Will Obama Veto the Keystone Pipeline?

So no jobs at any booster stations? No maintenance and monitoring jobs? no jobs at the head and a terminus at the pipeline?

No jobs from the increased access to exports? No jobs from the extra people working in areas of the pipeline's booster stations?
Yeah, for Canadians. They might hire some Mexicans to sweep the floors.

We will be importing Canadians to work all along the pipeline?

We will be hiring them to build it?
We won't be importing anything, especially their oil. Canada will employ Canadians first, and only non-Canadians, probably Mexicans, if needed for the lowest paying jobs.

Lot of assumptions there slurpy boy.
Based on intelligence guided by experience.

LOL, intelligence I don't buy. But I do get experience from you, experience of being a gutless partisan hack-douche.
Yeah maybe he'll want the EPA regulations intact and immigration reform. How bad do they want that slurry from Canada?

The EPA has been acting batshit crazy and needs to be reined in but that won't happen until Romney does it in January, 2017. As to immigration "reform"...that's easy FINISH CHERTOFF'S FENCE and start deporting border jumpers again. ICE is letting them go by the hundreds. And NO blanket amnesty....that will get his ass impeached.

I guess all that bitumen can stay in Canada till 2017, if the GOP front runner can pull off what President Obama did in 2008.
Take a look at this picture:


The proposed Keystone XL pipeline (Phase 4 on the map) would replace a much longer existing pipeline (Phase 1).

So here are my questions.

1) Opponents complain pipelines leak. Would those of you who are opposed to the Keystone XL being built please provide the data for the number and quantity of spills which have occurred on the much longer (Phase 1) pipeline which would be replaced? Thank you. This would provide us real world data upon which to base an opinion.

2) The Keystone XL (Phase 4) pipeline would be much shorter and use the latest pipeline technology. Wouldn't a shorter and newer pipeline than the one it replaces be less likely to have as many spills as the original? I should think so.

3) If Phase 4 is not built, Phase 1 will continue to be used instead. Would this older and longer pipeline be more dangerous and more prone to spills? I should think so.
The alternative is a Canadian pipeline to the Pacific, you idiot. Why don't you go up to Alaska and tell them to shut down their pipeline?

Never happen....their native tribes won't allow a pipeline to cross their land. And the waters around Vancouver are treacherous with RIP tides and shoals.....another Exxon Valdez in the first couple months.
So the company has to clean it up at their cost. Whats the big deal?

I've seen septic system blowouts bigger than that.
Those will be the only USA jobs to come from it.

So no jobs at any booster stations? No maintenance and monitoring jobs? no jobs at the head and a terminus at the pipeline?

No jobs from the increased access to exports? No jobs from the extra people working in areas of the pipeline's booster stations?
Yeah, for Canadians. They might hire some Mexicans to sweep the floors.

We will be importing Canadians to work all along the pipeline?

We will be hiring them to build it?

Union JOBS.... RW;s love unions. but after it gets built, POOF no more jobs , period

Nothing wrong with construction unions as long as it is not a closed shop. I have an issue with public sector unions, not unions in general.

And i guess pipelines, monitoring equipment, and booster stations don't need to be maintained.....
We all know a Keystone pipeline bill will hit Obama's desk sometime in January after the GOP takes control of Congress.

So...does Obama commit political suicide and veto the bill.....or does he sign it?
Well... if he veteos it... that would be NOT WORKING TOGETHER... or OBSTRUCTING... wouldn't it?

We'd have to start calling obama, "the man of NO."
Why just Keystone?

Why not bundle it with some much needed infrastructure bills that create more jobs?
The Koch bros. are walking around with a constant erection.

They stand to make the most off Keystone.

They got the congress they paid for.
I'm going to go with: Obola vetoes it.

He's just itching for a fight; afterall, his only real experience is as a community organizer.

If he does, I also predict that enough Dem Senators will join with the GOP to overturn his veto, especially ones from energy producing states.

that would be President Obama. a spelling lesson might give you more credibility to anyone other than the wingers.

no one will override that veto.
The Keystone Pipeline will be leveraged so Obama can get something that he wants from Congress.
He should do that, it will spite the fly over voters with higher gas prices and he will get something he wants, a twofer. But, unlike the GOP, Obama loves this great country too much to spite his fellow Americans, even if they are begging for it.

