Will Obama Veto the Keystone Pipeline?

Their oil is already coming here by RAIL....what's safer, pipeline or rail? :eusa_shifty:

depends if you're living next to the rail or on top of the pipeline....

how about we explore alternative energies and stop enriching multinational corporations.

How about we already tried that with Solyndra and a dozen other solar swindlers? Look, anything that can turn a wheel is okay in my book and that includes solar, wind, wave, hydrogen, switch grass, nuclear, oil, and NG. I don't think we should exclude anything. The point is what the rest of the world wants....and that's OIL. And we got more than the Saudis...it's a way out of our $18T debt.

one failed business? out of how many?

so I suppose we shouldn't allow banks to operate or Donald trump... or anyone else who lost money...

great idea!

drill baby drill :rolleyes:
Why are you against this pipeline that will create jobs and lots of money to be made?

Easy peasy: Progs hate the gun-toting, gas guzzling, bible-thumping, racist, warring on women, homophobic Middle Class.
I've been googling the hell out of "pros and cons of Keystone XL pipeline", and you know what all of the cons basically boil down to?

A hatred of oil. Carbon emissions, global warming, quack quack quack.

An entirely emotional and illogical opposition.

The pipeline already exists. XL would simply use a shorter route to replace an existing longer route, actually reducing the risk of leaks.

Stopping XL does not stop the oil. Sorry!
Those will be the only USA jobs to come from it.

So no jobs at any booster stations? No maintenance and monitoring jobs? no jobs at the head and a terminus at the pipeline?

No jobs from the increased access to exports? No jobs from the extra people working in areas of the pipeline's booster stations?
Yeah, for Canadians. They might hire some Mexicans to sweep the floors.

We will be importing Canadians to work all along the pipeline?

We will be hiring them to build it?

Union JOBS.... RW;s love unions. but after it gets built, POOF no more jobs , period
No not at all,the pipeline has to me maintained,and there is much to that,the daily operations evolve many more peop-le than folks like you will ever understand.

Ive read all about maintaining the pipeline, and it doesn't take an army to do it ... union jobs too, Imagine that. The union thugs were ass deep in the election making threats ... F em.

Jones said the Keystone pipeline will only result in 35 permanent jobs after construction.
The numbers, as reported by the State Department, back him up, though that’s the nature of any big construction project, be it a highway or monument.
Jones’ claim is True.
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Why just Keystone?

Why not bundle it with some much needed infrastructure bills that create more jobs?
You answered your own question! The last thing the GOP wants is to create "jobs, jobs, jobs." At least not while Obama is still president. They might bundle it with a minimum wage hike if they believe their own propaganda that raising the minimum wage hurts jobs.
Since Barry doesn't want the Keystone XL, I'm sure some group of morons like ELF will try to sabotage it for him. But be advised the line will carry thousands of flow sensors and if the line is damaged, automatic pressure valves will close the flow. I'd suggest the line be monitored by drone until the left gives up on stopping it and that anybody caught in an act of sabotage be shot on sight.
So no jobs at any booster stations? No maintenance and monitoring jobs? no jobs at the head and a terminus at the pipeline?

No jobs from the increased access to exports? No jobs from the extra people working in areas of the pipeline's booster stations?
Yeah, for Canadians. They might hire some Mexicans to sweep the floors.

We will be importing Canadians to work all along the pipeline?

We will be hiring them to build it?

Union JOBS.... RW;s love unions. but after it gets built, POOF no more jobs , period
No not at all,the pipeline has to me maintained,and there is much to that,the daily operations evolve many more peop-le than folks like you will ever understand.

Ive read all about maintaining the pipeline, and it doesn't take an army to do it ... union jobs too, Imagine that. The union thugs were ass deep in the election making threats ... F em.

Ok old wise one,how many jobs will be required?

Its a real wonderment,when people like this poster make statement like it won't create very many jobs even if it created 10 jobs thats ten household that would benefit,in reality it will be many more,not to mention tax monies
,and the claim to have so much knowledge by reading up on it???!!! LOL you should really listen to peole that have actuly worked in the industry.

Bottom line if we let people like the this run things we would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick.
The Koch bros. are walking around with a constant erection.

They stand to make the most off Keystone.

They got the congress they paid for.
You mean like the kenyan's puppet master, George Soros did when obama sent tax payer cash to drill for oil off the coast of foreign nations like Venezuela for him?

More lies perpetrated and sopped up by the echo-chambermads. The offer was there to loan them the money on the condition that they use that money on US goods and services. What is wrong with that? Do you hate the President of the United States so much that you are willing to hurt potential business like that?

Of course you do........
So no jobs at any booster stations? No maintenance and monitoring jobs? no jobs at the head and a terminus at the pipeline?

No jobs from the increased access to exports? No jobs from the extra people working in areas of the pipeline's booster stations?
Yeah, for Canadians. They might hire some Mexicans to sweep the floors.

We will be importing Canadians to work all along the pipeline?

