Will Obama do anything about ISIS

What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.

Uh, yeah.

That's what Obama is doing and what the Repubs are fighting him on.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.
How do we not know where there camps are? Wish it were that easy.

we know, and some of them are in the USA.

You really need to turn off Fox, Limbaugh, Brietbart.

Please, luddly, show us the huge success his very limited campaign has rendered.
Also show me the military capabilities of these middle eastern countries, along with intelligence, compared to ours.
The King of Jordan knows that obumble is on the side of isis and Jordan has no friend in the white house. It wasn't lost on him that obumble releases terrorists from Gitmo to Yemen and now Yemen is gone.

The lying, drunk cat lover aka katzendogs the traitor, lies again.

If President Obama is on the side of Isis, why is he killing them?

Why do the Republicans refuse to kill them?

he isn't killing enough of them and he is releasing some from Gitmo to join the fight.

He does not want to do what is needed because it might offend the "moderate muslims" Thats bullshit, the moderate muslims of Jordan just executed two ISIS assholes.

What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.

call for a world coalition to eradicate ISIS and radical islam from the face of the earth. Get every nation to commit resources, their military, and their financial support to eliminate this band of animals.

Call Putin and get Russia involved, we have a common enemy. We need to deal with it.
Okay....I didn't expect a non-flaming answer....

I think Obama should do nothing...just sit back and wait until the world calls for a coalition. We don't need to lead this charge...most of the attacks are against Euromites and are Muslim on Muslim. Let the anger swell so we can handle the problem correctly with total war. It is time for the world to act before we commit our resources and American blood.

No need to let Obama fuck it up...let's wait until we get a dedicated President.

This is interesting.

Why don't RW Obama haters know what he has done and is doing to fight Isis?

the right wants an air campaign against ISIS, while at the same time, the right overlooks the fact that such a campaign is already underway.
In mid-September, Fox News aired an on-screen message that told viewers there was “no military action yet against ISIS.” At the time, the United States had already launched nearly 200 airstrikes against ISIS – which clearly counts as “military action.”

This report ran around the same time.

If President Obama won’t act to defeat ISIS, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) says, Congress might move to force his hand. […]

”I am of support of going in and not sitting back, but creating a strategy of where we go,” McCarthy said in a radio interview with guest host Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) on the “Hugh Hewitt Show.” ”And if the president won’t act, I think we have to take some action to move forward.”

Okay, now watch the low-info RWs whine about the source of that ^^^. But THAT's the whole point.

Fox LIES and the RWs believe it.
There already ARE 60 countries in the coalition- who wouldn't be involved if chickenhawks got their way,

Just watching Fox and it's amazing the misinformation and bs that passes for news.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.

Uh, yeah.

That's what Obama is doing and what the Repubs are fighting him on.

RWs are so damn stupid.

For example, did you know that some RWs don't even know that Americans are guaranteed the right to protest? Hard to believe anyone could be that STOOOPID but its true.

I already posted one link. You don't like that one? Go find your own FACTS.
There already ARE 60 countries in the coalition- who wouldn't be involved if chickenhawks got their way,

Just watching Fox and it's amazing the misinformation and bs that passes for news.

Even though they know Fox is lying to them, they'll keep watching and then demand that others do their legwork for them.

Lazy, ignorant RWs.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.

Uh, yeah.

That's what Obama is doing and what the Repubs are fighting him on.

RWs are so damn stupid.

For example, did you know that some RWs don't even know that Americans are guaranteed the right to protest? Hard to believe anyone could be that STOOOPID but its true.

I already posted one link. You don't like that one? Go find your own FACTS.
In other words I talked of my ass.
Please, luddly, show us the huge success his very limited campaign has rendered.
Also show me the military capabilities of these middle eastern countries, along with intelligence, compared to ours.

Go find a computer and do it yourself.

Seriously, you RWs are just plain lazy and ignorant.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.

Uh, yeah.

That's what Obama is doing and what the Repubs are fighting him on.

RWs are so damn stupid.

For example, did you know that some RWs don't even know that Americans are guaranteed the right to protest? Hard to believe anyone could be that STOOOPID but its true.

I already posted one link. You don't like that one? Go find your own FACTS.
In other words I talked of my ass.

Yes, you did.

Now get off your fat, lazy, ignorant RW butt and educate yourself.
The King of Jordan knows that obumble is on the side of isis and Jordan has no friend in the white house. It wasn't lost on him that obumble releases terrorists from Gitmo to Yemen and now Yemen is gone.

The lying, drunk cat lover aka katzendogs the traitor, lies again.

If President Obama is on the side of Isis, why is he killing them?

Why do the Republicans refuse to kill them?

he isn't killing enough of them and he is releasing some from Gitmo to join the fight.

