Will Obama Veto the Keystone Pipeline?

All politicians does this: "Even though your bill has merit, I won't vote for it unless you give me something I want."
Nothing says...."We are owned by big oil" like making Keystone your first order of business

Reminds me of when George Bush became President his first order of business was to reshape our energy policy. He even put oilman Dick Cheney in charge. Who wrote the policy? Yup.........Enron

HA! Who is "BIG OIL"....is that like "BIG TOBACCO"?....you lying dirtbags call everything you hate "BIG SOMETHING OR OTHER" so those on your side in those industries are excluded from your wrath.....Algore secretly grew tobacco after crying about his sister dying from lung cancer....that's what kind of trash he is. Bush took down Ken Lay and Enron after Clinturd let them swindle everybody in sight for campaign money....Enron...you fucking moron....Enron was on your watch. :doubt:
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Why, with all the problems this country faces, have Republicans made the Keystone Pipeline their first priority?
Jobs, the budget, immigration.....no concern
A relatively minor public works project? Stop the presses, we gotta take care of this
If Republicans are concerned about jobs and public works, there are hundreds of roads, bridges, dams which will provide more jobs and actually help Americans instead of Canadians

You idiot president had both houses and never did shit about any of the things you want...Keystone XL is as much a symbol of you leftists' complete idiocy about magic beans producing our energy. Now we adults will take charge so get your bigoted ass over in the dunce corner.
Thats the best you got?

Fight for a decade to take back the Senate and the best you can come up with to mark your victory is Keystone?

Can you be any more in the pockets of Big Oil?
Nothing says...."We are owned by big oil" like making Keystone your first order of business

Reminds me of when George Bush became President his first order of business was to reshape our energy policy. He even put oilman Dick Cheney in charge. Who wrote the policy? Yup.........Enron

HA! Who is "BIG OIL"....is that like "BIG TOBACCO"?....you lying dirtbags call everything you hate "BIG SOMETHING OR OTHER" so those on your side in those industries are excluded from your wrath.....Algore secretly grew tobacco after crying about his sister dying from lung cancer....that's what kind of trash he is. Bush took down Ken Lay and Enron after Clinturd let them swindle everybody in sight for campaign money....Enron...you fucking moron....Enron was on your watch. :doubt:


Bush supposedly refused to intervene, despite the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Enron had poured into his political coffers. That refusal purportedly showed the high ethical standards that set Bush apart from lesser politicians.
Bush’s defenders will probably reprise that storyline now that former Enron Chairman Lay and former Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Skilling stand convicted of conspiracy and fraud in the plundering of the onetime energy-trading giant. But the reality is that the Bush-can’t-be-bought spin was never true.
For instance, the documentary evidence is now clear that in summer 2001 – at the same time Bush’s National Security Council was ignoring warnings about an impending al-Qaeda terrorist attack – NSC adviser Condoleezza Rice was personally overseeing a government-wide task force to pressure India to give Enron as much as $2.3 billion.
Thats the best you got?

Fight for a decade to take back the Senate and the best you can come up with to mark your victory is Keystone?

Can you be any more in the pockets of Big Oil?

HA! Fucking weak....yeah, Keystone XL is all we want and then Harry can have his Senate back. Why do you come here? All you are is a cliche...a tired and worn out collection of Rat lies designed to keep us under government control....a government run by losers who couldn't cut it on the field so they became the referees to punish the players with idiot rules. Well guess what? The Nation is all done with your kind...the lies, the character attacks, the racist women hating freaks you've put in power....all of it coming to an end and you can't handle it.
In fairness, the Keystone Pipeline issue has been over-blown by both sides. It's not gonna cause Gore's End-Times Flood, but it's also not gonna be a grand economic triumph. In fact, it looks like Canada would be the the one to benefit most. And the job creation would be pretty minimal. I just don't see it as a critical issue.
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I like the way the proponents of the pipeline are so eager to ignore the "states rights issue" on this issue. Nebraska is thrown under the bus and treaties with native American tribes will be broken once again for commercial gain of private business.
I like the way the proponents of the pipeline are so eager to ignore the "states rights issue" on this issue. Nebraska is thrown under the bus and treaties with native American tribes will be broken once again for commercial gain of private business.
Nebraska has approved the pipeline. Stop smoking crack.
And the pipeline was rerouted past the Nebraska Aquifer to pacify the babies squealing lies about "pollution" of their water.....water they also claim "catches on fire" from fracking. :lol:

p.s. the landowners screeching was simply to drive up the price of access to their property....same thing happened with power lines 50 years ago and cell towers 10 year ago.
Actually, Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia will replace retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a Democrat who has voted against the pipeline's approval. Republican Rep. Cory Gardner defeated Democratic Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado, who has also previously voted against the project. Oh, well...

