Will Obama do anything about ISIS

Will Obama do anything about ISIS


Same thing he does to other Muslim groups.

ISIS wants to become a defacto country in the Middle East not just exist as a shadowy terror group. In order to do so they are putting an army in the field. They should be getting their asses handed to them by our military each and every time they try to attack ANYWHERE in force. That isn't happening however because Barry is so afraid of offending anyone. Time to grow a pair, President Obama...this isn't political semantics anymore...it's real life.
I'm far from a fan of Obama, but I give him credit where credit is due. How is months of air strikes considered doing nothing?

ISIS has gotten larger and stronger during those months. His actions have been ineffective.
Maybe...or they have just garnered more attention to make it look like they have gained traction. Where is their government seat?

they control most of Syria and Iraq. Iran supports them, so you could say their govt seat is in Tehran.
I am not sure abut that one.
ISIS wants to become a defacto country in the Middle East not just exist as a shadowy terror group. In order to do so they are putting an army in the field. They should be getting their asses handed to them by our military each and every time they try to attack ANYWHERE in force. That isn't happening however because Barry is so afraid of offending anyone. Time to grow a pair, President Obama...this isn't political semantics anymore...it's real life.
So where is the Congressional approval for sending in troops? Why hasn't Congress addressed the issue?
I'm far from a fan of Obama, but I give him credit where credit is due. How is months of air strikes considered doing nothing?

ISIS has gotten larger and stronger during those months. His actions have been ineffective.
Maybe...or they have just garnered more attention to make it look like they have gained traction. Where is their government seat?

they control most of Syria and Iraq. Iran supports them, so you could say their govt seat is in Tehran.
I am not sure abut that one.

No reason to not be sure. Almost everything Redfish has said in this thread is actually the complete opposite of reality. Iran is at war with ISIS, like most nations in the region. Having a terrorist group running rampant in your country doesn't do much to help you maintain stability.
I'm far from a fan of Obama, but I give him credit where credit is due. How is months of air strikes considered doing nothing?

ISIS has gotten larger and stronger during those months. His actions have been ineffective.
Maybe...or they have just garnered more attention to make it look like they have gained traction. Where is their government seat?

they control most of Syria and Iraq. Iran supports them, so you could say their govt seat is in Tehran.
I am not sure abut that one.

No reason to not be sure. Almost everything Redfish has said in this thread is actually the complete opposite of reality. Iran is at war with ISIS, like most nations in the region. Having a terrorist group running rampant in your country doesn't do much to help you maintain stability.
Redfish has been civil. I am trying to offer him the same respect.
ISIS has gotten larger and stronger during those months. His actions have been ineffective.
Maybe...or they have just garnered more attention to make it look like they have gained traction. Where is their government seat?

they control most of Syria and Iraq. Iran supports them, so you could say their govt seat is in Tehran.
I am not sure abut that one.

No reason to not be sure. Almost everything Redfish has said in this thread is actually the complete opposite of reality. Iran is at war with ISIS, like most nations in the region. Having a terrorist group running rampant in your country doesn't do much to help you maintain stability.
Redfish has been civil. I am trying to offer him the same respect.

He has been civil, but every fact flies in the face of his accusations, yet he dismisses all evidence as "liberal lies". I can only be so patient with such idiocy.
ISIS has gotten larger and stronger during those months. His actions have been ineffective.
Maybe...or they have just garnered more attention to make it look like they have gained traction. Where is their government seat?

they control most of Syria and Iraq. Iran supports them, so you could say their govt seat is in Tehran.
I am not sure abut that one.

No reason to not be sure. Almost everything Redfish has said in this thread is actually the complete opposite of reality. Iran is at war with ISIS, like most nations in the region. Having a terrorist group running rampant in your country doesn't do much to help you maintain stability.
Redfish has been civil. I am trying to offer him the same respect.
Maybe...or they have just garnered more attention to make it look like they have gained traction. Where is their government seat?

they control most of Syria and Iraq. Iran supports them, so you could say their govt seat is in Tehran.
I am not sure abut that one.

