Will Obama Veto the Keystone Pipeline?

Why, with all the problems this country faces, have Republicans made the Keystone Pipeline their first priority?
Jobs, the budget, immigration.....no concern
A relatively minor public works project? Stop the presses, we gotta take care of this
If Republicans are concerned about jobs and public works, there are hundreds of roads, bridges, dams which will provide more jobs and actually help Americans instead of Canadians

You idiot president had both houses and never did shit about any of the things you want...Keystone XL is as much a symbol of you leftists' complete idiocy about magic beans producing our energy. Now we adults will take charge so get your bigoted ass over in the dunce corner.
Thats the best you got?

Fight for a decade to take back the Senate and the best you can come up with to mark your victory is Keystone?

Can you be any more in the pockets of Big Oil?

Big Oil does not like the Keystone pipeline... except for the few Canadian oil companies that own the heavy oil reserves.

Democrat memes are oblivious to market reality.

And employs 10,000 Americans to build it. Yeah.....10,000 jobs...that would suck. :(

link ..

Look it up mofo. From both the State Dept and Obama. Who do you think will build the thing? Space aliens?

read my link Lardbutt, then go sit on Bull's face and shut him up.

This is from your link....numnuts. 10,000 people employed building the pipeline. Exactly what I said. Can't you read?

The number employed per Politfact.

"This could place the number of actual people employed by the pipeline closer to 10,000, or some 6,500 workers in construction and 3,500 in manufacturing."
I'm going to go with: Obola vetoes it.

He's just itching for a fight; afterall, his only real experience is as a community organizer.

If he does, I also predict that enough Dem Senators will join with the GOP to overturn his veto, especially ones from energy producing states.

that would be President Obama. a spelling lesson might give you more credibility to anyone other than the wingers.

Pathetic retort.

you get the retort you deserve. and your saying anything is pathetic is probably a badge of honor. wackadoodle.
i pray he saves us even at his own costs by vetoing it. you people are the really out of your minds. I know, it's just business to you now. but soon it's gonna get real personal. I don't think your gonna like it then.
I'm going to go with: Obola vetoes it.

He's just itching for a fight; afterall, his only real experience is as a community organizer.

If he does, I also predict that enough Dem Senators will join with the GOP to overturn his veto, especially ones from energy producing states.

that would be President Obama. a spelling lesson might give you more credibility to anyone other than the wingers.

Pathetic retort.

you get the retort you deserve. and your saying anything is pathetic is probably a badge of honor. wackadoodle.

Sorry hun, but you are No Oscar Wilde.
I inherited some oil production years ago in the Permian Basin, Tejas. So I keep up to date on the subject and have come to the conclusion that oil is an abiotic resource, continually being made in the core of the Earth, and we will never run out. This is easily proven by my own little piece of 5 wells dwindling to next to nothing and then suddenly refilling about 8 years later...imagine my surprise! :ack-1: Therefore there is no such thing as "peak oil"....that's a HOAX like gorebal warming, that both the tree-huggers and oil cartels want you to believe to keep the price high. And BTW...if you want to see a MASSIVE FIELD that doesn't involve off-shore drilling which I kinda oppose, open ANWR 1001....don't believe the greens...that sucker has an easy BILLION BARRELS and it's light sweet crude that's easy to refine. :mm:

Except not one single example of abiotic oil has ever been extracted from the earth has it? That is all the oil currently being extracted is organic in nature. Especially from the Permian Basin.

Fuck off...I just told you of 5 wells that refilled...there are thousands of others all over the world. Abiotic means naturally occurring....and little if any oil has EVER been recovered from a depth where anything "organic" ever lived....which means the term "fossil fuel" is ridiculous.

Most scientists support the biotic theory of oil production for a number of reasons. In response to the evidence for the abiotic theory, they say the following.

First, refilling of wells can be explained by two phenomena. One, our ability to extract oil from more difficult environments is constantly increasing. As a result, wells that were once “tapped out” can now be reopened and produce again using new technology. Two, because oil moves and is of different densities, it is true that pumping oil from a well may relieve pressure, which then allows oil trapped in cracks, faults, and other pockets to enter the well over time.