Keep sucking that Obama dick, but remember to take breaks, your knees will thank you.

suck a union dick marty ..

Their crime: signing a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry last monthurging him to reject Keystone, which would carry oil sands from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries.

"Your member of Congress is trying to destroy job opportunities for our LIUNA brothers and sisters," said the letter signed by Terry O'Sullivan, the general president of LIUNA.

"For every action, there is a reaction, and our reaction to this frontal assault on our way of life needs to be loud and clear. If you do not stand with us, we sure as hell will not stand with you," O'Sullivan wrote, noting the jobs Keystone would create for union members.

A copy of the LIUNA letter was obtained by The Hill. [READ THE LETTER HERE.]
LIUNA also sent letters to the House Democrats directly, dangling the 2014 election threat in front of each member.
The Democrats on LIUNA’s hit list include Reps. Frank Pallone Jr. (N.J.), Anna Eshoo (Calif.), Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.) and Tim Ryan (Ohio).
People want so badly to believe that the pipeline is some sort of magic bullet to drive down energy costs.

It can't be. Oil at the current price is starting to bump down against the breakeven points for much of the tar sand shale whatever US/Canada production operations. They will not pump oil at a loss.

NY, these stupid pipeline fucks are to stuoopid to understand the idea of a barrel of oil dropping in price to the point that there is no profit in pumping it. And that increased supply with no increase in demand will drive prices even lower. And tar sands oil is the most expensive to get out of the ground in the world.

It's all about MAKING Obama do something they wanted done. And the hell with what happens after.
The level of salt in your post is dangerous to your health.
So the company has to clean it up at their cost. Whats the big deal?

I've seen septic system blowouts bigger than that.
Those will be the only USA jobs to come from it.

So no jobs at any booster stations? No maintenance and monitoring jobs? no jobs at the head and a terminus at the pipeline?

No jobs from the increased access to exports? No jobs from the extra people working in areas of the pipeline's booster stations?
Yeah, for Canadians. They might hire some Mexicans to sweep the floors.

We will be importing Canadians to work all along the pipeline?

We will be hiring them to build it?

Union JOBS.... RW;s love unions. but after it gets built, POOF no more jobs , period
No not at all,the pipeline has to me maintained,and there is much to that,the daily operations evolve many more peop-le than folks like you will ever understand.
The Koch bros. are walking around with a constant erection.

They stand to make the most off Keystone.

They got the congress they paid for.
You mean like the kenyan's puppet master, George Soros did when obama sent tax payer cash to drill for oil off the coast of foreign nations like Venezuela for him?
The Keystone pipeline already exists. The oil is already flowing. The oil has been moving through the pipelines since 2010. The XL (Phase 4) would simply replace a longer existing pipeline and have the added benefit of crossing through a region of US oil reserves.

If you stop the XL (phase 4) extension, you are not keeping oil in the ground. You are not stopping a single ounce of oil from Canada.

Not only that, Phase 4 replaces a LONGER pipeline, thus REDUCING the risk of leaks.

This opposition to this pipeline is based entirely on false premises.
Their oil is already coming here by RAIL....what's safer, pipeline or rail? :eusa_shifty:

depends if you're living next to the rail or on top of the pipeline....

how about we explore alternative energies and stop enriching multinational corporations.

How about we already tried that with Solyndra and a dozen other solar swindlers? Look, anything that can turn a wheel is okay in my book and that includes solar, wind, wave, hydrogen, switch grass, nuclear, oil, and NG. I don't think we should exclude anything. The point is what the rest of the world wants....and that's OIL. And we got more than the Saudis...it's a way out of our $18T debt.
The Keystone Pipeline will be leveraged so Obama can get something that he wants from Congress.

Like I just said, get a big infrastructure bill out of it that includes the pipeline.
The GOP would never go for it. An infrastructure bill would help the economy and more than offset the economic damage from the Keystone XL, so the GOP will never allow anything that's good for the American wage earner. Since the GOP think a minimum wage hike will hurt the economy, they might go for that along with the Keystone XL, but that assumes they believe their own propaganda!
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Their oil is already coming here by RAIL....what's safer, pipeline or rail? :eusa_shifty:

depends if you're living next to the rail or on top of the pipeline....

how about we explore alternative energies and stop enriching multinational corporations.

Rail is always more dangerous than a pipeline. Increased complexity and moving parts = increased risk.

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