No reason to not be sure. Almost everything Redfish has said in this thread is actually the complete opposite of reality. Iran is at war with ISIS, like most nations in the region. Having a terrorist group running rampant in your country doesn't do much to help you maintain stability.
Redfish has been civil. I am trying to offer him the same respect.

He has been civil, but every fact flies in the face of his accusations, yet he dismisses all evidence as "liberal lies". I can only be so patient with such idiocy.
I think he has the right idea, but he is having a hard time justifying it in an honest manner. He is trying too hard to connect the dots...too emotional.
He's let terrorists out of Gitmo to destabilize Yemen. He's turned Libya into chaos. He threw away all the gains in Iraq. He's done enough.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.

call for a world coalition to eradicate ISIS and radical islam from the face of the earth. Get every nation to commit resources, their military, and their financial support to eliminate this band of animals.

Call Putin and get Russia involved, we have a common enemy. We need to deal with it.

Uh, you really need to keep up with current events.

YOUR hero, Pootin, hates the US and President Obama for standing up to him.

Deal with it.

Putin, and the rest of the world, is laughing at the incompetent pussy obama. Obama has never stood up to anyone, not even mooshelle.

your boy is a pussy, deal with it.
Nope. Putin and the rest of the world are aware of current events and what the U.S. is doing. You, however, are blatantly ignorant.
You idiots sure are hung up on what label is applied to the terrorists. It's really important to you.

That argument is embarrassing. I can understand why some think it is relevant - when they mix it with the birther nonsense, accusations of him being a Muslim, the communist conspiracy nonsense - they let all of that chatter pervert their thought process.
An average of 10 per day in an overall area the size of Iraq is really gonna make a noticeable difference? Wrong answer luddly.
You mean in addition to the more than 2000 air strikes?

And more planned....

How about you stop lying about your own country? How about you side with your own country, for a frikken change.
So...you want us to waste bombs on non-targets? Do you have stock in the military-industrial industry?
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.

Uh, yeah.

That's what Obama is doing and what the Repubs are fighting him on.
Yeah...all that right wing crying about drone attacks we've been hearing.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.
How do we not know where there camps are? Wish it were that easy.

we know, and some of them are in the USA.
Oh? Share with us where they are.
The King of Jordan knows that obumble is on the side of isis and Jordan has no friend in the white house. It wasn't lost on him that obumble releases terrorists from Gitmo to Yemen and now Yemen is gone.

The lying, drunk cat lover aka katzendogs the traitor, lies again.

If President Obama is on the side of Isis, why is he killing them?

Why do the Republicans refuse to kill them?

he isn't killing enough of them and he is releasing some from Gitmo to join the fight.

He does not want to do what is needed because it might offend the "moderate muslims" Thats bullshit, the moderate muslims of Jordan just executed two ISIS assholes.

What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.

call for a world coalition to eradicate ISIS and radical islam from the face of the earth. Get every nation to commit resources, their military, and their financial support to eliminate this band of animals.

Call Putin and get Russia involved, we have a common enemy. We need to deal with it.
Okay....I didn't expect a non-flaming answer....

I think Obama should do nothing...just sit back and wait until the world calls for a coalition. We don't need to lead this charge...most of the attacks are against Euromites and are Muslim on Muslim. Let the anger swell so we can handle the problem correctly with total war. It is time for the world to act before we commit our resources and American blood.

No need to let Obama fuck it up...let's wait until we get a dedicated President.

This is interesting.

Why don't RW Obama haters know what he has done and is doing to fight Isis?

the right wants an air campaign against ISIS, while at the same time, the right overlooks the fact that such a campaign is already underway.
In mid-September, Fox News aired an on-screen message that told viewers there was “no military action yet against ISIS.” At the time, the United States had already launched nearly 200 airstrikes against ISIS – which clearly counts as “military action.”

This report ran around the same time.

If President Obama won’t act to defeat ISIS, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) says, Congress might move to force his hand. […]

”I am of support of going in and not sitting back, but creating a strategy of where we go,” McCarthy said in a radio interview with guest host Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) on the “Hugh Hewitt Show.” ”And if the president won’t act, I think we have to take some action to move forward.”

