I find it interesting that the question is asked at all. WILL he be re-elected? Who knows? Especially with 23 months to go before the election. Any number of things can happen that would and/or could effect the outcome of ANY election.

Speculation...that's all we have. And as you have noticed, the majority of supporters spout off one way and the evil non-supporters have their own reasons to believe just the opposite.

Personally, I don't care who gets elected in 12...as long as they shift the direction of this country from a nose dive to a climb. If Obama can do that, then hot damn...let's get him another 4 years...but if he plans to continue with this bullshit we're in now, then I hope he gets his ass handed to him in a doggy bag.

But that's just my opinion.

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