Will Obama's poll bounce last?

What is of note here is I stated the undisputable facts that our entire government was republican when 911 took place.

That was all I stated.

The cons minds here went swirling and decided all kinds of thing that this cold hard set of facts meant.

Then they balmed me for their mind swirls as If I had claimed them.

Cavil at your own minds people.
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Again TM, your facts are correct, what you imply is fiction. You are trying to imply Republicans cased the world trade center attacks and even go as far as to say the reason it was ok under Clintion is because he had a Republcain congress?

Do you know what it means to be a bigot by any chance TM?

No you silly person you implied everything you claim in your own mind after I stated cold hard facts.

Scream at yoursself

So now you are saying Bush and Republicans had nothing to do with the 911 attacks...?

Eat more TM, keeeep eatiiiing.

you are one big fallacy.

TM is right, and you are wrong.

it does not matter how many other brethren are wrong along with you.
This gets tiring ….One more time for you folks from Both sides, who like to cling like rats to the slimmest thread ( pun intended) possible, or create your own alternate universe and expect us to saddle up the unicorns you have flying around in it…..

The news orgs are very uneven, they are PARTISAN…get it? For instance CBS had Kerry winning by 5%, Obama winning by 11% and has a record of big time oversampling over the last year. My advice is, leave them alone.
Professional orgs. Like Gallup, Rasmussen make their entire living on polling. There fore each and every time they poll, their reputation is at stake. I would not give a hoot in hell for a Fox or CBS,NBC,ABC, WSJ or Wapo poll, period.
Pew is a little different as is Quinnipiac, as they tackle much broader issues and don’t perform many straight ‘popularity’ polls, yet they are very good sources when they do.

The larger the pool of samples the better, 5-600? Vs. 1500? That’s a huge difference.
In addition, there are hard and fast rules, example- A= anonymous polling samples, the people they call are right out of the one book so to speak, and are the least dependable LV = likely voters, these are folks who ID themselves as a party and have IDed themselves as having voted, though they may or may NOT be registered at that present time, R= Registered voters, this is the most accurate polling sample, LV being right behind, these folks are registered and are a proven quantity so to speak, it is also the most expensive because you need to spend a lot of time going through the voting rolls, collecting information etc. etc etc...

I would advise you to look at the Ras/ gallup polls and average the both of those, the number to day marked for their polls of may 1-3 between Monday and today……in fact because the news came out late Sunday I am willing to bet he still gets a mini bump in his gall and ras. May 4-7 polling.

GO here;

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

and look at the long history of the polling orgs and where they stack up, 57 from cbs means squat when they had him 3-4 points higher than gallup and Ras a all along, and now have him at 57 which blows people away….thats not 11 points and it aint accurate, period.

Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 5/1 - 5/3 -- 51.0 43.1 +7.9
CBS News/NY Times 5/2 - 5/3 532 A 57 37 +20
Newsweek/Daily Beast 5/2 - 5/3 600 A 48 49 -1
Gallup 5/1 - 5/3 1500 A 50 42 +8
Rasmussen Reports 5/1 - 5/3 1500 LV 48 51 -3
CNN/Opinion Research 5/2 - 5/2 700 A 52 43 +9
SurveyUSA 5/2 - 5/2 1000 A 46 42 +4
Wash Post/Pew/SRBI 5/2 - 5/2 654 A 56 38 +18

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
Polls wont change the facts the OBL is dead and it happened under Obama and that on 9/11/2001 we had an entirely republican government.
No you silly person you implied everything you claim in your own mind after I stated cold hard facts.

Scream at yoursself

So now you are saying Bush and Republicans had nothing to do with the 911 attacks...?

Eat more TM, keeeep eatiiiing.

you are one big fallacy.

TM is right, and you are wrong.

it does not matter how many other brethren are wrong along with you.

Right about what? That 911 happened because Bush and Republicans and that Clintons attacks happened because he had a Republican Congress?

You're a fucking moron =D
Obama Job-Performance Numbers Up After Bin Laden Killing - New York Times/CBS Poll - NYTimes.com

The increase in Mr. Obama’s ratings came largely from Republicans and independents. Among independents, his approval rating increased 11 points from last month, to 52 percent, while among Republicans it rose 15 points, to 24 percent.