Okay, now watch the low-info RWs whine about the source of that ^^^. But THAT's the whole point.

Fox LIES and the RWs believe it.
Lub, I can agree that pseudo-cons have politicized everything and perverted the truth in many cases...but the truth of the matter is that Obama has failed as a leader. He should be working with Congress and opposition leaders to come up with a solution.

Personally, I don't think air campaigns are nearly enough...all we are doing is disturbing a hornets nest. I want total war. Neither the GOP nor the Dems will commit to such an effort. So, my opinion..do nothing and let the world lead the charge. Sure, we will help...but the way I see it...Euromites and Muslims are the ones who are experiencing the ill effects of ISIS. They need to act before we commit American blood.
So you want American troops on the ground?
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
First find out where their camps are located and turn everyone of them into a glass factory. That would be a start.
How do we not know where there camps are? Wish it were that easy.

we know, and some of them are in the USA.

You really need to turn off Fox, Limbaugh, Brietbart.


Yeah, don't listen to anyone who might be telling the truth about your kenyan messiah. Live in a dream world of socialist utopia and failure. Silence anyone who does not repeat the govt mantra and talking points--------------------------------you fricken assholes want the US to become north korea or russia. can you say pravda and politburo?
The King of Jordan knows that obumble is on the side of isis and Jordan has no friend in the white house. It wasn't lost on him that obumble releases terrorists from Gitmo to Yemen and now Yemen is gone.

The lying, drunk cat lover aka katzendogs the traitor, lies again.

If President Obama is on the side of Isis, why is he killing them?

Why do the Republicans refuse to kill them?

he isn't killing enough of them and he is releasing some from Gitmo to join the fight.

He does not want to do what is needed because it might offend the "moderate muslims" Thats bullshit, the moderate muslims of Jordan just executed two ISIS assholes.

What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.

call for a world coalition to eradicate ISIS and radical islam from the face of the earth. Get every nation to commit resources, their military, and their financial support to eliminate this band of animals.

Call Putin and get Russia involved, we have a common enemy. We need to deal with it.
Okay....I didn't expect a non-flaming answer....

I think Obama should do nothing...just sit back and wait until the world calls for a coalition. We don't need to lead this charge...most of the attacks are against Euromites and are Muslim on Muslim. Let the anger swell so we can handle the problem correctly with total war. It is time for the world to act before we commit our resources and American blood.

No need to let Obama fuck it up...let's wait until we get a dedicated President.

This is interesting.

Why don't RW Obama haters know what he has done and is doing to fight Isis?

the right wants an air campaign against ISIS, while at the same time, the right overlooks the fact that such a campaign is already underway.
In mid-September, Fox News aired an on-screen message that told viewers there was “no military action yet against ISIS.” At the time, the United States had already launched nearly 200 airstrikes against ISIS – which clearly counts as “military action.”

This report ran around the same time.

If President Obama won’t act to defeat ISIS, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) says, Congress might move to force his hand. […]

”I am of support of going in and not sitting back, but creating a strategy of where we go,” McCarthy said in a radio interview with guest host Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) on the “Hugh Hewitt Show.” ”And if the president won’t act, I think we have to take some action to move forward.”

Okay, now watch the low-info RWs whine about the source of that ^^^. But THAT's the whole point.

Fox LIES and the RWs believe it.
Lub, I can agree that pseudo-cons have politicized everything and perverted the truth in many cases...but the truth of the matter is that Obama has failed as a leader. He should be working with Congress and opposition leaders to come up with a solution.

Personally, I don't think air campaigns are nearly enough...all we are doing is disturbing a hornets nest. I want total war. Neither the GOP nor the Dems will commit to such an effort. So, my opinion..do nothing and let the world lead the charge. Sure, we will help...but the way I see it...Euromites and Muslims are the ones who are experiencing the ill effects of ISIS. They need to act before we commit American blood.
So you want American troops on the ground?
My opinion is that we have two choices...declare war on a terrorist state and wage total war or we do nothing until the Euromites and Arabs exhaust their resources.

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