Bush supposedly refused to intervene, despite the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Enron had poured into his political coffers. That refusal purportedly showed the high ethical standards that set Bush apart from lesser politicians.
Bush’s defenders will probably reprise that storyline now that former Enron Chairman Lay and former Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Skilling stand convicted of conspiracy and fraud in the plundering of the onetime energy-trading giant. But the reality is that the Bush-can’t-be-bought spin was never true.
For instance, the documentary evidence is now clear that in summer 2001 – at the same time Bush’s National Security Council was ignoring warnings about an impending al-Qaeda terrorist attack – NSC adviser Condoleezza Rice was personally overseeing a government-wide task force to pressure India to give Enron as much as $2.3 billion.

Total GARBAGE...the tipoff being the comment about Bush "ignoring IMPENDING al-Qaida attack".....just fucking pitiful....same old lies repeated over and over again while ignoring the simple questions....WHEN, WHAT AIRPORTS, WHAT AIRLINES, WHAT FLIGHTS, and WHO ARE THEY?????? None answered or ever will be because nobody knew or could have known thanks to Jamie Gorelick's WALL between the CIA and FBI....a WALL built by your stinking Rats from your paranoia. Clinturd had 3 shots at bin-Laden and couldn't find the nerve to grab him...that's his legacy along with selling our missile telemetry secrets to China for campaign money.....that sack of shit should be beheaded along side his bagman Algore.
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Build a pipeline that puts Union's to work

Build a pipeline that only needs 35 union workers to maintain it after its built

Build a pipeline that shifts the flow of oil from mid America to the gulf coast making gas more expensive for central American farmers and crops more expensive for consumers

Build a pipeline that supports Canada in the long run and not America

build a pipeline that ships oil to foreign countries

build a pipeline so american politicians can kiss Canadian ass.

The perfect pipeline for Republicans in every aspect.
Build a pipeline that puts Union's to work

Build a pipeline that only needs 35 union workers to maintain it after its built

Build a pipeline that shifts the flow of oil from mid America to the gulf coast making gas more expensive for central American farmers and crops more expensive for consumers

Build a pipeline that supports Canada in the long run and not America

build a pipeline that ships oil to foreign countries

build a pipeline so american politicians can kiss Canadian ass.

The perfect pipeline for Republicans in every aspect.

All disproved already...ya know for a lying sack of shit you should remember what you've already been slapped upside the head for and change a word or two around....or just admit you're a "cero" and not bother.
And employs 10,000 Americans to build it. Yeah.....10,000 jobs...that would suck. :(

link ..

like this one ..

Isakson Keystone pipeline to employ 20 000 PolitiFact Georgia

Isakson said that Keystone "would employ 20,000 people in the United States." While any construction project creates jobs, the number Isakson uses seems misleadingly high.

Those 20,000 don’t represent actual people, but one job lasting for one year of a two-year project. The number of construction and manufacturing workers may be closer to 10,000, if you accept TransCanada’s estimate.

And there’s strong evidence from credible sources that it may be lower. Finally, it’s an open question how many of the jobs would be in America.

We give Isakson a False.

go scarf down a couple of chocolate cakes ..
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I like the way the proponents of the pipeline are so eager to ignore the "states rights issue" on this issue. Nebraska is thrown under the bus and treaties with native American tribes will be broken once again for commercial gain of private business.
Nebraska has approved the pipeline. Stop smoking crack.
I must have missed the Nebraska Supreme Court ruling. Still can't find it. Nebraska didn't give approval, the Governor did, and the courts decided he didn't have that authority. So, it got heard last September in front of the Nebraska Supreme Court. They will rule whether it is up to the Governor or the legislature to decide. Maybe they will rule in favor of the Governor and the Nebraska question will be over. Maybe they will rule in favor of the legislature and they will have to vote for or against it. If they vote against, the question of states rights will be in play. To the best of my knowledge the ruling is due any day now. It was said to be being delayed until after the election. Maybe you can go smoke some crack and find more recent information than what I have been able to find. I'm under the influence of chicken salad.
"Will Obama Veto the Keystone Pipeline?"

Probably does not matter. With the price of oil dropping the way it is, it will likely never get built without a direct Canadian government subsidy.


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