He does not want to do what is needed because it might offend the "moderate muslims" Thats bullshit, the moderate muslims of Jordan just executed two ISIS assholes.

What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.

call for a world coalition to eradicate ISIS and radical islam from the face of the earth. Get every nation to commit resources, their military, and their financial support to eliminate this band of animals.

Call Putin and get Russia involved, we have a common enemy. We need to deal with it.
Okay....I didn't expect a non-flaming answer....

I think Obama should do nothing...just sit back and wait until the world calls for a coalition. We don't need to lead this charge...most of the attacks are against Euromites and are Muslim on Muslim. Let the anger swell so we can handle the problem correctly with total war. It is time for the world to act before we commit our resources and American blood.

No need to let Obama fuck it up...let's wait until we get a dedicated President.

This is interesting.

Why don't RW Obama haters know what he has done and is doing to fight Isis?

the right wants an air campaign against ISIS, while at the same time, the right overlooks the fact that such a campaign is already underway.
In mid-September, Fox News aired an on-screen message that told viewers there was “no military action yet against ISIS.” At the time, the United States had already launched nearly 200 airstrikes against ISIS – which clearly counts as “military action.”

This report ran around the same time.

If President Obama won’t act to defeat ISIS, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) says, Congress might move to force his hand. […]

”I am of support of going in and not sitting back, but creating a strategy of where we go,” McCarthy said in a radio interview with guest host Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) on the “Hugh Hewitt Show.” ”And if the president won’t act, I think we have to take some action to move forward.”

Okay, now watch the low-info RWs whine about the source of that ^^^. But THAT's the whole point.

Fox LIES and the RWs believe it.
Lub, I can agree that pseudo-cons have politicized everything and perverted the truth in many cases...but the truth of the matter is that Obama has failed as a leader. He should be working with Congress and opposition leaders to come up with a solution.

Personally, I don't think air campaigns are nearly enough...all we are doing is disturbing a hornets nest. I want total war. Neither the GOP nor the Dems will commit to such an effort. So, my opinion..do nothing and let the world lead the charge. Sure, we will help...but the way I see it...Euromites and Muslims are the ones who are experiencing the ill effects of ISIS. They need to act before we commit American blood.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.
How do we not know where there camps are? Wish it were that easy.

we know, and some of them are in the USA.
My point is, it isn't that easy. If it were, why didn't Bush eradicate killer muslim extremists? Why didn't he capture or kill OBL? I hold them all (politicians) to the same standards...what about you?
Let's see what our GOP Congress and our dem President jointly do with this crisis.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.

Uh, yeah.

That's what Obama is doing and what the Repubs are fighting him on.

RWs are so damn stupid.

For example, did you know that some RWs don't even know that Americans are guaranteed the right to protest? Hard to believe anyone could be that STOOOPID but its true.

I already posted one link. You don't like that one? Go find your own FACTS.
In other words I talked of my ass.

Yes, you did.

Now get off your fat, lazy, ignorant RW butt and educate yourself.
Your a dumbass, Obama isn't going to do anything. He is a proven pussy. His red line got thrown back in his face and he did nothing about it. Told Putin he better no take Ukraine, he did and Obama put some sanctions on him. Obama kills more civilians than terrorist with his drones. He made Iraq worse, and he says Al-Qaida isn't a terrorist organization. You better get your head out of Obama's ass before it's to late.
I dare the OP and the other ignorant RWs to post reputable links proving President Obama has done nothing.

Prove that he has not led the coalition of more than 60 countries in more than 2000 air strikes and more than 6000 dead.

I dare you.
I dare the OP and the other ignorant RWs to post reputable links proving President Obama has done nothing.

Prove that he has not led the coalition of more than 60 countries in more than 2000 air strikes and more than 6000 dead.

I dare you.
There is no STRATEGY! And if there is one...he is not communicating it very well. He is trying to satisfy his critics and fans with reactionary bombing...but there is no strategy that we know of.
I dare the OP and the other ignorant RWs to post reputable links proving President Obama has done nothing.

Prove that he has not led the coalition of more than 60 countries in more than 2000 air strikes and more than 6000 dead.

I dare you.
He did nothing when his red line was crossed.
While you're at it, prove that the Republicans have done anything except obstruct the president's efforts.

Prove it with reputable links. Not Fox, Limbaaugh, Brietbart, etc. Reputable links only.
While you're at it, prove that the Republicans have done anything except obstruct the president's efforts.

Prove it with reputable links. Not Fox, Limbaaugh, Brietbart, etc. Reputable links only.
The gop would support Obama if he had a plan that would start eradicating the terrorists. Don't need a link, after 911 no terrorist attacks in the United states, until Obama took over. Except he just called it work place violence.

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