Among Democrats, 86 percent supported his job performance, compared with 79 percent in April.

So poll's matter now? The poll numbers equate to like a crack head who has been in search of a hit and finally getting it. What is the feeling after they come down from that high?
What is of note here is I stated the undisputable facts that our entire government was republican when 911 took place.

That was all I stated.

The cons minds here went swirling and decided all kinds of thing that this cold hard set of facts meant.

Then they balmed me for their mind swirls as If I had claimed them.

Cavil at your own minds people.

yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact.

bush was president on 9/11.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter)

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp.

now OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch.

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned.

it is hilarious.
Umm guy I have never said polls dont matter.

I have made note ot the partisanship of Rassmusen.
Polls wont change the facts the OBL is dead and it happened under Obama and that on 9/11/2001 we had an entirely republican government.

And Obama has

4 wars


Expanded Homeland security

Has done nothing about illegal immigration

Past Obamacare that is already hurting business

Still has secret prisions

Passed the Bushbama tax cuts for the rich

Received more in corporate donations than Republicans setting a new record at the same time

Has oil companies making new record profits

Has a failed Stimulus

Bailed out the Rich

All facts....
So now you are saying Bush and Republicans had nothing to do with the 911 attacks...?

Eat more TM, keeeep eatiiiing.

you are one big fallacy.

TM is right, and you are wrong.

it does not matter how many other brethren are wrong along with you.

Right about what? That 911 happened because Bush and Republicans and that Clintons attacks happened because he had a Republican Congress?

You're a fucking moron =D

do you know what "because" means, and what implying, and inferring, and lying means?

go post 50 youtube vids, you will look better that way.
What is of note here is I stated the undisputable facts that our entire government was republican when 911 took place.

That was all I stated.

The cons minds here went swirling and decided all kinds of thing that this cold hard set of facts meant.

Then they balmed me for their mind swirls as If I had claimed them.

Cavil at your own minds people.

yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact.

bush was president on 9/11.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter)

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp.

now OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch.

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned.

it is hilarious.

They screamed at Clinton for us being hit on feb 26 1993 one month after he took office yet said the 911 attack which was 9 months into Bush time was Clintons fault.

I had cons tell me that in the same post.

They are allowed to mention 911 all they want yet lose their minds when a clear cut set of facts are laid on the table.

ON 9/11/2001 the entire American government was run by the republican party.

Then they said for years they kept us safe.

I guess that day only matters when they want it to matter.
What is of note here is I stated the undisputable facts that our entire government was republican when 911 took place.

That was all I stated.

The cons minds here went swirling and decided all kinds of thing that this cold hard set of facts meant.

Then they balmed me for their mind swirls as If I had claimed them.

Cavil at your own minds people.

yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact.

bush was president on 9/11.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter)

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp.

now OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch.

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned.

it is hilarious.

bush was president on 9/11. Yes, no one said otherwise.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter) I need a link to that post please....

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe. Link to thaty post please.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp. Link to that post please....

ow OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch. Link to the post where someone said different... please...

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned. At this point I'm not sure we are even in the same thread.

Remember it all started with you saying "yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact." yet NONE of what came after that is in this thread...
What is of note here is I stated the undisputable facts that our entire government was republican when 911 took place.


the 107th congress was 50-50 going in....

JUNE 2001-Jeffords switched from Republican to Independent BUT he caucused with Democrats, Daschle became the Majority leader and the dems took all of the committee chairs and had a 1 seat advantage...dipshit.

That was all I stated.

put a human behind the computer please, because you are a Fkg idiot ...I am sorry, I usually do not go off like this at all, but you say the stupidest shit, that has no bearing on anything anyway, thats so easily checked and with such certitude....unreal.
Polls wont change the facts the OBL is dead and it happened under Obama and that on 9/11/2001 we had an entirely republican government.

And Obama has

4 wars


Expanded Homeland security

Has done nothing about illegal immigration

Past Obamacare that is already hurting business

Still has secret prisions

Passed the Bushbama tax cuts for the rich

Received more in corporate donations than Republicans setting a new record at the same time

Has oil companies making new record profits

Has a failed Stimulus

Bailed out the Rich

All facts....

