Will Obama Veto the Keystone Pipeline?

I inherited some oil production years ago in the Permian Basin, Tejas. So I keep up to date on the subject and have come to the conclusion that oil is an abiotic resource

And worms spontaneously generate from dust!


Sure. We all know the only way planet Earth can create hydrocarbons is by pressure cooking velicoraptors in geological time.

uh huh
Union JOBS.... RW;s love unions. but after it gets built, POOF no more jobs , period
No not at all,the pipeline has to me maintained,and there is much to that,the daily operations evolve many more peop-le than folks like you will ever understand.

Ive read all about maintaining the pipeline, and it doesn't take an army to do it ... union jobs too, Imagine that. The union thugs were ass deep in the election making threats ... F em.

Ok old wise one,how many jobs will be required?

Its a real wonderment,when people like this poster make statement like it won't create very many jobs even if it created 10 jobs thats ten household that would benefit,in reality it will be many more,not to mention tax monies
,and the claim to have so much knowledge by reading up on it???!!! LOL you should really listen to peole that have actuly worked in the industry.

Bottom line if we let people like the this run things we would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick.

all of a sudden you're a UNION Conservative huh ... .. go chase your food with a piece of toilet paper, .. shit will be the only thing you can afford with the money keystone means to you ... you idiot.
So in other words you got nothing,but keep at it,you might make it someday.

I inherited some oil production years ago in the Permian Basin, Tejas. So I keep up to date on the subject and have come to the conclusion that oil is an abiotic resource

And worms spontaneously generate from dust!


it was magic .. bullshit turned into OIL.
I'm going to go with: Obola vetoes it.

He's just itching for a fight; afterall, his only real experience is as a community organizer.

If he does, I also predict that enough Dem Senators will join with the GOP to overturn his veto, especially ones from energy producing states.

that would be President Obama. a spelling lesson might give you more credibility to anyone other than the wingers.

no one will override that veto.

Yeah, just like the GOP wasn't going to take over the Senate.

Obola, Obabble, Obozo...take your pick.
Keystone shifts the flow of oil from the mid-west to the Texas gulf coast (where they don't have any ?) ... the price of oil goes up for middle America, Farmers and producers get hit with more overhead to raise a crop, YOU get hit at the register.. you potato brain


US farmers who spent $12.4 billion on fuel in 2009 could see those costs rise to $15 billion or higher if the pipeline goes through, he projects. At least $500 million of the added cost “would come from the Canadian market manipulation,” he wrote.
“Millions of Americans will spend 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel as tribute to our ‘friendly’ neighbors to the north,” the highly respected Dr. Verleger wrote. “The Keystone XL pipeline will move production from Canadian oil sands to a deepwater port from where it can be exported.”

The midwest has had a false price on that oil because it was backlogged and sold on the cheap. Nobody expected it to last and it won't. Building more refineries in the midwest solves their problem.....but of course they're captives of the stinkin EPA and their apartment renter base of losers who have no idea why their lights and furnaces stay on.
I inherited some oil production years ago in the Permian Basin, Tejas. So I keep up to date on the subject and have come to the conclusion that oil is an abiotic resource, continually being made in the core of the Earth, and we will never run out. This is easily proven by my own little piece of 5 wells dwindling to next to nothing and then suddenly refilling about 8 years later...imagine my surprise! :ack-1: Therefore there is no such thing as "peak oil"....that's a HOAX like gorebal warming, that both the tree-huggers and oil cartels want you to believe to keep the price high. And BTW...if you want to see a MASSIVE FIELD that doesn't involve off-shore drilling which I kinda oppose, open ANWR 1001....don't believe the greens...that sucker has an easy BILLION BARRELS and it's light sweet crude that's easy to refine. :mm:

Except not one single example of abiotic oil has ever been extracted from the earth has it? That is all the oil currently being extracted is organic in nature. Especially from the Permian Basin.
I inherited some oil production years ago in the Permian Basin, Tejas. So I keep up to date on the subject and have come to the conclusion that oil is an abiotic resource, continually being made in the core of the Earth, and we will never run out. This is easily proven by my own little piece of 5 wells dwindling to next to nothing and then suddenly refilling about 8 years later...imagine my surprise! :ack-1: Therefore there is no such thing as "peak oil"....that's a HOAX like gorebal warming, that both the tree-huggers and oil cartels want you to believe to keep the price high. And BTW...if you want to see a MASSIVE FIELD that doesn't involve off-shore drilling which I kinda oppose, open ANWR 1001....don't believe the greens...that sucker has an easy BILLION BARRELS and it's light sweet crude that's easy to refine. :mm:

Except not one single example of abiotic oil has ever been extracted from the earth has it? That is all the oil currently being extracted is organic in nature. Especially from the Permian Basin.