The second reason many scientists doubt the abiotic theory is that its basic tenets don’t seem to be viable. Namely, the idea that rocks at great depth are porous is the opposite of what research shows. Of course, proponents of the theory point to the fact that magma manages to escape, so why not petroleum.

The third and most substantial reason for discounting the abiotic theory is that the chemistry doesn’t add up. First, there doesn’t seem to be enough CO2 below the surface of the Earth to make the formation of oil possible. In scientific terms, the mass balance of the equation is errant. More importantly, however, is the distinct isotopic and biochemical structure of oil, which strongly support and organic origin. For example, helium that is trapped with hydrocarbon deposits (and is an inert gas so it does not react with anything), is of a specific character that means it almost certainly came from the surface of the Earth and not anywhere else.

Petroleum - Formation - Abiotic Oil Formation
And employs 10,000 Americans to build it. Yeah.....10,000 jobs...that would suck. :(

link ..

Look it up mofo. From both the State Dept and Obama. Who do you think will build the thing? Space aliens?

read my link Lardbutt, then go sit on Bull's face and shut him up.

This is from your link....numnuts. 10,000 people employed building the pipeline. Exactly what I said. Can't you read?

The number employed per Politfact.

"This could place the number of actual people employed by the pipeline closer to 10,000, or some 6,500 workers in construction and 3,500 in manufacturing."

the link also says Canada isn't promising those jobs to Americans .. doughnuts

from the link

U.S. Department of State, which is in charge of evaluating the project, estimates that only 10 to 15 percent of these jobs can be filled with workers from communities in the pipeline’s path.

And there’s strong evidence from credible sources that it may be lower. Finally, it’s an open question how many of the jobs would be in America.

did you read the part about TransCanada refusing to answer if foreigners would be working on the pipeline? ... Bring that wrench Juan.
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The Keystone Pipeline involves violating the property rights of dozens of Americans via eminent domain. If a corporation wants to build something on or under land owned by others, it has to pay for the right to use that land just like the rest of us. It should have no right to use government to force people to give up rights to their land.
And employs 10,000 Americans to build it. Yeah.....10,000 jobs...that would suck. :(

link ..

Look it up mofo. From both the State Dept and Obama. Who do you think will build the thing? Space aliens?

read my link Lardbutt, then go sit on Bull's face and shut him up.

The pipeline is being built in America. Per Politifact 10,000 American jobs will be created in building the pipeline.

What don't you understand?
This is from your link....numnuts. 10,000 people employed building the pipeline. Exactly what I said. Can't you read?

The number employed per Politfact.

"This could place the number of actual people employed by the pipeline closer to 10,000, or some 6,500 workers in construction and 3,500 in manufacturing."

the link also says Canada isn't promising those jobs to Americans .. doughnuts

The pipeline is being built in the good ole USA....not Canada. 10,000 jobs will be needed here in America to build the pipeline per Poliifact.

Why is this so hard for you to undertsand?

The number employed per Politfact.

"This could place the number of actual people employed by the pipeline closer to 10,000, or some 6,500 workers in construction and 3,500 in manufacturing."
So the BS about jobs has been corrected. The BS about increasing the supply of gas in the U.S. has been proven crap.

So exactly WHY are we even considering this?
So the BS about jobs has been corrected. The BS about increasing the supply of gas in the U.S. has been proven crap.

So exactly WHY are we even considering this?

10,000 US jobs per Politifact to build the pipeline. And remember....zero Gubmint funding. This is strictly private enterprise.

So tell me....what don't you like about 10,000 employed Americans making good money?
So the BS about jobs has been corrected. The BS about increasing the supply of gas in the U.S. has been proven crap.

So exactly WHY are we even considering this?

10,000 US jobs per Politifact to build the pipeline. And remember....zero Gubmint funding. This is strictly private enterprise.

So tell me....what don't you like about 10,000 employed Americans making good money?

You've been misinformed. The real number on jjobs is a fraction of what you say and the U.S. taxpayers are footing the bill for the refineries to retool to handle this sludge.

So re-load and try again - with real facts - not just BS talking points that someone spoon fed you.

Look it up mofo. From both the State Dept and Obama. Who do you think will build the thing? Space aliens?

read my link Lardbutt, then go sit on Bull's face and shut him up.