And as for facts regarding 9-11

It happened on a Tuesday.
It happened on an odd number year
It rained 3 days later in NYC

Those are facts that she didnt mention...because there was no reason to mention them.

So what is her reason for mentioning that it was a republican President that was in office when the attacks happened?

She claims it had nothing to do with blaming republicans for 9-11...she claimed she was just stating facts.

Ok....but why that fact but not the fact that it was a tuesday?
What is of note here is I stated the undisputable facts that our entire government was republican when 911 took place.

That was all I stated.

The cons minds here went swirling and decided all kinds of thing that this cold hard set of facts meant.

Then they balmed me for their mind swirls as If I had claimed them.

Cavil at your own minds people.

yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact.

bush was president on 9/11.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter)

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp.

now OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch.

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned.

it is hilarious.

They screamed at Clinton for us being hit on feb 26 1993 one month after he took office yet said the 911 attack which was 9 months into Bush time was Clintons fault.

I had cons tell me that in the same post.

They are allowed to mention 911 all they want yet lose their minds when a clear cut set of facts are laid on the table.

ON 9/11/2001 the entire American government was run by the republican party.

Then they said for years they kept us safe.

I guess that day only matters when they want it to matter.

interesting to watch what can happen, when a statement like "the USA was hit by OBL under republican watch" is posted.

and inconvenient truth, hahaha.
What is of note here is I stated the undisputable facts that our entire government was republican when 911 took place.

That was all I stated.

The cons minds here went swirling and decided all kinds of thing that this cold hard set of facts meant.

Then they balmed me for their mind swirls as If I had claimed them.

Cavil at your own minds people.

yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact.

bush was president on 9/11.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter)

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp.

now OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch.

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned.

it is hilarious.

They screamed at Clinton for us being hit on feb 26 1993 one month after he took office yet said the 911 attack which was 9 months into Bush time was Clintons fault.

I had cons tell me that in the same post.

They are allowed to mention 911 all they want yet lose their minds when a clear cut set of facts are laid on the table.

ON 9/11/2001 the entire American government was run by the republican party.

Then they said for years they kept us safe.

I guess that day only matters when they want it to matter.

just stfu up..ok? do yourself a favor.....go chase a car...
yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact.

bush was president on 9/11.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter)

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp.

now OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch.

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned.

it is hilarious.

They screamed at Clinton for us being hit on feb 26 1993 one month after he took office yet said the 911 attack which was 9 months into Bush time was Clintons fault.

I had cons tell me that in the same post.

They are allowed to mention 911 all they want yet lose their minds when a clear cut set of facts are laid on the table.

ON 9/11/2001 the entire American government was run by the republican party.

Then they said for years they kept us safe.

I guess that day only matters when they want it to matter.

interesting to watch what can happen, when a statement like "the USA was hit by OBL under republican watch" is posted.

and inconvenient truth, hahaha.

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What is of note here is I stated the undisputable facts that our entire government was republican when 911 took place.

That was all I stated.

The cons minds here went swirling and decided all kinds of thing that this cold hard set of facts meant.

Then they balmed me for their mind swirls as If I had claimed them.

Cavil at your own minds people.

yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact.

bush was president on 9/11.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter)

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp.

now OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch.

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned.

it is hilarious.

bush was president on 9/11. Yes, no one said otherwise.

but they tried to blame clinton, because he did not get bin laden (talking point: silver platter) I need a link to that post please....

then they tried to sell bush as the one who kept the USA safe. Link to thaty post please.

then they tried to tell everyone that obama is a marxist, who is weak, a muslim, who apologizes to everyone, who hates america etc. pp. Link to that post please....

ow OBL was found and killed under Obama's watch. Link to the post where someone said different... please...

now the same fuckers try to credit bush, the same fuckers who scream BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSh whenever bush is mentioned. At this point I'm not sure we are even in the same thread.

Remember it all started with you saying "yeah, apparently you hit some of them hard, when reminding them of that fact." yet NONE of what came after that is in this thread...

dude, there is a world outside of a message board.

i was also commenting on the hilarious narrative that is tried to be sold over the years. EDIT i could have made that clearer, i see that now, with the two "they".

you personally are just responsible for joining once again into a pile-on, when something truthmatters posts is misinterpreted and attacked.
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