We will be hiring them to build it?

Union JOBS.... RW;s love unions. but after it gets built, POOF no more jobs , period
No not at all,the pipeline has to me maintained,and there is much to that,the daily operations evolve many more peop-le than folks like you will ever understand.

Ive read all about maintaining the pipeline, and it doesn't take an army to do it ... union jobs too, Imagine that. The union thugs were ass deep in the election making threats ... F em.

Jones said the Keystone pipeline will only result in 35 permanent jobs after construction.
The numbers, as reported by the State Department, back him up, though that’s the nature of any big construction project, be it a highway or monument.
Jones’ claim is True.

So there are no booster stations on the pipeline?
The GOP already has the votes to override a fillibuster. Eleven Dem Senators have indicted they would vote for it. The GOP only needs six.

There might not be enough votes to override a veto however, which means Barry is twisting in the wind.
Yeah, for Canadians. They might hire some Mexicans to sweep the floors.

We will be importing Canadians to work all along the pipeline?

We will be hiring them to build it?

Union JOBS.... RW;s love unions. but after it gets built, POOF no more jobs , period
No not at all,the pipeline has to me maintained,and there is much to that,the daily operations evolve many more peop-le than folks like you will ever understand.

Ive read all about maintaining the pipeline, and it doesn't take an army to do it ... union jobs too, Imagine that. The union thugs were ass deep in the election making threats ... F em.

Ok old wise one,how many jobs will be required?

Its a real wonderment,when people like this poster make statement like it won't create very many jobs even if it created 10 jobs thats ten household that would benefit,in reality it will be many more,not to mention tax monies
,and the claim to have so much knowledge by reading up on it???!!! LOL you should really listen to peole that have actuly worked in the industry.

Bottom line if we let people like the this run things we would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick.

all of a sudden you're a UNION Conservative huh ... .. go chase your food with a piece of toilet paper, .. shit will be the only thing you can afford with the money keystone means to you ... you idiot.
Length of Keystone Phase 1 pipeline: 1,856 miles
Length of Keystone XL (Phase 4) pipeline: 1,179 miles

So the XL pipeline would be 677 miles shorter than the pipeline it is replacing.

Someone PLEASE explain how this is a bad thing.
I inherited some oil production years ago in the Permian Basin, Tejas. So I keep up to date on the subject and have come to the conclusion that oil is an abiotic resource, continually being made in the core of the Earth, and we will never run out. This is easily proven by my own little piece of 5 wells dwindling to next to nothing and then suddenly refilling about 8 years later...imagine my surprise! :ack-1: Therefore there is no such thing as "peak oil"....that's a HOAX like gorebal warming, that both the tree-huggers and oil cartels want you to believe to keep the price high. And BTW...if you want to see a MASSIVE FIELD that doesn't involve off-shore drilling which I kinda oppose, open ANWR 1001....don't believe the greens...that sucker has an easy BILLION BARRELS and it's light sweet crude that's easy to refine. :mm:
We will be importing Canadians to work all along the pipeline?

We will be hiring them to build it?

Union JOBS.... RW;s love unions. but after it gets built, POOF no more jobs , period
No not at all,the pipeline has to me maintained,and there is much to that,the daily operations evolve many more peop-le than folks like you will ever understand.

Ive read all about maintaining the pipeline, and it doesn't take an army to do it ... union jobs too, Imagine that. The union thugs were ass deep in the election making threats ... F em.

Ok old wise one,how many jobs will be required?

Its a real wonderment,when people like this poster make statement like it won't create very many jobs even if it created 10 jobs thats ten household that would benefit,in reality it will be many more,not to mention tax monies
,and the claim to have so much knowledge by reading up on it???!!! LOL you should really listen to peole that have actuly worked in the industry.

Bottom line if we let people like the this run things we would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick.

all of a sudden you're a UNION Conservative huh ... .. go chase your food with a piece of toilet paper, .. shit will be the only thing you can afford with the money keystone means to you ... you idiot.
So in other words you got nothing,but keep at it,you might make it someday.
I think he should approve it on the same day he grants amnesty to some immigrants.
Keystone shifts the flow of oil from the mid-west to the Texas gulf coast (where they don't have any ?) ... the price of oil goes up for middle America, Farmers and producers get hit with more overhead to raise a crop, YOU get hit at the register.. you potato brain


US farmers who spent $12.4 billion on fuel in 2009 could see those costs rise to $15 billion or higher if the pipeline goes through, he projects. At least $500 million of the added cost “would come from the Canadian market manipulation,” he wrote.
“Millions of Americans will spend 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel as tribute to our ‘friendly’ neighbors to the north,” the highly respected Dr. Verleger wrote. “The Keystone XL pipeline will move production from Canadian oil sands to a deepwater port from where it can be exported.”
I inherited some oil production years ago in the Permian Basin, Tejas. So I keep up to date on the subject and have come to the conclusion that oil is an abiotic resource

And worms spontaneously generate from dust!


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