The pipeline is being built in America. Per Politifact 10,000 American jobs will be created in building the pipeline.

What don't you understand?
This is from your link....numnuts. 10,000 people employed building the pipeline. Exactly what I said. Can't you read?

The number employed per Politfact.

"This could place the number of actual people employed by the pipeline closer to 10,000, or some 6,500 workers in construction and 3,500 in manufacturing."

the link also says Canada isn't promising those jobs to Americans .. doughnuts

The pipeline is being built in the good ole USA....not Canada. 10,000 jobs will be needed here in America to build the pipeline per Poliifact.

Why is this so hard for you to undertsand?

The number employed per Politfact.

"This could place the number of actual people employed by the pipeline closer to 10,000, or some 6,500 workers in construction and 3,500 in manufacturing."

ok, you can't read ... anything else you can't do, like push away from a table?
So the BS about jobs has been corrected. The BS about increasing the supply of gas in the U.S. has been proven crap.

So exactly WHY are we even considering this?

10,000 US jobs per Politifact to build the pipeline. And remember....zero Gubmint funding. This is strictly private enterprise.

So tell me....what don't you like about 10,000 employed Americans making good money?

U.S. Department of State, which is in charge of evaluating the project, estimates that only 10 to 15 percent of these jobs can be filled with workers from communities in the pipeline’s path.
So the BS about jobs has been corrected. The BS about increasing the supply of gas in the U.S. has been proven crap.

So exactly WHY are we even considering this?

10,000 US jobs per Politifact to build the pipeline. And remember....zero Gubmint funding. This is strictly private enterprise.

So tell me....what don't you like about 10,000 employed Americans making good money?

U.S. Department of State, which is in charge of evaluating the project, estimates that only 10 to 15 percent of these jobs can be filled with workers from communities in the pipeline’s path.

It's a boondoggle. Just a HUGE handout to an oil company that isn't even an American oil company.

Only easily fooled idiots are pushing this.
So the BS about jobs has been corrected. The BS about increasing the supply of gas in the U.S. has been proven crap.

So exactly WHY are we even considering this?

10,000 US jobs per Politifact to build the pipeline. And remember....zero Gubmint funding. This is strictly private enterprise.

So tell me....what don't you like about 10,000 employed Americans making good money?
Isakson Keystone pipeline to employ 20 000 PolitiFact Georgia

From what politifact actually said:

"About 50 percent of the pipe will come from an Arkansas plant owned by Welspun, a company based in India, according to a press release issued by TransCanada. The rest will come from Canada, Italy and India."

So...those manufacturing jobs will be given to workers in India, Canada, and Italy. There is absolutely not evidence that those 10,000 jobs will be given to Americans.

So the company has to clean it up at their cost. Whats the big deal?

I've seen septic system blowouts bigger than that.
its not like cleaning up a kool aid spill son. Can you at least try not being so flippant even though we know you're an industry shill. :talktothehand:
Why are you against this pipeline that will create jobs and lots of money to be made?

A few jobs created at the cost of a potential environmental disaster just so the Koch brothers can export their Canadian tar sands to China? What's in it for the US?
Repub-voters are told to support it & they do as they're told like good status quo drones. Don't ask them why. All the pipes are imported from India and once they're connected there won't be much in the way of jobs plus, as you noted, the oil is destined for :up: a communist country.
So the BS about jobs has been corrected. The BS about increasing the supply of gas in the U.S. has been proven crap.

So exactly WHY are we even considering this?

10,000 US jobs per Politifact to build the pipeline. And remember....zero Gubmint funding. This is strictly private enterprise.

So tell me....what don't you like about 10,000 employed Americans making good money?
Isakson Keystone pipeline to employ 20 000 PolitiFact Georgia

From what politifact actually said:

"About 50 percent of the pipe will come from an Arkansas plant owned by Welspun, a company based in India, according to a press release issued by TransCanada. The rest will come from Canada, Italy and India."

So...those manufacturing jobs will be given to workers in India, Canada, and Italy. There is absolutely not evidence that those 10,000 jobs will be given to Americans.

Like I said, a perfect agenda for RW's. Well give them credit, Mitch said he would get the country back of track ... the wrong track.

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