Will Obama do anything about ISIS

I'm no Obama fan. Can't wait until his ass is out of office..............but the United States is bombing the shit out of ISIS right now.................

You have to give credit where credit is due.........................I agree with the airstrikes.
Obama is bombing the shit out of them

What additional actions do you propose he make?

no he is not. 10-20 strikes is not bombing the shit out of them. 200 a day might be. They have only gotten stronger and occupy more territory since he started this. He has failed to stop them, they are murdering innocents every day, beheadings, now burning alive.

We are bombing the shit out of them and have halted their military progress

Do you advocate US boots on the ground or not?
I think Redfish has stock in some bomb-making companies.
Obama is bombing the shit out of them

What additional actions do you propose he make?

no he is not. 10-20 strikes is not bombing the shit out of them. 200 a day might be. They have only gotten stronger and occupy more territory since he started this. He has failed to stop them, they are murdering innocents every day, beheadings, now burning alive.

We have implemented more than 20 strikes a day. Not only has their advance been halted, but ISIS has lost strategic cities like Kobani. Not a single part of your post is based in reality.

thats what obozo has told you, but its a LIE. 20 bombs per day in an area the size of syria and iraq is a pin prick.
What a fail post. You have NO idea about what strategic bombing is about. It is NOT about bombing every inch of a country. :lol:
Will Obama do anything about ISIS


Same thing he does to other Muslim groups.

I bet you are disappointed he didn't kiss him.
I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?


Do you want him to take action against Boko Haram too? How many troops would you like to see put into Nigeria?

Give us a ballpark figure.
ISIS wants to become a defacto country in the Middle East not just exist as a shadowy terror group. In order to do so they are putting an army in the field. They should be getting their asses handed to them by our military each and every time they try to attack ANYWHERE in force. That isn't happening however because Barry is so afraid of offending anyone. Time to grow a pair, President Obama...this isn't political semantics anymore...it's real life.
So where is the Congressional approval for sending in troops? Why hasn't Congress addressed the issue?

Since when does Barack Obama need Congressional approval? He's the Commander in Chief. He totally has the authority under the War Powers Act to commit American troops to combat without the approval of Congress.
I'm no Obama fan. Can't wait until his ass is out of office..............but the United States is bombing the shit out of ISIS right now.................

You have to give credit where credit is due.........................I agree with the airstrikes.

I think you've been taken in by the claim by the Obama Administration that they are actively going after ISIS, Eagle. To be blunt, 2000 airstrikes over the period of time that we're talking about borders on the laughably pathetic. To put it in contrast...we were averaging over a thousand air strikes A DAY during the early stages of Operation Desert Storm!
I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?


No, President Obama will continue to do nothing about ISIS. Obama is a Jihadist plant who was groomed to become a U.S. president and undermine America from within. He's making a list of those who oppose him - and I've heard your name is on the list. BTW, Obama is sending more military assets to Iraq to fight ISIS.

He promised to bring all the troops home and now he's shipping more back to die for a cause he called futile before he called it heroic.

SOB taking John F(ucking) Kerry pills?
Obama is leading the bombing campaign. Americans don't want to put boots on the ground everyone has had enough of that in Iraq and Afganistan.

It's really time for those countries in the Middle East to take care of what that they have bred. Meaning Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraqi troops that were trained by us should jump into this battle, and put their own boots on the ground.

What we should do is stop letting them into this country, and anyone here that wants to go join ISIS, heck don't lock them up here, give them a one way ticket, shred their passports and be done with them forever.
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I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?


What do you think America should do?

I think ISIS is a threat, but i would prefer to have Jordan and Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries handle what is a regional threat if we can avoid further involvement.

He promised to bring all the troops home and now he's shipping more back to die for a cause he called futile before he called it heroic.

SOB taking John F(ucking) Kerry pills?

Yeah, Bush fucked us hard and deep. He fucked us really long time...

What does Bush have to do with Obama being spineless? Bill Clinton wouldn't have put up with what ISIS has been doing. Neither would his wife. I think at this point even Jimmy "Peanuts" Carter would have responded in some meaningful way. Barry sits on his ass in the Oval Office and pretends he's got it all under control.
Obama is leading the bombing campaign. Americans don't want to put boots on the ground everyone has had enough of that in Iraq and Afganistan.

It's really time for those countries in the Middle East to take care of what that they have bred. Meaning Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraqi troops that were trained by us should jump into this battle, and put their own boots on the ground.

What we should do is stop letting them into this country, and anyone here that wants to go join ISIS, heck don't lock them up here, give them a one way ticket, shred their passports and be done with them forever.

Dude, the "bombing campaign" is nothing more than a staged show...something Obama signed off on because he's already decided that HIS legacy is going to be "The President Who Stopped Wars!" and he's going to have that even if it means looking the other way while ISIS takes over major parts of the Middle East and commits acts so vile they are almost incomprehensible. ISIS needs to be destroyed...I mean DESTROYED.
I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?


What do you think America should do?

I think ISIS is a threat, but i would prefer to have Jordan and Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries handle what is a regional threat if we can avoid further involvement.

Let's cut the bullshit here, Kiddies! America needs to LEAD! Like it or not we are the leaders of the free world. If we DON'T...then the alliance will fall apart. That's simply reality. So either deal with reality...or ignore it and get used to a world where you're nervous about going down to the corner store because some guy screaming "Allah Akbar" might try and cut your damn head off!

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