Fuck off...I just told you of 5 wells that refilled...there are thousands of others all over the world. Abiotic means naturally occurring....and little if any oil has EVER been recovered from a depth where anything "organic" ever lived....which means the term "fossil fuel" is ridiculous.
We all know a Keystone pipeline bill will hit Obama's desk sometime in January after the GOP takes control of Congress.

So...does Obama commit political suicide and veto the bill.....or does he sign it?
I'd guess it depends on what the gop will give him not to veto it. He's not running again, so he doesn't have to satisfy the enviro left.
Keystone shifts the flow of oil from the mid-west to the Texas gulf coast (where they don't have any ?) ... the price of oil goes up for middle America, Farmers and producers get hit with more overhead to raise a crop, YOU get hit at the register.. you potato brain


US farmers who spent $12.4 billion on fuel in 2009 could see those costs rise to $15 billion or higher if the pipeline goes through, he projects. At least $500 million of the added cost “would come from the Canadian market manipulation,” he wrote.
“Millions of Americans will spend 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel as tribute to our ‘friendly’ neighbors to the north,” the highly respected Dr. Verleger wrote. “The Keystone XL pipeline will move production from Canadian oil sands to a deepwater port from where it can be exported.”

The midwest has had a false price on that oil because it was backlogged and sold on the cheap. Nobody expected it to last and it won't. Building more refineries in the midwest solves their problem.....but of course they're captives of the stinkin EPA and their apartment renter base of losers who have no idea why their lights and furnaces stay on.

refineries in the mid-west solves the problem for Keystone.... then maybe shale oil grows wings after it restores itself every 10 years and fly's to foreign countries to be sold....


refineries in the mid-west solves the problem for Keystone.... then maybe shale oil grows wings after it restores itself every 10 years and fly's to foreign countries to be sold....


Don't quit your day job (panhandling) because you ain't making it as a comedian, punk.

refineries in the mid-west solves the problem for Keystone.... then maybe shale oil grows wings after it restores itself every 10 years and fly's to foreign countries to be sold....


Don't quit your day job (panhandling) because you ain't making it as a comedian, punk.

stick with "fuck off" it suits, and reflects your debating skill much better.
A few jobs created at the cost of a potential environmental disaster just so the Koch brothers can export their Canadian tar sands to China? What's in it for the US?

Here's a map of pipelines we already have.....where are the "environmental disasters"?

So where is the need for yet another one?
I'm going to go with: Obola vetoes it.

He's just itching for a fight; afterall, his only real experience is as a community organizer.

If he does, I also predict that enough Dem Senators will join with the GOP to overturn his veto, especially ones from energy producing states.
I think a large number of Democratic legislators will over ride just to get in 0bama's faces. Also the Unions came through in Michigan and Minnesota and New York. The greens were useless
I could see Obama signing off on it as part of a deal to pass something else that has some bipartisan support. Don't really see it as a big deal either way. I suppose the repugs need to pay back the Koch brother's investment by getting it done.
I could see Obama signing off on it as part of a deal to pass something else that has some bipartisan support. Don't really see it as a big deal either way. I suppose the repugs need to pay back the Koch brother's investment by getting it done.

I bet you are very happy to buy gasoline for less than $3.00.

Just sayin'.
I could see Obama signing off on it as part of a deal to pass something else that has some bipartisan support. Don't really see it as a big deal either way. I suppose the repugs need to pay back the Koch brother's investment by getting it done.

I bet you are very happy to buy gasoline for less than $3.00.

Just sayin'.
When it's $1/gallon, I can't afford to buy it. :(
I could see Obama signing off on it as part of a deal to pass something else that has some bipartisan support. Don't really see it as a big deal either way. I suppose the repugs need to pay back the Koch brother's investment by getting it done.

I bet you are very happy to buy gasoline for less than $3.00.

Just sayin'.

Sure, but does that have to do with anything?
I could see Obama signing off on it as part of a deal to pass something else that has some bipartisan support. Don't really see it as a big deal either way. I suppose the repugs need to pay back the Koch brother's investment by getting it done.

I bet you are very happy to buy gasoline for less than $3.00.

Just sayin'.

Sure, but does that have to do with anything?
Ask yourself what does the KXL have to do with anything?

Keep in mind that this pipeline is identical in size, scope, and purpose as was the Alberta Clipper pipeline.

That said, I'll let Obama and his State Department answer that question...

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

I could see Obama signing off on it as part of a deal to pass something else that has some bipartisan support. Don't really see it as a big deal either way. I suppose the repugs need to pay back the Koch brother's investment by getting it done.
what about Steyer and his aggressive promoting Australian coal and his equally aggressive closing of American coal? And his dumping twice as much money on us elections. Steyer dumped 70+ million on this election, the Kochs did half that.

Part of my thrill was Steyer got nothing for all the money he spent.

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